Creating an array object within an array object - javascript

I have an array object that needs another array object added to it. So i have details of the object that need the rows in a table to be added to that object as an array. I have tried a few suggestions on stackoverflow , but none seems to be working, and i am not sure this has something to do with the fact that the table is created by js.
// Adding Cosignment number
// Add main tables which will display the added packages
'<table border="1">' +
'<thead><tr><th>Packages</th><th>Weight</th> <th>Vol Weight</th><th>Charge Weight</th> <th>Price</th></tr></thead><tbody id="parcels-added-overview"></tbody> ' +
for (var i = 0; i < packageNum; i++) {
var ii = (i + 1).toString();
// Working out volemetric weight
wei = $('#added-parcels #weighting-' + ii + ' input').val();
len = $('#added-parcels #lengthing-' + ii + ' input').val();
wid = $('#added-parcels #widthing-' + ii + ' input').val();
hei = $('#added-parcels #heighting-' + ii + ' input').val();
//Calculating Volumetric weight
tot = ((len * wid * hei) / 5000).toFixed(1);
pri = (tot * 23).toFixed(2);
chr = (tot * 12).toFixed(2);
'<tr>' +
'<td class="par-id">' + (i + 1).toString() + '</td>' +
'<td class="par-weight">' + wei.toString() + ' kg\'s</td>' +
'<td class="par-vol-weight">' + tot.toString() + ' kg\'s</td>' +
'<td class="par-charge-weight">R ' + chr.toString() + '</td>' +
'<td class="par-price">R ' + pri.toString() + ' </td>' +
I then want to add the values of that table that have been added dynamically to an object array that is then added to the primary object array.
var parcelObj = new Object();
$.each($('#parcels-added-overview tr'),function (index) {
parcelObj.parcelId = $(this).children('.par-id').text();
parcelObj.totalWeight = $(this).children('.par-weight').text();
parcelObj.volWeight = $(this).children('.par-vol-weight').text();
parcelObj.chargeWeight = $(this).children('.par-charge-weight').text();
parcelObj.overallPrice = $(this).children('.par-price').text();
consignmentObj.parcels = parcelsArr;
I might be a n00b , but this code (although i think its fairly verbose ) should work.
Does the $(this).children not identify directly on each() row that it is iterating over?
When i add console.log(consignmentsArr); i get the array within the object as it should be but the values for the parcel object are just repeating the last row of the table.
1: Object
deliName: ""
deliStreet: ""
docType: "Document"
insurance: "None"
parcels: Array[2]
0: Object
totalWeight:"65 kg's"
volWeight:"63 kg's"
1: Object
totalWeight:"65 kg's"
volWeight:"63 kg's"
Why can I not get the first row values to be added to parcels[0]?

Try to declare parcelObj object inside the function.
$.each($('#parcels-added-overview tr'),function (index) {
var parcelObj = new Object();
parcelObj.parcelId = $(this).children('.par-id').text();
parcelObj.totalWeight = $(this).children('.par-weight').text();
parcelObj.volWeight = $(this).children('.par-vol-weight').text();
parcelObj.chargeWeight = $(this).children('.par-charge-weight').text();
parcelObj.overallPrice = $(this).children('.par-price').text();
consignmentObj.parcels = parcelsArr;


Jquery .each not working for first row from the table

I am using jquery .each to loop the values and push in JSON. it is working for all the rows leaving the first row.
for (j = 0; j < parsedResult.length; j++) {
var pack_id = parsedResult[j].pack_id;
var pack_dsc = parsedResult[j].pack_dsc;
var pack_base_amount = parsedResult[j].pack_base_prc;
var pack_tax_amount = parsedResult[j].pack_tax_amt;
var pack_grand_total = parsedResult[j].pack_grand_total;
row += "<span id='single_pack_details'><span id='pack_id' class='hidden'>" + pack_id + "</span><b>Pack description: </b><span id='pack_dsc'>" + pack_dsc + "</span><b>Pack Amount:</b> ₹ <span id='pack_grand_total'>" + pack_grand_total + "</span></div><span class='hidden' id='pack_base_amount'>" + pack_base_amount + "</span><span class='hidden' id='pack_tax_amount'>" + pack_tax_amount + "</span></span>";
Below is where i trying to put it in a loop and pushing to pack_details object
$(this).closest("tr").find('#single_pack_details').each(function () {
var obj = {
pack_id: $(this).closest("span").find("#pack_id").text(),
pack_dsc: $(this).closest("span").find("#pack_dsc").text(),
pack_grand_total: $(this).closest("span").find("#pack_grand_total").text(),
pack_base_amount: $(this).closest("span").find("#pack_base_amount").text(),
pack_tax_amount: $(this).closest("span").find("#pack_tax_amount").text()

Array list display online one result from json

I wrote this code and it works:
function getJsonResult(retrieve) {
var result = retrieve.results;
for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
responseJson.push({ id: result[i].id, title: result[i].title });
var search = '<a id="' + result[i].id + '">' + result[i].title + '</a><br/>';
When I tried to display the results in a div, I change the last line with:
But it only displays the first result. How can I make the whole list appear?
That happened because you're overriding the search variable in every iteration :
var search = '<a id="' + result[i].id + '">' + result[i].title + '</a><br/>';
You need to declare the search variable outside of the loop then append the string in every iteration like :
function getJsonResult(retrieve) {
var result = retrieve.results;
var search = "";
for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
responseJson.push({ id: result[i].id, title: result[i].title });
var search += '<a id="' + result[i].id + '">' + result[i].title + '</a><br/>';
Then finally you could put your variable content to the div :
This appends the element included in search to the div element.

How can I access a select in an HTML table cell

I added a select to a column of table cells with an ID. Using console.log I can see the select with the ID I gave it but when I try to set the value of the box using the ID I get a NULL reference error. What would the correct reference be for the box? Thanks.
function GetProc_Responce(r, responce) {
var table = "<tr><th>Emp</th><th>RA</th><th>PI</th><th>First Name</th><th>Last Name</th><th>Is A</th><th>Date Created</th><th>Date Modified</th></tr>";
strXml = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(responce);
//console.log("returnString: " + strXml);
var oParser = new DOMParser();
oDOM = oParser.parseFromString(strXml, "text/xml");
var l = oDOM.getElementsByTagName("EmployeeID").length;
for (i = 0; i <= l - 1; i++) {
a = oDOM.getElementsByTagName("Emp")[i];
_Emp = a.childNodes[0].nodeValue;
b = oDOM.getElementsByTagName("RA")[i];
_RA = b.childNodes[0].nodeValue;
c = oDOM.getElementsByTagName("PI")[i];
_PI = c.childNodes[0].nodeValue;
d = oDOM.getElementsByTagName("FirstName")[i];
_FirstName = d.childNodes[0].nodeValue;
e = oDOM.getElementsByTagName("LastName")[i];
_LastName = e.childNodes[0].nodeValue;
f = oDOM.getElementsByTagName("IsA")[i];
_IsA = f.childNodes[0].nodeValue;
g = oDOM.getElementsByTagName("DateCreated")[i];
_DateCreated = g.childNodes[0].nodeValue;
h = oDOM.getElementsByTagName("DateModified")[i];
_DateModified = h.childNodes[0].nodeValue;
table += "<tr><td>" +
a.childNodes[0].nodeValue + "</td><td>" +
b.childNodes[0].nodeValue + "</td><td>" +
c.childNodes[0].nodeValue + "</td><td>" +
d.childNodes[0].nodeValue + "</td><td>" +
e.childNodes[0].nodeValue + "</td><td>" +
//f.childNodes[0].nodeValue + "</td><td>" +
"<select id=\"s1\"><option value=\"0\">0</option><option value=\"1\">1</option></select>" + "</td><td>" +
g.childNodes[0].nodeValue + "</td><td>" +
h.childNodes[0].nodeValue + "</td></tr>";
document.getElementById('Proc').rows.item(3).cells(5).value = 1;
document.getElementById('s1').selectedValue = 1;
document.getElementById("Proc").innerHTML = table;
<table id="Proc"></table>
You must assign unique id values. Your code assigns all of them the id value s1 which is invalid in HTML.
Change your code as follows to assign s0, s1, s2 ... etc. For clarity I don't repeat the code that is not concerned:
for (i = 0; i <= l - 1; i++)
// ...
table += "<tr><td>" +
// ...
e.childNodes[0].nodeValue + "</td><td>" +
"<select id=\"s" + i + "\"><option value=\"0\">0</option><option value=\"1\">1</option></select>" + "</td><td>" +
// ...
You can access one of the select elements by its id with getElementById:
var element = document.getElementById('s' + i);
Where i is a number from 0 to the last one assigned in the loop.
You can get or set the value of a select element via its value attribute. For example, to set its value to 1, do:
document.getElementById('s' + i).value = '1';
Here we'll get div object
var div = document.getElementById('test');
Here we'll get table object
var table = div.getElementsByTagName('table')[0];
Here we'll add new select to td
table.rows[0].cells[0].innerHTML += '<select id="s2"></select>';
Search existed select (with id="s1")
var select_1 = table.rows[0].cells[0].getElementsByTagName('select')[0];
Search all selects in td
var select_array = table.rows[0].cells[0].getElementsByTagName('select');
document.getElementById('Proc').rows.item(3).cells(5) references a td, which does not have a value.
document.getElementById('s1') references the select box
you want document.getElementById('Proc').rows.item(3).cells(5).children[0] to reference the select
A better method would be to use some of the built in tag finding functions such as document.getElementById('Proc').rows[3].getElementsByTagName('select')[0]. Then you don't have to deal with what column the select is in. Of course, if you have more than one select on the row, then you'll need to do something different. At that point, I'd suggest adding class names to your selects so you can use document.getElementById('Proc').rows[3].getElementsByClassName('select1')[0]

JQuery mobile list prepend

trying to prepend my list in jquery mobile but I just can't get the divider to be on top of the most recent item added to the listview.
I've tried prepending the item that's being added but it then switches the divider to the bottom.
function loadScanItems(tx, rs) {
var rowOutput = "";
var $scanItems = $('#scanItems');
var bubbleCount = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < rs.rows.length; i++) {
bubbleCount = bubbleCount + 1;
//rowOutput += renderScan(rs.rows.item(i));
var row = rs.rows.item(i)
var now = row.added_on;
var date = get_date(now);
rowOutput += '<li data-icon="false"><div class="ui-grid-b"><div class="ui-block-a" style="width:50%"><h3>Su # ' + row.sunum + '</h3><p> Bin # ' + row.binnum + '</p></div><p class="ui-li-aside"><strong>' + date + '</strong></p><div class="ui-block-b" style="width:20%"></div><div class="ui-block-c" style="width:25%"><br><p>User: ' + row.userid + '</p></div></div></li>';
// rowOutput += '<li>' + row.sunum + row.binnum+ "<a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='webdb.deleteScan(" + row.ID + ");'>Delete</a></li>";
$scanItems.append('<li data-role="list-divider">Scanned Items <span class="ui-li-count">' + bubbleCount + '</span></li>').listview('refresh');
The code is above with it correctly formatted with the divider on top but the list items being appended to the bottom instead of prepended to the top.
The problem is that your are building a string with all the scan items. That string already has an order so whether you prepend or append makes no difference. Try this simple change.
rowOutput += '<li data-icon="false">...</li>';
rowOutput = '<li data-icon="false">...</li>' + rowOutput;
This will put your rowOutput string in the correct order before appending to the listview.
Here is a working DEMO

Generate arrays using dynamically generated forms

Basically, I'm using JavaScript to dynamically generate a form that allows from multiple entries within a single submission. Here's the code I'm using for that:
function addEvent()
var ni = document.getElementById('myDiv');
var numi = document.getElementById('theValue');
var num = (document.getElementById('theValue').value - 1) + 2;
numi.value = num;
var divIdName = 'my' + num + 'Div';
var newdiv = document.createElement('div');
newdiv.setAttribute('id', divIdName);
newdiv.innerHTML = '<table id="style" style="background-color: #ffffff;"><tr><td colspan="2">Entry ' + num + '<hr \/><\/td><\/tr><tr><td><label>Item 1: <\/td><td><input name="item1_' + num + '" value="" type="text" id="item1" \/><\/label><\/td><\/tr><tr><td><label>Item 2: <\/td><td><input name="item2_' + num + '" type="text" id="item2" \/><\/label><\/td><\/tr><tr><td><label>Item 3: <\/td><td><input type="text" name="item3_' + num + '" id="item3" \/><\/label><\/td><\/tr><tr><td><label>Item 4: <\/td><td><select name="item4_' + num + '" id="item4"><option value="---">---<\/option><option value="opt_1">1<\/option><option value="opt_2">2<\/option><option value="opt_3">3<\/option><option value="opt_4">4<\/option><\/select><\/label><\/td><\/tr><\/table>';
This works just fine, generating the entries fields I need. Using console in-browser, I've even verified all the names are correct. The issue is that I need to then take the selections and generate output. I've tried several methods, but everything resulted in null values.
function generateVideo()
var entries = document.getElementById('theValue').value;
var item1 = {};
var item2 = {};
var item3 = {};
var item4 = {};
for(i = 1; i <= entries; i++)
item1[i - 1] = document.getElementById('item1_' + i);
item2[i - 1] = document.getElementById('item2_' + i);
item3[i - 1] = document.getElementById('item3_' + i);
item4[i - 1] = document.getElementById('item4_' + i);
var code = 'Copy code and paste it into Notepad<br \/>"Save as" filename.html<br \/><textarea name="" cols="45" rows="34">header template\n';
for(i = 0; i < entries; i++)
if(i != (entries - 1))
code = code + ' ["' + item1[i] + '", "' + item2[i] + '", "' + item3[i] + '", "' + item4[i] + '"],\n';
code = code + ' ["' + item1[i] + '", "' + item2[i] + '", "' + item3[i] + '", "' + item4[i] + '"]\n';
code = code + 'footer template<\/textarea>';
var result = document.getElementById("result");
result.innerHTML = code;
The output is as follows:
Copy code and paste it into Notepad<br />"Save as" CourseName_Unit_Chapter.html<br /><textarea name="" cols="45" rows="34">header template
["null", "null", "null", "null"]
footer template</textarea>
Now, certain fields can be null, that's fine (I'll do form validation after I get it working), but I'm getting null for every field regardless of what is entered.
I, originally, had the .value on the getElementByIds, but that only results in the script not running when the entries variable is greater than 0 (default), which is why I tried removing them.
function generateVideo()
var entries = document.getElementById('theValue').value;
var item1 = {};
var item2 = {};
var item3 = {};
var item4 = {};
for(i = 1; i <= entries; i++)
item1[i - 1] = document.getElementById('item1_' + i).value;
item2[i - 1] = document.getElementById('item2_' + i).value;
item3[i - 1] = document.getElementById('item3_' + i).value;
item4[i - 1] = document.getElementById('item4_' + i).value;
var code = 'Copy code and paste it into Notepad<br \/>"Save as" filename.html<br \/><textarea name="" cols="45" rows="34">header template\n';
for(i = 0; i < entries; i++)
if(i != (entries - 1))
code = code + ' ["' + item1[i] + '", "' + item2[i] + '", "' + item3[i] + '", "' + item4[i] + '"],\n';
code = code + ' ["' + item1[i] + '", "' + item2[i] + '", "' + item3[i] + '", "' + item4[i] + '"]\n';
code = code + 'footer template<\/textarea>';
var result = document.getElementById("result");
result.innerHTML = code;
I've also tried variations of multidimensional arrays, instead of four arrays, but got the same results.
The output, as indicated by the removal of the .value on the getElementByIds, is good. Basically, there is something wrong with my attempts to populate the arrays using the dynamically generated forms.
I suspect that the issue with the declaration of the element ID, but I'm not sure how else to declare it. This style of scripting is not my norm. ^^'
Anyone have any ideas on how to fix the for loop to generate the array?
replace all occurences of
if that doesnt work add
console.log( itemN[i] )
and see what it outputs
