Drawing squares with createJS creates rectangles - javascript

Apart from the title not being entirely correct I'm having a problem drawing squares with createJs. I'm drawing rectangles with equally big sides which in general generates a square, but not for me, I'm getting this:
The code I'm using is as follows (very much simplified):
function getRandomNumber(max)
return Math.floor(Math.random() * max);
var colors = ["Red", "Green", "Blue"];
function createTileArea()
var stage = new createjs.Stage("tileArea");
stage.name = "stage";
var size = 50;
for (row = 0; row < 10; row++) {
for (col = 0; col < 10; col++) {
var id = row + "_" + col;
var color = colors[getRandomNumber(3)];
var tile = new createjs.Shape();
tile.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, size, size);
tile.x = col * size;
tile.y = row * size;
tile.height = size;
tile.width = size;
tile.name = id;
I have a fiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/QWP3Z/2/
My question is: I have a canvas that has 500px width and height and I'm generating 10 rectangles that are 50px high and wide, so why am I getting 6 horizontal squares and three vertical squares that are all rectangles?
Is this some sort of scaling problem?

do not use the css style to resize the canvas, but rather change its width and height directly, either in html or in code.
Otherwise createJs will set the width and height, which seems to default to 300X150, and the css will act as a zoom to put it back to -in your example- 500X500.


If noseX is on cnvSection[i], draw img[i] on the canvas

I'm making a sketch with the p5.js library and ml5's poseNet. I have the variable noseX — which indicates the x-coordinate position of the nose on the canvas — and a preloaded array of 60 images. I would like to vertically divide the canvas into 60 sections. For each cnvSection noseX is on, I want the image img[i] corresponding to that cnvSection[i] to to be drawn on the canvas.
So basically if noseX is on cnvSection[5], draw img[5] on the canvas etc.
Here's my function, at the moment I have only been able to draw the vertical lines indicating the canvas sections.
let cnvWidth = 1440;
let cnvHeight = 900;
function nosePosition() {
let sectionWidth = cnvWidth / 60;
let cnvSection = [];
for (let i = 0; i < cnvWidth; i = i + sectionWidth) {
line(i, 0, i, cnvHeight);
Many thanks!
Try the following:
noseX = 50;
function setup() {
createCanvas(700, 400);
function draw() {
ellipse(noseX, height / 2, 6);
function nosePosition() {
let sectionWidth = width / 60;
for (let i = 0; i < width; i += sectionWidth) {
line(i, 0, i, height);
const noseSection = floor(noseX / sectionWidth);
rect(noseSection * sectionWidth, 0, sectionWidth, height);
To simplify I use a hardcoded x value for the nose. In your case that would come from ml5 posenet. You don't need the sections in an array. You can simlpy calculate in which section the nose currently is and then draw the image accordingly. I am drawing a rect - again, to simplify the example.
Maybe copy and paste this into the p5 web editor and play around with the noseX value and see if that works for you.

Turn list into polygon that scales

I have used latex and in particular tikz quite a bit. Using this I was able to create the image shown below.
The following short code was used to create the image.
\begin{tikzpicture}[background rectangle/.style={fill=black},
show background rectangle]
\node[regular polygon,regular polygon sides=\ngon,minimum size=3cm] (p) {};
\foreach\page [count=\x] in \pages{\node[color=white, shift={(\x*360/7+35:0.4)}] (p\x) at (p.corner \x){\page};}
\foreach\i in {1,...,\numexpr\ngon-1\relax}{
\foreach\j in {\i,...,\x}{
\draw[thin, orange, dashed] (p\i) -- (p\j);
I have tried for the last few hours to recreate the same image using 'HTMLæ, 'CSS' and 'Javascript'. I used the 'canvas' element to draw the lines, however I ran into a series of problems as can be seen in the image below
Which was made with the following code. I tried to the best of my abilities to minimize the code. The code can be found at the bottom of the post. The code has the following problems
Scalability. The text in the image is not the same as in the 'body' of the page.
The image hides the rest of the text in the body
To place the text outside the figure is hardcoded
The last minor problem is that the first element in the list is not drawn
I would like to address the problems above, but I am unsure how to proceed. Again I am not married to the idea of using canvas (can a better result be done using nodes and elements instead). However, the output should mimic the first image as closely as possible.
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<title>Canvas octagon</title>
* {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
canvas {
display: block;
body {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
margin: 0px;
border: 0;
overflow: hidden;
/* Disable scrollbars */
display: block;
/* No floating content on sides */
<canvas id="polygon"></canvas>
<h2>more space</h2>
<ol id="poly">
some more text here
(function() {
var canvas = document.getElementById('polygon'),
context = canvas.getContext('2d');
// resize the canvas to fill browser window dynamically
window.addEventListener('resize', resizeCanvas, false);
function resizeCanvas() {
canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
* Your drawings need to be inside this function otherwise they will be reset when
* you resize the browser window and the canvas goes will be cleared.
function drawStuff() {
// do your drawing stuff here
context.translate(120, 120);
context.textAlign = "center";
var edges = document.getElementById("poly").getElementsByTagName("li");
var sides = edges.length
var angle = (Math.PI * 2) / sides;
var radius = 50;
for (var i = 0, item; item = edges[i]; i++) {
console.log("Looping: index ", i, "item " + item.innerText);
var start_x = radius * Math.cos(angle * i);
var start_y = radius * Math.sin(angle * i);
context.lineTo(start_x, start_y);
var new_x_text = 1.4 * radius * Math.cos(angle * i);
var new_y_text = 1.4 * radius * Math.sin(angle * i);
context.fillText(item.innerText, new_x_text, new_y_text);
context.strokeStyle = 'orange';
for (var j = 0; j < i; j++) {
var new_x = radius * Math.cos(angle * j);
var new_y = radius * Math.sin(angle * j);
context.moveTo(start_x, start_y);
context.lineTo(new_x, new_y);
console.log(new_x, new_y);
context.fillStyle = 'white'
var new_x = radius * Math.cos(0);
var new_y = radius * Math.sin(0);
context.lineTo(new_x, new_y);
Using the canvas to render content
First I will say that using javascript will be longer than if you use some symbolic representation language like Latex. It is designed to do graphical representations with the minimum of fuss. The actual code base that makes it work is substantial but hidden for the general user.
Using the DOM
As the content for the canvas is stored in the DOM it also a good idea to store as much information as you can in the DOM, the colors, fonts, etc can all be stored in an element`s dataset.
For this I have put the settings in the ordered list. It contains all the settings, but there is also a default set of settings in the rendering function. The elements dataset will overwrite the defaults, or you can not add any dataset properties and let it all use the defaults.
Vetting settings
In the example below I have only put a minimum of vetting. People tend to put quotes around everything in the DOM as numbers can sometimes not work if represented as a string, I force all the numbers to the correct type. Though to be safe I should have checked to see if indeed they are valid numbers, the same for the other settings. I have just assumed that they will be correctly formatted.
The function
All the work is done in a function, you pass it the query string needed to find the list and canvas. It then uses the list items to render to the canvas.
Relative sizes
As the canvas size is not always known (it could be scaled via CSS) you need to have some way to specify size independent of pixels. For this I use a relative size. Thus the font size is as a fraction of the canvas size eg data-font-size = 16 means that the font will be 1/16th of the canvas height. The same for the line width, and the dash size is a multiple of the line width. eg data-line-dash = 4 means that the dashes are 4 times the length of the line width.
Element's data properties
To use data set you add the property to the element in the HTML prefixed with the word data- then the property name/s separated by "-". In javascript you can not use "-" directly as part of a variable name (it's a subtract operator) so the property names are converted to camelcase (the same as CSS properties), and stored in the element's dataset property.
<!-- HTML -->
<div id="divElement" data-my-Value = "some data"></div>
// the property of divElement is available as
console.log(divElement.dataset.myValue); // output >> "some data"
Scaling & rendering
The canvas is rendered at a ideal size (512 in this case) but the transform is set to ensure that the render fits the canvas. In this example I scale the x and y axis) the result is that the image does not have a fixed aspect.
The canvas is transparent by default, but I do clear it in case you rerender to it. Anything under the canvas should be visible.
I first render the lines, then the text, clearing a space under the text to remove the lines. ctx.clearRect ensure the a canvas rect is transparent.
Drawing lines
To draw the lines you have two loops, From each item you draw a line to every other item. You don't want to draw a line more than once, so the inner loop starts at the current outer loops position + 1. This ensures a line is only rendered one.
The example shows what I think you are after. I have add plenty of comments, but if you have questions do ask in the comments below.
I assumed you wanted the ordered list visible. If not use a CSS rule to hide it, it will not affect the canvas rendering.
Also if you size the canvas via CSS you may get a mismatch between canvas resolution and display size. This can result in blurred pixels, and also some high res displays will set canvas pixels to large. If this is a problem there are plenty of answers on SO on how to deal with blurred canvas rendering and hi res displays (like retina).
function drawConnected(listQ, canvasQ) {
const list = document.querySelector(listQ);
if(list === null){
console.warn("Could not find list '" + listQ +"'");
const canvas = document.querySelector(canvasQ);
if(canvas === null){
console.warn("Could not find canvas '" + canvasQ + "'");
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
const size = 512; // Generic size. This is scaled to fit the canvas
const xScale = canvas.width / size;
const yScale = canvas.height / size;
// get settings or use dsefault
const settings = Object.assign({
fontSize : 16,
lineWidth : 128,
lineDash : 4,
textColor : "White",
lineColor : "#F90", // orange
startAngle : -Math.PI / 2,
font : "arial",
}, list.dataset);
// calculate relative sizes. convert deg to randians
const fontSize = size / Number(settings.fontSize) | 0; // (| 0 floors the value)
const lineWidth = size / Number(settings.lineWidth) | 0;
const lineDash = lineWidth * Number(settings.lineDash);
const startAngle = Number(settings.startAngle) * Math.PI / 180; // -90 deg is top of screen
// get text in all the list items
const items = [...list.querySelectorAll("li")].map(element => element.textContent);
// Set up the canvas
// Scale the canvas content to fit.
ctx.clearRect(0,0,size,size); // clear as canvas may have content
ctx.font = fontSize + "px " + settings.font;
// align text to render from its center
ctx.textAlign = "center";
ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
// set the line details
ctx.lineWidth = lineWidth;
ctx.lineCap = "round";
ctx.setLineDash([lineDash, lineDash]);
// need to make room for text so calculate all the text widths
const widths = [];
for(let i = 0; i < items.length; i ++){
widths[i] = ctx.measureText(items[i]).width;
// use the max width to find a radius that will fit all text
const maxWidth = Math.max(...widths);
const radius = (size/2 - maxWidth * 0.6);
// this function returns the x y position on the circle for item at pos
const getPos = (pos) => {
const ang = pos / items.length * Math.PI * 2 + startAngle;
return [
Math.cos(ang) * radius + size / 2,
Math.sin(ang) * radius + size / 2
// draw lines first
ctx.strokeStyle = settings.lineColor;
for(let i = 0; i < items.length; i ++){
const [x,y] = getPos(i);
for(let j = i+1; j < items.length; j ++){
const [x1,y1] = getPos(j);
// draw text
ctx.fillStyle = settings.textColor;
for(let i = 0; i < items.length; i ++){
const [x,y] = getPos(i);
ctx.clearRect(x - widths[i] * 0.6, y - fontSize * 0.6, widths[i] * 1.2, fontSize * 1.2);
// restore default transform;
// draw the diagram with selector query for ordered list and canvas
* {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
canvas {
display: block;
body {
font-family : arial;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
margin: 0px;
border: 0;
display: block;
<canvas id="polygon" width = "256" height = "256"></canvas>
<h2>more space</h2>
<ol id="poly"
data-font-size = 16
data-line-width = 128
data-line-dash = 2
data-text-color = "white"
data-line-color = "#F80"
data-start-angle = "-90"
data-font = "arial"

Can't draw a line on the canvas

I am having trouble drawing a line on the HTML canvas with JavaScript. For the record, I don't want to use any pre-written line-drawing methods, I need to do it using pixel manipulation. I tried drawing a line on a 500x500 pixel canvas that I already gave data with this
function drawBackgtoundAndLine()
var cnvs = document.getElementById("cnvs");
var cont = cnvs.getContext("2d")
var imdt = cont.getImageData(0,0,500,500)
//Fill canvas with a color
for ( var i = 0 ; i < imdt.data.length ; i = i + 4)
imdt.data[i] = 200;
imdt.data[i+1] = 100;
imdt.data[i+2] = 0;
imdt.data[i+3] = 255;
//Draw a horizontal line
var index = 0;
for ( var c = 0 ; c < 500 ; c++)
index = (4*c)+488000;
imdt.data[index] = 0;
imdt.data[index+1] = 0;
imdt.data[index+2] = 0;
imdt.data[index+3] = 255;
cont.putImageData( imdt , 0 , 0 )
You can see it in action in this fiddle. My math, by the way, that gave me the second for loop to draw a line is:
I want to color the whole 245th row. So, to pass over the first 244 rows, I multiply 2000(the number of data points in each row) times 244 rows to get 488000. Then I cycle through the loop 500 times to hit each pixel in the row, and add the 488000 to get to the right row. I'd really appreciate an explanation/fix for the 245th row not turning black.
You did not set the canvas size.
Note that the CSS size is only about display, not the number of pixels in the canvas.
You need to set the real canvas size for example with:
cnvs.width = 500;
cnvs.height = 500;
Remember that when you set the height/width the canvas is cleared (even if the value is the same as the current size), also remember that to get pixel-perfect graphics you need to keep the canvas size the same size as the element on the page (i.e. cnvs.offsetWidth and cnvs.offsetHeight).

Check an image for off-white background

I'm writing a script for work where we have a bunch of images of jewelry 200x200 and the script gets all of the images on a page and creates a canvas and then checks the pixels on the edge for discoloration (they're supposed to be pure white) due to them not being edited correctly.
I started off checking the upper left and upper right corners for accuracy, but now i'm running into items where part of the necklace or whatever can go all the way to the corner or off the side which makes this inaccurate.
How do you recommend I go about this? What I'm doing now is checking if the sum of the rgba values are 1020 for both pixels, and if they aren't, then the image isn't pure white.
There are two possible defects with images: total background discoloration and a grey border around the edge. checking the corner pixels works for the grey border but not for the background if the item extends to the corners/sides.
Check all 4 corners of the image. If at least 1 of the 4 corners is white / 255,255,255 / #FFFFFF, the image is probably okay. (The discolouration should be consistent across the image, right?)
Other than that, there's not a lot you can do to check for the discolouration. However, you could count colours in the image, and check if the colour that occurs most, is in fact white:
<canvas id="canvas" width="300px" height="300px"></canvas>
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"),
canvasWidth = canvas.width,
canvasHeight = canvas.height,
c = canvas.getContext("2d"),
img = new Image();
img.src = '/images/favicon.png';
img.onload = drawImage;
function drawImage(){
// Prepare the canvas
var ptrn = c.createPattern(img, 'repeat');
c.fillStyle = "white";
c.fillStyle = ptrn;
// Get img data
var imgData = c.getImageData(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight),
data = imgData.data,
colours = {};
// Build an object with colour data.
for (var y = 0; y < canvasHeight; ++y) {
for (var x = 0; x < canvasWidth; ++x) {
var index = (y * canvasWidth + x) * 4,
r = data[index], // Red
g = data[++index], // Green
b = data[++index], // Blue
// a = data[++index], // Alpha
rgb = rgbToHex(r,g,b);
colours[rgb] = 1;
// Determine what colour occurs most.
var most = {
for(var colour in colours){
if(colours[colour] > most.amount){
most.amount = colours[colour];
most.colour = colour;
console.log("Highest occurence:",most,
"\nColours: ",colours);
function rgbToHex(r, g, b) {
return "#" + ((1 << 24) + (r << 16) + (g << 8) + b).toString(16).slice(1);

HTML5 Canvas - how to zoom in the pixels?

How would one zoom in a Canvas to see the pixels? Currently when I try to use the scale() function the image is always antialiased.
The property mozImageSmoothingEnabled seems to work, but it's only for Firefox.
As far as I know any rescaling done by the browser will result in a smooth interpolation.
So as long as you want to do this with JS you will have to let JS do all the work. This means either finding a nice library or writing a function yourself. It could look like this. But I hope it's possible to make it faster. As it's one of the simplest scaling algorithms there are probably many people who thought up improvements to do it even faster.
function resize(ctx, sx, sy, sw, sh, tx, ty, tw, th) {
var source = ctx.getImageData(sx, sy, sw, sh);
var sdata = source.data;
var target = ctx.createImageData(tw, th);
var tdata = target.data;
var mapx = [];
var ratiox = sw / tw, px = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < tw; ++i) {
mapx[i] = 4 * Math.floor(px);
px += ratiox;
var mapy = [];
var ratioy = sh / th, py = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < th; ++i) {
mapy[i] = 4 * sw * Math.floor(py);
py += ratioy;
var tp = 0;
for (py = 0; py < th; ++py) {
for (px = 0; px < tw; ++px) {
var sp = mapx[px] + mapy[py];
tdata[tp++] = sdata[sp++];
tdata[tp++] = sdata[sp++];
tdata[tp++] = sdata[sp++];
tdata[tp++] = sdata[sp++];
ctx.putImageData(target, tx, ty);
This function would take the rectangle of size (sw,sh) at (sx,sy), resize it to (tw,th) and draw it at (tx,ty).
As far as I know the antialiasing behavior is not defined in the spec and will depend on the browser.
One thing you could try is if you set the canvas's width/height with CSS into for example 300x300 and then give the canvas width and height attributes of 150 and 150, it will appear "zoomed in" by 200%. I'm not sure whether this will trigger the antialiasing, but do give it a shot.
