FineUploader batch upload with one invalid object - javascript

When a user uploads a batch of files with the FineUploader javascript plugin, and one of these objects has an invalid extension, the whole upload fails. I would like the process to proceed for all valid files. Is this possible?

Yes, it is possible to have Fine Uploader simply ignore an invalid file, instead of stopping the entire upload. This is covered in the documentation (in several places) such as in the validation options section.
For example:
var uploader = new qq.FineUploader({
validation: {
stopOnFirstInvalidFile: false


Fineuploader : how to replace uploaded images?

I'm using fine uploader to upload images. After I upload an image, I need to be able to upload another image to replace the uploaded image before and only allow one image at one time. Is there any options for that or should I delete the upladed image before I start uploading the new one?
This is what I would do:
Set the multiple configuration option to false. This will be most helpful if you are using the UI built into the Fine Uploader library (and not a custom UI or React Fine Uploader. In that case, after a file has been submitted, subsequent files will "replace" that initial file in the UI.
Remove/replace the item on your server when handling the upload request if a file for that user already exists.
This is making a lot of assumptions as you have provided very little information about your situation or setup. This should get you started down the right path though.
End up deleting the uploaded images before uploading a new one:
onValidate: function() {

Questions about - taking a file path instead of choosing with the file chooser

I'm trying to modify the project so I could plug in a file path or a file as a variable instead of the user choosing the model file. So I'm looking for where the actual upload happens.
In submitProject():
I see that it just sends (with an ajax request) an object that holds the file name and unique identifier but not the actual binary file.
In here:
there's r.upload(), is this the actual upload of the model?
Does it start to upload the file right as you press ok in the file chooser?
Is there a way to give it a file path to upload instead of uploading with the form and file chooser?
The author of this sample should be on Christmas vacation, I just downloaded and setup the extractor sample on my machine, with a little debug into the code, let me try to answer as much as I can.
In general, I think some of your understanding is correct, but let me explain a little more:
For a local file to be uploaded and translated, there are actually 2 steps of actual “upload”.
As you mentioned, when you press ok in the file chooser, yes, the file will be first uploaded to the "extractor" server as you noticed by some methods like r.upload(), it’s actually using a JavaScript library call “flow.js", which provides multiple simultaneous, stable, fault-tolerant and resumable/restartable file uploads via the HTML5 File API. I am not expert on this, but you can check that module about how to use it to upload a file.
By now, your file is uploaded from client to the "extractor" server, but if you want to translate the file to "svf", the file is required to be uploaded to Autodesk Server(OSS), that is done by clicking “submit my project” buton, when you click this button, as you mentioned, from client, it will call the method submitProject() in, this method will send a post request of “/api/projects” to the "extractor" server, if you check the code at server side , you can see the extractor server actually upload the file to Autodesk OSS, and then triggers the translation service.
This feature (passing a URL string vs a file binary) is already implemented. You can use the uri: edit box and paste your file URL there. It supports http(s) or S3 uri with access token.
The physical upload happens in this file, whereas the SubmitProject() code sends only information as JSON. The JSON object only contains a reference to the file which was uploaded using flow.js. But would contain the uri string if you had choose that method.

Blueimp File Upload - Multiple Uploads Directly to S3

After searching the past couple days, I've found nearly 30 different people asking this same question, and I haven't found an answer. A couple reported that they found a solution, but did not provide it, so I'm hoping someone could answer it here.
Using blueimp jQuery File Upload, how can you upload multiple files directly to Amazon S3?
Problem: S3 accepts only one file per request.
Solution: Use blueimp jQuery File Upload to send separate requests for each file.
Roadblock: I cannot figure out how to make blueimp jQuery File Upload do this.
Solution Attempt
The guide is here:
S3 currently requires more form fields than the ones shown in the guide. Here's a trimmed down version of my code:
$(':file').each(function(i, el) {
var fileInput = $(el);
var form = fileInput.parents('form:first');
forceIframeTransport: true,
autoUpload: true,
singleFileUploads: true, //default anyway
add: function(event, data) {
var files = data.files || [];
var nextInQueue = files[0]; //this is a queue, not a list
console.log('nextInQueue:', nextInQueue);
if (!nextInQueue) return;
var fileData = {name:, mime: nextInQueue.type, size: nextInQueue.size};
url: '/s3stuff',
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
data: {'file': fileData},
async: false,
success: function(res) {
form.attr('action', res.url);
data.submit(); //why is this submitting all files at once?
fail: function(err) {
console.log('err:', err.stack);
When I try to upload a single file, it works great! But when I try to upload multiple files, S3 returns this 400 error:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Message>POST requires exactly one file upload per request.</Message>
The blueimp jQuery File Upload documentation says this (under add):
If the singleFileUploads option is enabled (which is the default), the add callback will be called once for each file in the selection for XHR file uploads, with a data.files array length of one, as each file is uploaded individually.
This is where I'm stuck:
If "each file is uploaded individually" to S3, why does S3 say otherwise?
Also, regardless of the number of files, the add function runs only once. (I verify this with the console.log statement.) I see 2 likely reasons for this:
The plugin stops further submissions after one fails.
The plugin is not submitting files individually (for whatever reason).
Is my code incorrect, am I missing an option in the plugin, or does the plugin not support multiple direct uploads to S3?
Here's an html file for quick testing:
Author of JQuery File Upload here.
The reason the files are not submitted individually is the forceIframeTransport option, which is set to true in your example.
The documentation for the singleFileUploads option states the following:
By default, each file of a selection is uploaded using an individual request for XHR type uploads.
While the documentation for the forceIframeTransport option states the following:
Set this option to true to force iframe transport uploads, even if the browser is capable of XHR file uploads.
So, the solution is to enable CORS on the S3 bucket and to not enable the forceIframeTransport option.
By the way, most of the integration examples are user contributions (including the S3 upload guides).
Here's another one which uses the S3 CORS feature and might help your out (haven't tested it though):

Is it possible to change content of html <input> file with javascript?

My website require user upload their xml file with specify format.
So I want do a syntax and format check on client side, and help them fix those error before upload to server. (I do not require change the real local file on hard drive, only need change the data send to server)
I currently use:
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function(e) {
var xml =;
// I help them correct xml here, this will involve lots of interaction with user,
// so I want it only happen on client side
var correctXML = fixSyntaxAndFormat(xml);
$.post('/foo/bar', {xml: correctXML});
This code works, except it send xml in post data instead of a real uploaded file.
Because I want monitor file upload progress and save other file information, so I hope can have something like: oldfile.content = correctXML
then I can just submit that form which contain my <input type="file"/>.
Is this possible to do ? Or is there a "correct" way to do this?
Thanks for austincheney's example, I end up with create new Blob() and use this replace the original file. Seems work fine.
Yes this is entirely possible, and it is typically used to assist with drag and drop file operations. For instance if you want users to be able to drop files onto a textarea you can make the textarea a drop zone where the path the files is fed silently to the input type file element. I do this on my own site.
Checkout the function pd.file and pd.filedrop in and demo the result on my tool at

Change file names before uploading with SWFUpload

I am using SWFUpload to allow users to upload multiple files in any browser. A user can provide custom file names for the files being uploaded. How can I iterate through all the queued files and update the name of the file to the custom name before the file is uploaded.
If I can't change the file name, how do I add a post parameter to each file being uploaded to make the change on the server side? I know how to add parameters for all files but how would I do it for each file?
You can't update the actual name of the file that gets sent in the POST body of the file upload because internally, SWFUpload is using a FileReference which doesn't let you change any of the file's properties before uploading it (and there's no way to get proper upload progress without using a FileReference to do the uploading, so this isn't something that can really be changed).
However, you should be able to add an extra POST parameter per file via the addFileParam function. Its signature is:
addFileParam(file_id:String, name:String, value:String):Boolean
