Mute JWPlayer silverlight using Javascript - javascript

There is a way to mute/unmute JWPlayer (silverlight version) using Javascript like the Flash/HTML5 versions?
I can't find documentation about the silverlight version.

It is possible, we have some old docs here available on


HLS player with mooTools 1.4.5

We've bene hired to do some work on a site that uses mooTools 1.4.5 as its javascript framework.
For the sake of this project we need to be able to play HLS video streams on that site. We tried to use videojs 7.0.3 + videojs-contrib-hls 5.14 as we had good experience with this player, but it looks like it conflicts with mooTools, maybe around Function.prototype.bind as suggested by a thread on github (see )
I'm attaching a screencapture from the console:Screen capture from the console
Could anybody advice how to solve the problem without breaking either the player or mooTools?
Do you know of any HLS player that will definitely work with mooTools 1.4.5 and not require JQuery?
Thanks for any help

c# WPF Browser with html5 video and javascript injecting

I'm searching a good webbrowser for my project but I can't find one.
I need html5 video streaming (doesn't work in CefSharp) and
I need javascript injecting (doesn't really work in the normal webbrowser)
Thanks for help
CefSharp is able to play html5 video and audio. And here's the list with all the supported audio and video codecs.
Just because CefSharp doesn't include proprietary Audio and Video codecs, doesn't mean it can't. Due to licensing reasons mentioned here, CefSharp is not including them. You can however build cef and embed your own codecs in it.
You can always grab the code from their GitHub Repository and experiment your self considering this great answer on stackoverflow
Or you can use GeckoFx as suggested on another answer posted on similar question on stackoverflow. Which is isn't really a WPF Control, but you can use it with a WindowsFormsHost.

Does the YouTube JS API work in non-Flash environments?

At the present time (Nov 2013), the docs for YouTube's JS API state:
The end user must have Flash Player 10.1 or higher installed to view
everything correctly. Because of this requirement, we suggest using
SWFObject to embed the SWF and detect the user's Flash Player version.
Should I use the JS API or just avoid it in favor of native browser methods?
YouTube offers an HTML5 player but you can't force it at this time.
Only viewers themselves can indicate they would like the HTML5 player instead of the Flash player. I think the APIs are set up to work with both the Flash variant and the HTML5 variant.
So, yes, YouTube works in non-Flash environments, but only under certain conditions.

Can I use javascript to record voice on a web app?

It seems I can only use Flash or Java to record voice on a web app. Is there a way of doing it via JavaScript?
It can be done but the solution won't work across all platforms at the moment.
<input type="file" accept="audio/*;capture=microphone">
See HTML5 Media Capture
Currently Supported By:
Android 3.0 browser, Chrome for Android (0.16), Firefox Mobile 10.0, iOS6 Safari and Chrome (partial support)
Audio capturing with HTML5
Javascript cannot access your hardware directly. What you need, is a client side technology that can. Flash, for one.
Javascript can communicate quite easily with flash, so you can hide your flash recorder and construct your recorder ui with html/js/css.
Here's one example:
Here's another one:
I realize this is not EXACTLY what you need, but you didn't tell why you want a JS solution. This doesn't fix the flash dependency problem but it solves the UI problem since you can construct the UI without flash.
Another wellknow solution is WAMI, I know it's not pure javascript but maybe it can help.
"As of this writing, most browsers still do not support WebRTC's getUserMedia(), which promises to give web developers microphone access via Javascript. This project achieves the next best thing for browsers that support Flash. Using the WAMI recorder, you can collect audio on your server without installing any proprietary media server software."
Another example using node.js
This example application is written in JavaScript and uses Node and Express for the web server and framework. You will need all three installed on your web server in order for this to work, as well as the Node.js WebAPI Library.
nodejs voice recording example
Yes there is a pure HTML/JavaScript way but it only works in Firefox and Chrome:
Direct demo:

Create and use youtube embed object w/ javascript api on mobile web browsers

I'm trying to build a simple webapp that leverages the embedded youtube javascript api ( It works well on my Chrome, Safari, etc... but it fails to work on the Android and iOS web browsers because of its SWF object dependency. I'm hoping for mobile compatibility.
Am I doing something wrong, or is there a is there a way to get around this?
(My requirements are as one would expect: I have a youtube video id that I'd like to use to create an embedded youtube video object w/ javascript api access.)
I'm not well versed with Android, but I know that iOS devices will recognize and convert a standard <object><embed></embed></object> Youtube embed code to a compatible player, as long as the object wasn't created with Javascript, such as with swfobject.
However, I'm not sure if the javascript controls will work in the mobile player. I've not tested this.
Unfortunately, there is not currently a way to interact with the html5 (<iframe>) embedded player. I'm not sure what the status is, but controlling the <iframe> player with javascript introduces some interesting challenges.
