Trigger event with parameters - javascript

This is pretty annoying. I want to just trigger an event in javascript. I need to pass the event object into the parameters as usual and an additional custom parameter.
In jQuery, this would be super easy:
$('#element').trigger('myevent', 'my_custom_parameter');
But I don't want to use this however. Every other question I have found relating to this has just suggested 'use jQuery!' It's for a plugin I'm developing and to require jQuery for one method is pretty silly. Can anyone point to a way to do the above in vanilla JS that's cross-browser compatible?

You may create custom events
click me
var button = document.getElementById("button");
button.addEventListener("custom-event", function(e) {
console.log("custom-event", e.detail);
button.addEventListener("click", function(e) {
var event = new CustomEvent("custom-event", {'detail': {
custom_info: 10,
custom_property: 20
Output after click on the link:
custom-event Object {custom_info: 10, custom_property: 20}
More information could be found here.

Creating an event
To create a simple event, use the Event constructor.
var event = document.createEvent('MyEvent');
However, if you want to pass data along with the event use the CustomEvent constructor instead.
var event = CustomEvent('MyEvent', { 'detail': 'Wow, my very own Event!' });
Dispatching the event
You can then raise the event with targetElement.dispatchEvent.
var elem =document.getElementById('myElement');
Catching the event
elem.addEventListener('MyEvent', function (e) { console.log(e.detail); }, false);
For older browsers( Pre-IE9)
You have to use the document.createEvent function.
// Create the event.
var event = document.createEvent('Event');
// Define that the event name is 'build'.
event.initEvent('MyEvent', true, true);
//Any Element can dispatch the event
Note that this method is deprecated and should only be used for compatibility purposes.
More help : MDN: Creating_and_triggering_events

the event object and an additional custom parameter
That's impossible with the native DOM methods. Handlers are called with only one argument, which is the event object. So if there is any data you need to pass along, you need to make it a (custom) property of your event object. You might use the DOM4 CustomEvent constructor for that (see the MDN docs for a cross-browser shim).
Then use dispatchEvent as you would normally with (custom or native) script-triggered events. For IE below 9, you seem to need to use fireEvent.

This is pretty annoying. I want to just trigger an event in javascript. I need to pass the event object into the parameters as usual and an additional custom parameter.
so you can use prototype to extend DOM and create your own methods instead of using jQuery (without new customEvent().
An example here:
(or you can modify it and send callback function in dispatchCustomEvent)
// set custom event to dom objects
Element.prototype.addCustomEventListener = function(eventName, callbackFunction) {
var customEvent = {
name: eventName, // just for info
callbackFunction: callbackFunction // function to use on callback
if (!this.customEvents) {
this.customEvents = [];
this.customEvents[eventName] = customEvent;
return this;
// dispatch or trigger
Element.prototype.dispatchCustomEvent = function() { // args: eventName, args for callback
var args = Array.from(arguments);
var eventName = args.shift();
// apply callback function
// you can also add 'this' to the args list and have access to element:
// args.unshift(this)
this.customEvents[eventName].callbackFunction.apply(null, args);
return this; // or return result of callbackFunction
// function to call
function foo(something) {
// do some stuff here
console.log('There is ' + something);
document.getElementById("mainContainer").addCustomEventListener('sweetEvent', foo);
// somewhere else in the code, or in console you can than execute
document.getElementById("mainContainer").dispatchCustomEvent('sweetEvent', 'my custom attribute');
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<body id="mainContainer">
some content here


Call change event of an input programatically [duplicate]

How do I programmatically force an onchange event on an input?
I've tried something like this:
var code = ele.getAttribute('onchange');
But my end goal is to fire any listener functions, and that doesn't seem to work. Neither does just updating the 'value' attribute.
Create an Event object and pass it to the dispatchEvent method of the element:
var element = document.getElementById('just_an_example');
var event = new Event('change');
This will trigger event listeners regardless of whether they were registered by calling the addEventListener method or by setting the onchange property of the element.
By default, events created and dispatched like this don't propagate (bubble) up the DOM tree like events normally do.
If you want the event to bubble, you need to pass a second argument to the Event constructor:
var event = new Event('change', { bubbles: true });
Information about browser compability:
In jQuery I mostly use:
ugh don't use eval for anything. Well, there are certain things, but they're extremely rare.
Rather, you would do this:
Look here for more options:
For some reason ele.onchange() is throwing a "method not found" expception for me in IE on my page, so I ended up using this function from the link Kolten provided and calling fireEvent(ele, 'change'), which worked:
function fireEvent(element,event){
if (document.createEventObject){
// dispatch for IE
var evt = document.createEventObject();
return element.fireEvent('on'+event,evt)
// dispatch for firefox + others
var evt = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
evt.initEvent(event, true, true ); // event type,bubbling,cancelable
return !element.dispatchEvent(evt);
I did however, create a test page that confirmed calling should onchange() work:
<input id="test1" name="test1" value="Hello" onchange="alert(this.value);"/>
<input type="button" onclick="document.getElementById('test1').onchange();" value="Say Hello"/>
Edit: The reason ele.onchange() didn't work was because I hadn't actually declared anything for the onchange event. But the fireEvent still works.
Taken from the bottom of QUnit
function triggerEvent( elem, type, event ) {
if ( $.browser.mozilla || $.browser.opera ) {
event = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
event.initMouseEvent(type, true, true, elem.ownerDocument.defaultView,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
elem.dispatchEvent( event );
} else if ( $.browser.msie ) {
You can, of course, replace the $.browser stuff to your own browser detection methods to make it jQuery independent.
To use this function:
var event;
triggerEvent(ele, "change", event);
This will basically fire the real DOM event as if something had actually changed.
This is the most correct answer for IE and Chrome::
var element = document.getElementById('xxxx');
var evt = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
evt.initEvent('change', false, true);
If you add all your events with this snippet of code:
//put this somewhere in your JavaScript:
HTMLElement.prototype.addEvent = function(event, callback){
if(! = {};
if(![event]){[event] = [];
var element = this;
this['on'+event] = function(e){
var events =[event];
for(var i=0;i<events.length;i++){
//use like this:
element.addEvent('change', function(e){...});
then you can just use element.on<EVENTNAME>() where <EVENTNAME> is the name of your event, and that will call all events with <EVENTNAME>
The change event in an input element is triggered directly only by the user. To trigger the change event programmatically we need to dispatch the change event.
The question is Where and How?
"Where" we want the change event to be triggered exactly at the moment after a bunch of codes is executed, and "How" is in the form of the following syntax:
const myInput = document.getElementById("myInputId");
function myFunc() {
//some codes
myInput.dispatchEvent(new Event("change"));
In this way, we created the change event programmatically by using the Event constructor and dispatched it by the dispatchEvent() method. So whenever myFunc() method is invoked, after the //some codes are executed, our synthetic change event is immediately triggered on the desired input element.‍
Important result: Here, the change event is triggered by executing the //some codes in myFunc() instead of changing the input value by the user (default mode).
if you're using jQuery you would have:
$('#elementId').change(function() { alert('Do Stuff'); });
$addHandler($get('elementId'), 'change', function(){ alert('Do Stuff'); });
Or in the raw HTML of the element:
<input type="text" onchange="alert('Do Stuff');" id="myElement" />
After re-reading the question I think I miss-read what was to be done. I've never found a way to update a DOM element in a manner which will force a change event, what you're best doing is having a separate event handler method, like this:
$addHandler($get('elementId'), 'change', elementChanged);
function elementChanged(){
alert('Do Stuff!');
function editElement(){
var el = $get('elementId');
el.value = 'something new';
Since you're already writing a JavaScript method which will do the changing it's only 1 additional line to call.
Or, if you are using the Microsoft AJAX framework you can access all the event handlers via:
It'd allow you to do some reflection-style workings to find the right event handler(s) to fire.
Using JQuery you can do the following:
// for the element which uses ID
// for the element which uses class name
For triggering any event in Javascript.
document.getElementById("yourid").addEventListener("change", function({
//your code here

How to simulate a dataTransfer object? [duplicate]

I'm currently attempting to test some code that uses drag-and-drop. I found some other questions that were kinda related to this, but they were way too specific to help me, or not related enough.
This being a test, I'm struggling on trying to automatically execute code inside a .on('drop',function(e){....} event. The main issue is not that I can't run the code inside, but it's that I can't transfer the dataTransfer property, and I can't seem to fake it because it's read-only. Is there anyway to fake the dataTransfer property or otherwise get around it?
I came up with this JSFiddle that serves as a template of what I'm trying to do:
Essentially if you are able to explain to me (if this is at all possible) how I can possibly fake the dataTransfer property, I should be all set.
Side notes:
I'm totally open to other ways of somehow getting inside that code, like for example, maybe its possible to trigger the event and pass in a fake event object with a fake dataTransfer object.
To see the drag-drop behavior, change the JavaScript load type from no-wrap head to on-Load, then you should see what I'm trying to simulate.
Important to note that I cannot modify any of the code inside the event handlers, only inside the outside function
Using Karma/Jasmine so use of those tools are also possible like spies
Also, I'm using Chrome.
Thanks in advance, and let me know for any questions/clarifications!
You should be able to override pretty much everything you want using Object.defineProperty. Depending on what you want to test it can be very simple or very complex. Faking the dataTransfer can be a bit tricky, since there's a lot of restrictions and behaviors linked to it, but if you simply want to test the drop function, it's fairly easy.
Here's a way, this should give you some ideas as to how to fake some events and data:
//Event stuff
var target = $('#target');
var test = $('#test');
test.on('dragstart', function(e) {
e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.setData("text/plain", "test");
target.on('dragover', function(e) {
target.on('dragenter', function(e) {
//What I want to simulate:
target.on('drop', function(e) {
//Issue is that I can't properly override the dataTransfer property, since its read-only
document.getElementById('dataTransferDisplay').innerHTML = e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.getData("text");
function simulateDrop() {
// You'll need the original event
var fakeOriginalEvent = new DragEvent('drop');
// Using defineProperty you can override dataTransfer property.
// The original property works with a getter and a setter,
// so assigning it won't work. You need Object.defineProperty.
Object.defineProperty(fakeOriginalEvent.constructor.prototype, 'dataTransfer', {
value: {}
// Once dataTransfer is overridden, you can define getData.
fakeOriginalEvent.dataTransfer.getData = function() {
return 'test'
// TO have the same behavior, you need a jquery Event with an original event
var fakeJqueryEvent = $.Event('drop', {
originalEvent: fakeOriginalEvent
As per jsfiddel link you want to achieve drag and drop feature. jQuery Draggable UI already provides this feature why you can not use that?
For create custom event on your way you have to follow two alternative ways
$('your selector').on( "myCustomEvent", {
foo: "bar"
}, function( event, arg1, arg2 ) {
console.log( ); // "bar"
console.log( arg1 ); // "bim"
console.log( arg2 ); // "baz"
$( document ).trigger( "myCustomEvent", [ "bim", "baz" ] );
On above example
In the world of custom events, there are two important jQuery methods: .on() and .trigger(). In the Events chapter, we saw how to use these methods for working with user events; for this chapter, it's important to remember two things:
.on() method takes an event type and an event handling function as arguments. Optionally, it can also receive event-related data as its second argument, pushing the event handling function to the third argument. Any data that is passed will be available to the event handling function in the data property of the event object. The event handling function always receives the event object as its first argument.
.trigger() method takes an event type as its argument. Optionally, it can also take an array of values. These values will be passed to the event handling function as arguments after the event object.
Here is an example of the usage of .on() and .trigger() that uses custom data in both cases:
jQuery.event.special.multiclick = {
delegateType: "click",
bindType: "click",
handle: function( event ) {
var handleObj = event.handleObj;
var targetData = );
var ret = null;
// If a multiple of the click count, run the handler
targetData.clicks = ( targetData.clicks || 0 ) + 1;
if ( targetData.clicks % === 0 ) {
event.type = handleObj.origType;
ret = handleObj.handler.apply( this, arguments );
event.type = handleObj.type;
return ret;
// Sample usage
$( "p" ).on( "multiclick", {
clicks: 3
}, function( event ) {
alert( "clicked 3 times" );
On above example
This multiclick special event maps itself into a standard click event, but uses a handle hook so that it can monitor the event and only deliver it when the user clicks on the element a multiple of the number of times specified during event binding.
The hook stores the current click count in the data object, so multiclick handlers on different elements don't interfere with each other. It changes the event type to the original multiclick type before calling the handler and restores it to the mapped "click" type before returning:

Delegating a function call in Javascript

Is there a way in Javascript to have a delegate like the ones in c# ?
Example in c#
Object.onFunctionCall = delegate (vars v) {
Console.WriteLine("I can do something in this private delegate function");
I would like with my Javascript to have my main object do something over a long time, and shot a delegate once in a while to give a little update. All that without having to change the code itself of my class to adjust for the webpage.
function mainObject() {
this.onUpdate = function() { //Potentially the delegate function here
var a = new mainObject();
a.onUpdate = Delegate {
$(".myText").text("Just got a delegate update");
I dunno if it's clear enough.. havent found ressources on this so I suppose there is just no way to do so ?
NOTE: I am not looking into jquery Click delegates event here, but into delegating a function call like how it works in c#
Let me know
Although the original question was ansered by solving the root problem (observer - pattern) there is a way to implement delegates in JavaScript.
The C# delegate pattern is available in native JavaScript using context binding. Context binding in JavaScript is done with the .call method. The function will be called in the context given by the first argument.
function calledFunc() {
var myObject = {
someProp : 42,
doSomething : function() {;
// will write 42 to console;
What you are looking for is an "Observer Pattern", as described eg. here.
But as you are interested in jQuery, you don't need to go the trouble of writing an observer pattern for yourself. jQuery already implements an observer in the guise of its .on() method, which can be invoked on a jQuery collection to cause callback function(s) to fire every time a native or custom event is dispatched.
Here's an example :
$(function() {
//attach a custom event handler to the document
$(document).on('valueChange', function (evt) {
//customEvent(): a utility function that returns a jQuery Event, with custom type and data properties
//This is necessary for the dispatch an event with data
function customEvent(type, data) {
return $.extend($.Event(type||''), data||{});
//randomUpdate(): fetches data and broadcasts it in the form of a 'changeValue' custom event
//(for demo purposes, the data is randomly generated)
function randomUpdate() {
var event = customEvent('valueChange', {
value: (10 + Math.random() * 20).toFixed(2),
change: (-3 + Math.random() * 6).toFixed(2),
timestamp: new Date()
$(document).trigger(event);//broadcast the event to the document
Here's a demo, complete with "start" and "stop" buttons for a regular "interval" dispatch of the custom event.
Under some circumstances, it might be more appropriate to broadcast the event to the four data spans individually.
On the web, you will find mention of a more convenient jQuery.event.trigger({...}) syntax. Unfortunately this was an undocumented feature of jQuery, which disappeared at v1.9 or thereabouts.

Only register a function with an event once?

I have a jQuery plugin that needs to register a click event handler:
$.fn.myPlugin = function (options) {
var settings = {
// snipped
$.extend(settings, options || {});
$("body").click(function () {
// Do Something
// Rest of the plugin
The problem is that multiple invocations register the function more than once. Since the function needs to stay attached, I can't use .one().
Is there a way if a function is already attached? Can I give it a name or so? Or do I have to set some boolean flag using closure magic?
Namespace your events.
$('body').unbind('click.myPlugin').bind('click.myPlugin', function() {
More on Namespaced Events.
A very easy method with good performance would be to set a data element on the body element:
if (!$.data(document.body, 'myPluginRegistered') {
$.data(document.body, 'myPluginRegistered', true);
// do your plugin code here
Easiest might be the boolean plus closure magic you suggested. Alternatively, you could get the list of all functions bound to "click" object, and see if the function you're attaching is there already.
This question shows how to get the list.
List all javascript events wired up on a page using jquery
Though, the namespace suggestion that came in after I first responded is probably simpler.

How can I programmatically invoke an onclick() event from a anchor tag while keeping the ‘this’ reference in the onclick function?

The following doesn't work... (at least not in Firefox: document.getElementById('linkid').click() is not a function)
<script type="text/javascript">
function doOnClick() {
//Should alert('/testlocation');
<a id="linkid" href="/testlocation" onclick="alert(this.href);">Testlink</a>
You need to apply the event handler in the context of that element:
var elem = document.getElementById("linkid");
if (typeof elem.onclick == "function") {
Otherwise this would reference the context the above code is executed in.
The best way to solve this is to use Vanilla JS, but if you are already using jQuery, there´s a very easy solution:
<script type="text/javascript">
function doOnClick() {
<a id="linkid" href="/testlocation" onclick="alert(this.href);">Testlink</a>
Tested in IE8-10, Chrome, Firefox.
To trigger an event you basically just call the event handler for that
element. Slight change from your code.
var a = document.getElementById("element");
var evnt = a["onclick"];
if (typeof(evnt) == "function") {;
Granted, OP stated very similarly that this didn't work, but it did for me. Based on the notes in my source, it seems it was implemented around the time, or after, OP's post. Perhaps it's more standard now.
In my case, my button didn't have an ID. If your element has an id, preferably use the following (untested).
I originally tried this method and it didn't work. After Googling I came back and realized my element was by name, and didn't have an ID. Double check you're calling the right attribute.
Old thread, but the question is still relevant, so...
(1) The example in your question now DOES work in Firefox. However in addition to calling the event handler (which displays an alert), it ALSO clicks on the link, causing navigation (once the alert is dismissed).
(2) To JUST call the event handler (without triggering navigation) merely replace:
Have a look at the handleEvent method
"Raw" Javascript:
function MyObj() { = "ABC";
MyObj.prototype.handleEvent = function(e) {
console.log("caught event: "+e.type);
var myObj = new MyObj();
document.querySelector("#myElement").addEventListener('click', myObj);
Now click on your element (with id "myElement") and it should print the following in the console:
caught event: click
This allows you to have an object method as event handler, and have access to all the object properties in that method.
You can't just pass a method of an object to addEventListener directly (like that: element.addEventListener('click',myObj.myMethod);) and expect myMethod to act as if I was normally called on the object. I am guessing that any function passed to addEventListener is somehow copied instead of being referenced. For example, if you pass an event listener function reference to addEventListener (in the form of a variable) then unset this reference, the event listener is still executed when events are caught.
Another (less elegant) workaround to pass a method as event listener and stil this and still have access to object properties within the event listener would be something like that:
// see above for definition of MyObj
var myObj = new MyObj();
document.querySelector("#myElement").addEventListener('click', myObj.handleEvent.bind(myObj));
If you're using this purely to reference the function in the onclick attribute, this seems like a very bad idea. Inline events are a bad idea in general.
I would suggest the following:
function addEvent(elm, evType, fn, useCapture) {
if (elm.addEventListener) {
elm.addEventListener(evType, fn, useCapture);
return true;
else if (elm.attachEvent) {
var r = elm.attachEvent('on' + evType, fn);
return r;
else {
elm['on' + evType] = fn;
handler = function(){
showHref = function(el) {
var el = document.getElementById('linkid');
addEvent(el, 'click', handler);
If you want to call the same function from other javascript code, simulating a click to call the function is not the best way. Consider:
function doOnClick() {
In general I would recommend against calling the event handlers 'manually'.
It's unclear what gets executed because of multiple registered
Danger to get into a recursive and infinite event-loop (click A
triggering Click B, triggering click A, etc.)
Redundant updates to the DOM
Hard to distinguish actual changes in the view caused by the user from changes made as initialisation code (which should be run only once).
Better is to figure out what exactly you want to have happen, put that in a function and call that manually AND register it as event listener.
