Newb: Why does this variable persist instead of getting reset? - javascript

I suppose this is a newbie question, but I can't seem to figure it out. I have this code, from eloquent javascript, about the reduce function:
function forEach ( info, func ) {
for ( i = 0; i < info.length; i++) {
function reduce (combine, base, array) {
forEach(array, function(elem) {
base = combine(base, elem);
console.log("The base is: " + base);
return base;
function countZeroes(array) {
function counter(total, element) {
console.log("The total is: " + total);
return total + (element === 0 ? 1 : 0);
return reduce(counter, 0, array);
What I can not figure out is, how is the number of zeroes stored in total through each call of the function? Why does it keep a running tab, instead of getting wiped out each time?

The structure of reduce is that it applies a function f which takes two operands - here called element and total to a sequence. element is the next unprocessed item in the sequence (array); total is the result of the previous call to f.
Conceptually reduce(f, 0, [1,2,3]) expands to f(3,f(2,f(1,0).
Now, to answer your question: the running total is stored between invocations of counter in the variable base inside reduce.


Babylonian square root algorithm - initial guess value

I was looking for Babylonian square root algorithm written in JavaScript, and found this working solution:
function sqrt(num) {
var accuracy = 0.000001;
function isPrecise(estimation) {
if (Math.abs( Math.pow(estimation, 2) - num ) < accuracy) {
return true
} else {
return false
function improvePrecision(estimation) {
return (estimation + (num / estimation)) / 2;
function iteration(estimation) {
if(isPrecise(estimation)) {
return estimation;
} else {
return iteration(improvePrecision(estimation));
return iteration(num);
But I can't see where is initial guess (in code - estimation) value is defined. So how it works, when there is no guess value on first iteration? Actually, this value should be eaqual to num argument.
The estimation is defined inside of the iteration function.
When the function runs the first time, the iteration function is called with the num parameter, return iteration(num).
Inside iteration function, the algorithm first checks if the estimation is ok.
If not, iteration is called again, but this time, it first improves the given estimation
return iteration(improvePrecision(estimation));
So iteration is recursive function, which will call itself unless the estimation is precise enough: (isPrecise(estimation))

reset a variable for a reusable function

I have a bit of code that counts how many objects are in the returned json and gives me the total number.
loadCountSetOne = 0;
$.each(dataSetOne.user.customers, function(key, val) {
loads = Object.keys(val.loads).length;
loadCountSetOne = loadCountSetOne + loads;
This works fine, but since I'll need to count these a bunch of times I thought I'd move it into it's own function and call it when I need it with something like counter(val.loads);
count = 0;
function counter(itemToCount) {
result = Object.keys(itemToCount).length;
count = count + result;
console.log(itemToCount, result, count);
return count;
When I call the function the 1st time I get the right result. When I call it again it adds the 2nd result to the 1st and so on.
My understanding is that that is what it's supposed to do, but not what I need it to do. I tried resetting the value for count is various places but it didn't work.
Is there a way to make this function give me a result based on the number of objects in itemToCount each time it's called?
You can't do this in the counter() function itself, since it has no way of distinguishing the first call (which should reset the variable) with subsequent calls. You could pass the array index, and it could reset the total when the index is 0, but this is not a good general solution because you might want to use the function in other ways.
You just need to reset the variable before the $.each() loop:
count = 0;
$.each(dataSetOne.user.customers, function(key, val) {
Or you could use reduce, which is designed for accumulating values.
function counter(total, itemToCount) {
var result = Object.keys(itemToCount).length;
total += result;
console.log(itemToCount, result, total);
return total;
var count = dataSetOne.user.customers.reduce(function(total, current) {
return counter(total, current.loads);
}, 0);

How to generate a new random number (that's different from the previous random number)

I'm trying to change the following (that currently returns a random number from an array), so that each random number is different from the last one chosen.
function randomize(arr) {
return arr[Math.floor(Math.random()*arr.length)];
oracleImg = [];
for (var i=1;i<=6;i++) {
randOracleImg = randomize(oracleImg);
I tried the following, but it's not always giving me a number different from the last number.
function randomize(arr) {
var arr = Math.floor(Math.random()*arr.length);
if(arr == this.lastSelected) {
else {
this.lastSelected = arr;
return arr;
How can I fix this?
Your existing function's recursive randomize() call doesn't make sense because you don't pass it the arr argument and you don't do anything with its return value. That line should be:
return randomize(arr);
...except that by the time it gets to that line you have reassigned arr so that it no longer refers to the original array. Using an additional variable as in the following version should work.
Note that I've also added a test to make sure that if the array has only one element we return that item immediately because in that case it's not possible to select a different item each time. (The function returns undefined if the array is empty.)
function randomize(arr) {
if (arr.length < 2) return arr[0];
var num = Math.floor(Math.random()*arr.length);
if(num == this.lastSelected) {
return randomize(arr);
} else {
this.lastSelected = num;
return arr[num];
document.querySelector("button").addEventListener("click", function() {
Note that your original function seemed to be returning a random array index, but the code shown in my answer returns a random array element.
Note also that the way you are calling your function means that within the function this is window - not sure if that's what you intended; it works, but basically lastSelected is a global variable.
Given that I'm not keen on creating global variables needlessly, here's an alternative implementation with no global variables, and without recursion because in my opinion a simple while loop is a more semantic way to implement the concept of "keep trying until x happens":
var randomize = function () {
var lastSelected, num;
return function randomize(arr) {
if (arr.length < 2) return arr[0];
while (lastSelected === (num = Math.floor(Math.random()*arr.length)));
lastSelected = num;
return arr[num];
document.querySelector("button").addEventListener("click", function() {
Below code is just an example, it will generate 99 numbers and all will be unique and random (Range is 0-1000), logic is simple just add random number in a temporary array and compare new random if it is already generated or not.
var tempArray = [];
var i=0;
while (i != 99) {
var random = Math.floor((Math.random() * 999) + 0);
if (tempArray.indexOf(random)==-1) {
} else {
here is a version which will ensure a random number that is always different from the last one. additionally you can control the max and min value of the generated random value. defaults are max: 100 and min: 1
var randomize = (function () {
var last;
return function randomize(min, max) {
max = typeof max != 'number' ? 100 : max;
min = typeof min != 'number' ? 1 : min;
var random = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min;
if (random == last) {
return randomize(min, max);
last = random;
return random;
If you want to ALWAYS return a different number from an array then don't randomize, shuffle instead!*
The simplest fair (truly random) shuffling algorithm is the Fisher-Yates algorithm. Don't make the same mistake Microsoft did and try to abuse .sort() to implement a shuffle. Just implement Fisher-Yates (otherwise known as the Knuth shuffle):
// Fisher-Yates shuffle:
// Note: This function shuffles in-place, if you don't
// want the original array to change then pass a copy
// using [].slice()
function shuffle (theArray) {
var tmp;
for (var i=0; i<theArray.length;i++) {
// Generate random index into the array:
var j = Math.floor(Math.random()*theArray.length);
// Swap current item with random item:
tmp = theArray[i];
theArray[j] = theArray[i];
theArray[i] = tmp;
return theArray;
So just do:
shuffledOracleImg = shuffle(oracleImg.slice());
var i=0;
randOracleImg = shuffledOracleImg[i++]; // just get the next image
// to get a random image
How you want to handle running out of images is up to you. Media players like iTunes or the music player on iPhones, iPads and iPods give users the option of stop playing or repeat from beginning. Some card game software will reshuffle and start again.
*note: One of my pet-peeves is music player software that randomize instead of shuffle. Randomize is exactly the wrong thing to do because 1. some implementations don't check if the next song is the same as the current song so you get a song played twice (what you seem to want to avoid) and 2. some songs end up NEVER getting played. Shuffling and playing the shuffled playlist from beginning to end avoids both problems. CD player manufacturers got it right. MP3 player developers tend to get it wrong.

Higher Order Functions - Eloquent JS

I have been reading through Chapter 5 last night and throughout the morning and can't seem to get the higher order functions concepts to stick. Here are the examples:
//I understand this first function, I am including it because it is used in the next function.
function forEach(array, action) {
for (vari = 0; i < array.length; i++)
forEach(["Wampeter", "Foma", "Granfalloon"], print);
function sum(numbers) {
var total = 0;
forEach(numbers, function(number) {
total += number;
return total;
To my understanding the function sum is taking the argument numbers, which I believe comes in as an array? Now, when the forEach function is called (within sum), it takes the array numbers passed to sum and then it also takes an anonymous function?
I am really confused on what this anonymous function is actually doing. It is taking the parameter number but what else is it doing? Does this anonymous function imply that in that parameter, a function like print or show will be passed the parameter number? In other words it would look something like this
function([10,12,11]) {
var total = 0
forEach([10,12,11]), show(???)
//at this point it would iterate over the array, and use the action passed to display `//the pointer in the array. What I think is happening is that it is taking this pointer value and adding it to the total.` //
I have been trying to wrap my head around this example for a while, if anyone knows of a good explanation or any other documentation to read over I would greatly appreciate it, thanks!
The anonymous function is applied to every currently selected element. You can see better how this works if you unroll (execute stepwise) the loop (pseudocode, * means current element):
var total = 0;
forEach([*1, 2, 3]), fun(1)) => total = 0 + 1 = 1
forEach([1, *2, 3]), fun(2)) => total = 1 + 2 = 3
forEach([1, 2, *3]), fun(3)) => total = 3 + 3 = 6
You can rewrite the sum function like this:
// because there is no "pass by reference" in JavaScript for
// "simple" types, total must be wrapped in an object
// in order to return the sum through the parameter for the showcase
var result = { total: 0 }
function sum(numbers_array) {
for (var i = 0; i < numbers_array.length; i++) {
accumulate(result, numbers_array[i]);
function accumulate(acc, number) { += number;
In this case the accumulate function does the same as the anonymous function. When the accumulate function is declared within the scope of the sum function, then the total variable is like global (it is known) to the accumulate function and then there is no need of the first parameter, so the function becomes like the one you already know:
var total = 0;
function sum(numbers_array) {
function accumulate(number) {
total += number;
for (var i = 0; i < numbers_array.length; i++) {
Next step would be to extract and pass the accumulate function as parameter:
var total = 0;
function accumulate(number) {
total += number;
// notice, that JavaScript knows how many parameters your function expects
function sum(numbers_array, action) {
for (var i = 0; i < numbers_array.length; i++) {
What left is to extract the iteration and the code will look like this one in the book.
Let me see if I can explain this easily for you:
The forEach() function accepts two parameters, the first one called array is obviously an array or an array-like object, the second parameter called action is actually a function.
forEach() visits each element in the array passed to it and applies to each element in the array the function passed to it as the second parameter.
So forEach() calls the function passed to it named action for each element in the array and it gives the function the array element as a parameter.
The function sum(numbers) accepts an array as you have though, and it uses forEach() inside itself to calculate the sum of numbers in that array using the anonymous function.
Remeber that the anonymous function is called once for each element in the array passed to sum() so it actually sums the elements in the array.
In simple words : to make your code more generic and concise.
Lets say we want to find the max element in an Array :
That's pretty easy and cool :
In java script we will write :
var array = [10,20,30,40,50,60]
function maxEle(array){
var max = array[0];
for(var i=0;i< array.length;i++){
if(max < array[i]){
max = array[i];
So this will give me the maximum element in an array.
Now after few days, some one asked me that your max is working pretty cool, I want a function which will print the minimum in an array.
Again I will redo the same thing, which i was doing in finding Max.
function minEle(array){
var min = array[0];
for(var i=0;i< array.length;i++){
if(min > array[i]){
min = array[i];
Now this is also working pretty cool.
After sometime, another requirement comes up : I want a function which will print the sum of all the elements of the array.
Again the code will be similar to what we have written till now, except now it will perform summation.
function sumArr(array){
var sum = 0;
for(var i=0;i< array.length;i++){
sum = sum + array[i];
Observation :
After writing these bunch of codes, I m rewriting almost the same thing in every function, iterating over the Array and then performing some action.
Now writing the repetitive code is not a cool stuff.
Therefore we will try to encapsulate the varying part i.e action viz min, max, summation.
Since its feasible to pass functions as arguments to a function in FPL.
therefore we will re-factor our previously written code and now write a more generic function.
var taskOnArr = function(array, task){
for(var i=0;i<array.length;i++){
Now this will be our generic function, which can perform task on each element of Array.
Now our tasks will be :
var maxEle = array[0];
var taskMaxEle = function(ele){
if(maxEle < ele){
maxEle = ele;
Similarly for min element :
var minEle = array[0];
var taskMinEle = function(ele){
if(minEle > ele){
minEle = ele;
Also for summation of Array :
var sum = 0;
var taskSumArr = function(ele){
sum = sum + ele;
Now we need to pass functions to taskOnArr function :

JavaScript challenge: Create an average-calculating function using recursion?

I've had trouble writing this code. I'm supposed to make a function that can take either an array of numbers or the arguments array and calculate the average without using a for or while loop. It says I have to use recursion. How do I do this?
I was able to finish it myself thanks to what you guys suggested. I was confused on how to go about the actual average calculation until after reading what you guys posted. If this code can be improved please tell! Thanks!
function mean( list, more ) {
if ( more ) {
list = [] arguments );
} else if ( !list || list[0] === undefined ) return;
var a = list,
b = list.length;
return (function execute() {
if ( !a.length ) return 0;
return ( a.pop() / b ) + execute();
I assume you're familiar with recursion.
Just implement a recursive function with an index argument to keep track of where you are, and add the numbers to the same variable. Then at the end, divide by the size of your array.
As Kranklin points out in a comment, using pop you won't even need the index argument. (You will need to store the size of the array before iterating).
Here it is but by looking at it you agree to understand it:
function calcAverage(nums, total, count) {
if(isNaN(count)) {
// First iteration: Init Params
return calcAverage(nums, 0, nums.length);
if(nums.length) {
// Middle itrations: Get a total
total = nums.pop() + total;
return calcAverage(nums, total, count)
} else {
// Last iteration: Find the total average
return total / count
function average(set, memo, total) {
memo || (memo = 0);
total || (total = set.length);
if (set.length === 0) return memo / total;
return average(set.slice(1, set.length), (memo + set[0]), total);
You call it like this:
average([1,2,3,4]); // 2.5
Here's what I came up with:
function av(nums, i, t) {
if (!Array.isArray(nums))
return av([];
if (t === void 0){
if (nums.length === 0)
return av(nums, nums.length-1, 0);
t += nums[i];
if (i > 0)
return av(nums, i-1, t);
return t / nums.length;
Accepts an array of numbers, or if the first param is not an array assumes all arguments are numbers. (No error checking for non-numeric data like av('a','x').) Returns undefined if array is empty or no params are supplied.
alert( av([1,2,3,4]) ); // 2.5
alert( av(1,2,3,4,5) ); // 3
Assumes Array.isArray() (or an appropriate shim) is available.
