Force a SaveForm in Dynamics CRM 2011 using JavaScript - javascript

In CRM 2011, I want to be able to force a save of a form. My requirement is as below.
When the user opens the form, I check if a particular field is empty or not.
If it is empty, I want to force a save, thereby triggering a plugin which will set the field.
My current code is as below. This is in the FormOnLoad function which is associated with LoadForm.
if(checkfield == null){
// do nothing.
Now, this fails with the following line
Can't execute code from a freed script.
I have no clue as to how to proceed further. As a temporary fix, what I have done is the following
if(checkfield == null){
// do nothing.
Any advice on why this is happening and how can I fix it without the timeout would be really helpful?
I have had a look at this question and this, but in my case the form does get loaded or has it actually not yet loaded?
Either way, how can I force a save of a CRM form?

You can save the Form by using:;
But It will only trigger if
( == true)
However there is a workaround to set IsDirty property true.
Run the Javascript function on PageLoad. Try to update the value of the field which you are planning to populate through plugin:
For e.g.
function OnPageLoad()
var yourField = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("new_yourfield").getValue();
if(yourField == null)
parent.Xrm.Page.getAttribute("new_yourfield").setValue("any value");

You could skip all of this mumble jumbo with loading your form twice with Javascript by creating a plugin registered on the read or the entity. (Or better yet and if possible, on the Create of the entity)
The Plugin would just check for the field, and if it's empty, perform whatever logic you need it to to update the field, then save it, and return the updated field (or possibly just populate the value and don't update the database until the user performs the save)


How do I get the values I submitted on a form and pass it onto my modal

I have a form in my jsp wherein I enter a value. This is then inserted into a table on my database. However, I would like to ask the user first to confirm his submission. I used this:
function askConfirmation() {
var confirmSubmission = confirm("Do you wish to add this entry?");
if(confirmSubmission) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
Although this does the task of suspending submission, it's not quite what I had in mind. I tried using a modal but I don't know how to get the values I used from my EL and place it in the modal after the button click. How do I do this?
I am not quite sure how you have your form inputs setup, but you can pass an object representing all your form inputs as an argument into askConfirmation() function and then pass that to confirm(). This will display to the user all the information in the form. Eg.
function askConfirmation(formInput) {
var confirmSubmission = confirm(formInput);
if(confirmSubmission) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
So in this way, you can access members/fields in the object and format them accordingly. You can also use jquery dialog() function to achieve this if you don't like the lnf of the window. The bottomline is, just pass the object that represents your inputs value into whatever that is used in displaying to the user for further confirmation. Hope this helps!
As Felipe T mentioned your values are already rendered you just need to get them with javascript here's an example using bootstrap modal
However, I prefer using a confirmation dialog plugin in such cases like this one :

CRM form edit using Java Script

I am trying to modify a CRM form for an entity called "property".
I want to basically write an IF ELSE statement to do enable/disable a field on the form when the "new property" tab is clicked by the end user on the CRM interface.
I already have written the javascript code but I am not sure of the syntax to create a new property (a new record within the entity)?
I also tried to ID a new property record by the fact the a new property record will have the name field blank.
Please see a sample of the code below:
if(crmForm.all.new_name == null)
//Enable field
crmForm.all.new_interestrate.Disabled = false;
//Enable field
crmForm.all.new_interestrate.Disabled = true;
I have set this script on the OnLoad section of the form but it is not running. I postulated that this might be because I am clicking create a new property rather than loading an already existing property?
Any feedback would be appreciated.
To anyone reading this, I solved my issue, the flaw was that the field wasn't actually null. I basically rectified this problem using the initial statement
var value = crmForm.all.new_name.datavalue
if (value < 1)
{"do something";}
This worked for my case as no name value was less than 1.

Refresh form (Ctrl+F5) doesn't fire Retrieve Plugin in CRM 2011

I need to update entity1 based on creation of entity2 (math calculation)
while the form of entity1 is open.
When I refresh the entity1 form, the field has the old value until I close and open the entity1 form (the caching issue).
I found out that it doesn't fire the Retrieve Plugin. Is there a way to overcome this issue just by refreshing the form?
First and foremost: latest CRM has to update form data "automagically" (not to mention the fact that fields self-refresh when changed via plugins).
If upgrading is not an option, I'd setup a "watcher" function like this:
// attach to Form Load event
function keepYourFieldInSync() {
var current = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("yourField");
// Not shown here, basically get the updated value from server
var fetched = fetch_yourField_value_from_OData_or_SOAP();
if(fetched != current){
// if users aren't allowed to set the field by hand, I'd also include this
// and customize the field to be readonly
}, 1000); // keep it above 500 to avoid killing the browser
I use a "trick" like this to recognize status changes in Quotes (another user would activate it while this user was working on the draft) and it works quite well.

Task "Regarding" field not populating from subgrid in CRM 2013

I am using CRM 2013 on-premise with UR1 installed
I have a custom entity with a subgrid on it looking at related "tasks" which looks like this:
Whenever I create a task from the subgrid using the "+" button in the top right hand corner of the subgrid; the "Regarding" field of the newly created task remains blank. When it should be populated by a lookup to the record it was created from.
I have javascript on the task entity which checks the "Regarding" field to check what kind of entity it was created from (if it was created from one) and gets certain field values from the calling entity to populate fields on the task.
Since the "Regarding" field is never filled the Javascript never fires - and the fields do not populate.
When the record is saved, if the regarding field is blank (I have not manually filled it in) - it will eventually be populated by the correct record about 10 - 15 seconds later if you refresh the page. Then the correct fields will be populated and the user is able to edit the option set values and save again. This is not ideal for the user as they would like it to be one fluid action.
Is there any way around this problem?
EDIT for future browsers of this question:
Found a partial work around. If you use an "Activity" subgrid rather than a "Task" subgrid the field will populate. This has a drawback though as you cannot edit the "Activity" subgrid's view to show "Task" specific fields.
Ran into this same issue. The way I got around it was to add a look-up to the custom entity on the form (we put this on a hidden tab). When the Task gets created from the custom entity the look-up will be populated. You can then use that look-up to grab the values that you need to populate, including the regarding field. Not the most elegant, but it works.
I also ran into this problem and went with a pure JS approach to resolving. On load of the task form, call populateRegarding().
This works because even though the regarding lookup doesn't populate by default, the query string parameters include _CreateFromType and _CreateFromId values.
This works in 2015, didn't test on earlier versions. Note that it is unsupported.
function populateRegarding() {
var regarding = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("regardingobjectid"),
createFromType = Xrm.Page.context.getQueryStringParameters()._CreateFromType,
createFromId = Xrm.Page.context.getQueryStringParameters()._CreateFromId;
if (!createFromId || !createFromType ||
!regarding || regarding.getValue() !== null) {
var entityLogicalName = getEntityLogicalNameFromObjectTypeCode(createFromType);
id: createFromId,
entityType: entityLogicalName,
name: "Hardcoded Name" // TODO: retrieve name dynamically
// This method uses an undocumented object and is therefore unsupported.
// You could implement a supported version of this function by querying for
// metadata, but that would be very expensive.
function getEntityLogicalNameFromObjectTypeCode(otc) {
var map = Mscrm.EntityPropUtil.EntityTypeName2CodeMap,
otc = Number(otc); // convert string to number
for (logicalName in map) {
if (!map.hasOwnProperty(logicalName)) { continue; }
if (map[logicalName] === otc) {
return logicalName;

Assigning value of field from JavaScript in Oracle Apex

I am trying to implement JavaScript in header of page of Oracle APEX application.
Fields in the form by default are going to be disabled if customer data exists but it can be trigger to edit mode by clicking on button 'Unlock'. By clicking button EnableItems() is run, but form is not resubmitted it is just js function that run.
function DisableItems()
function EnableItems()
If form is empty then all fields should be available to edit.
In Javascript >> Execute when Page Loads
I have
Now I need third piece of code so page would know if I want to load Enable or Disable mode. To do that I have
function PageStart(){
if ($x('P31_TEST2').value == "") {
else {
The difficulty is in second line of this code where I need to put some flag to assign value to a field or gather value from Apex field which would trigger either first or second function however I am not quite sure what would be the best practice to go around it. Any thoughts highly appreciated.
P31_START_ENABLED: hidden item, value protected = No. Provide the starting value.
For example, here the value is either 'Y' or 'N' to indicate enabled Y/N
function PageStart(){
if($v("P31_START_ENABLED")=='Y') {
} else {
function DisableItems()
$s("P31_START_ENABLED", 'N');
function EnableItems()
$s("P31_START_ENABLED", 'Y');
