I'm following a tutorial on OpenGL (because WebGL tutorials are rare), where it uses the following syntax for multiple parameteres:
#version 330
layout (location = 0) in vec4 position;
layout (location = 1) in vec4 color;
smooth out vec4 theColor;
void main()
gl_Position = position;
theColor = color;
But the layout (location = #) syntax doesn't work on WebGL. What is the substitute for this?
There are a number of things wrong with this shader if you intend to use it in WebGL.
For starters, WebGL is based on OpenGL ES 2.0, which uses a version of GLSL derived from 120.
Your #version directive is invalid for WebGL; you cannot use in, out, or smooth for vertex attributes or varying variables; there is no layout qualifier.
This will get you part of the way to fixing your shader:
#version 100
attribute vec4 position;
attribute vec4 color;
varying vec4 theColor;
void main()
gl_Position = position;
theColor = color;
But you will also need to bind the attribute locations for position and color in your code (before linking your shaders - see glBindAttribLocation (...)). If you are having difficulty finding tutorials for WebGL / ESSL, you can re-use many OpenGL tutorials that were written for GLSL version 120 or older.
You can read the offical specification for OpenGL ES 2.0's GLSL (ESSL) here. At the very least, have a look at the introductory section because it contains a lot of useful information.
I am working with a WebGL website.
I have a canvas with a texture at 256x256 that I use to render to WebGL.
On this canvas I have rendered several images packed together with 1px spacing between, using regular canvas rendering.
I use a 1x1 rectangle (scaled with the world matrix) to render the images in batches. I.e.: I set up the entire render state, then change the UV as a uniform to the shader. It's a spritesheet of icons.
The shader I use to render it is
precision highp float;
attribute vec3 vertexPosition;
attribute vec2 textureCoordinate;
uniform mat4 worldMatrix;
uniform mat4 projectionMatrix;
uniform vec4 actualUV;
uniform float cacheSize;
varying vec2 fragCoord;
vec2 scaleVec;
void main(void) {
scaleVec = vec2(cacheSize,cacheSize);
gl_Position = projectionMatrix * worldMatrix * vec4(vertexPosition, 1.0);
fragCoord = textureCoordinate * actualUV.zw;
fragCoord = fragCoord + actualUV.xy;
fragCoord = fragCoord * scaleVec;
The values I use are
actualUV={x:50, y:50, z:19:, w:19}; // for example
cacheSize = 256;
Which should render 19x19 pixels at 50,50 on the texture into a rectangle on the screen 19x19 size. And it does, almost.
The image is slightly off. It's blurry and when I set the MAG_FILTER to NEAREST I get a sharper image, but it is sometimes off by one pixel, or worse, a half pixel causing some (very minor but noticable) stretching. If I add a slight offset to correct this other images rendered in the same way are off in the other direction. I cannot seem to figure it out. It seems like it's a issue with the floating point calculation not being exact, but I cannot figure out where.
Try re-adjusting your coordinate system so that the UVs passed are within [0-1] range and get rid of your scaling factor. This can also be a pre multiplied alpha problem, try use gl.blendFunc(gl.ONE, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); with gl.pixelStorei(gl.UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL, true); instead. If you are using this for tiles, then you need to pad the borders with actual pixels. Need to pad more if you need anisotropic filtering.
Also, try to use a quad with dimensions equal to the image (portion of spritesheet) instead of a 1x1 quad if all above fails.
I want to be able to append multiple light sources to each node of my scene graph, but I have no clue how to do it!
From the tutorials on learningwebgl.com I learned to either use directional or position lighting, but I couldn't find a good explanation of how to implement multiple light sources.
So, the objective should be, to have the option to append an arbitrary number of light sources to each node, which type can be either directional or position lighting, and if possible and advisable, this should be realized by using only one shader-program (if this isn't the only possibility to do it anyway), because I automatically create the program for each node depending on their specific needs (unless there is already a program on the stack with equal settings).
Based on the tutorials on learningwebgl.com, my fragment-shader source for a node object using lighting without preset binding to one of the lighting-types could look like this...
precision highp float;
uniform bool uUsePositionLighting;
uniform bool uUseDirectionalLighting;
uniform vec3 uLightPosition;
uniform vec3 uLightDirection;
uniform vec3 uAmbientColor;
uniform vec3 uDirectionalColor;
uniform float uAlpha;
varying vec4 vPosition;
varying vec3 vTransformedNormal;
varying vec3 vColor;
void main (void) {
float directionalLightWeighting;
if (uUseDirectionalLighting) {
directionalLightWeighting = max(dot(vTransformedNormal, uLightDirection), 0.0);
else if (uUsePositionLighting) {
vec3 lightDirection = normalize(uLightPosition, vPosition.xyz);
directionalLightWeighting = max(dot(normalize(vTransformedNormal, lightDirection), 0.0);
vec3 lightWeighting = uAmbientColor + uDirectionalColor * directionalLightWeighting;
gl_FragColor = vec4(vColor * lightWeighting, uAlpha);
...so, that's basically my poor state of knowledge concerning this subject.
I also ask myself, how adding more light sources would affect the lighting-colors:
I mean, do uAmbientColor and uDirectionalColor have to sum up to 1.0? In this case (and particularly when using more than one light source) it surely would be good to precalculate these values before passing them to the shader, wouldn't it?
Put your lights into an array and loop over them for each fragment. Start with a fixed array of light sources, unbounded arrays are not supported until OpenGL 4.3 and are more complicated to work with.
Something along the lines of:
uniform vec3 uLightPosition[16];
uniform vec3 uLightColor[16];
uniform vec3 uLightDirection[16];
uniform bool uLightIsDirectional[16];
void main(void) {
vec3 reflectedLightColor;
// Calculate incoming light for all light sources
for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
vec3 lightDirection = normalize(uLightPosition[i], vPosition.xyz);
if (lightIsDirectional[i]) {
reflectedLightColor += max(dot(vTransformedNormal, uLightDirection[i]), 0.0) * uLightColor[i];
else {
reflectedLightColor += max(dot(normalize(vTransformedNormal, lightDirection), 0.0) * uLightColor[i];
glFragColor = vec4(uAmbientColor + reflectedLightColor * vColor, uAlpha);
Then you can enable/disable the light sources by setting uLightColor to (0,0,0) for the entries you don't use.
Ambient and directional don't have to sum up to 1, actually the light source can have a strength much stronger than 1.0, but then you will need to do tonemapping to get back to a range of values that can be displayed on a screen, I would suggest playing around to get a feel for what is happening (e.g. what happens when a light source have negative colors, or colors above 1.0?).
uAmbientColor is just a (poor) way to simulate light that has bounced several times in the scene. Otherwise things in shadow becomes completely black Which looks unrealistic.
Reflectance should typically be between 0 and 1 (in this example it would be the parts returned by the 'max' computations), otherwise a lightsource will get stronger when looked at via the material.
#ErikMan's answer is great, but may involve a lot of extra work on the part of the GPU since you're checking every light per fragment, which isn't strictly necessary.
Rather than an array, I'd suggest building a clip-space quadtree. (You can do this in a compute shader if it's supported by your target platform / GL version.)
A node might have a structure such as (pseudocode as my JS is rusty):
typedef struct
uint LightMask; /// bitmask - each light has a bit indicating whether it is active for this node. uint will allow for 32 lights.
bool IsLeaf;
} Node;
const uint maxLevels = 4;
const uint maxLeafCount = pow(4,maxLevels);
const uint maxNodeCount = (4 * maLeafCount - 1) / 3;
/// linear quadtree - node offset = 4 * parentIndex + childIndex;
Node tree[maxNodeCount];
When building the tree, just check each light's clip-space bounding box against the implicit node bounds. (Root goes from (-1,-1) to (+1,+1). Each child is half that size on each dimension. So, you don't really need to store node bounds.)
If the light touches the node, set a bit in Node.LightMask corresponding to the light. If the light completely contains the node, stop recursing. If it intersects the node, subdivide and continue.
In your fragment shader, find which leaf node contains your fragment, and apply all lights whose bit is set in the leaf node's mask.
You could also store your tree in a mipmap pyramid if you expect it to be dense.
Keep your tiles to a size that is a multiple of 32, preferably square.
vec2 minNodeSize = vec2(2.f / 32);
Now, if you have a small number of lights, this may be overkill. You would probably have to have a lot of lights to see any real performance benefit. Also, a normal loop may help reduce data divergence in your shader, and makes it easier to eliminate branching.
This is one way to implement a simple tiled renderer, and opens the door to having hundreds of lights.
I would like to cut an object (a box) in WebGL (fragment shaders / vertex shaders) without using Boolean operations (union, difference, etc..).
I want to use shaders to hide some part of the object (so it is therefore not really a "real cuts" since it simply hides the object).
First, make sure that the vertex shader passes through to the fragment shader the position in world space (or rather, whichever coordinate space you wish the clipping to be fixed relative to). Example (written from memory, not tested):
varying vec3 positionForClip;
void main(void) {
vec4 worldPos = modelMatrix * vertexPosition;
positionForClip = worldPos.xyz / worldPos.w; // don't need homogeneous coordinates, so do the divide early
gl_Position = viewMatrix * worldPos;
And in your fragment shader, you can then discard based on an arbitrary plane, or any other kind of test you want:
varying vec3 positionForClip;
uniform vec3 planeNormal;
uniform float planeDistance;
void main(void) {
if (dot(positionForClip, planeNormal) > planeDistance) {
// or if (positionForClip.x > 10.0), or whatever
gl_FragColor = ...;
Note that using discard may cause a performance reduction as the GPU cannot optimize based on knowing that all fragments will be written.
Disclaimer: I haven't researched this myself, and only just wrote down a possible way to do it based on the 'obvious solution'. There may be better ways I haven't heard of.
Regarding your question about multiple objects: There are many different ways to handle this — it's all custom code in the end. But you certainly can use a different shader for different objects in your scene, as long as they're in different vertex arrays.
If you're new to using multiple programs, it's pretty much just like using one program except that you do all the setup (compile, attach, link) once. The main thing to watch out for is each program has its own uniforms, so you have to initialize your uniforms for each program separately.
For example, given a terrain with an avatar on it with a camera far away overhead: is it possible to render the fog so that the avatar remains perfectly unfogged while the terrain around the avatar fades into the fog?
Sure, though as far as I know, you'll have to make your own shader rather than using the ones provided with three.js. There may be a way to customize them in this way, but if there is, I'm not familiar with it.
Check out this answer on doing fog as distance from the camera. The idea, as explained there, is to pass the camera position in as a uniform to the shader, then in the vertex shader on all your objects, you find the distance from the camera position to the vertex you're transforming. You then pass that distance along as a varying to the fragment shader, and you can figure out the distance per pixel, which you use to mix between a fogged color and the object's regular color. You can see that in this example from the OpenGL ES 2.0 Programming guide.
To change it to be based on distance from the character is simple: you just pass in the character position as the uniform that you're calculating distance from instead of the camera position (in that sample code, you would replace u_eyePos with something like u_characterPos and maybe change the varying from v_eyeDist to v_characterDist). Except for any name changes, the fragment shader can be exactly the same.
So, something like this (WARNING: NOT TESTED. you're going to have to fix this up to have three.js happy with using it. There are a ton of example of that, though, like this one):
vertex shader:
uniform mat4 matViewProjection;
uniform mat4 matView;
uniform vec4 u_characterPos;
attribute vec4 rm_Vertex;
attribute vec2 rm_TexCoord0;
varying vec2 v_texCoord;
varying float v_characterDist;
void main() {
// Transform vertex to view-space
vec4 vViewPos = matView * rm_Vertex;
// Compute the distance to character
v_characterDist = length(vViewPos - u_characterPos);
gl_Position = matViewProjection * rm_Vertex;
v_texCoord = rm_TexCoord0.xy;
fragment shader:
precision mediump float;
uniform vec4 u_fogColor;
uniform float u_fogMaxDist;
uniform float u_fogMinDist;
uniform sampler2D baseMap;
varying vec2 v_texCoord;
varying float v_characterDist;
float computeLinearFogFactor() {
float factor;
// Compute linear fog equation
factor = (u_fogMaxDist - v_characterDist) /
(u_fogMaxDist - u_fogMinDist );
// Clamp in the [0,1] range
factor = clamp(factor, 0.0, 1.0);
return factor;
void main() {
float fogFactor = computeLinearFogFactor();
vec4 fogColor = fogFactor * u_fogColor;
vec4 baseColor = texture2D(baseMap, v_texCoord);
// Compute final color as a lerp with fog factor
gl_FragColor = baseColor * fogFactor +
fogColor * (1.0 - fogFactor);
i'm looking to just simply display an image on the canvas at x and y co-ordinates using WEBGL but have no clue how to do it. do i need to include shaders and all that stuff? i've seen code to display images but they are very bulky. I do not wish to use a framework. If possible could you comment and explain what the important sections do? I will be using WEBGL for a 2d tile based game.
thankyou for your time
Yes, you need a vertex and fragment shader, but they can be relatively simple. I'd recommend to start from the Mozilla example, as suggested by Ido, and after you got it running, remove the 3D aspect. In particular, you don't need the uMVPMatrix and uPmatrix, and your coordinate array can be 2D. For the vertex shader, that means:
attribute vec3 aVertexPosition;
attribute vec2 aTextureCoord;
varying highp vec2 vTextureCoord;
void main(void) {
gl_Position = vec4(aVertexPosition, 0.0, 1.0);
vTextureCoord = aTextureCoord;