How to attach arbitrary data to an html element declaratively, and retrieve it.
Please see the code.
Angular has the jQuery data() support.
So, I want to attach data to each li element (say _data = node ) in the template, and later on to retrieve it using
var li = elm[0]....
li - {id:1}
'use strict';
var app = angular.module('Directives', []);
app.controller('MainCtrl', function ($scope) {
$ = [
{id:1}, {id:2}, {id:3}
app.directive('test', function ($timeout) {
return {
template: '<li class="ch" ng-repeat="node in data">' +
'<span class="span2">' + 'id - {{}}' + '</span>' +
restrict: 'A',
link: function (scope, elm, attrs) {
Updated the code with how I like to set data.
template: '<li class="ch" ng-repeat="node in data" data-node="node">' +
couldn't select the li element properly now to see whether it is working
First of all, if it were some third party lib that you are trying to integrate with angular, that might be ok, but now you're generating DOM with angular and embedding data in the DOM. This is very strange.
Second, your test directive template uses ngRepeat, which creates isolate scope and you won't be able to access li items declaratively. You will have to use DOM traversal, which is also not very angular-way-ish.
Third, your view should be bound to model by angulars two-way bindings. Do not try to simulate opposite behaviour on top of that. Either you should not use angular or you should change your approach to your problem, because it will be pain to develop and maintain otherwise.
I would provide a real answer if you could describe what are you trying to achieve and why exactly do you need that model in data. Now the easiest solution would be ditching test directive and rewriting it as such:
controller's template:
<li ng-repeat="node in data" model-in-data="node">
<span class="span2">id - {{}}</span>
directive modelInData
.directive('modelInData', function($parse) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function($scope, $element, $attrs) {
var model = $parse($attrs.modelInData)($scope);
$attrs.$set('data', model);
Here each li element adds it's model to the data attribute.
I want to update my directive content only at some desired places, but not at others. I have simulated my problem here:
The problem is, I have an 'editor' directive which is applied in two places:
<span class="editor1" editor ></span>
<span class="editor2" editor ></span>
I want to update the content of span class="editor1" on button click.
How do I do it?
Why not go with a relatively Angularesque approach by isolating the scope of the directive and to a maximum extent, avoid jQuery in your logic.
So you could have your directive defined as such:
.directive('editor', function() {
return {
scope: {
upd : '=',
editordata : '=data'
template: '<div>{{editordata}}</div>',
controller: function($scope, $rootScope, $element) {
$rootScope.$on('update', function(evt, data) {
if(data.upd === $scope.upd){
$scope.editordata = data.txt;
link: function(scope, el, attr) {}
Here, you are passing the required information which the editor directive depends upon through its scope, namely upd (which I suppose is how you want to uniquely identify the items by) and the text data.
Meanwhile, you can define a list of the editor items in the common parent controller MyCtrl and iterate over them in the DOM with ng-repeat.
// MyCtrl controller
$scope.list = [
{upd: 'editor1', data: 'original data for editor1'},
{upd: 'editor1', data: 'original data for editor2'}
<!-- HTML -->
<div ng-repeat="item in list" upd="item.upd" data=""></div>
You can check if the current directory has the "editor1" class and if so complete your logic.
You can look at this example :
element[0].querySelector('.editor1') !== undefined'
I am trying to create a directive named availableTo that can switch between two different templates depending on some message. For example, if the field is an input with the ng-model directive, I would first need to change it to read-only using the <span> tag. So far, my code can switch the view to read-only, but I cannot seem to switch it back to input:
var directive = {
restrict: 'A',
require: '?ngModel',
link: linkerFn,
replace: true
function linkerFn(scope, element, attrs, ngModelCtrl) {
var clonedElement = angular.copy(element);
var preOuterHTML = clonedElement[0].outerHTML; //this can save the <input> field html code
scope.$on('mode_changed', function() {
var curUserRole = userservices.getUserRole();
if (attrs.availableTo == curUserRole) {
var e = $compile(preOuterHTML)(scope);
} else {
var template = '<span>' + ngModelCtrl.$viewValue + '</span>';
var e = $compile(template)(scope);
}); //scope.$on
} //linkerFn
For an input field:
<input name="test1" class="form-control" ng-model="name" placeholder="Name 1" available-to="ADMIN"/>
I also noticed that once I change the template in the else block above, the element re-renders, and the preOuterHTML does not contain the original element html any more. This seems to be mission impossible to me, but I would like to hear some expert opinions. Thanks
element.replaceWith(e); Don't do that. In Angular, if you find yourself attempting to modify the DOM directly, you are by definition doing it wrong. You gotta sit back and let Angular do the work.
If you need to replace a directive's entire template, a fairly straightforward approach is to use ng-include with a scope variable containing the desired conditional templateUrl, e.g.
var directive = {
// ...
template: '<div ng-include="myTemplateUrl"></div>',
link: function(scope, el) {
if (/* whatever */) {
} else {
(This does add an extra DOM node to the tree, but that's generally harmless.)
It sounds like in your case you may not need to go that far, though; a simple ng-if inside your template is probably enough to swap between your read-only <span> and <input>.
is it possible to inject string into html's tag name with angular?
Something like this:
<div ng-repeat="type in types">
The output I need is:
I am also using polymer (this way I am creating the custom html tags).
I think the best solution would be to create a directive which creates custom elements, something like:
.directive('bettype', function($compile) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
compile: function($element, $attr) {
return function($scope, $element, $attr) {
// Create new element here with $attr.number
var number = $attr.number,
element = angular.element('<bettype-'+number+'></bettype-'+number+'>');
// Replace newly created element
Not sure if that will work, but probably that's the way to go...
Note: I don't think it\s a good idea to have dashed separated elements like bettype-1..
I'm trying make a directive out of a great jquery zooming/panning library. How can I access the elements in my template to initialize the plugin?
The directive looks like this as of now:
directive('zui', [function () {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: { URL: "#"},
template: '<div id="zui" ><div id="viewport" ><img ng-src="{{imageURL}}"></div></div>',
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
scope.imageURL = URL;
var zui = new ZUI53.Viewport( document.getElementById('zui') );
zui.addSurface( new ZUI53.Surfaces.CSS( document.getElementById('viewport') ) );
var pan_tool = new ZUI53.Tools.Pan(zui);
zui.toolset.add( pan_tool );
Clearly document.getByID() is not the best way to accomplish this. What is a better solution? Thanks a lot.
Getting to the element using document.getElementById('zui') is indeed not nice. If you ever had to have two instances of the zui directive, it would break.
Don't use id on the root element. Use a marker class
such as class="zui" or a data attribute such as data-zui.
Using jquery, you can get to your element using find like
this: element.find('.zui')[0];.
I'm trying to create a menu bar using Angularjs. I've done similar things before with Backbonejs, but I have a hard time getting my head around how to do this with angular.
In my html file, I have the following menu placeholder.
<div id='menu1'></div>
<div id='menu2'></div>
<div id='menu3'></div>
<div id='menu4'></div>
<div id='menu5'></div>
A number of my angular modules add a menu when they are loaded (in run). Each of them only reserves a particular slot (i.e. menu1..5), so they don't clash. When some modules aren't loaded, their menu would not show in the menu bar.
An angular module would conceptually look like:
angular.module('myModule3', [])
.service('someService', function($http) {
// get some data to populate menu (use $http)
this.menuItems = ['orange', 'apple', 'banana']
.run(['someService', function(someService) {
// create a rendered menu item
// insert it at id="menu3"
For sake of simplicity, the rendered menu item should look like:
I'm fairly new to angular, so I don't really know where to begin. I've been reading up on directives, but don't see how they fit in here, as they require some custom markup (maybe a custom menu tag containing the DOM target (i.e. menu..5). Also, how to connect this to a controller is not clear to me.
In addition to the above base template (containing arbitrary anchor points in the DOM) and the directive (which will produce a DOM element which will be inserted at these anchor points), a template will facilitate the creation of the DOM element. This template will be located in a separate file containing the position the directive's DOM element will be inserted to (as opposed to the usual case of directives in which an already existing tag will be replaced/inserted into specific markup that matches the directive's definition:
<menu ng-model="Model3DataService" target="#menu3">
<li ng-repeat="for item in items"></li>
Again, coming from a Backbone/jquery background this makes sense, but this may not be the right thing to do in angular. If so, please let me know how I could keep the base template free of any knowledge about the modules and assumptions of where they put their menu (i.e. which slot of the menu bar they allocate). I'm happy to hear about other solutions...
Each module should have its menu loader defined:
angular.module('module1', []).
factory('module1.menuLoader', function() {
return function(callback) {
callback(['oranges', 'bananas'])
Your application should contain menu directive which can load menu items for any module only if exists.
angular.module('app', ['module1']).
directive('menu', ['$injector', function($injector) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
'<ul><li ng-repeat="item in items">{{item}}</li></ul>',
scope: {},
link: function($scope, $element, $attrs) {
var menuLoaderName = $'.menuLoader';
if ($injector.has(menuLoaderName)) {
var loaderFn = $injector.get(menuLoaderName);
loaderFn(function(menuItems) {
$scope.items = menuItems;
Final html:
<div class="content">
<div menu="module1"></div>
<div menu="module2"></div>
<div menu="module3"></div>
After running the application only module1 menu will be loaded. Other menu placeholders remain empty.
Live demo:
Updated: If you want to generate markup on the module side the best way is to put the template to the $templateCache in the module where it's defined and then pass the templateName to the application.
angular.module('module1', []).
factory('module1.menuLoader', ['$templateCache', function($templateCache) {
$templateCache.put('module1Menu', '<ul><li ng-repeat="item in items">{{item}}</li></ul>');
return function(callback) {
callback('module1Menu', ['oranges', 'bananas'])
angular.module('app', ['module1'])
.directive('menu', ['$injector', function($injector) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
'<div ng-include="menuTemplate"></div>',
scope: {},
link: function($scope, $element, $attrs) {
var menuLoaderName = $'.menuLoader';
if ($injector.has(menuLoaderName)) {
var loaderFn = $injector.get(menuLoaderName);
loaderFn(function(menuTemplate, menuItems) {
$scope.menuTemplate = menuTemplate;
$scope.items = menuItems;