How to get current caret position in a SCEditor textarea? - javascript

I'm using SCEditor along jQuery in my website and I wonder how can I get the current caret position relative to the beginning of the textarea/div?
I tried things like:
but that only gives me the position relative to the current DOM object, not the entire textarea.
What I'm trying to accomplish is to remove all the text after the caret from the textarea. Maybe there is another way to do that.

You can use rangeHelper().saveRange() to insert markers at the start and end of the selection and work from them.
var sceditor = $("textarea").sceditor("instance");
// Inserts spans with the ID #sceditor-end-start and #sceditor-end-marker
// at the start and end of the current selection
// Get the DOM node for #sceditor-end-marker and remove all
// nextSiblings and parent nextSiblings from the editor
// which will remove everything after the end of the selection
var node = sceditor.getBody().find('#sceditor-end-marker').get(0);
while (node) {
while (node.nextSibling)
node = node.parentNode;
// Restores the selection back to the positions of the
// #sceditor-end-start and #sceditor-end-marker markers


Set the caret at the end of the content in Froala 2

I'm using Froala 2 and the documentation doesn't seem to have anything that implies a simple way to set the location of the caret, let alone at the beginning or end. I'm trying to seed the editor instance with a little content in certain cases and when I do using html.set, the caret just stays where it is at the beginning and I want to move it to the end. The internet doesn't seem to have anything helpful around this for v2.
Froala support provided an answer for me that works:
var editor = $('#edit').data('froala.editor');
As far as I know, Froala 2 doesn't provide any API to do this, but you can use native JavaScript Selection API.
This code should do the job:
// Selects the contenteditable element. You may have to change the selector.
var element = document.querySelector("#froala-editor .fr-element");
// Selects the last and the deepest child of the element.
while (element.lastChild) {
element = element.lastChild;
// Gets length of the element's content.
var textLength = element.textContent.length;
var range = document.createRange();
var selection = window.getSelection();
// Sets selection position to the end of the element.
range.setStart(element, textLength);
range.setEnd(element, textLength);
// Removes other selection ranges.
// Adds the range to the selection.
See also:
How to set caret(cursor) position in contenteditable element (div)?
Set caret position at a specific position in contenteditable div

Get caret [start, end] position in HTML source code for an element that was clicked

This is quite a challenging problem. I haven't seen it solved anywhere on Stack Overflow. So I decided to post it.
0 ----17----+ +---30---
| | | +----47
| | | |
<div>ABC<b>B Elem<i>Italic</i>ent</b> DEF</div>
| |
+---8--- ---37--+
Action: Let's say Element <i> tag is clicked.
Problem: Create a function that returns coordinates [17,30]
Note: The coordinates are start and end caret position, represented as 0-based index, in original HTML source code, encompassing only the element that was clicked. May assume normalized HTML nodes as in id = "" becomes id="". (But extra credit, if it doesn't.)
Example 2: If <b> tag was clicked. The script should return [8, 37] because it is the start/end caret position encompassing the B tag.
Example 3: If ABC text or DEF text was clicked, return value is [0,47]
Walk the parent chain until you hit whatever tag you consider to be a container (<div> in your case, apparently).
Use the parent's childs to locate the particular child you're coming from, in case you have two or more identical childs, like in from <i>two</i> to <i>two</i> to <i>two</i> <i>two</i>.
That should give you the child offset within the parent. You can then cumulate the offsets until you hit the div tag or whatever other container element.
Ending position is just this offset plus the clicked element length.
And after two days of solving this, I am posting my own solution.
I tried to parse the DOM and count characters manually, at first. But that was more complicated than it had to be.
Credit: Thanks to kuroi neko, who suggested the end caret position is just start position + length of the HTML encompassing the clicked tag.
Note: I am manually removing <tbody> tags, before calculating caret values. This is because, even original HTML does not contain them, during normalization process (which takes place during innerHTML or outerHTML call,) they are auto-inserted. It's a personal preference, if you're building a text editor that needs this functionality -- to leave them alone and update original HTML.
On the other hand, if you prefer the purist approach, and want to consider the original HTML intact, as it was written by the author of said HTML, then you may want to remove <tbody> manually. This also assumes that you take responsibility for taking care of all other cases, similar to these. Whatever they might be. (Not included in the solution below.)
Solution: Considering textarea (HTML source editor) and #preview are two separate elements representing the same HTML.
$(document).ready(function() {
// Normalize source code
var normalized_html = document.getElementById("preview").innerHTML;
// Remove all TBODY tags (they are auto-inserted, even if not present in original HTML)
normalized_html = normalized_html.replace(/<tbody>/g, '');
$("#preview").on("click", function(event) {
// Get clicked tag HTML
var tag =;
// Get original HTML before split character is inserted
var orig_html = document.getElementById("preview").innerHTML;//.replace(/<preview>/g, '').replace(/<\/preview>/g, '');
// Insert unique separator just before the tag that was clicked, to mark beginning
// Get preview source code
var html = document.getElementById("preview").innerHTML;
// Remove line breaks
html = html.replace(/\r|\n/g, '');
// Remove tags that were auto-inserted by native normalization process that did not exist in original HTML.
html = html.replace(/<tbody>/g, '');
var before_split = html;
// Split HTML at the tag that was clicked
html = html.split("[*-*]")[0];
// Restore preview to original HTML
$("#preview")[0].innerHTML = orig_html;
// Get start and end of caret in source code
var caret_start = html.length;
var caret_end = caret_start + tag.length;
console.log("caret start = " + caret_start + " end = " + caret_end);
You achieve that by simply using Descop library.
// Get the source html code of target document
var html = yourFunctionToGetHTML();
// Get the target document itself
var dom = yourFunctionToGetDocument();
// Get the element you want to found in source code
var element = document.getElementById("target-element");
// Create an instance of Descop
var descop = new Descop();
// Connect document
// Connect source code
// Get element position in source code
var position = descop.getElementPosition(element);
// eg. position => { start: 320, end: 480 }

Retrieve html code of selected text

In mozilla, I can select a text and print the selected text using contentWindow.getSelection(). But I am trying to get the underlying html code block for this selected text. Is there any way I can retrieve it?
I need to extract urls and other informations like src, etc. underneath any clickable text that a user selects. I need the code block of its parent node.
Retrieving the HTML should be relatively easy, but it depends on what you are wanting. window.getSelection() returns a selection object. You can use:
window.getSelection().anchorNode to obtain the Node in which the selection begins and
window.getSelection().focusNode to get the Node in which the selection ends.
For instance:
let selection = contentWindow.getSelection();
let firstElement = selection.anchorNode;
let lastElement = selection.focusNode;
What you do once you have the nodes/elements will depend on what it is that you are actually wanting to find. You have not specified that, so manipulating it past finding those nodes would just be a guess as to what you are wanting. For instance, you just might want to find the parent of the anchorNode, verify that it contains the focusNode (firstElement.parentNode.contains(lastElement)) (if not then continue finding the next parent until it does) and use the parent's innerHTML. Alternately, maybe you want to find the first parent element of the anchorNode which contains the focusNode and then use a TreeWalker to walk the DOM tree until you find the anchorNode and start accumulating the HTML until you encounter the focusNode.
Do you have a mouse event listener or something before you do contentWindow.getSelection?
If you do you can get the selected node by doing:
function onMouseUp(event) {
var aWindow =;
// should test if aWindow is chrome area or actually content area
var contentWindow = aWindow.document instanceof Ci.nsIHTMLDocument ? aWindow : null; // i guessed here but testing if its content window is done in some similar way
if (!contentWindow) { return }
// do contentWindow.getSelection im not familiar with the code, if selection exists // check if more then one range selected then get node for each, however im going to assume only one range is selected
var nodeOfFirstRange = event.explicitOriginalTarget
var elementOfNode = nodeOfFirstRange.parentNode;
var htmlOfElement = elementOfNode.innerHTML;
issue with this code is if user mouses down in content window and then highlights and mouseup while mouse its outside of content window, like on chrome window or even outside the browser (like if the browser window was not in maximum or if user mousedup in taskbar of os etc) so just use this code as a guide

Insert After in Iframe text editor

I have an iframe text editor. For inserting image I have a snippet of code as :
var sel = document.getElementById('wysiwygtextfield').contentWindow.getSelection();
// get the first range of the selection (there's almost always only one range)
var range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
// deselect everything
// remove content of current selection from document
// get location of current selection
var container = range.startContainer;
**afterNode = container.childNodes[0];
container.insertBefore(insertNode, afterNode);**
// This does not work
// container.insertAfter(insertNode, afterNode);
The problem lies with the last two lines. I tried using insertAfter but it doesn't seem to work. With insert before it inserts before the selected content or the element adjacent to it. Any way to make it insert after. This way it makes it appear as if the user if typing right to left instead of left to right.
I would try to avoid the use of iframes. Is there a way you can achieve your goal with a div or using AJAX calls with JQuery? This isn't exactly what your talking about but you can use the same idea for your WYSIWYG editor.

Javascript get range compared to a parent element

I have a function that return an array (won't work in IE) with two elements
the html code of what the user select inside a div (id=text)
the range of the selection
In case the user select a simple string inside the text div the range return the correct values but when the user select a string inside an element child of div (div#text->p for example) range's values are related to the child element but i want them to be related to the parent (div#text)
Here there's a JsFiddle if you select a string of normal text or normal text + bolded text in the teatarea you'll get the right selection while if you select the bolded word ("am") you'll get the wrong one because the range is related to the child element.
There's a way to do so that the range is always related to div#text?
You could use my Rangy library and its new TextRange module, which provides methods of Range and selection to convert to and from character offsets within the visible text of a container element. For example:
var container = document.getElementById("text");
var sel = rangy.getSelection();
if (sel.rangeCount > 0) {
var range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
var rangeOffsets = range.toCharacterRange(container);
rangeOffsets has properties start and end relative to the visible text inside container. The visible text isn't necessarily the same as what jQuery's text() method returns, so you'll need to use Rangy's innerText() implementation. Example:
Alternatively, if you don't want to use Rangy, you could adapt functions I've posted on Stack Overflow before. However, these rely on DOM Range and Selection APIs so won't work on IE < 9.
If you don't want to use a library here is a way which worked for me.
The function returns the cursor offset relative to the textContent of the given node (not in relation to the sub nodes).
Note: The current cursor position must lie in the given node or in any of its sub-nodes.
It's not cross-browser compatible (specially not for IE), but I think it's not much work to fix that as well:
function getCursorPositionInTextOf(element) {
var range = document.createRange(),
curRange = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
range.setStart(element, 0);
range.setEnd(curRange.startContainer, curRange.startOffset);
//Measure the length of the text from the start of the given element to the start of the current range (position of the cursor)
return document.createElement("div").appendChild(range.cloneContents()).textContent.length;
