i am having trouble solving this, i'm trying to load a page which process a variable given by an input form then show the content based on the input, this worked fine, but i am also trying to refresh and update that input every 2 seconds
Below are my codes
function getData(){
var inputField= $('#dateslot').val();
I'm trying to create a function that if someone else picked that, you won't be able to, which i successfully coded but not for the refresh part.
You have the methods and variables in the wrong order. You should probably set a variable outside the getData scope that can change at anytime, then just use that variable when fetching data.
Also, use setInterval if you want to repeat the function. setTimeout is simply a delay.
var val; // the select value is stored here
val = $(this).val(); // change the value
function getData(){
if ( val ) {
Have searched high an low for an answer without luck.
I am trying to pass a variable between two functions. The first function runs when the page loads, pulling settings from a google script file. I don't have any issues with this part. I am however, struggling with the second function which runs 'on click' and requires some variables from the first function.
Any guidance is appreciated.
$(function() {
function loadSettings(settings) {
var option0 = $("select").data("option");}
I assume settings.userInput1 is a string. Try the below
var userInput ="";
$(function() {
function loadSettings(settings) {
userInput = settings.userInput1;
//you can now use userInput in this function
var option0 = $("select").data("option");}
if other solutions are not working then you should go this way -
Make a hidden field
store that variables value in that hidden field
in the next function get the value from that field
In my website I'm Showing my database after user has given the database name, Is there any way I can constantly update the web shown databasebase without refreshing the page . I've tried using setInterval but it's not working for some reason .
function c(){
setInterval(beta, 1000);
function beta(){
var d = document.getElementById("opopo").value;
var firebaseRefff= firebase.database().ref('LOCATION/'+d);
firebaseRefff.on('child_added', snap=> {
var slot=snap.getKey();
var alloted=snap.child("ALLOTED").val();
var date=snap.child("DATE").val();
var limit=snap.child("LIMIT").val();
var time=snap.child("TIME").val();
$("table tbody").append(""+slot+""+alloted+""+date+""+limit+""+time+"Null");
You do not need, and should not use, setInterval to trigger the queries. What you have in your beta() function looks pretty good.
firebaseRefff.on('child_added', snap => {}) means "whenever a child is added under this location, trigger the callback function (empty in my example) with the parameter 'snap'". It will also be called once, initially, for each child that is already at that database reference location.
You need to make sure you've called beta() once to setup this trigger.
If you're still having problems, you might want to insert logging to make sure beta() is being called, what the full reference path is, if the callback is ever triggered, and if your jquery string is correct.
I'm new to JavaScript and trying to get this Tampermonkey script working. The scripts works just fine when it collects data from one page. However, I now want it to collect the data as before, but then move on to another page and continue the data collecting.
My code:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#getData").click(function() {
// Part 1. Collect data and move on
window.location.href = goToURL;
// Part 2. Collect more data when the page has fully loaded
I have tired to put Part 2 of the code inside:
setTimeout(function() {
}, 5000);
window.onload = function(){
But I cannot get the code to work, it either executes before the page has loaded, or seemingly not at all. What am I missing?
When you change page with location.href, your JS is reloaded. So you need a way to store data between page changing. I suggest to use LocalStorage
Your code would look like:
function storeState(state){
localStorage.setItem('state', state);
function loadState(state){
return localStorage.getItem('state');
$(document).ready(function() {
var state = getState();
$("#getData").click(function() {
// Collect data and put it into state
storeState(/* your collected state*/)
window.location.href = goToURL;
Notice that you have to do some serialize/deserialize stuff because localStorage only save strings
Also as mentioned #charlietfl if you have different domains it will cause additional difficults
Is there a way using the code below to instead of refreshing the time refresh a div id that is already there?
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = startInterval;
function startInterval()
function startTime()
document.getElementById('drawaddrow').innerHTML = ????;
Say I fi were to replace the time id with the the id that I wanted to refresh what would I put after .innerHTML =???
This is the div I need refreshed every second.
<div id="draw" align="center">
<tr><td style="height:20px;"></td></tr>
<TABLE style="float:center;border:5px; border-style:outset;border-color:#E80000; width:850px; border-spacing:0; border-collapes:collapse;" table border="1">
<div id="addrow"><script type="text/javascript">
Draw ("")
The [AddItemsHTML] somehow pulls data from a piece of software telling you what is due and what is not, however the script is not pulling the time every second the browser when refreshed just changed the time on the due status column.
Right now i'm using this to refresh the whole page I just need the drawaddrow div id refreshed.
function refreshPage () {
var page_y = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].scrollTop;
window.location.href = window.location.href.split('?')[0] + '?page_y=' + page_y;
window.onload = function () {
setTimeout(refreshPage, 1000);
if (window.location.href.indexOf('page_y') != -1 ) {
var match = window.location.href.split('?')[1].split("&")[0].split("=");
document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].scrollTop = match[1];
Updated (on 27/07/2013 #08:20 AM IST):
Having gone through your code, the below is my updated answer.
Plainly assigning a value to the DIV (divaddrow) using (.innerHTML) wouldn't work due to the following reasons:
(a) The DIV has some code enclosed within square braces (like [AddItemsHTML]). I am not sure what technology it uses. But judging by its intended use (which is, to populate the table with data) it sure seems to require a communication with the server to fetch data.
(b) The DIV also has a <script> tag with a call to a function (lets call it cntFn). Plainly assigning the value would not work because value setting wouldn't call/execute the function again (like it does on page load).
Assuming point 1.a is wrong, the normal way to handle 1.b would be to first assign the static contents of the div using .innerHTML and then do either (a) write whatever the "cntFn" does into the function that is refreshing the page (lets call it refreshFn) also (or) (b) call the "cntFn" within the "refreshFn". The latter would also cause a problem here because the "cntFn" has a lot of document.write lines which would repaint the entire page (meaning the other contents of the page would be lost on executing the refresh).
Generally using document.write lines is a bad practice because they repaint the page fully. You can find more about this here.
The best alternate in my opinion would be to use AJAX to refresh the contents. The content of your divaddrow div would form the contents of the AJAX file that needs to be called every 'x' seconds. Be careful with the 'x' seconds part. Do not try to refresh the section every second because realistically it would take time for the AJAX request to reach the server and get the response. Set the refresh interval such that the first request would have been processed by the time the next one comes (at-least 90% of the cases). The amount of data (no. of rows) that the AJAX call would be fetching will also be a factor.
Check this out... I used Jquery for the same
function() {
setInterval(function() {
var randomnumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);
'I am getting refreshed every 3 seconds..! Random Number ==> '
+ randomnumber);
}, 3000);
I'm not sure that I understand you, but is this want you mean?
function startTime()
document.getElementById('time').innerHTML = document.getElementById('target').innerHTML;
This is what I use:
<span>This page will refresh in </span><span id="countdown">60</span>seconds…
<script type="text/javascript">
function() {
if (document.getElementById('countdown').innerHTML != 0) {
} else {
window.location = window.location;
}, 1000);</script>
If I've understood your question correctly, you can do something like this:
window.onload = function () {
function startTime () {
document.getElementById('date').innerHTML = new Date();
setInterval(startTime, 1000);
<div id="time">This a div containing time: <span id="date"></span></div>
This is a JavaScript snippet, based on the original post, that counts the number of seconds since the page has loaded, assuming that there's an element with ID "time" and contents that are entirely numeric.
If the time remaining is given in seconds on the page you're working with, then it would be easy to adjust this accordingly. If the time remaining is not given in seconds, I'd need to see what the text in question actually looks like.
window.onload = startInterval;
var firstTime;
var valAtPageLoad;
function startInterval()
firstTime = new Date();
valAtPageLoad = parseInt(document.getElementById('time').innerHTML);
function startTime()
var timeDiff = (new Date() - firstTime)/1000;
document.getElementById('time').innerHTML = Math.round(timeDiff + valAtPageLoad);
If you want to reload your DIV and not the entire page, you would have to create the contents of that DIV on the server-side, and then use AJAX to load the DIV´s content. The easiest way to do this, is with jQuery:
function startTime() {
$.get('path/to/div/contents.html', function(data) {
Very confused here.
I have a search box which reads a list of school names from my database. When I select a school, the id (from the db) gets put in a hidden textbox.
I also have a search box which reads a list of courses from my database. However, I made the query so that it only reads the courses from the selected school.
It does that, in theory.
I was planning to pass the school id, which I grab from the hidden box, to the search script which in turn passes it to my database query. However, the variable I put my school id in doesn't seem to be updating.. yet it does. Let me explain.
I come on the page. The school for my test account has id 1. The id number in my hidden box is indeed 1. I search for a school which I know has some courses assigned to it: the id number in the box changes to 3.
I have a JS variable called school_id which I declared outside of my $(document).ready. I assume that means it's global (that's what I got taught even though SO told me once it isn't really the correct way to do this. Still have to look into that). I wrote a function which updates this variable when the school search box loses focus:
$("#school").blur(function() {
school_id = $("#school_id").val();
A quick javascript:alert(school_id); in my browser bar also shows the updated variable: it is now 3 instead of 1.
Onto the search script part of my page (excerpt of the script):
script:"/profiel/search_richting?json=true&limit=6&id=" + school_id + "&"
As you can see, I pass the school_id variable to the script here. However, what seems to be happening is that it always passes '1', the default variable when the page loads. It simply ignores the updated variable. Does this string get parsed when the page loads? In other words, as soon as the page loads, does it actually say &id=1? That's the only idea I can come up with why it would always pass '1'.
Is there a way to make this variable update in my script string? Or what would be the best way to solve this? I'm probably missing out on something very simple here again, as usual. Thanks a lot.
Updated per request. I added a function getTheString as was suggest and I use the value of this function to get the URL. Still doesn't work though, it still seems to be concatenating before I get a chance to update the var. HOWEVER, with this code, my ajax log says id:[object HTMLInputElement], instead of id:1. Not sure what that means.
<script type="text/javascript">
var school_id;
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#school").blur(function() {
school_id = $("#school_id").val();
// zoekfunctie
var scholen = {
callback: function (obj) { document.getElementById('school_id').value = obj.id; }
var as_json = new bsn.AutoSuggest('school', scholen);
var richtingen = {
script: getTheString(),
var as_json2 = new bsn.AutoSuggest('studierichting', richtingen);
function getTheString() {
return "/profiel/search_richting?json=true&limit=6&id=" + school_id + "&";
This is because the URL is static, it is not updated as the ID changes.
You should update the URL as part of the code you wrote to get the ID:
$("#school").blur(function() {
school_id = $("#school_id").val();
// update URL here ...
Aren't you concatenating script:"/profiel/search_richting?json=true&limit=6&id=" + school_id + "&" before the event is fired and the var updated?
Okay. So the problem was my third party plug-in instead of the code I wrote. I fixed this by editing the code of the autoSuggest plugin so it now includes my id field in the AJAX request.
var url = this.oP.script+this.oP.varname+"="+encodeURIComponent(this.sInp)+"&id="+ $("#school_id").val();
Thanks to everyone who tried to help me out!