Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought Ember should most of the model - view binding for you?
What would be the case when you have to manually track model changes and update/refresh the view accordingly?
The app I'm working have nested routes and models associated with them. {
this.resource('exams', {path: "/exams"}, function() {
this.resource('exam', {path: ":exam_id"}, function(){
this.resource('questions', {path: "/questions"}, function() {
this.route("question", {path: ":question_id" });
Everything works fine and I'm able to get exams and questions separately from the rest server.
For each model I have appropriate Ember.ArrayController and Ember.ObjectController to deal with list and single model items in the view. Basically for both models the way I handle things is IDENTICAL except for the fact that one is nested within the other. One more difference is that to display the nested route data I'm using another {{outlet}} - the one that is inside the first template.
Now the problem is that the top level model binding to the views is handled automatically by Ember without any special observers, bindings etc.. - e.g. When I add new item it is saved and the list view is refreshed to reflect the change or when the item is deleted it is auto removed from the view. "It just works (c)"
For second model (question), on the other hand, I'm able to reproduce all the crud behaviour and it works fine, but the UI is not updated automatically to reflect the changes.
For instance I had to something like this when adding new entry (the line in question has a comment):
App.QuestionsController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
needs: ['exam'],
actions: {
create: function () {
var exam_id = this.get('')
var title = this.get('newQuestion');
if (!title.trim()) { return; }
var item ='question', {
title: title,
exam_id: exam_id
this.set('newQuestion', '');
this.get('content').pushObject(item); // <-- this somehow important to update the UI
Whereas it was handled for me for (exam model)
What am I doing wrong? How do I get Ember.js to track and bind model and change the UI for me?
you push your new question to questions controller array. I think it would be better if you push the new question directly to the exam has_many relation.
exam = this.modelFor('exam');
I have an app model and apps have an id and name.
this.resource("apps", function() {
this.route('show', { path: ':app_id' });
I'd like to make the show view show metrics about the app, but the query is pretty intense, so I don't want to include it in the call to the index view (let's say this is a table).
I'm not sure if this is possible with ember-data because the app would already be in the store with the simplified payload and not be re-requested for the show view to get the metrics.
Then my head went to making metrics a completely different model accessible from apps/1/metrics and then making it another model and everything.
But if I sideload the data, i have to provide ID references to the metrics for a particular app. And it's hasOne so there's not really IDs as there would be for a database backed model.
What's the best way to load in additional data about a model or expand the information supplied in the show view?
The backend is Rails and this is an ember-cli project.
The easiest way is to retrieve the data in the Route's afterModel handler:
var ShowRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function(params) {
// Load the model and return it.
// This will only fire if the model isn't passed.
afterModel: function(model, transition) {
// Load the rest of the data based on the model and return it.
// This fires every time the route re-loads (wether passed in or via model method).
I have a route that has two models associated with it as shown below:
App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
return Ember.RSVP.hash({
Now later on, I need to be able to retrieve the first object in the sites model in order to do a transition I'll show below. I figured I can set the models using setupController, but when dealing with multiple models as depicated above, I'm not sure how to fill this part in:
setupController: function(controller, ???) {
controller.set('model1', ???);
controller.set('model2', ???);
And finally, I'd like to be able to retrieve the first object in model1 (it's multiple instances of site as described above)
afterModel: function() {
firstRecord = this.('sites').objectAt(0);
It's also possible that I'm not designing my application properly. sites in this case is a component I built that displays different sites within a few different controllers. The controllers are dependent on this component in that they need to know which site is selected in order to do their own thing. So in controllers that need access to the component, I do something like:
{{site-nav sites=sites}}
Where site-nav is my component. It needs its own model, as does the controller itself.
First, you're going to need to modify your model hook slightly, to make sure you stay in the right scope:
var self = this;
return Ember.RSVP.hash({
To get the different models in setupController, you just access it from the second parameters, like this:
setupController:function(controller,models) {
afterModel provides two parameters, this first being the resolved model for your route, so you'd do it something like this:
var site = models.sites.get('firstObject');
I'll start off with I'm new to these two frameworks but I'm really excited with what I've learned so far with them. Big improvement with the way I've been doing things.
I want to display a collection of items (trip itineraries) in say a table. I only want to display a couple of the itinerary fields in the table because there are many fields. When you edit/add an item, I would like to display a form to edit all the fields in a different region or in a modal and obviously when you save the list/table is updated. I'm unsure of the best way to structure this and am hoping someone could point me in the right direction or even better an example of something similar. My searches so far have came up short. It seems I should use a composite view for the list but how to best pass the selected item off to be edited is where I'm kinda stuck at. Any pointers would be much appreciated.
I'd use a CompositeView for the table, and an ItemView for the form. Clearly this is incomplete, but it should get you started. Actually... I kind of got carried away.
What follows are some ideas for the basic structure & flow. The implementation details, including templates, I'll leave to you.
The table/row views:
// each row in the table
var RowView = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({
tagName: "tr"
// This could be a table tag itself, or a container which holds the table.
// You want to use a CompositeView rather than a CollectionView so you can
// render the containing template (the table tag, headers), and also, it works
// if you have an actual collection model (ItineraryList, etc).
var TableView = Backbone.Marionette.CompositeView.extend({
itemView: RowView,
collectionEvents: {
"change": "render"
The form view:
// This would be a simple form wrapper that pulls default values from
// its model. There are some plugins in this space to help with
// forms in backbone (e.g. backbone-forms), but they may or may not
// be worth the bloat, or might be tricky to work with Marionette.
var FormView = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({
events: {
"submit form": "onFormSubmit"
data: function () {
// here you'd need to extract your form data, using `serializeArray`
// or some such, or look into a form plugin.
return {};
// Clearly this is incomplete. You'd need to handle errors,
// perhaps validation, etc. You probably also want to bind to
// collection:change or something to close the formview on success.
// Re-rendering the table should be handled by the collection change
// event handler on the table view
onFormSubmit: function (e) {
if (this.model.isNew()) {
} else {;
Somewhere in your load process you'd instantiate a collection and show it:
// first off, somewhere on page load you'd instantiate and probably fetch
// a collection, and kick off the tableview
var itineraries = new Itineraries();
// For simplicity I'm assuming your app has two regions, form and table,
// you'll probably want to change this. TableView({collection: itineraries}));
Making routes for the edit and new itinerary links makes sense, but if your form is in a modal you might want to bind to button clicks instead. Either way, you'd open the form something like this:
// in the router (/itineraries/edit/:id) or a click handler...
function editItinerary(id) {
var itinerary = itineraries.get(id);
// then show a view, however you do that. If you're using a typical
// marionette region pattern it might look like FormView({
collection: itineraries,
model: itinerary
// once again, a route (/itineraries/new), or a click handler...
function newItinerary() { FormView({
collection: itineraries,
model: new Itinerary()
In one of the example i picked from SO answers here and many BackBoneJs examples i see that the initialize function knows which view the model is going to be rendered with. I don't know i am kind of biased now, is this a good practice or it depends on type of application being developed.
Edited Fiddle
Code Reference
FriendList = Backbone.Collection.extend({
initialize: function(){
this.bind("add", function( model ){
view.render( model );
Is the above a good practice or below
var friendslist = new FriendList;
var view = new FriendView({el: 'body'});
friendslist.bind("add", function( model ){
alert("hey" + model.get("name"));
view.render( model );
in the edited fiddle collection is rendered by a view, and we also can use many more views to render the collection.
I am all for using events,
I myself don't want to move the bind's outside the model, I'd keep them there like the original example
var app = {};
app.evt = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events); // adding a global event aggregator
FriendList = Backbone.Collection.extend({
initialize: function(){
this.bind("add", function( model ){
app.evt.trigger('addfriend', model);
//further in your code you can bind to that event
app.evt.bind("addfriend", function(model){
var view = new FriendView({el: 'body'});
however, i find the example a bit weird, creating a new view, with body as element, and rendering it with giving a model to the render function. i'd find it more logic if the view is created with a model as attribute, and then rendering the content into the body. but thats another subject all together.
in short, i move creating the view outside, listening to an event being triggered, but the bind on the collection stays in the collection code. i find it more managable to keep all the collection code at the same place.
I don't think the collection should know about the view that is used to render it. I know in my projects, the same collection is render in multiple ways so that approach would deteriorate rapidly.
In general I pass the collection to the view that renders the collection and the view will listen to add/remove/update events of the collection to render the elements. The collection view will have knowledge of the child view.
Check out the following link (3rd blog in a series) and in particular the UpdatingCollectionView. This is the approach that I've found useful.
I understand how to get a collection together, or an individual model. And I can usually get a model's data to display. But I'm not clear at all how to take a collection and get the list of models within that collection to display.
Am I supposed to iterate over the collection and render each model individually?
Is that supposed to be part of the collection's render function?
Or does the collection just have it's own view and somehow I populate the entire collection data into a view?
Just speaking generally, what is the normal method to display a list of models?
From my experience, it's the best to keep in your collection view references to each model's view.
This snippet from the project I'm currently working on should help you get the idea better:
var MyElementsViewClass = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'table',
events: {
// only whole collection events (like table sorting)
// each child view has it's own events
initialize: function() {
this._MyElementViews = {}; // view chache for further reuse
this.collection.bind('add', this.add);
render: function() {
// some collection rendering related stuff
// like appending <table> or <ul> elements
return this;
add: function(m) {
var MyElementView = new MyElementViewClass({
model: m
// cache the view
this._MyElementViews[m.get('id')] = MyElementView;
// single model rendering
// like appending <tr> or <li> elements
Taking this approach allows you to update views more efficiently (re-rendering one row in the table instead of the whole table).
I think there are two ways to do it.
Use a view per item, and manipulate the DOM yourself. This is what the Todos example does. It's a nice way to do things because the event handling for a single model item is clearer. You also can do one template per item. On the downside, you don't have a single template for the collection view as a whole.
Use a view for the whole collection. The main advantage here is that you can do more manipulation in your templates. The downside is that you don't have a template per item, so if you've got a heterogeneous collection, you need to switch in the collection view template code -- bletcherous.
For the second strategy, I've done code that works something like this:
var Goose = Backbone.Model.extend({ });
var Gaggle = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Goose;
var GaggleView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: $('#gaggle'),
template: _.template($('#gaggle-template').html()),
render: function() {
var g = new Gaggle({id: 69);
g.fetch({success: function(g, response) {
gv = new GaggleView({model: g});
The template code would look something like this:
<script type="text/template" id="gaggle-template">
<ul id="gaggle-list">
<% _.each(gaggle, function(goose) { %>
<li><%- %></li>
<% }); %>
Note that I use the _ functions (useful!) in the template. I also use the "obj" element, which is captured in the template function. It's probably cheating a bit; passing in {gaggle: [...]} might be nicer, and less dependent on the implementation.
I think when it comes down to it the answer is "There are two ways to do it, and neither one is that great."
The idea of backbone is that view rendering is event driven.
Views attach to Model data change events so that when any data in the model changes the view updates itself for you.
What you're meant to do with collections is manipulate a collection of models at the same time.
I would recommend reading the annotated example.
I've also found this a confusing part of the Backbone framework.
The example Todos code is an example here. It uses 4 classes:
Todo (extends Backbone.Model). This represents a single item to be todone.
TodoList (extends Backbone.Collection). Its "model" property is the Todo class.
TodoView (extends Backbone.View). Its tagName is "li". It uses a template to render a single Todo.
AppView (extends Backbone.View). Its element is the "#todoapp" . Instead of having a "model" property, it uses a global TodoList named "Todos" (it's not clear why...). It binds to the important change events on Todos, and when there's a change, it either adds a single TodoView, or loops through all the Todo instances, adding one TodoView at a time. It doesn't have a single template for rendering; it lets each TodoView render itself, and it has a separate template for rendering the stats area.
It's not really the world's best example for first review. In particular, it doesn't use the Router class to route URLs, nor does it map the model classes to REST resources.
But it seems like the "best practice" might be to keep a view for each member of the collection, and manipulate the DOM elements created by those views directly.