Node JS "Hello world" server on AWS - javascript

I tried to run "Hello world" server on AWS t1.micro instance. What I done:
I installed Node on aws
Wrote something like this:
require("http").createServer(function(request, response){
response.writeHeader(200, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"});
response.write("Hello World!");
- Run it on aws: node test_server.js
Now I try to send request from my local machine to server like this:
curl http://NAME:8080 where NAME is public DNS name from aws console, but nothing happens.
What I forget? Or what I done wrong
I tried to look for a some kind of tutorial but they describe how to run this on local machine or propose to setup Ngnx. But I look for minimalist example

You need to tell Amazon to authorize inbound traffic on the 8080 port to your instance. See the documentation for the step by step instructions.
In short:
Go to the Amazon EC2 console, click on Instance and open the Security Group preference pane
Add a new rule authorizing inbound traffic from any IP ( on port 8080
Apply changes: the Node web server should now be able to serve HTTP requests.

#Paul is right, but that was only a part of the solution for me. I was still getting "connection refused" from local machine (remote CURL was fine). So, another part was of the puzzle was solved by turning off the Unix firewall (in addition at AWS security groups configs), i.e., iptables!
Are you runing CentOS? Try this:
$ service iptables save
$ service iptables stop
$ chkconfig iptables off
Of course, turning off firewall and opening up AWS console security groups is not a good long-term idea. The proper way is to use iptable, open port 80 for inbound and outbound, and then reroute 80 to Node.js port (3000 or 1337 or something else):
$ sudo iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 3000
$ sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --sport 80 -j ACCEPT
$ sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
You can also use Nginx to do the redirect . Varnish Cache is a good tool to have as well, because it dramatically decreases load on Node.js processes if you have a lot of users hitting one resource/page.
Further reading about AWS and Node.js:
How to disable iptables on Linux:
Same on CentOS and Fedora:


Node.js localhost:3000 refuses to connect

I am a total beginner of Node.js and I am unable to connect to localhost:3000
I use the following code in VS code, hit "node app.js" in terminal, and there is no error comes out in terminal at this point.
However, as I try to access the localhost:3000, it keeps refusing: "ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED"
I searched on the internet for solutions and tried opening ports by creating an inbound rule on security settings, turned IIS on, used instead, and still get refused. Does anyone have any idea how to solve this?
I am using Windows 10
const http = require('http');
var server = http.createServer(
(request, response)=>{
Here is how to fix it. Your probably try to launch your server on a used port.
// enter this command in your terminal
lsof -i:3000
// this will output the related PID (process ID). Here: 1382.
node 1382 name 21u IPv6 blabla 0t0 TCP *:3000 (LISTEN)
// kill the PID in use
kill -9 1382
//relaunch your server
node app.js
I ran it on my computer and that code works fine. I would try other ports to see if they work.

Node.js WebStorm remote debugging not working (without SSH tunnel)

I'm trying to debug on a live server running a Node.js webserver (Express, TypeScript).
I run the node server with NODE_ENV=development node --inspect=9229 --inspect-brk build/start.js, and it says it's waiting and listening (Debugger listening on ws://
I set up an SSH tunnel (using this method:, and I set up an "Attach to Node.js/Chrome" debug configuration, with Host: localhost and Port: 9229. Then when I hit the debug button, it connects through the SSH tunnel, and the node.js process runs just fine, stopping and debugging at all my breakpoints.
However, when I don't set up the SSH tunnel, start the node server the same way, and set up an "Attach to Node.js/Chrome" profile with the host as the URL or IP of the server, WebStorm can never connect. There is a little red bubble over the "5: Debug" icon at the bottom saying it can't connect, and sometimes it says "Closed Explicitly". I have opened up port 9229 in the firewall settings for the server (I've tried TCP and UDP).
What am I doing wrong? Please help, anyone!
I'm using Mac OS X 10.15.3 and WebStorm 2019.3.1.
Node binds to localhost by default and thus can't be accessed from outside unless you set up the port forwarding (via ssh tunneling, for example).
You can try changing the command to node --inspect-brk= build/start.js - does it help?
Note that Node.js discourages using remote debugging in this way: Using SSH tunneling is recommended

How to do a reverse proxy with node.js for a shiny app

I think the problem might be that the WebSocket connection does not go through the proxy node.js. How to authorize the connection of the WebSocket?
I have a web app hosted on a nodeJS server. On the same vm I also have a shiny serveur hosting an app. I use node to redirect traffic to port 3838 (shiny) when a somes URL are requested.
I use this code on node :
app.use('/the-shiny-app', proxy({target: 'http://localhost:3838', changeOrigin: true}));
With this setting everything works fine on the shiny app when I go on mydomain/the-shiny-app/* except when I try to run code in a code box.
When I try to run code I get this error on the chrome console :
Connection closed. Info: {"type":"close","code":4503,"reason":"The application unexpectedly exited","wasClean":true}
An example of what I mean by code box :
if I do not use node.js and I redirect the traffic (on OS level) from port 80 directly to 3838 everything works fine.
sudo iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 3838
I do not know exactly what kind of exchange is made between the browser and the shiny server when we run code, but maybe the protocol used is blocked by node.js.
I found the problem. As Antony Gibbs said you need to setup a WebSocket upgrade. I'm using http-proxy-middleware you cans find the doc here :

Node.js script loading not loading from browser (outsider) but loading from command (localhost)

I have successfully installed Node.JS and Balloons.IO chatroom on my linux based vps (with SSH). When typing curl in the ssh command I can see the html is loaded. But, when trying to reach the same page from my browser it takes some time loading then says page could not be reached. Any idea why ?
My common diagnostic steps:
1) Check that your app is actually listening on the port it should be, you can do this with:
sudo netstat -anp | grep :9191
You should see your app listening to or if you see something like, then it is only listening locally so you won't be able to reach it.
2) Ensure your firewall isn't blocking these ports, if you are using iptables you can check with:
sudo iptables --list
This will print the rules for your firewall and you can check if you port is blocked (or allowed).
3) Try connecting locally. My third step is generally to try it locally with curl, you did this step already but for other landing here you can do something like:
curl http://localhost:9191/
and see what you get back
4) Try connecting remotely. If everything above looks fine, try running a verbose curl from a remote host and see what you get:
curl -v
This will show header and body output so you can see if the remote host even responds; if it doesn't then check if the raw port is even accessable with telnet:
telnet 9191
which if successful will print something like:
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
If it fails it will just hang at Trying... if it fails then your firewall is blocking the port, your host is blocking the port, or your app isn't listening to the port. If your above tests passed then contact your host because something else may be up and you should be able to get support from them.

How could others, on a local network, access my NodeJS app while it's running on my machine?

I have a pretty straight-forward question. I made a web game with NodeJS, and I can successfully play it by myself with multiple browser windows open side-by-side; however, I'd like to know if it's possible for other local machines to be able to access and play the game with me too.
I naively tried using this url: my-ip-address:8000 and it won't work.
Your node.js server is running on a port determined at the end of the script usually. Sometimes 3000. but can be anything. The correct way for others to access is as you say...
Check you have the correct port - and the IP address on the network - not the internet IP.
Otherwise, maybe the ports are being blocked by your router. Try using 8080 or 80 to get around this - otherwise re-configure your router.
If you are using a router then:
Replace server.listen(yourport, 'localhost'); with server.listen(yourport, 'your ipv4 address');
in my machine it is
server.listen(3000, '');
Make sure yourport is forwarded to your ipv4 address.
On Windows Firewall, tick all on Node.js:Server-side JavaScript.
I had the same question and solved the problem. In my case, the Windows Firewall (not the router) was blocking the V8 machine I/O on the hosting machine.
Go to windows button
Search "Firewall"
Choose "Allow programs to communicate through Firewall"
Click Change Setup
Tick all of "Evented I/O for V8 Javascript" OR "Node.js: Server-side Javascript"
My guess is that "Evented I/O for V8 Javascript" is the I/O process that node.js communicates to outside world and we need to free it before it can send packets outside of the local computer. After enabling this program to communicate over Windows firewall, I could use any port numbers to listen.
One tip that nobody has mentioned yet is to remember to host the app on the LAN-accessible address instead of the default localhost. Firewalls on Mac and Linux are less strict about this address compared to the default localhost address (
For example,
gatsby develop --host
yarn start --host
npm start --host
You can then access the address to connect to by entering ifconfig or ipconfig in the terminal. Then try one of the IP addresses on the left that does not end in .255 or .0
Faced similar issue with my Angular Node Server(v6.10.3) which set up in WIndows 10.
http://localhost:4201 worked fine in localhost. But http://{ipaddress}:4201 not working in other machines in local network.
For this I updated the ng serve like this
//Older ng serve in windows command Prompt
ng serve --host localhost --port 4201
//Updated ng serve
//ng serve --host {ipaddress} --port {portno}
ng serve --host --port 4201
After doing this modification able to access my application in other machines in network bt calling this url
The port is probably blocked by your local firewall or router. Hard to tell without details.
But there is a simple solution for which you don't have to mess with firewall rules, run node as a privileded process to serve on port 80, etc...
Check out Localtunnel. Its a great Ruby script/service, which allows you to make any local port available on the internet within seconds. It's certainly not useful for a production setup, but to try out a game with colleagues, it should work just fine!
const express = require('express');
var app = express();
app.listen(Port Number, "Your IP Address");
// e.g.
app.listen(3000, "");
You can get your IP Address by typing ipconfig in cmd if your Windows user else you can use ifconfig.
After trying many solution and lot of research I did to the following to make sure my localhost is accessible from other machine in same network. I didn't start my server with IPAddress as parameter to listen method as suggested by others in this question. I did the following to make sure my local node js server is accessible from other machine on same local network. My node server is running in Windows 10 machine.
Open "Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security"
Select "Inbound Rules" in the left pane.
In the list of available rules, "Node.js Server-side Javascript" has "Block the connection" radio checked. Change this to "Allow the connection".
Please see the attached screenshot:
After these changes, I am able to access my localhost using http://IPAddress:Port/
And Don't Forget To Change in Index.html Following Code :
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
var socket = io.connect('');
Good luck!
This worked for me and I think this is the most basic solution which involves the least setup possible:
With your PC and other device connected to the same network , open cmd from your PC which you plan to set up as a server, and hit ipconfig to get your ip address.
Note this ip address. It should be something like "" which is the value to the right of IPv4 Address field as shown in below format:
Wireless LAN adapter Wi-Fi:
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : ffff::ffff:ffff:ffff:ffad%14
IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Start your node server like this : npm start <IP obtained in step 1:3000> e.g. npm start
Open browser of your other device and hit the url: <your_ip:3000> i.e. and you will see your website.
put this codes in your server.js :
app.set('port', (80))
app.listen(app.get('port'), () => {
console.log('Node app is running on port', app.get('port'))
after that if you can't access app on network disable firewall like this :
ngrok allows you to expose a port on the internet with custom forwarding refs:
$ npx ngrok http 8000
First, check your ipv4 address. In my case my ipv4 address is If you don't know your ipv4 address, run this command on cmd.
Follow this code...
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const port = process.env.port || 8000
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
res.send("Hello Network!")
app.listen(port, '', ()=>{
console.log(`Listening port on ${port}`)
In Ubuntu you can fix this by allowing a specific port or port range:
sudo ufw allow PORT-NUMBER/tcp
sudo ufw allow 3000/tcp
or a range:
sudo ufw allow 3000:3001/tcp
var http = require('http');
http.createServer(function (req, res) {
}).listen(80, '');
console.log('Server running at');
By default node will run on every IP address exposed by the host on which it runs. You don't need to do anything special. You already knew the server runs on a particular port. You can prove this, by using that IP address on a browser on that machine:
If that didn't work, you might have your IP address wrong.
I had this problem. The solution was to allow node.js through the server's firewall.
