Converting JavaScript clicking to Selenium - javascript

Apparently the task I asked about earlier (JavaScript Automated Clicking) is impossible in JavaScript, or at the very least extremely difficult.
However, I have found the documentation on Selenium and how to use it extremely uninviting and difficult to understand.
Perhaps someone could help me translate this code to Selenium or, alternatively, help me with particular elements I'm having difficulty with.
function pausecomp(ms) {
ms = ms + new Date().getTime();
while (new Date() < ms){}
var itemlist, totalnumber, i;
itemlist = document.getElementsByClassName("image");
totalnumber = parseInt(document.getElementById("quickNavImage").childNodes[3].firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue.replace(/[0-9]* of /, ""));
for(i = 0; i < totalnumber; i = i + 1) {
Now, I know I can get elements by Class Name in Selenium, but how do I get specific child nodes?
Likewise, how do I use regex to cut out the total number of items that needs to be clicked? It is only available in text form.
And finally, how do I iterate in Selenium?
Please note, I have no available programming environments on these computers. So I cannot use Python, C#, etc. hooks unless they can be directly imported into the Selenium IDE itself. However, the documentation is difficult for me to understand, so I don't believe that is possible.

I figured it out. Please take a look at my previous linked post. I was being an idiot. I'll put the answer up there.


How to use JavaScript to get all element from a dynamic scroll list?

Like the title said, how do I get all elements from a scroll div? The elements in the scroll list are loaded and destroyed dynamically.
I tried to crawl all course names from this website:
The code below only works for one time:
let list = document.getElementsByClassName('md-virtual-repeat-scroller')[0]
let childs = document.getElementsByClassName("result__name")
However, if I do this, I will get the same result for 10 times:
let list = document.getElementsByClassName('md-virtual-repeat-scroller')[0]
for(let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
let childs = document.getElementsByClassName("result__name")
for(let j = 0; j < childs.length; j++) {
// scroll by 1000px every time
list.scrollBy(0, 1000)
I don't know what's the problem. Is it because that scrollBy() works asynchronously? But I tried to use async and await. It still doesn't work.
Give more information in less words as a possible. Many problems could be related to browser and its version, for example. How is this script called? Are you giving commands via browser console? Have you done a copy of the site and performed some modification on it? It's hard to understand the problem in a realistic level.
Tip: Avoiding use innerText. It's slower and is supported in many browsers only for compability to scripts written to old versions of IE. (I don't know why so many examples in internet use it as first option). User textContent instead.
It's always good to test the returned value of a function/methods - specially during the development of the program.
Never ask to the StackOverFlow community (and to any other) to write progams for you!
You question "how do I get all elements from a scroll div?" is so "loose". scroll div? The answer to this, independently to the "type of div" (and tag!) would be found below.
Your code seems to be no sense in order to do what you want. Why iterate from 0 to 10?
Look at this snipet. I think it will help you
const list = document.getElementsByClassName('md-virtual-repeat-scroller')[0];// if there is no intention to reassign it. Use [0] if you are sure it's the first element of this collection
let childs = list.getElementsByClassName("result__name"); // get only elements inside the first variable!
Use the iterator of the variable.
for(item of childs)
I am sure you will achieve your goals!
And never suggest us (Community) to code for you or even to resolve your problem. This sound very agressive! To you too! I'm sure.
I solved my problem by reading this article:
The reason why I kept getting the same elements is that scrollBy() works asynchronously, so I have to wait then evaluate the page again. I am using puppeteer by the way.
please read the article, super helpful.

Find all string variables in javascript files

i am facing the problem that i have to translate a larger html and javascript project into several languages. The html content was no problem, but the numerous javascript files are problematic, since i was a bit lazy during the development process. For instance, if i needed a message text, i just added it in the concerning position.
My approach now is, that i am using a build-in file search (Eclipse) for every occurrence of " and ', which i am getting line-wise. This would be extremely time consuming and errors are unavoidable.
Here are some examples that occur in the files:
var d = "Datum: " + d.getDate()+"."+(d.getMonth()+1)+"."+d.getFullYear();
showYesNoDialog("heading text","Are you sure?",function(){};
Sometimes i am mixing " and ', sometimes a string goes over several lines:
var list="";
list+='<li data-role="list-divider">';
list+='Text To Translate';
Things i don't want to get, are jquery selectors, e.g.:
$("input[name^=checkbox]").each(function () {};
Do you see any time saving method to get all of the strings that i would like to translate?
Regex? A java interpreter? Grep?
I know, that is a bit unusual question.
So any suggestion would be great.
Thanks in advance!
It is better to use some kind of the lexical scanner that converts the code into the tokens and then walk over the list of tokens (or syntax tree). There is a number of such tools (I even created one of them myself - here you can find some of the examples
With it you can scan the JS file and just iterate over the tokens:
var scan = require('./..../scan.js');
scan(text).forEach(function (item) {
if (item.str) {

How to set locale in JavaScript, for example for toLocaleUpperCase()?

I'd like to use the JavaScript toLocaleUpperCase() method to make sure that the capitalization works correctly for the Turkish language. I cannot be sure, however, that Turkish will be set as the user's locale.
Is there a way in modern browsers to set the locale in run time, if I know for sure that the string is in Turkish?
(I ran into this problem while thinking about Turkish, but actually it can be any other language.)
There isn't really anything much out there but I came across this JavaScript setlocale function script that you might find useful.
You unfortunately cannot set locale during runtime. All hope is not lost though, there are many good libraries on npm for you to use. Check out and for example, it will work for many other languages too.
If that's too much, you can roll your own simple library:
var ALL_LETTERS_LOWERCASE = 'abcçdefgğhıijklmnoöprsştuüvyz';
function toLowerCaseLetter(letter) {
letter_index = ALL_LETTERS_UPPERCASE.indexOf(letter);
return ALL_LETTERS_LOWERCASE[letter_index];
function toLowerCase(my_str) {
var lower_cased = ''
for (letter of my_str) {
lower_cased += toLowerCaseLetter(letter);
return lower_cased;
Very similar for upper case version.
This option may not have existed back in 2013 but may help new visitors on this topic:
According to MDN ( the function toLocaleUpperCase takes an optional parameter 'locale'.
Setting the right language tag is a topic on its own ( Simplest example looks like this
'selam dünya'.toLocaleUpperCase('tr'); // SELAM DÜNYA

JS 1-2k variables make page load slow

On one page of my website the user has the ability to choose and remove up to 2000 items through selecting multiple string representations of them in a dropdown list.
On page load, the objects are loaded onto the page from a previous session into 7 different drop-down lists.
In the window.onload event, the function looping through the items in the drop-downs makes an internal collection of the objects by adding them to a global array - This makes the page ridiculously slow to load, so, I'm fairly certain probably doing it wrong!
How else am I supposed to store these variables?
This is their internal representation:
function Permission(PName, DCID, ID) {
this.PName = PName;
this.DCID = DCID;
this.ID = ID;
where: PName is string. DCID is int. ID is int.
Thanks for the quick replies! I appreciate the help, I'm not great with JS! Here is more information:
'selectChangeEvent' is added to the Change and Click event of the Drop down list.
function selectChangeEvent(e) {
'addListItem(id)' sets up the visual representation of the objects and then calls :
function addListObject(x, idOfCaller) {
var arIDOfCaller = idOfCaller.toString().split('-');
if (arIDOfCaller[0] == "selLocs") {
var loc = new AccessLocation(x, arIDOfCaller[1]);
arrayLocations[GlobalIndexLocations] = loc;
else {
var perm = new Permission(x, arIDOfCaller[1], arIDOfCaller[2]);
arrayPermissions[GlobalIndexPermissions] = perm;
Still not enough to go on, but there are some small improvements I can see.
Instead of this pattern:
var loc = new AccessLocation(x, arIDOfCaller[1]);
arrayLocations[GlobalIndexLocations] = loc;
which seems to involve redundant counters and has surplus assignment operations, try:
arrayLocations[arrayLocations.length] = new AccessLocation(x, arIDOfCaller[1]);
and just use arrayLocations.length where you would refer to GlobalIndexLocations or totalLocations (which fromt he code above would seem to always be the same value).
That should gain you a little boost, but this is not your main problem. I suggest you add some debugging Date objects to work out where the bottleneck is.
You may want to consider a design change to support the load. Some sort of paged result set or similar, to cut down on the number of concurrent records being modified.
As much as we desperately want them to be, browsers aren't quite there yet in terms of script execution speed that allow us to do certain types of heavy lifting on the client.
While I haven't tested this idea, I figured I'd throw it out there - might it be faster to return a JSON string from the server side, where your array is fully calculated on that side?
From that point, I'd wager that eval()'ing it (as evil as this may be) might be fast enough to where you could then write the contents onto the page, and your array setup would already be taken care of.
Then again, I suppose the amount of work it'd take the browser to construct the 2k new objects and inject them into the DOM wouldn't necessarily help the speed side of things in the end. At the end of the day, a design change is probably necessary, but sometimes we're stuck with what we've got, eh?

Get All Elements in an HTML document with a specific CSS Class

What's the best way to get an array of all elements in an html document with a specific CSS class using javascript?
No javascript frameworks like jQuery allowed here right now, and I could loop all the elements and check them manually myself. I'm hoping for something a little more elegant.
1) Get all elements in the document (document.getElementsByTagName('*'))
2) Do a regular expression match on the element's className attribute for each element
The below answer is now pushing four years old, so it's worth noting that native browser support for getElementsByClassName() has gotten a lot better. But if you must support older browsers, then...
Use one that's already been written. Most major JS libraries include one in some form or another, but if you aren't using one of them then i can recommend Robert Nyman's excellent implementation:
There are just too many ways to make this (conceptually-simple) routine slow and buggy to justify writing your own implementation at this point.
You can include a getElementsByClass function, or you can use a jQuery selector.
UPDATE: The implementation mentioned by #Shog9 is probably better than that above.
Just to do some follow up, I based my code on the the Robert Nyman implementation posted by Shog9, but departed a little from his exact version, for three reasons:
He allowed you to select a root element and tag type to filter your results. I don't need that functionality and so by removing it I was able to simplify the code significantly.
The first thing his code does is see if the function in question already exists, and if it does he provides his own implementation anyway. That just seemed... odd. I understand he was adding functionality to the original, but again: I'm not using those features.
I wanted an additional bit of syntactic sugar- to be able to call it like I would call document.getElementById() or document.getElementsByTagName().
Note that I still relied mostly on his code. His javascript skills are obviously far beyond my own. I did try to factor out some redundant variables, but that's about it.
With that in mind, here is what I ended up with (seems to work in IE6, IE7, Firefox 3, and Chrome see new note at the end):
if (!document.getElementsByClassName)
document.getElementsByClassName = function (className)
var classes = className.split(" ");
var classesToCheck = "";
var returnElements = [];
var match, node, elements;
if (document.evaluate)
var xhtmlNamespace = "";
var namespaceResolver = (document.documentElement.namespaceURI === xhtmlNamespace)? xhtmlNamespace:null;
for(var j=0, jl=classes.length; j<jl;j+=1)
classesToCheck += "[contains(concat(' ', #class, ' '), ' " + classes[j] + " ')]";
elements = document.evaluate(".//*" + classesToCheck, document, namespaceResolver, 0, null);
elements = document.evaluate(".//*" + classesToCheck, document, null, 0, null);
while ((match = elements.iterateNext()))
classesToCheck = [];
elements = (document.all) ? document.all : document.getElementsByTagName("*");
for (var k=0, kl=classes.length; k<kl; k+=1)
classesToCheck.push(new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + classes[k] + "(\\s|$)"));
for (var l=0, ll=elements.length; l<ll;l+=1)
node = elements[l];
match = false;
for (var m=0, ml=classesToCheck.length; m<ml; m+=1)
match = classesToCheck[m].test(node.className);
if (!match) break;
if (match) returnElements.push(node);
return returnElements;
One new note on this. I've since re-read the notes on the original implementation, and I understand now that my code could fall down in the case where the existing browser has it's own implementation, because the default implementations return a nodelist where this returns an array. This includes the more recent firefox and safari, and opera browsers. Most of the time that won't matter, but in some situations it could. That explains item #2 from list above.
What that means is that while my code technically does work everywhere, it could result in subtly different (read: hard to debug) behavior in different places, and that's not good. I should fix this to either also return a nodelist or override the supplied method to return an array (which is what the original did). Probably the former would be simpler, but that latter would be better.
However, it's working at the moment in the local intranet environment (pretty much all IE), so for the time being I'll leave the fix as an exercise for the reader.
If using a framework, they all have selections using CSS Selectors.
var getElementsByClassName = function(cls, sc){
var elements, i, results = [], curClass;
//Default scope is document
sc = sc || document;
//Get all children of the scope node
elements = sc.getElementsByTagName('*');
for( i=0; i < elements.length; i++ ){
curClass = elements[i].getAttribute('class');
if(curClass != null){
curClass = curClass.split(" ");
for( j=0; j < curClass.length; j++){
if(curClass[j] === cls){
results.push( elements[i] );
return results;
Just wrote it right now, just for you. :) Feel free to use.
Use jquery, it can't be more convenient.
$(".theclass"),makeArray() if you want a native JS array
Keep in mind that atleast FF3 already has a native implementation of getElementsByClassName afaik.
If you're going to implement your own solution, maybe you should try to find a xpath-solution since all modern browser have native support for xpath.
#shog9, #user28742, #bdukes -
I'm doing some custom development in SharePoint for a modular thing (custom field definition) I hope can be re-used across many sites.
Since I can't know ahead of time if any given SharePoint site will have jQuery or any other library available to it --- I still need to write things in raw javascript so I can have a degree of confidence that the functionality I'm trying to achieve will stand on it's own.
Thanks Dmitri for your particular implementation. Short enough for my purposes.
In other recent efforts, I had to modify a e-commerce store (of my client's choosing) and some of my attempts to get jQuery rigged into it actually conflicted with whatever custom libraries they had previously rigged. I could have been persistent, and banged out a way to implement jQuery into their proprietary system.. or.. even more quickly.. just write some good ol' fashioned javascript.
Libaries ARE NOT ALWAYS THE BEST ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(and I love jQuery more than my grandmother)
There is no such thing as a CSS class. CSS has rule-sets and selectors (including the class selector).
Do you mean an HTML class? The usual way is to loop over every element in the document (using document.getElementsByTagName('*') (for efficiency, use a specific tag name if you know the class will only be applied to elements of a certain type) and test the className property of each (noting that the property contains a space separated list of class names, not a single class name).
A number of libraries (such as jQuery or YUI) have functions to simply this.
Do you mean a CSS selector? This gets more complex, and turning to a library is almost certainly the right thing to do here. Again, jQuery or YUI are decent choices.
If you want to do something for all the element with same id in a document.
Although simple but sometime mind dont give green signals
var x = document.getElementById(elementid);
x = document.getElementById(elementid);
