Is there a method in angularJS thats equal to getJSON. [Newbie alert] - javascript

I'm newbie at javascript, angularJS and JQuery, but I have just started programming a angularJS app where i use JQuery to get a JSON from a webserver like this:
var obj = $.getJSON( ""+ $scope.searchString, function() {
$scope.items = obj.responseJSON.entries;
Is there a method equal to $.getJSON in angularJS? So that I don't have to import the JQuery library.
Thanks in advance, newbie.
This is my solution so far:
function InstantSearchController($scope, $http){
$ = function() {
$http.jsonp(""+ $scope.searchString + "?json_callback=JSON_CALLBACK").success(
function(data, status) {
but I'm getting the error msg:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token :
why is this? what am I doing wrong?

Because of the help i got from people answering my question I finally managed to fix it, and i did it like this:
app.controller('myController', function($scope, $http){
$scope.items = [];
$ = function() {
$http({method: 'JSONP', url: ""+ $scope.searchString}).
success(function(data, status) {
$scope.items = data.entries;
error(function(data, status) {
console.log(data || "Request failed");
Hope this helps anyone who has the same problem in the future :D

You could use $http to send AJAX requests in Angular.

You may use JSONP requests with $http.jsonp$http#jsonp

function ListProdcutsCtrl($scope, $http) {
var request = {'searchString' : 'apple'};
$http.get('/api/products', request).success(function(response) {
$scope.products_table_data = response.products;

There is an alternative in AngularJS called $http, you can find more here.
For instance :
$http({method: 'JSONP', url: ''}).success(
function(data, status) {
// your stuff.
Or even shorter :
function(data, status) {
// your stuff.
JSONP (JSON Padding) allows you to get JSON data from another domain. However, the data you get should not be plain JSON, but rather a Javascript file like this :
{"name": "apple", "color": "red"},
{"name": "banana", "color": "yellow"}
If your JSON data you need comes from the same domain, you do not need JSONP.

JSONP is used to overcome the cross-domain restriction of the AJAX URL calls.
With AngularJS (v1.5), you can use this code to send cross domain requests:
$http.jsonp(baseurl+'?token=assume_jwt_token'+encoding+type + "&callback=JSON_CALLBACK")
The Syntax for AngularJS JSONP request is :
$http.jsonp(url, [config]);
where url is "string" type representing Relative or absolute URL specifying the destination of the request. The name of the callback should be the string JSON_CALLBACK, and [config] is Optional configuration object.


Calling RESTful apis through ajax and angular js

If the URL that is to be hit has to be passed variables i.e.[random_city_name]&APPID=[key_value],
then what is better to use ajax or angular js.
If I am using ajax then how am I supposed to pass the variable? I am a newbie in this. So, need your help.
Your url seems to have request parameters and assuming you are using angular1
For this, you can use
method: 'GET',
url: url,
headers: {},
params : {}
Put your parameters as a map and $http will take care of creating an url.
Refer $http documentation here
what is better to use ajax or angular js
You can't compare as AJAX provides a way to communicate (send requests and get responses) with the server asynchronously and AngularJS used AJAX to extends the 2-way data binding.
To accomplish the above situation we can use Angular $http service.
var baseUrl =;
var method = 'GET';
var data = {};
var params = {
method: method,
url: baseUrl,
params : params,
data : data
}).then(function mySucces(response) {
$ =;
}, function myError(response) {
$ = response.statusText;
You can use angular $http service and pass your params like below.
var UserInfo = function() {
$scope.userID = "1111";
var req ={
"url": someURL + $scope.userID,
$http(req).then(function(response) {
}, function(response) {

$ is not a function

I am trying to submit a form data to an API endpoint which I created. I have tested it in PostMan and the API functions well and I can get the data in successfully. But while connecting that API endpoint to a function in angular js I get the following error.
Heres my code:
$scope.saveSession = function() {
$"/session/survey", $scope.session).success(function(data, status) {
$window.location.href = '/';
console.log("Sucessfully getting data" + JSON.stringify(data));
$scope.session is an object that being populated by using the ng-model tag.
For example:
<input type="text" ng-model="session.title">
Edit (Controller Code):
// This is our controller for the bio page
var session = angular.module('session', ['sessionService'])
session.controller('sessionCtrl', function($scope, $http, $window, sessionServices) {
$scope.session = {};
$scope.saveSession = function() {
$scope.session.sessionNo = 1;
$ = "mmmm";
$scope.session.modules = "wokr place";
$"/session/survey", $scope.session).success(function(data, status) {
$window.location.href = '/';
console.log("Sucessfully getting added bio" + JSON.stringify(data));
That's because .success() really isn't a function. As the documentation explains, a promise is returned by $ which you can chain with .then()
$'/someUrl', data, config).then(successCallback, errorCallback);
Use promises, "success" function doesn't exists in $http object($http success and error methods are available only in older versions of Angular 1.x, but they've removed in Angular 1.6):
// Simple GET request example:
method: 'GET',
url: '/someUrl'
}).then(function successCallback(response) {
// this callback will be called asynchronously
// when the response is available
}, function errorCallback(response) {
// called asynchronously if an error occurs
// or server returns response with an error status.
More in official documentation$http
It's because you're using $
$scope.saveSession = function() {
$"/session/survey", $scope.session).then(function(data, status) {
$window.location.href = '/';
console.log("Sucessfully getting data" + JSON.stringify(data));
We use .then to return a "promise" from the $http service.
Hope it helps!
I just dealt with a similar issue with versions 1.7.2 and 1.7.4. It's not exactly the same issue because I was never using .success but I'm posting here because this post comes up first when searching.
When using the shortcut version $', data) I would get:
"TypeError: $ is not a function"
And if I used it with the callbacks exactly as it appears in the documentation:
$http({method: 'POST', url: '/api/endpoint/', data: $scope.newObject}).then(function (response) {
$scope.status = response.status;
$ =;
}, function (response) {
$ = || 'Request failed';
$scope.status = response.status;
I was getting
"TypeError: $http(...).then is not a function"
In this case the problem was that I had both $resource and $http in the same controller. Not sure if this is the intended behavior but removing $resource suddenly made $http work again.
Hopefully this helps someone else

Migrating from http to ngResource Angular

It's been 3months since I've used angular and I'm loving it. Finished an app using it and now I'm on a code refactoring or improving my code for better practice. I have an Api service.js that used $http and I want to migrate it to using $resource :)
I have here a sample of my api code using $http:
authenticatePlayer: function(postData) {
return $http({
method : 'POST',
url : api + 'auth/player',
data : postData,
headers : {'Content-Type' : 'application/json'}
Api.authenticatePlayer(postData).then(function (result){
}, function(result) {
//error also this will catch error 400, 401, and 500
The above code are working and now here is my first attempt on using $resource:
authenticate: function() {
return $resource(api + "auth/:usertype",
typeOfUser : "#usertype" //types can be player, anonymous, admin
post : { method : "POST" }
var postData = {
email :,
password : scope.main.password
var loginUser = new Api(postData);
loginUser.$post(); //error T__T
That just how far I get, don't know how to pass a data to my api using $resource from my controller. That just one part of my api call, there's still a bunch of it but for now this will do. :D.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
You could try this:
authenticate: function(){
return $resource(api+"auth/:usertype",{},post:{method:"POST"});
Note: :usertype in URL means that the value of usertype property which you passed into postData will replace the part of URL
var postData = {,password:scope.main.password};
Or you could fetch response like this:
var response = API.authenticate().post({usertype:'player'},postData);
Hope this is helpful.

Update Common AngularJS HTTP Headers at Runtime

How can I update the common HTTP headers at runtime from an AngularJS controller, e.g. $httpProvider.defaults.headers.common['Authorization']? It seems $httpProvider can only be accessed from a config module, but I need to update common HTTP headers for all future requests from a controller, or a service called by the controller.
I can update the locally scoped headers for the next request by injecting $http into my controller, but I need to do update HTTP headers for all future requests, specifically for basic authentication.
Not sure exactly when it appeared in Angular, but a good 20 months later, you have the option to define default headers at runtime, directly on the $http object.
From $http documentation: Setting HTTP Headers
$http.defaults.headers.common.Authorization = 'Basic dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA=='
I used this strategy once when I had to work with an API. I created an XYZApiService to wrap all the requests to that API.
Here's a simple example:
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, HttpWrapper) {
$scope.movies = [];
HttpWrapper.setAuthorization('Basic dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA==');
method: 'get',
url: 'movies.json'
}, function(data, status){
$scope.movies = data;
}, function(data, status){
console.log('error', data, status);
app.factory('HttpWrapper', function($http) {
var authorization = null;
return {
setAuthorization: function(auth){
authorization = auth;
http: function(options, successCallback, errorCallback){
options.headers = options.headers || {};
options.headers.authorization = authorization;
You can try it in Plunker here:

Overwriting angular $resource function

I'm trying to overwrite the query()-method of AngularJS $resource with a custom $http-GET. However, it doesn't seem to overwrite the result of the operation. It returns an object with method, data and headers, not data.rows[].
angular.module('couchdb', ['ngResource']).
factory('Project', function($resource, $http) {
var Project = $resource('http://couchdb/mydb', {}, {
'update': { method: 'PUT' },
'query': {method:'GET', isArray: false}
Project.query = function() {
return $http({method: 'GET', url: 'http://couchdb/mydb/_design/projects/_view/index'}).
success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
return data.rows;
error(function(data, status, headers, config) {
$ = data || "Request failed";
$scope.status = status;
return Project;
How can I only get the rows of the result for the resource?
ngResources don't need to rely on the $http service. You don't need to be redefining the Project.query function - as you've already indicated it as an action of the Project $resource (in addition to it being included by default).
This means that the Project.query function is ready to go, and does not need re-definition. You can literally just do Project.query() to get results. It supports callbacks for success/failure, so Project.query({}, successCallback, failureCallback) will submit no arguments, and give you access to the returned data.
I suggest you read the AngularJS $resource documentation carefully, as they provide plenty of good examples. A basic example is also included in Step 11 of the Angular Tutorial.
