Close previous drawer before opening next - Twitter bootstrap 3 [closed] - javascript

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Closed 9 years ago.
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With Bootstrap 3 I will use collapse to have multiple columns, each with one collapsible drawer. When clicking one drawer, the reviously opened drawer should close (using the collapse animation) before opening the next one. The drawers have to be next to each other, and can not be below/ontop each other, therfore the bootstraps accordion is out of the question.
How can I achieve this?
Look here: FIDDLE

I've created a fiddle of how this could work. The main point to take away is that the accordian-style automatic closing of open drawers only works if there is a parent container and that parent container is referenced using <... data-parent="#parent" ...> when creating the links/buttons.


Push menu with scroll [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 7 years ago.
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I am using a push menu on a website. Here is the test link:
But the menu shows only the points, that are in the visible area. The site has more navigation items, that would need to be scrolled. But those points are not displayed. How can I make them visible? I believe it some kind of CSS issue.
overflow: hidden is applied to div.panel.
Chrome Dev Tools style view
MDN article on overflow property.

Is there anyway to open jquery dialog behind the current page or minimize it? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Is there anyway to open jquery dialog behind the current page or minimize it?
I tried window.focus() but didn't help.
There is nothing special about a jQuery dialog as far as the browser is concerned - it's just HTML with styling and some JavaScript running the show. As such, there is no "special" way to present one in a separate window.
To do what you want, you'll need to create a popup the normal way (e.g. that points to a page which produces a jQuery dialog.
However, you're not going to get a standalone jQuery Dialog floating in space - it'll be a browser window with the usual toolbars, status bars, close button, etc.

how to make array of images using javascript [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am making a site
in that i want to do some cool transition of images as like the one in the link given below
I'm just going to write the steps.
1. Download the archive on
2. Check files and try one demo which is include.
3. Clean up this demo to keep only the structure menu
4. Add the HTML menu on your website.
5. Add link to CSS and jQuery plugIn menu on the head of your website.
6. Come back in this post if you have any problem.

Filtering by multiple conditions [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to create multiple choice filter. So there should be a div with content and other div's that u can click and toggle. For test purposes I just created something like that: jsfiddle my code
That is pretty what I want so going on - I can't write the same functionality but for toggling buttons (tw bootstrap) or other divs. I don't know how to modify that part $.map($(':checked') to properly create my chain of id's.
When I used tw bootstrap buttons I just tried to write something like: $.map($('.active') but it didn't work. So how to do to create that functionality but for that case with buttons from tw bootstrap?
Little edit: And how to do this using div's like buttons? I mean there will be some div's and jQuery creating class "active".
checkboxes with have that code:
Everything is fine, except that filter() function is fired before bootstrap function. You can use setTimeout with 1ms delay.
Look at my version of code:

Tab System overflows into drop down [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have been asked to create a tab based interface to switch content without refresh. Which is fine and dandy, but the tab list items can be dynamically added creating a longer set of tabs. When they reach a certain point based on window width the overflowing tabs should 'fall' into a drop down menu giving users the option of opening a tab content div from there.
Personally I would have gone with tabs forming two lines but the requirement is for a drop down to the right very similar to Firefox's functionality when there are too many tabs open for the available width.
Any help or pointers greatly appreciated as this is driving me mental!
Responsive layouts might be what you are looking for:
