Javascript if value is in array else in next array - javascript

I have found a few posts on here with similar questions but not entirely the same as what I am trying. I am currently using a simple if statement that checks the data the user enters then checks to see if it starts with a number of different values. I am doing this with the following:
var value = string;
var value = value.toLowerCase();
country = "NONE";
county = "NONE";
if (value.indexOf('ba1 ') == 0 || value.indexOf('ba2 ') == 0 || value.indexOf('ba3 ') == 0) { //CHECK AVON (MAINLAND UK) UK.AVON
country = "UK";
county = "UK.AVON";
} else if(value.indexOf('lu') == 0){//CHECK BEDFORDSHIRE (MAINLAND UK) UK.BEDS
country = "UK";
county = "UK.BEDS";
I have about 20-30 different if, else statements that are basically checking the post code entered and finding the county associated. However some of these if statements are incredibly long so I would like to store the values inside an array and then in the if statement simply check value.indexOf() for each of the array values.
So in the above example I would have an array as follows for the statement:
var avon = new Array('ba1 ','ba 2','ba3 ');
then inside the indexOf() use each value
Would this be possible with minimal script or am I going to need to make a function for this to work? I am ideally wanting to keep the array inside the if statement instead of querying for each array value.

You can use the some Array method (though you might need to shim it for legacy environments):
var value = string.toLowerCase(),
country = "NONE",
county = "NONE";
if (['ba1 ','ba 2','ba3 '].some(function(str) {
return value.slice(0, str.length) === str;
})) {
country = "UK";
county = "UK.AVON";
(using a more performant How to check if a string "StartsWith" another string? implementation also)
For an even shorter condition, you might also resort to regex (anchor and alternation):
if (/^ba(1 | 2|3 )/i.test(string)) { … }

No, it doesn’t exist, but you can make a function to do just that:
function containsAny(string, substrings) {
for(var i = 0; i < substrings.length; i++) {
if(string.indexOf(substrings[i]) !== -1) {
return true;
return false;
Alternatively, there’s a regular expression:
/ba[123] /.test(value)

My recomendation is to rethink your approach and use regular expressions instead of indexOf.
But if you really need it, you can use the following method:
function checkStart(value, acceptableStarts){
for (var i=0; i<acceptableStarts.length; i++) {
if (value.indexOf(acceptableStarts[i]) == 0) {
return true;
return false;
Your previous usage turns into:
if (checkStart(value, ['ba1', ba2 ', 'ba3'])) {
country = 'UK';
Even better you can generalize stuff, like this:
var countryPrefixes = {
'UK' : ['ba1','ba2 ', 'ba3'],
'FR' : ['fa2','fa2']
for (var key in countryPrefixes) {
if (checkStart(value, countryPrefixes[key]) {
country = key;

I'd forget using hard-coded logic for this, and just use data:
var countyMapping = {
'BA1': 'UK.AVON',
'BA2': 'UK.AVON',
'BA3': 'UK.AVON',
'LU': 'UK.BEDS',
Take successive characters off the right hand side of the postcode and do a trivial lookup in the table until you get a match. Four or so lines of code ought to do it:
function getCounty(str) {
while (str.length) {
var res = countyMapping[str];
if (res !== undefined) return res;
str = str.slice(0, -1);
I'd suggest normalising your strings first to ensure that the space between the two halves of the postcode is present and in the right place.
For extra bonus points, get the table out of a database so you don't have to modify your code when Scotland gets thrown out of leaves the UK ;-)


Implement Split method with a function

I want to implement the split method with a function
This is what i am trying to achieve
var string = 'aa,bb,c';
var separator = ',';
var stringList = string.split(separator);
function splitString() {
This returns this array  
["aa", "bb", "c"]
I am trying to implement the same with a function but it returns an empty array [] and not ["aa", "bb", "c"]
I have created a jsbin for who can help out.
function split(string,separator) {
var cache = [];
var cachInt = 0;
var lastWord = '';
for (var i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
if(string[i] === separator) {
lastWord = ''
else {
lastWord = lastWord + string[i];
cache[cachInt] == lastWord;
return cache;
function splitString() {
console.log(split('string, separator',','));
You do this:
cache[cachInt] == lastWord;
Which should be, because you're not comparing, you're assigning:
cache[cachInt] = lastWord;
While we're at it, there is room for improvement. Your version has the line mentioned above. That line gets run every iteration of i. Thats not really needed, as you only want to perform a save on a split:
if(string[i] === separator) {
cache[cachInt] = lastWord; // Only assign when we find a seperator
lastWord = ''
} else {
lastWord = lastWord + string[i];
This has a tiny issue: The last part of string often doesn't have the seperator, it's a,b,c and not a,b,c,.
We can fix that easily with a check after the for to see if you have anything remaining:
if( lastWord!=='' ){
cache[cachInt] = lastWord;
return cache;
This has the added feature that it works as a rtrim() (wether you want that or not is up to you to fix).
Also, if you don't need to support older IE versions, then don't use var, use let. If you want to know why, this question explains it well.
Then, you're using a counter to remember which cachInt to use. As we now only use it once per "cacheInt", eg once per word, we know that each addition is +1, and only happens once per word. We also don't really care about the index, we just want each word to be added once. So, you can do cache[] = lastWord, or use push, which is slightly neater: cache.push(lastWord).
By removing the use for this counter, you can also remove the cachInt++ and the let/var cachInt at the beginning of the function, resulting in smaller code.
Result of all of the above:,js,console,output

Parse through a string to create an array of substrings

I am building a mini search engine on my website that can search for words and has filters.
I need to be able to take a long string, and split it up into an array of smaller substrings. The words (with no filter) should go in one string, and then each filter should go in a separate string. The order of words and filters should not matter.
For example:
If my string is:
"hello before: 01/01/17 after: 01/01/2015"
"before: 01/01/17 hello after: 01/01/2015"
I would expect my function to return (in any order):
["hello", "before: 01/01/2017", "after: 01/01/2015"]
You could use whitespace and a positive lookahead for splitting.
console.log("hello before: 01/01/17 after: 01/01/2015".split(/\s*(?=before|after)/));
Are there any specific limitations for code size? I mean, this isn't code-golf or anything, so why not just do it the straight-forward way?
First, you can tokenize this with a simple regular expression
var search_string = "hello before: 01/01/17 after: 01/01/2015";
var regex = /(?:(before|after)\:\s*)?([^ ]*)/g
var token = null;
while ((token = regex.exec(search_string)) != null) {
Then, you can put the arrange them into any data structure you want. For example, we can put the filters into a separate object, as so:
var filters = {};
var words = [];
if (token[1])
filters[token[1]] = token[2];
After that, you can manipulate these structures any way you want
if (filters['before']) words.push(filters['before']);
if (filters['after']) words.push(filters['after']);
return words;
I'm not sure why you'd want it arranged this way, but this would make things uniform. Alternately, you can use them in a more straightforward way:
var before = Date.parse(filters['before'] || '') || false;
if (before !== false) before = new Date(before);
var after = Date.parse(filters['after'] || '') || false;
if (after !== false) before = new Date(before);
function isDocumentMatchSearch(doc) {
if (before !== false && > before) return false;
if (after !== false && < after) return false;
for (var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
if (doc.title.indexOf(words[i]) < 0 &&doc.text.indexOf(words[i]) < 0) return false;
return true;
Since you didn't give a lot of information on what you're searching through, what data types or storage type it's stored in, etc etc, that's the best I can offer.

what is the order of boolean logic in Javascript?

I wanted to use two Not and one and in booleans to test if the variable is neither upper case nor lower case.
I used this code so far but it didn't work as required:
else if ((x[i]) !== (x[i].toUpperCase()) && (x[i]!== x[i].toLowerCase()) ){
x.splice(x[i], 1);
This code was for a function that sorts entered strings yet uppercase are sorted first.
Here is the full code, I am also open to understanding better ways to create this function apart from boolean logic and the array methods I used.
function alpha(str){ // United States
var x = str.split(""); // [U,n,i,t,e,d,S,t,a,t,e,s]
var cap = [];
var small = [];
for (var i = 0; i<x.length; i++){
if (x[i] == x[i].toUpperCase()){
else if ((x[i]) !== (x[i].toUpperCase()) && (x[i]!== x[i].toUpperCase()) ) {
x.splice(x[i], 1);
else {small.push(x[i]);}
var z = cap.sort();
var y = small.sort();
return z.concat(y).join("");
Please note the second else if statement is only useful because the code adds an empty space string at the beginning of the output, I'm not sure where it comes from, so please let me know if you have any idea how to sort this even without using the second else if.
In the ASCII table, upper case letters come first. That's why they come first when you sort alphabetically. Here's a link to a page on Wikipedia that shows the table with the upper case letters appearing first and their numerical equivalents. It's even printable.
Also, I took the liberty of simplifying your code a little. Seems like .splice() was not necessary.
function alpha( str ) {
var x = str.split(""); // [U,n,i,t,e,d,S,t,a,t,e,s]
var cap = [];
var small = [];
var length = x.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (x[i] === x[i].toUpperCase()) {
} else if (x[i] === x[i].toLowerCase()) {
return cap.sort().concat(small.sort()).join("");
Maybe explain what you're trying to do? It most likely has been done before in some form and you definitely came to the right place to find an answer.
Is this what you want to do?
var str = "United States";
function alpha(str) {
return str.split('').sort().join('');
In all programming languages (as far as i know), boolean expressions are always evaluated from the left to the right with brackets of course.
So in the following example my_func() is called first, and then if there is the chance that the complete expression becomes true my_other_func() is called
if (my_func() && my_other_func()) {
// I only get here if my_func() AND my_other_func() return true
// If my_func() returns false, my_other_func() is never called
The same is true for the "or" operator in the following example
if (my_func() || my_other_func()) {
// I only get here if my_func() OR my_other_func() return true
// If my_func() returns true, my_other_func() is not called
So back to your code, in details this part (I reformated it a bit for better readability):
if (x[i] == x[i].toUpperCase()){
// only uppercase here
} else if (x[i] !== x[i].toUpperCase() && x[i] !== x[i].toUpperCase()) {
// tested twice the same thing, so Im really sure that its not uppercase :D
// only lowercase here
x.splice(x[i], 1);
} else {
// I will never reach this
Im not sure what you want to do, but I hope the comments help to understand your code.

Filter options by reading character length inside for loop

I have a widget (the widget code in the pen linked below is not the actual code, please just pay attention to the filtering function jQuery.fn.doFilterOptions(){..}).
Use case:
I have a non-native selectbox. I need to extend its functionality to accept an onclick event which allows the user to type data into the selectbox (not targeting a traditional <select>), it should filter the .options available by simply showing or hiding them based on its inner HTML value, if no match is found at any point during the loop through the string being entered by the user, I need the options to continue not being displayed.
Right now it works 95% of the way, the only issue is that if an invalid char is found, the loop keeps checking the rest of the users entries char by char, and if the next char is a match to any of the options in the same index, it re-display's this as a valid .option.
$('.selectbox .selected').on('keyup', function(){
var theseOptions = $(this).parent('.selectbox').find('.option');
var defaultPlaceholder = $(this).data('placeholder');
var filterOptions = (function(curSelectedVal){
if (curSelectedVal === ' ' || curSelectedVal.length === 0 || curSelectedVal === defaultPlaceholder){;
var optionsVal;
var doInputOptionsComparison = (function(){
var invalidOption = false;
for (var letterPos = 0; letterPos < curSelectedVal.length; letterPos++){
var thisOption = $(this);
thisOptionsVal = thisOption.html();
if (curSelectedVal.length > thisOptionsVal.length ){ // If a longer string has been input by the user than exists in the option being iterated over, hide this option
invalidOption = true;
else if ((thisOptionsVal[letterPos].toLowerCase().trim() === curSelectedVal[letterPos].toLowerCase().trim()) && invalidOption === false){ // If the input string matches this option and no invalid options have been found in the letterPos prior to it, show this option;
else { // If the string does not match any option
invalidOptionFound = true;
Here is the demo, try selecting then typing abz you will see the filter working properly.
Now erase that input data, and now type azc. You will see the abc option comes available again because the c matches in that same index (user input[i] = optionsHtml[i] = show();), resulting the the above described undesirable effect.
Would this be easier by using regEx to do the filtering?
I managed to use a dynamic regEx filter function it it cut the code down big time! Wow what a better solution.
$.fn.filterOptionsByUserInput = function(optionSelector){
var curInput = $(this).html().trim().replace(/ /g, '').toLowerCase();
var userInputRegEx = new RegExp('^'+curInput+'.*');
if ($(this).html().toLowerCase().trim().match(userInputRegEx)){
else {

JavaScript Throws Undefined Error

What it is supposed to do -
url1(pages,"ALT") returns ""
url1(pages,"xyz") returns ""
The error - TypeError: Cannot call method 'toUpperCase' of undefined
This is just for some coursework, Im stuck with these errors. Any help would be much appreciated
function index(string,pattern,caseSensitive) {
if(caseSensitive == false) {
var v = string.toUpperCase();
} else {
var v = string;
return indexNumber = v.indexOf(pattern);
var pages = [ "||Loughborough University offers degree programmes and world class research.", "!!An alternative University" , "%www%Yet another University"];
alert(url1(pages, "ALT"));
function url1(pages,pattern) {
var siteContent = [];
for(i=0;i<pages.length;i++) {
var seperator = pages[i].charAt(0);
siteContent = pages[i].split(pages[i].indexOf(seperator));
if( index(siteContent[2],pattern,false)>=0){
return siteContent[1];
return "";
siteContent = pages[i].split(pages[i].indexOf(seperator));
if( index(siteContent[2],pattern,false)>=0){
return siteContent[1];
return "";
If pages[i].indexOf(seperator)<=0, siteContent is still whatever it was from the last iteration. If that happens on the first iteration, siteContent is still [], and siteContent[2] is undefined.
Another problem: the expression pages[i].indexOf(seperator) returns a number, and pages[i].split expects a delimiting string as an argument. Since the number doesn't appear in your input, you'll always get a single-element array, and siteContent[2] will always be undefined. Get rid of .indexOf(seperator), change it to siteContent = pages[i].split(seperator).
One more: get rid of the else { return ""; }. Add a return ""; after the for loop.
Finally, in the first if statement condition, change .indexOf(seperator) > 0 to .indexOf(seperator, 1) !== -1. Since you're getting seperator from the first character of the string, it will be found at 0. You want the second occurrence, so start the search at 1. In addition, .indexOf returns -1 if it doesn't find the substring. You'll need to account for this in both if conditions.
Side note, as this is not causing your problem: never use == false. JS will coerce stuff like 0 and "" to == false. If that's what you want, just use the ! operator, because the expression has nothing to do with the value false.
My final answer is
Right here:
alert(url1(pages, ALT)); // ALT ISN'T DEFINED
I believe you forgot to quote it:
alert(url1(pages, "ALT"));
You should split the string passing the separator character itself. Your function then will look like:
function url1(pages,pattern) {
var siteContent = [];
for(i=0;i<pages.length;i++) {
var seperator = pages[i].charAt(0);
siteContent = pages[i].split(seperator); //fixed here
if( index(siteContent[2],pattern,false)>=0){
return siteContent[1];
return "";
Tell us if it worked, please.
EDIT: It seeems your index() also has a little problem. Please try the function below.
function index(string,pattern,caseSensitive) {
var v;
if(caseSensitive == false) {
v = string.toUpperCase();
pattern = pattern.toUpperCase(); //to clarify: pattern should be uppercased also if caseSensitiveness is false
} else {
v = string;
return v.indexOf(pattern);
And url1() is finally like this:
function url1(pages,pattern) {
var siteContent = [];
for(i=0;i<pages.length;i++) {
var seperator = pages[i].charAt(0);
siteContent = pages[i].split(seperator);
if( index(siteContent[2],pattern,false)>=0){
return siteContent[1];
return "";
In this case, the first occurrence of pattern in all pages will be returned.
