MongoDB's Node.js Driver installation fails - javascript

I have nodejs and mongoDB installed on 32bit winXP veteran. And I am trying to link them.
In the mongoDB docs its stated that the easiest way is by this command:
npm install mongodb
Unfortunately it throws the following exception:
"Failed to replace env in config: ${APPDATA}"
I tried to point the NODE_PATH variable to the "npm\node_modules" folder but this does not solve my problem.
What additional configuration am I missing?

In the end just ran the cmd not as Administrator but simply from my account and the command("npm install mongodb") worked as expected.
After that I uninstalled it since this was kind of weird. And again tried as Administrator and it failed again. And again succeeded with my account. So I left it be.


Connection error while installing react native cli via npm

I have been going step by step by the official instructions that are on react native site in the dev OS I have Windows and in the target OS I have Android. The installation via choco went well but when I try installing it with:
npm install -g react-native-cli
it starts normal like this:
but then after a while it returns just these errors:
I have already tried changing proxy and making it "the right way" but it just keeps crashing like this. Btw I have proxy on http://domain:8080/
Any ideas how to fix this pls?
The final solution was very simple. If someone has same problem as this and is sure they are not on proxy, try pinging ipv6 address. If it doesn't answer then there is the issue. Just unclick ipv6 and it will work just fine.

Git return "'pull' is not a git command. See 'git --help'" from remote on Windows 10

I have a bonobo server on my server that is running windows 10.
I'm trying to link a new hook on "Update", so the files from the node development server can get updated directly from git.
I tried to do so using a cmd file, examples to follow:
update file in hooks
cmd //C "start C:\webServer\node\testServer\update.bat"
update.bat on the same folder on testServer
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git.exe
cd C://webServer/node/testServer
git pull
That was returning the following error:
git: 'pull' is not a git command. See 'git --help'
I did some research and found out this post "git pull" broken where they talk about using -exec-path on Mac, I tried to search the equivalent in Windows and found out some variables for path related issues, tried them an none of them worked, also tried to reinstall git without any other result, at that point I was tired of it and I tried to use a node library, simple-git, that allows me to do a pull request using node specifying the path! I tried it on the server, and it worked! (I will attach the code of the file below) so I thought to try it from the remote server, but then I got the same error again, pull is not a git command, I tried to call the node file in different ways, I tried some python script to run a cmd command that runs the node server, I tried using bat and sh files, even using node to run another instance of node, and nothing worked, it always returns pull is not a git command :/
Node simple-git code
console.log(a,b); //for debug
Has additional information, git is properly set up as an environmental variable and I can access it without problems from the server, this issue only happens when trying to execute the pull from the hooks!
If anyone can give me some tips on what to try that would be awesome, thanks!

Big error when trying to set up Github pages

Trying to set up project on github pages, but during following steps from
at step 2 I getting this error from images
Any idea?
I working on Win7
with NPM 5.6.0
Node 8.11.3
It seems you need to run as administrator, like so: sudo npm install --save gh-pages.
Or if you'd running on Windows could be:
right-click on CLI icon
open as administrator
Perform your command (now you're administrator)
The error you're getting indicates you need to elevate your shell's permission.
Use your environment's equivalent of sudo/"Run as Administrator" to grant the proper access to perform the functions required to install.

Meteor js Windows install error "Failed to contact install server"

I have tried running the install with "Run as Admin" feature on windows too, but the same issue persists.
I see this question has been posted before but still no resolution given.
Basically the following error message comes in the middle of the install and the install stops. Please help.
Error message:
"Failed to contact install server. Please try again later."
Check if you have Node js already installed before installing meteorjs other wise it crashes on Windows sometimes hope it helped.
Install meteor with this installer:
If you are behind a proxy set these parameters HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY: Using Meteor behind a proxy
Update your meteor installation: meteor update
The meteor will be updated to the last version.
install from (the >60MB file) and set the user.meteor folder in your path
the problem with windows installation is too long pathnames (>256) so better try a linux VM

Error - 'bower install' fail with Exit Status 1

While walking through the angular-phonecat tutorial, I came across the following error immediately after running the npm install command:
I looked in the log file, too, but it more or less repeats the same error message shown in the console. What am I missing?
My guess is that you're behind some network proxy or firewall that restricts the ports you can access. In this case, you can tell git to use https:// instead of git:// for cloning. Answer is based off of this question.
git config --global url. git://
Try making git use an http connection rather than a git one like so:
git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git://
Sometimes the git protocol is blocked, but the https one won't be.
A similar issue is referenced here
