Angularjs must refresh page to see changes - javascript

What I have is simple CRUD operation. Items are listed on page, when user clicks button add, modal pops up, user enters data, and data is saved and should automatically (without refresh)be added to the list on page.
getAllIncluding: function(controllerAction, including) {
var query = breeze.EntityQuery.from(controllerAction).expand(including);
return manager.executeQuery(query).fail(getFailed);
addExerciseAndCategories: function(data, initialValues) {
var addedExercise = manager.createEntity("Exercise", initialValues);
_.forEach(data, function(item) {
manager.createEntity("ExerciseAndCategory", { ExerciseId: addedExercise._backingStore.ExerciseId, CategoryId: item.CategoryId });
function addFailed() {
removeItem(items, item);
$scope.getAllExercisesAndCategories = function() {
adminCrudService.getAllIncluding("ExercisesAndCategories", "Exercise,ExerciseCategory")
function querySucceeded(data) {
$scope.queryItems = adminCrudService.querySucceeded(data);
var exerciseIds = _($scope.queryItems).pluck('ExerciseId').uniq().valueOf();
$scope.exerciseAndCategories = [];
var createItem = function (id, exercise) {
return {
ExerciseId: id,
Exercise : exercise,
ExerciseCategories: []
// cycle through ids
_.forEach(exerciseIds, function (id) {
// get all the queryItems that match
var temp = _.where($scope.queryItems, {
'ExerciseId': id
// go to the next if nothing was found.
if (!temp.length) return;
// create a new (clean) item
var newItem = createItem(temp[0].ExerciseId, temp[0].Exercise);
// loop through the queryItems that matched
_.forEach(temp, function (i) {
// if the category has not been added , add it.
if (_.indexOf(newItem.ExerciseCategories, i.ExerciseCategory) < 0) {
// Add the item to the collection
Here is how I add new data from controller:
adminCrudService.addExerciseAndCategories($scope.selectedCategories, { Name: $scope.NewName, Description: $scope.NewDesc });
So my question is, why list isn't updated in real time (when I hit save I must refresh page).
Here is my querySuceeded
querySucceeded: function (data) {
items = [];
data.results.forEach(function(item) {
return items;
I believe I've narrowed my problem !
So PW Kad lost two hours with me trying to help me to fix this thing (ad I thank him very very very much for that), but unfortunately with no success. We mostly tried to fix my service, so when I returned to my PC, I've again tried to fix it. I believe my service is fine. (I've made some changes as Kad suggested in his answer).
I believe problem is in controller, I've logged $scope.items, and when I add new item they don't change, after that I've logged $scope.queryItems, and I've noticed that they change after adding new item (without refresh ofc.). So probably problem will be solved by somehow $watching $scope.queryItems after loading initial data, but at the moment I'm not quite sure how to do this.

Alright, I am going to post an answer that should guide you on how to tackle your issue. The issue does not appear to be with Breeze, nor with Angular, but the manner in which you have married the two up. I say this because it is important to understand what you are doing in order to understand the debug process.
Creating an entity adds it to the cache with an entityState of isAdded - that is a true statement, don't think otherwise.
Now for your code...
You don't have to chain your query execution with a promise, but in your case you are returning the data to your controller, and then passing it right back into some function in your service, which wasn't listed in your question. I added a function to replicate what yours probably looks like.
getAllIncluding: function(controllerAction, including) {
var query = breeze.EntityQuery.from(controllerAction).expand(including);
return manager.executeQuery(query).then(querySucceeded).fail(getFailed);
function querySucceeded(data) {
return data.results;
Now in your controller simply handle the results -
$scope.getAllExercisesAndCategories = function() {
adminCrudService.getAllIncluding("ExercisesAndCategories", "Exercise,ExerciseCategory")
function querySucceeded(data) {
// Set your object directly to the data.results, because that is what we are returning from the service
$scope.queryItems = data;
$scope.exerciseAndCategories = [];
Last, let's add the properties we create the entity and see if that gives Angular a chance to bind up properly -
_.forEach(data, function(item) {
var e = manager.createEntity("ExerciseAndCategory");
e.Exercise = addedExercise; e.Category: item.Category;

So I've managed to solve my problem ! Not sure if this is right solution but it works now.
I've moved everything to my service, which now looks like this:
function addCategoriesToExercise(tempdata) {
var dataToReturn = [];
var exerciseIds = _(tempdata).pluck('ExerciseId').uniq().valueOf();
var createItem = function (id, exercise) {
return {
ExerciseId: id,
Exercise: exercise,
ExerciseCategories: []
// cycle through ids
_.forEach(exerciseIds, function (id) {
// get all the queryItems that match
var temp = _.where(tempdata, {
'ExerciseId': id
// go to the next if nothing was found.
if (!temp.length) return;
// create a new (clean) item
var newItem = createItem(temp[0].ExerciseId, temp[0].Exercise);
// loop through the queryItems that matched
_.forEach(temp, function (i) {
// if the category has not been added , add it.
if (_.indexOf(newItem.ExerciseCategories, i.ExerciseCategory) < 0) {
// Add the item to the collection
return dataToReturn;
addExerciseAndCategories: function (data, initialValues) {
newItems = [];
var addedExercise = manager.createEntity("Exercise", initialValues);
_.forEach(data, function (item) {
var entity = manager.createEntity("ExerciseAndCategory", { ExerciseId: addedExercise._backingStore.ExerciseId, CategoryId: item.CategoryId });
var itemsToAdd = addCategoriesToExercise(newItems);
_.forEach(itemsToAdd, function (item) {
function addFailed() {
removeItem(items, item);
getAllExercisesAndCategories: function () {
var query = breeze.EntityQuery.from("ExercisesAndCategories").expand("Exercise,ExerciseCategory");
return manager.executeQuery(query).then(getSuceeded).fail(getFailed);
function getSuceeded(data) {
items = [];
data.results.forEach(function (item) {
exerciseAndCategories = addCategoriesToExercise(items);
return exerciseAndCategories;
And in controller I have only this:
$scope.getAllExercisesAndCategories = function () {
function querySucceeded(data) {
$scope.items = data;


How to copy Array from Server to existing Array reference

I've been trying to code up a search engine using angular js, but I can't copy one array to another. When I initiate the the code (in the service.FoundItems in the q.all then function) new array(foundArray) shows up as an empty array. I searched up how to copy one array to another and tried that method as you can see, but it isn't working. Please help, here is the code, and thank you.
P.S. if you need the html please tell me.
(function () {
'use strict';
angular.module('narrowDownMenuApp', [])
.controller('narrowItDownController', narrowItDownController)
.service('MenuSearchService', MenuSearchService)
.directive('searchResult', searchResultDirective);
function searchResultDirective() {
var ddo = {
templateUrl: 'searchResult.html',
scope: {
items: '<'
return ddo
narrowItDownController.$inject = ['MenuSearchService'];
function narrowItDownController(MenuSearchService) {
var menu = this;
menu.input = "";
menu.displayResult = [];
menu.searchX = function(name) {
menu.displayResult = MenuSearchService.FoundItems(menu.input, name);
MenuSearchService.$inject = ['$http', '$q'];
function MenuSearchService($http, $q) {
var service = this;
service.getMatchedMenuItems = function(name, searchTerm) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
var foundItems = [];
var result = $http({
method: "GET",
url: (''),
params: {
category: name
}).then(function (result) {
var items =;
for (var i = 0; i < items.menu_items.length; i++) {
if (searchTerm === ""){
deferred.reject("Please enter search term");
i = items.menu_items.length;
else if (items.menu_items[i].name.toLowerCase().indexOf(searchTerm.toLowerCase()) ==! -1){
}else {
console.log("doesn't match search");
return deferred.promise;
service.FoundItems = function (searchTerm, name) {
var searchResult = service.getMatchedMenuItems(name, searchTerm);
var foundArray = [];
.then(function (foundItems) {
foundArray = foundItems[0].slice(0);
.catch(function (errorResponse) {
return foundArray;
If the goal of the service.FoundItems function is to return a reference to an array that is later populated with results from the server, use angular.copy to copy the new array from the server to the existing array:
service.FoundItems = function (searchTerm, name) {
var foundArray = [];
var searchPromise = service.getMatchedMenuItems(name, searchTerm);
foundArray.$promise = searchPromise
.then(function (foundItems) {
angular.copy(foundItems, foundArray);
return foundArray;
.catch(function (errorResponse) {
return $q.reject(errorResponse);
.finally(function() {
return foundArray;
I recommend that the promise be attached to the array reference as a property named $promise so that it can be used to chain functions that depend on results from the server.
Frankly I don't recommend designing services that return array references that are later populated with results. If you insist on designing it that way, this is how it is done.
I tried the $promise thing that you recommended. I was wondering how you would get the value from it ie the array.
In the controller, use the .then method of the $promise to see the final value of the array:
narrowItDownController.$inject = ['MenuSearchService'];
function narrowItDownController(MenuSearchService) {
var menu = this;
menu.input = "";
menu.displayResult = [];
menu.searchX = function(name) {
menu.displayResult = MenuSearchService.FoundItems(menu.input, name);
.then(function(foundArray) {
}).catch(function(errorResponse) {
To see the final result, the console.log needs to be moved inside the .then block of the promise.
Titus is right. The function always immediately returns the initial value of foundArray which is an empty array. The promise is executed asynchronously so by the time you are trying to change foundArray it is too late. You need to return the promise itself and then using .then() to retrieve the value just like you are currently doing inside the method.
From just quickly looking at your code I think you made have a simple error in there. Are you sure you want
foundArray = foundItems[0].slice(0);
instead of
foundArray = foundItems.slice(0);

Improving performance refreshing items every second

I have an API that send updates via Server Sent Events (SSE) every seconds for my items.
Basically I have a collection $scope.items that contain a lot of information within and every second one item of this list is updated.
What I'm doing is:
var source;
if (!!window.EventSource) {
source = new EventSource('/updates');
} else {
alertify.error('SSE not supported');
// Emit SSE for items
source.addEventListener('items', function (e) {
var data = JSON.parse(;
$timeout(function () {
var item_index = _.findIndex($scope.items, function (item) {
return ===;
var status = data.status;
if (item_index > -1) {
if (status === 'cancelled') {
$scope.items.splice(item_index, 1);
$scope.items[item_index] = data;
} else {
}, false);
I was wondering if I'm doing it right or if I can improve this code because the app is quite slow when I start to have many and many items to cycle every second...
Looking at your code:
var item_index = _.findIndex($scope.items, function (item) {
return ===;
I fear that a full search is done every time you access item_index
I would define a function:
function getIndex(data){
_.findIndex($scope.items, function (item) {
return ===;
And the call it from within your
$timeout(function () {
var item_index = getIndex(data);

Pull to refresh data duplication

I am creating an Ionic application that is pulling articles from a joomla K2 website. I am using $http and just ending my url off with '?format=json' and that is working perfectly. However the website I am pulling data from updates its articles every few minutes so I need a way for the user to be able to refresh the page. I have implemented Ionics pull to refresh and it is working swell except for the fact that instead of just pulling in new articles it just appends all the articles to my array. Is there anyway to just maybe iterate over current articles timestamps or IDs (I am caching articles in localStorage) to just bring in new articles? My factory looks like this:
.factory('Articles', function ($http) {
var articles = [];
storageKey = "articles";
function _getCache() {
var cache = localStorage.getItem(storageKey );
if (cache)
articles = angular.fromJson(cache);
return {
all: function () {
return $http.get("").then(function (response) {
articles =;
return articles;
getNew: function () {
return $http.get("").then(function (response) {
articles =;
return articles;
get: function (articleId) {
if (!articles.length)
for (var i = 0; i < articles.length; i++) {
if (parseInt(articles[i].id) === parseInt(articleId)) {
return articles[i];
return null;
and my controller:
.controller('GautengCtrl', function ($scope, $stateParams, $timeout, Articles) {
$scope.articles = [];
$scope.articles = data;
window.localStorage.setItem("articles", JSON.stringify(data));
function(err) {
if(window.localStorage.getItem("articles") !== undefined) {
$scope.articles = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem("articles"));
$scope.doRefresh = function() {
$scope.articles = articles.concat($scope.articles);
Use underscore.js to simple filtering functionality.
For example:
get all id's of already loaded items (I believe there is some unique fields like id)
var loadedIds = _.pluck($scope.articles, 'id');
Reject all items, if is already in loadedIds list.
var newItems = _.reject(articles, function(item){
return _.contains(loadedIds,;
Join new items and existings:
$scope.articles = newItems.concat($scope.articles);
$scope.articles = _.union(newItems, $scope.articles);
Actually _.union() can manage and remove duplicates, but I would go for manual filtering using

Spotify API Create Temp Playlist Not Loading

I'm making a little app that displays a list of the top first song of an artist's related artists. When I try and load my app for the first time, it shows nothing. But, when I "Reload Application" everything seems to work. When I constantly start "Reloading" it keeps adding more of the same tracks to the list as well.
How do I stop it from continually appending more tracks to the list as well as tighten up the code so that it works on load?
], function(models, List, Toplist){
'use strict';
// Build playlist
function buildList(trackURIArray){
var arr = trackURIArray;
for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){
// Create list
var list = List.forPlaylist(playlist,{
// Get top track
function getTopTrack(artist, num, callback){
var artistTopList = Toplist.forArtist(artist);
artistTopList.tracks.snapshot(0, num).done(function (snapshot){
var i, num_toptracks;
num_toptracks = num;
for(i = 0; i < num_toptracks; i++){
callback(artist, tracks[i]);
// Get Related
function getRelated(artist_uri){
var artist_properties = ['name', 'popularity', 'related', 'uri'];
.done(function (artist){
var temp = [];
for(var i = 0; i < artists.length; i++){
getTopTrack(artists[i], 1, function(artist, toptrack){
var p, n, u;
p = artist.popularity;
n =;
u = artist.uri;
// Build a list of these tracks
By using Promises you can delay the rendering of the list until you have successfully composed the temporary list with your tracks. Also, in order to prevent the addition of repeated tracks on reload, assign a unique name to your temporary playlist.
], function (models, List, Toplist) {
'use strict';
// Build playlist
function buildList(trackURIArray) {
var arr = trackURIArray;
.createTemporary("myTempList_" + new Date().getTime())
.done(function (playlist) {
playlist.load("tracks").done(function () {
playlist.tracks.add.apply(playlist.tracks, arr).done(function () {
// Create list
var list = List.forCollection(playlist, {
style: 'rounded'
// Get top track
function getTopTrack(artist, num) {
var promise = new models.Promise();
var artistTopList = Toplist.forArtist(artist);
artistTopList.tracks.snapshot(0, num).done(function (snapshot) {
snapshot.loadAll().done(function (tracks) {
}).fail(function (f) {
return promise;
// Get Related
function getRelated(artist_uri) {
.done(function (artist) {
artist.related.snapshot().done(function (snapshot) {
snapshot.loadAll().done(function (artists) {
var promises = [];
for (var i = 0; i < artists.length; i++) {
var promise = getTopTrack(artists[i], 1);
.done(function (tracks) {
console.log('Loaded all tracks', tracks);
.fail(function (tracks) {
console.error('Failed to load at least one track.', tracks);
.always(function (tracks) {
// filter out results from failed promises
buildList(tracks.filter(function(t) {
return t !== undefined;
The way I think about stuff like this is to imagine I'm on an super slow connection. If every callback (done, or the function passed to getTopTrack) took 2 seconds to respond, how do I need to structure my code to handle that?
How does that apply here? Well, when you call buildList, temp is actually empty. I suspect if you created the playlist first in getRelated, then added songs to it in your callback for getTopTrack, then it would work because the List would keep itself up to date.
Alternatively, you could rework getTopTrack to return a Promise, join all the top track promises together (see Promise doc's on each() and join()), then build the list when they're all complete.
As far as why you're getting multiple lists, it's because you append a new List each time you call buildList. Though I'm not seeing this behavior when I threw the code as is into my playground area. It only happens once, and when I reload application it starts from scratch. Perhaps you have a reload button which is calling getRelated.
Update I've been trying to get this to work, and having lots of trouble. Tried calling list.refresh after each add. Trying a Promise based method now, but still can't get the List to show anything.

Callback in JavaScript loop causes issue

I have a function that consumes data with a WCF service (in SharePoint). The service does not return a specific field that I need for items so I use the SharePoint Client Object Model to query for the field by using the ID I have in the returned result from the WCF service.
function LoadAllNews() {
var listUrl = "/_vti_bin/ListData.svc/Pages";
function (data) {
function (i, result) {
GetImageUrl(result.Id, function (image) {
$(ConstructHtml(image, result.Title, result.Path, result.Name)).appendTo("#News");
When I debug result here I always get the items returned in the same order but since the GetImageUrl executes a query async the items are not appended in the same order. Most of the times they do must some times it appears to be random since time to get the image varies:
function GetImageUrl(id, callback) {
var context = new SP.ClientContext();
var items = context.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle('Pages').getItemById(id);
context.executeQueryAsync(function () {
function ConstructHtml(imageUrl, title, path, name) {
var html = "" // a long html string..
return html;
I could post this on sharepoint.stackexchange but the audience is wider here and it's more of a question how to handle this with JavaScript than with SharePoint itself.
Any ideas on how I should approach this? I was thinking something like skip the image in LoadAllNews() and then when all items are appended use JavaScript/jQuery to load the image for each news item.
Thanks in advance.
Based on the fork function from my answer to this question: Coordinating parallel execution in node.js. I would do it like this:
var getImages = [];
var meta = [];
function (i, result) {
GetImageUrl(result.Id, callback);
title : result.Title,
path : result.Path,
name : result.Name
fork(getImages,function(images) {
The implementation of fork is simply this:
function fork (async_calls, shared_callback) {
var counter = async_calls.length;
var all_results = [];
function makeCallback (index) {
return function () {
counter --;
var results = [];
// we use the arguments object here because some callbacks
// in Node pass in multiple arguments as result.
for (var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++) {
all_results[index] = results;
if (counter == 0) {
for (var i=0;i<async_calls.length;i++) {
The fork function above gathers asynchronous results in order so it does exactly what you want.
If the order of events matters, make it a synchronous procedure
