How to access session identifier when using Socket.IO? - javascript

I have a chat, and I need to manage unique connections. I searched around, but the solutions that I have found all appear to be deprecated.
So, how would I get a socket's session ID with Socket.IO?
I'm using Node.js, Express.js and Socket.IO.

Use the Socket.IO authentication setting, and pass the cookies to the cookie parser middleware from Express. Once the cookie is parsed, you can get the session ID of the client, and fetch the associated session from the session store, whether it is a memory story or other type of store.
// we need to use the same secret for Socket.IO and Express
var parseCookie = express.cookieParser(secret);
var store = /* your MemoryStore, RedisStore, etc */;
io.set('authorization', function(handshake, callback) {
if (handshake.headers.cookie) {
// pass a req, res, and next as if it were middleware
parseCookie(handshake, null, function(err) {
handshake.sessionID = handshake.signedCookies['connect.sid'];
// or if you don't have signed cookies
handshake.sessionID = handshake.cookies['connect.sid'];
store.get(handshake.sessionID, function (err, session) {
if (err || !session) {
// if we cannot grab a session, turn down the connection
callback('Session not found.', false);
} else {
// save the session data and accept the connection
handshake.session = session;
callback(null, true);
} else {
return callback('No session.', false);
callback(null, true);
Each time a client attempts to connect, the authorization function is run. It takes the handshake header cookies (handshake.headers.cookies), and passes them to express.cookieParser(). The cookie parser then finds the session ID, and then searches the store for the associated session. Then, we store the associated session into handshake.session, so we can access it like this:
app.get('/', function(req, res) { = 'a value';
io.sockets.on('connection', function(socket) {
var session = socket.handshake.session; // a value


How do I pass additional data when calling socket.connect() in

I am trying to find a way of passing additional data such as username, avatar_url when connecting to socket when user clicks login. Example:
const logIn = ({ username, avatar }) => {
socket.auth = { username };
socket.connect({ query: { username: username, avatar: avatar } });
On the server side:
io.use((socket, next) => {
console.log("===> Data:", socket.request._query);
But I do not get any key-value for username and avatar field. I tried searching the documentation but could not find any information for socket.connect() relating to passing data.
How can I pass data in socket.connect()?
Use JWT and pass that data as part of the object.
So the flow would be that when you 'auth' have it send back the JWT with the avitar etc.
When you send it to the server and decode the token you can set that as part of the socket object
As an example ( we currently use the jsonwebtoken package )
// verify token
jwt.verify(token, '[password]', (err, decoded) => {
/* connecting */
socket.avitar = decoded.avitar;
socket.nickname = "nick name";
if(err) return next(err);
Then you can just access it when emitting, because the socket ID is unique to the user it should hold the values, if they disconnect / reconnect the token will still contain the values.
In cluster mode, use redis and pass this in as an hset to store the data with the socketID

How do i store jsonwebtoken on cookie for front-end so client can send back the token for auth

I've been struggling to do this for about 6 days...
Everything is working perfectly such as authorization but one problem I had is making authentication.
On my user model (for creating the database schema) I do have a way to generate a token for logged in users or registered.
userSchema.methods.generateAuthToken = function(){
const token = jwt.sign({ _id: this._id }, config.get('jwtPrivateKey'));
return token;
So when user post to /login, server will respond with a token:'/', async (req, res) =>{
// Here i'm validating data and then if everything is right the code under will run.
console.log('logged in as: ' + user.username);
// Here i'm using the function to generateAuthToken().
const token = user.generateAuthToken();
console.log("Token from server: " + token);
// now here is my main problem i would like to use cookies to store it for an hour or so.
// then client can send it back to server for protected route.
I have made a middleware function for auth (to check the token if you're going through a protected route)
module.exports = function (req, res, next){
// instead of using headers i would like to check for the cookie value if it's the token,
// pass the user in, else Access denied.
// I have no idea how to use cookie parser with middleware functions.
const token = req.header('x-auth-token');
if(!token) return res.status(401).send('Access denied. Sign in or register.');
const decoded = jwt.verify(token, config.get('jwtPrivateKey'));
req.user = decoded;
res.status(400).send('Invalid Token!');
here i'm using the auth middleware function:
const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
const auth = require('../middleware/auth');
// but it's actually not passing the user in since i haven't done it with cookies.
router.get('/', auth, (req, res) =>{
res.render('index', {});
I do know I can do it with localStorage but it's a terrible practice and it would be better to store it on cookies so no one could hack on.
Is there any good approach to solve this problem? I'm kinda lost and lost hope to go back to sessionID (which I don't want to :( ).
After you request on frontend, you need get the response (token) and save on browser using this for example:
fetch('http://your-api-host/login', {
method: 'POST',
body: {
username: "user1",
password: "passworduser"
.then((res) => res.text((res)))
.then((token) => {
document.cookie = `AUTH_API=${token}`; <-- this save the cookie
With this value saved on frontend you need send this information on all requests, it's commum send this value on your HEADER (how you makes), to save on header you need read the value from token and put on header, like this:
const headersTemp = document.cookie.split(';'); // <-- this get all cookies saves and splits them in the array.
const finalHeaders = {};
headersTemp.forEach((header) => { // <-- looping on all cookies
const headerTemp = header.split('='); // <-- split each cookie to get key and value
finalHeaders[headerTemp[0].trim()] = headerTemp[1].trim() // <-- save on object to access using keys.
Now you can access all cookies using the key (the same used before), I used the key AUTH_API to save my cookie, let's send the request using fetch api:
fetch('http://your-api-host/route-protected', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'x-auth-token': finalHeaders['AUTH_API']
If you creating your application using libraries how React or any SPA framework, probably you will use tools like Axios, and I recommend uses libraris how This, it's more easy to work with cookies.

How to distinguish web sockets on server

I am trying to create a server with clients. Each client has a websocket and a web worker, and each worker has an own websocket to the server.
The problem is, that i have a place on the server, where i am storing all connections
wss.on('connection', function connection(ws) {
var cid = "" + ++cid_counter;
server.users[cid] = ws;
But now they are all storing in server.users[], and i want to store clients sockets in server.users and worker sockets in server.wokers[], but i have no idea, how to distinguish there two different types of web sockets. Maybe i could send a message, when creating a new web socket or any other solutions?
Thanks in forward
You should add auth to your sockets so you can identify the client.
Refer to this: socketio-auth
You can issue unique keys to clients and workers or whoever you want and then require them to emit to "authenticate" event.
You can distinguish them by having a key "type" in the db.
From npm:
var socket = io.connect('http://localhost');
socket.on('connect', function(){
socket.emit('authentication', {username: "John", password: "secret"});
socket.on('authenticated', function() {
// use the socket as usual
var io = require('').listen(app);
require('socketio-auth')(io, {
authenticate: function (socket, data, callback) {
//get credentials sent by the client
var key = data.key;
db.findUser('Users', {secret: key}, function(err, user) {
//inform the callback of auth success/failure
if (err || !user) return callback(new Error("User not found"));
return callback(null, user);

Send JWT from AngularJS to Node.js

An AngularJS app needs to exchange a JWT with the Node.js instance that serves it. The Node.js instance has a /user route which returns a JWT to the Angular client. What specific changes need to be made to the code below so that 1.) The AngularJS app can send the JWT back to the Node.js instance's /user route, and 2.) the Node.js code can isolate the JWT as a variable for processing?
The current AngularJS code for calling the backend /user route is:
$http.get('user').then(function(response) {
console.log('response is: ');
if ( === 'anonymous') {
$rootScope.authenticated = false;
} else {
$rootScope.userJWT =;
var payload = $rootScope.userJWT.split('.')[1];
payload = $window.atob(payload);
payload = JSON.parse(payload); =;
self.authorities = payload.authorities;
$rootScope.authenticated = true;
}, function() {
$rootScope.authenticated = false;
And the Node.js code for the backend /user route is:
app.get('/user**', function(req, res) {
console.log("You Hit The User Route TOP");
//How do we get the JWT from req?
var user = getUserName(theJwt);
var token = getToken(user);
var jwtJSON = getUser(token);
if( (jwtJSON["token"] == 'error') || jwtJSON["token"] == 'anonymous' ) {
res.sendStatus(500); // Return back that an error occurred
} else {
console.log("You Hit The User Route BOTTOM");
Note, the Node.js instance includes var jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');, and one of the processing methods will decode the JWT using var decoded = jwt.decode(token, {complete: true});, as per the jsonwebtoken API.
When using JWT there is no required way to communicate the token.
The most common way is to place the token into an HTTP Header.
On the AngularJS side you would make an HTTP request with an extra header (e.g. X-Auth-Token) which contains the JWT.
Example of AngularJS side:
var config = {
headers: {
"X-Auth-Token": $rootScope.userJWT
$http.get('routeThatNeedsJWT', config).then(function(response) { ... });
On the Node.js side you would get the contents of the header and process it using the jsonwebtoken library.
Example of Node.js side:
app.get('/routeThatNeedsJWT', function(req, res) {
var rawTokenFromHeader = req.get('X-Auth-Token'); // Get JWT from header
try {
var jwtJSON = jwt.verify(token, 'secret'); // Verify and decode JWT
} catch (err) {
res.sendStatus(500); // Return back that an error occurred
Helpful links:
Express 4.x getting header value
jsonwebtoken library verify token

How do I use node-mongodb-native to connect to

First question here, so be kind ;)
I am configuring a Node.js server to connect to a MongoDB database in node.js hosting (really good stuff, worth checking it out), but I can't seem to properly stablish connection. Per the getting-started guide I get a connection uri in the format:
But that doesn't seem to work with the structure of the code I was trying to port to the server (had it running locally) because of the Server class argument structure with only host and port to define...
This is the code I am trying to adapt to the connection:
// server setup
var mongo = require('mongodb'),
mdbServer = mongo.Server,
mdbDb = mongo.Db,
mdbObjectID = mongo.ObjectID;
// open a connection to the mongoDB server
var mdbserver = new mdbServer('localhost', 27017, {auto_reconnect: true});
// request or create a database called "spots03"
var db = new mdbDb('spots03', mdbserver, {safe: true});
// global var that will hold the spots collection
var spotsCol = null;
// open the database, db) {
if(!err) {
// if all cool
console.log("Database connection successful");
// open (get/create) a collection named spotsCollection, and if 200,
// point it to the global spotsCol
{safe: false}, // if col exists, get the existing one
function(err, collection) {spotsCol = collection;}
Any help would be much appreciated, thanks!
Looks like a couple of things:
The connection URL should be
var mdbserver = new mdbServer('', 27017, {auto_reconnect: true});
rounce is correct, the database name is auto-generated by Modulus.
var db = new mdbDb('3xam913', mdbserver, {safe: true});
Modulus databases will need authentication. Before you call createCollection, you'll have to call auth and pass it the user credentials that are setup on the project dashboard.
I'm a Modulus developer, and I know the DB name thing is not ideal.
Edit: here's full source for a working example. It records every HTTP request and then sends all requests back to the user.
var express = require('express'),
mongo = require('mongodb'),
Server = mongo.Server,
Db = mongo.Db;
var app = express();
var server = new Server('', 27017, { auto_reconnect: true });
var client = new Db('piri3niR', server, { w: 0 });, result) {
client.authenticate('MyUser', 'MyPass', function(err, result) {
if(!err) {
console.log('Mongo Authenticated. Starting Server on port ' + (process.env.PORT || 8080));
app.listen(process.env.PORT || 8080);
else {
app.get('/*', function(req, res) {
client.collection('hits', function(err, collection) {{ hit: req.url });
// Wait a second then print all hits.
setTimeout(function() {
collection.find(function(err, cursor) {
cursor.toArray(function(err, results) {
}, 1000)
Wrong database name perhaps?
From the MongoDB docs on the subject '3xam913' is your database name, not 'spots03'.
var db = new mdbDb('3xam913', mdbserver, {safe: true});
