Parse Custom Date and Sort - javascript

I'm new to javascript/jQuery and am attempting something ambitious for my skill level. I found some snippets that have helped but am stuck.
I have a bunch of dates in the format like this: dd-month-yyyy (10-Oct-2013). As far as I understand this is somewhat of an unconventional format for a date. So what I'm trying to do is parse the date into a normal format, and then arrange the parent divs using the jQuery tinysort plugin (which I don't think I am using correctly).
I made a jsfiddle here:
Or here is my code:
<div id="date-sort">
<div class="date-content">
<p>Some Content</p>
<p class="date-sort">10-Oct-2013</p>
<hr />
<div class="date-content">
<p>Some Content</p>
<p class="date-sort">12-Oct-2013</p>
<hr />
<div class="date-content">
<p>Some Content</p>
<p class="date-sort">2-Sep-2013</p>
<hr />
<div class="date-content">
<p>Some Content</p>
<p class="date-sort">22-Jun-2013</p>
<hr />
<div class="date-content">
<p>Some Content</p>
<p class="date-sort">1-May-2013</p>
<hr />
function customParse(str) {
var months = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun',
n = months.length, re = /(\d{2})-([a-z]{3})-(\d{4})/i, matches;
while(n--) { months[months[n]]=n; } // map month names to their index :)
matches = str.match(re); // extract date parts from string
return new Date(matches[3], months[matches[2]], matches[1]);
var array = [];
var elements = $('.date-sort');
for(var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
var current = elements[i];
if(current.children.length === 0 && current.textContent.replace(/ |\n/g,'') !== '') {
// Check the element has no children && that it is not empty
Thanks for any help, insight, or input.

You need to give tinysort a sortable date.
new Date(matches[3], months[matches[2]], matches[1]).toJSON();
// ...
current.setAttribute('data-date', customParse(current.textContent));
// ...
$('div#date-sort>.date-content').tsort('.date-sort', {attr: 'data-date' });
Your regular expression was too restrictive as days are not always two numbers.
re = /(\d{1,2})-([a-z]{3})-(\d{4})/i
Here is a working jsiddle

You simply need to eliminate the - marks with .replace(), then by using new Date().getTime() you assign the number of milliseconds between midnight of January 1, 1970 and your Dates to an Array that will .sort() just how you need it to.
var ds = $('.date-sort'), dt = [];
dt[i] = new Date($(this).html().replace(/-/g, ' ')).getTime();
$(this).html(new Date(dt[i])/*add . whatever here*/);
I updated your JSFiddle.

In JavaScript, objects are generally considered the best way to create associative maps (as the commentors pointed out below, it's perfectly valid to set a property on an array).
I would use an object as your map between month names and numbers. Also, I would use lowercase names, so I could pay the cost of lowercasing once, and use that value in my mapping.
So I would replace the definition of your months array with an object initializer:
var months = { 'jan': 1, 'feb': 2, 'mar': 3, /*...*/ };
In that way, you don't need the loop.
Now you just need to call .toLowercase() on your input, and the month names will map correctly.


Jquery - Get First character of word after space

Used below HTML & JS to get first character of string and display. Manually its possible to calculate and get value.
When its goes to dynamic and name with only first and last name not sure how to calculate character position after space and get first character of word.
$('.splitname .fname').html(name.charAt(0));
$('.splitname .mname').html(name.charAt(8));
$('.splitname .lname').html(name.charAt(16));
<div class="name">Desmond Patrick Reymond</div>
<div class="splitname">
<span class="fname">D</span>
<span class="mname">P</span>
<span class="lname">R</span>
Use this logic:
"Desmond Patrick Reymond".split(" ").map(name => name[0])
// => ["D", "P", "R"]
If you need to modify the HTML programmatically, do:
let s = $('.name').text();
s.split(" ").map(name => $('.splitname').append(name[0]))
(It's not really good practice to use map for side effects though; you may choose to use forEach instead.)
You can simply use match() function and a simple ReGex to get the dynamic text data with spaces without having to check for charAt()
//get text
let name = $('.name').text();
//match the spaces
var matches = name.match(/\b(\w)/g); // [D,P,R]
//join the chars - if needed
var joinChar = matches.join(''); // DPR
//show the split name
console.log(matches ) // [D,P,R] //Array
console.log(joinChar) //DPR //String
<script src=""></script>
<div class="name">Desmond Patrick Reymond</div>
<div class="splitname"></div>
You can make use of Array#split and Array#map and Array#join as in the demo below. Result will be:
<div class="splitname">
<span class="fname">D</span>
<span class="mname">P</span>
<span class="lname">R</span>
//Classes for the initials
const classes = ['fname', 'mname', 'lname'];
//Where to put the initials
//make HTML generated content of
//Get Full Name
//Break into names array
.split(' ')
//Get initial of each name
.map(name => name.charAt(0))
//Wrap each initial in a span element
.map((initial,index) => `<span class="${classes[index]}">${initial}</span>`)
//Join all span elements array into string
<script src=""></script>
<div class="name">Desmond Patrick Reymond</div>
<div class="splitname"></div>

How to set the values from the json response to the <p> fields in php and javascript?

I am developing one web application where, there is one page, with the search bar, where one can search the projects by name. we'll get the list of projects or the desired project just below that search bar. Now when I click on the project name, I want to get the list of team members for that project to be visible just below that project details. I have the following code, I used 'post' call to call the backend and get the list of members for that project and get the result into JSON. Now I want to put these values to the <p> tags for that team member information. Following is the code:
In Index.php
<div id="members" class="list" style="display: none;">
<div class="result">
<div class="photo">
<div class="team_info">
<div class="tm">
<div class="member_name">
<h5>Member Name</h5>
<p id="member_name"></p>
<div class="prof">
<p id="mem_profession"></p>
<div class="contact_button">
<h4 id="contact">See Contact</h4>
<script type="text/javascript">
$.post('/teamMembers.php', {}, function(res){
for(var i=0; i < res.length; i++ ){
In teamMembers.php Controller file
$project_name = $_SESSION['project_name'];
$members = \Model\Team_Member::getList(['where'=>"project_name = '$project_name'"]);
I have stored the project name in $_SESSION and I get the response of these json request in the following manner:
"project_name":"Test Project",
After all this code, I am still facing some issues like: I am not able to see the any of the team members details, not even the label, even though I use .show() function. Another I am not sure if that was the correct way to set the values to the <p> element from the json response. Help is appreciated
Paragraphs cannot have values, you need to set the text within them:
for(var i=0; i < res.length; i++ ){
for(var i=0; i < res.length; i++ ){
If your markup repeats, you need to make sure each element has unique ID's. ID's Must Be Unique, specifically because it will cause problems in JavaScript and CSS when you try to interact with those elements.
EDIT: I tested with the following code. You do not need the for() loop (unless you're planning to expand this, at which point the unique ID's come into play):
// you do not need the first couple of lines of code, was just used for testing
var json = '[{"name":"ABC","email":"","phone":"9874563210","project_name":"Test Project","profession":"student","id":1312}]';
var res = JSON.parse(json);
EDIT 2: If you have more than one member of a project you can append their data to each paragraph like this:
var json = '[{"name":"ABC","email":"","phone":"9874563210","project_name":"Test Project","profession":"student","id":1312},{"name":"XYZ","email":"","phone":"9874563210","project_name":"Test Project","profession":"teacher","id":1312}]';
var res = JSON.parse(json);
for(var i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {
$('#member_name').append(res[i]['name'] + ', ');
$('#mem_profession').append(res[i]['profession'] + ', ');
This results in output like this:
Member Name
student, teacher,

jQuery .size() function doesn´t work with a variable

At many points in my code I need to know how many .page classes are used.
To know this I use $(".page").size()
I want to save this information into a variable.
So I wrote this:
var vari = {
*more variables*
totalPageCount : $(".page").size()
The Problem is that vari.totalPageCount always gives 0 back.
With console.log() I get this:
console.log($(".page").size()); // Return 8
console.log(vari.totalPageCount); // Return 0
Here is a example how i use it.
var vari = {
currentPage : 0,
pageAnimations : 0,
animationList : ".fade-in, .fade-out",
totalPageCount : $(".page").size(),
var footer = {
html : function(){
var html;
var date =;
for(var i=0; i<vari.totalPageCount; i++){
html = '<span class="pageNumber" id="pageNumber">Folie:'+i+' • '+vari.custom["companyName"]+' • '+date+'</span>';
<body class="presWrapper">
<div class="pageWrapper">
<div class="page startPage" id="startPage">
<h2 class="mainTitle">Lorem</h2>
<h4 class="subTitle">Ipsum</h4>
<div class="pageWrapper">
<div class="page normalPage" id="normalPage1">
<div class="content">
<p class="fade-in">HELLO WORLD</p>
<div class="pageWrapper">
<div class="page endPage" id="endPage">
<div class="content">
<p class="fade-out">HELLO SATURN</p>
<p class="fade-out">HELLO WORLD</p>
<p class="fade-in">HELLO WORLD</p>
Any suggestions to solve this problem?
vari.totalPageCount Gets evaluated only when it is declared.
As a result it will only have the value of $(".page").size() when it is first run.
Unless you are waiting on document ready the children of .page have not yet been added and it has length 0.
When you later call the console and execute the selector again - you get the true count in the console message - but the stored value has already been calculated as 0 within vari.
length() and size() are equivalent functions in jquery but size has been deprecated so length is the appropriate function to call. But in either case - its likely you are just evaluating the length too early when the vari object is constructed for it to have a meaningful value.
Does the following give you the wrong value for the property:
$(document).ready(function () {
var vari = {totalPageCount: $('.page').length};
Relevant documentation
The .size() method is deprecated as of jQuery 1.8.
Use length property instead:
var vari = {
*more variables*
totalPageCount : $(".page").length;
Also, make sure you are using this code at the bottom of the script or inside a document ready handler. You won't get accurate information if you try to get it before DOM has been fully setup.
This will increment count for every element with having the page class
var count = 0;
$('.page').each(function() {
var vari = {
totalPageCount: count
Working jsFiddle

Get child elements within casper.each

Using CasperJS 1.1 with the following codes, I'm able to fetch useful DOM html from web page.
casper.each(c.getElementsInfo(xpath), function(casper, element, j) {
var html = element["html"].trim();
if(html.indexOf('Phone') > -1) {
// what should I put here?
However, I want to access & obtain the child elements of the element. How can I achieve this? Element's HTML source (a.k.a the value of html) is as follow:
Loop 1
<div class="fields">
<div class="values">
12345678 (Mr. Lee) </div>
Loop 2
<div class="fields">
Emergency Phone
<div class="values">
23456789 (Emergency)
Loop 3
<div class="fields">
Opening Hours
<div class="values">
9:00am-6:30pm(Weekday) /
Close on Sundays and Public Holidays(Can be booked)(Holiday)
Loop 4
<div class="fields">
Last Update
<div class="values">
11/06/14 </div>
The above HTML is badly formatted, and contains a lot of whitespaces.
The data I wanted to fetch is:
Phone: 12345678
Emergency Phone: 23456789 (Emergency)
Opening Hours: 9:00am-6:30pm(Weekday) / Close on Sundays and Public Holidays(Can be booked)(Holiday)
Last Update: 11/06/14
Tried RegEx, but the RegEx is too complicated.
I don't recommend doing this with regular expressions. It can be easily done with some selectors, but it has to be done in the page context (inside of the evaluate() callback), because DOM nodes cannot be passed to the outside.
CasperJS provides a helper function for matching DOM nodes by XPath with __utils__.getElementsByXPath() through the ClientUtils module that is always automatically inserted. The result of that function is an array, so the normal forEach() pattern applies. DOM nodes can be used as context nodes for selecting child elements with el.querySelector(".class").
var info = casper.evaluate(function(xpath){
var obj = {};
obj[el.querySelector(".fields").textContent.trim()] =
return obj;
}, yourXPathString);
If you want to select elements based on a CSS selector use the following:
var info = casper.evaluate(function(cssSelector){
var obj = {};
obj[el.querySelector(".fields").textContent.trim()] =
return obj;
}, yourCssSelector);

Last id of an Element Javascript

How can i read the last element id using javascript?
for example :
<div id='print'>
<p id=1>some data</p>
<p id=2>some data</p>
<p id=3>some data</p>
<p id=4>some data</p>
<p id=5>some data</p>
I need to detect the id of last
I need max number of the id's generated sequentially.
First off, id values cannot be numbers. They must start with a non-number.
You can get the last child with this plain javascript (no jQuery required):
var lastChild = document.getElementById("print").lastChild;
var lastChildID =;
or in one line, it would be this:
var lastChildID = document.getElementById("print")
FYI, in case you need access to any other children you can always get all the children and then fetch the one you want:
var children = document.getElementById("print").children;
if (children.length > 1) {
var first = children[0];
var last = children[children.length - 1];
var second = children[1];
Now that you've explained what you're really trying to do, I'd suggest this:
<div id='print'>
<p data-num="1">some data</p>
<p data-num="2">some data</p>
<p data-num="3">some data</p>
<p data-num="4">some data</p>
<p data-num="5">some data</p>
And, then this javascript:
var lastValue = document.getElementById("print").lastChild.getAttribute("data-num");
Using the data-xxx format is forward compatible with the HTML5 specification and usable in older browsers with getAttribute().
Try this:
If you use jQuery you could do something like this $("div#print :last-child").attr('id')
In jQuery you can simply use their selectors to find this:
Try this way:-
$('div#print p:last').attr('id')
