What Javascript IDEs can display code hints for Three.js? - javascript

I need to find a Javascript IDE or editor that can display code hints for external files such as Three.js. Any help would be appreciated.

Disclaimer, I'm the author of the tern.java.
If you use Eclipse, I suggest you that you install tern.java 0.10.0 (not released) which provides a tern support for three.js with completion for three.js :
If you are using other JavaScript Editors like Emacs, Vim, Sublime, you can use the tern plugin tern-threejs

I would recommend WebStorm
Get the Personal Licence if it's just for yourself for personal use, you can try for 30 days.


Why is the JavaScript Viewer not showing in Eclipse Editor Selection?

I am currently trying to code on Eclipse using JavaScript, but I am having a lot of troubles when tying to add JavaScript to Eclipse. I followed the instructions on this website (JavaScript Editor Plugin for Eclipse), and everything was going well until step 9 of the first part. JavaScript Viewer is not one of the offered options in Editor Selection. I am very confused as to what to do. Any help would be appreciated!
Thank you in advance :)
Version: Eclipse Oxygen on MacOS. Oxygen.3a Release (4.7.3a)
You could give the latest Eclipse IDE for JavaScript and Web Developers bundle a try.
It provides:
The essential tools for any JavaScript developer, including JavaScript, HTML, CSS, XML languages support, Git client, and Mylyn.
With this recent (2018) version of Eclipse, you should get a working JS-enabled IDE pretty fast as this is pre-bundled for the use-cases you are looking for:
JavaScript Development Tools
Eclipse XML Editors and Tools
Hope it helps.
FYI -- I ran into this problem with the latest version of eclipse [2020-06(4.16.0)]. It turns out they removed the Javascript editor from the install. See ref here: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=564496

How to configure vim for auto complete in Python file and Javascript file too

I work with vim for 2 years in cpp, and untill today, i used to auto complete my code with ctags. It wasnt great, but enough for my needs.
Currently, i work with python and Javascript and i am looking for good tool which give me support for both languages.
I tried Jedi for python and i was great, but it has support only for python, so it cant help me for Javascript anf bash.
Any idea how can i configure my vim to support multiple languages?
My vimrc on: https://github.com/reubinoff/DotFiles/blob/master/.vimrc
Although its highly opinionated I would highly recommend you checkout coc.nvim (https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim) which you can then use to install extensions for the languages you want to use, which then provide you with autocomplete and other features. A list of extensions for coc.nvim can be found here: https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim/wiki/Using-coc-extensions#implemented-coc-extensions
The plugin deoplete supports different languages via submodules. So also Javascript and Python etc.
I tried phd recommendation. YouCompleteme + tern_for_vim is really answer my needs.

Javascript Intellisense in IDE

How does Intellisense work in IDEs for JavaScript such as Webstorm or Eclipse?
Where do the suggestions come from?
Can we write the code to make the suggestions more accurate?
Please see http://blog.jetbrains.com/webstorm/2014/07/how-webstorm-works-completion-for-javascript-libraries/ for some hints on improving JavaScript code completion in WebStorm. In general: suggestions are taken from index that is built for all .js and d.ts files available in the project/set up as libraries. To make the completion better, you can try using JSDoc annotations/typescript definition stubs
In Eclipse you can write plug-ins which use the org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.ui.javaCompletionProposalComputer extension point to contribute additional Content Assist proposals.
Eclipse gives you access to an Abstract Syntax Tree of the code to help with analyzing the source.
Disclaimer, I'm the author of tern.java
I suggest you that you try tern.java by starting to read Getting Started

IDE for AngularJS development with debugging, code complete and profiling capabilities?

What IDE would you recommend for AngularJS, or even JavaScript development in general that has similar features like Eclipse for Java based development?
I have done some research on google, but the discussions are mostly outdated and wanted to check in SO to get a more relevant recommendation.
Any help or tips would be really appreciated. Thank you.
WebStorm is the best for Javascript, AngularJs and web development in general. You can create lot of user defined code helpers and can create controllers e.t.c easily with that.
You can continue to use Eclipse and install angularjs-eclipse, see https://github.com/angelozerr/angularjs-eclipse
I am co-author of Nodeclipse and Enide Studio, and we are working with Angelo (author of angularjs-eclipse) on including that plugin into Enide Studio. Also guys from JBoss expressed desire to include this plugin into JBoss Developer Studio, ref #28

Code Completion for D3.js (Aptana Studio 3 or any other free IDE)

Is it possible to get code completion for D3.js?
It would be nice if it is possible with Aptana. If not, I could also try another IDE.
Did you try JetBrains' Webstorm, It support D3 and SVG ,
So here it is Download Webstorm here
It's not an IDE but if you're willing to look into text editors Sublime Text has a number of d3 plugins such as d3.js-Sublime-2-Snippets and sublime-text-d3 which should suit your purposes.
In Aptana --> preferences/general/editors you can add file types, and change the associated editors, including using external programs.
I would venture to guess that if you find a nice IDE with autocomplete for D3.js, and enable it as an editor in Aptana, it will work nicely
