Backbone.js save current URL to history - javascript

I'm trying to save my application's current url / url fragment to my browser's history without necessarily knowing what that url is in my code.
Specifically, the page I'm creating allows the user to search records. When they submit the search, I'm updating the URL with a query string containing their search options, but NOT saving the new URL to the history. This is that line of code:
Backbone.history.navigate(this.getQueryString(options), { trigger: false, replace: true });
(I'm doing it this way so that users don't have to iterate back through previous searches to get to the page they were on before.)
Now, when the user double clicks on a record, I want to navigate to a page with that records details, but I want to save the url querystring of their last search so that they can return to it. (I've rigged my router to read querystrings and it works correctly.)
Ideally I'd like to just save the current url without having to know it. If that won't work, how can I find the current url/url fragment to do something like:
Backbone.history.navigate(currentURL, {trigger: false});

Okay, I figured it out after a bit more tinkering.
Backbone.history.fragment will return the URL fragment. (In this case, just my query string.)
So, I can achieve my desired behavior with:
Backbone.history.navigate(Backbone.history.fragment, false);



Hide query string from url when user redirects to page

I am currently using webflow to host my site. In the redirection section on the hosting tab. I added a 301 redirect query string that redirects to my index, I do this because I wanted to track where do the users come from in my site.
Read this article and try it out:
So basically it states this:
old path: /mexico
new path:
So for example i created a redirect /mexico to go to my index with a query string. Currently it works really well, but i want to know if it is possible that the user does not see the query string when entering from a redirect link.
For example when user enters by, the url search bar shows only
I tried hiding it using javascript, but does not work.
var testURL = 'myurl';
Any clue? or suggestion?
The only way to do this is with the history API - not available in older browsers.
The standard way of doing this is
history.pushState("object or state to represent your page", "page title", "/thenewurlpath");
You could add this to your document.ready callback, E.G.
history.pushState("something", "newtitle", "/thenewpath");
// Whatever else your document.ready callback is doing...
Hope this helped :)

JavaScript Redirect to Page Another website based on URL

Using JavaScript, how can I make it redirect to another site based on the URL?
If someone goes to, it will redirect them to
And if someone goes to, it will redirect them to
How can I do this?
In the place that you have hosted that domain, See if you can find something that makes it a single page app or a way to rewrite all urls to one page so that it doesn't show 404 not found. (not certain how you can do that, I only done it with firebase hosting, it has a way of configuring it so that no matter what url you give it, it always shows you the same page, and also the url doesn't get changed ) if you can do that, this is the code you need:
let pathname = location.pathname //if the url is, the path name will be /1234
location.href = "" + pathname //if you add that to this string, it would be
You can use following code for that:
location.href = '';
location.href = '';
Or used following code for that:

How do I append a query parameter to my URL using Javascript?

I am building a web app and I am using Firebase to store my user's data in Cloud Firestore. There is a page on my web app that allows users to view their documents from Cloud Firestore. I would like to add a query parameter to the end of my URL on view.html so I can take that query parameter value and use it to search for a document.
I have been searching online to find possible solutions. So far I have come across a few videos on the topic, but they haven't been going into the depth I have been needing. For example, this video shows how to add and get query parameters from a URL, but it only shows how to log those changes in the console. How would I make that my URL?
I've also be browsing Stackoverflow for solutions. This Stackoverflow post asks a similar question, however, many of the solutions in the answers causes view.html to reload on a loop. Why would this be, and if this is a possible solution, how would I stop this from happening.
How would I go about appending and fetching URL query parameters in Javascript?
You say you want to do this in javascript, so I assume the page itself is building/modifying a link to either place on the page or go to directly via javascript.
In javascript in the browser there is the URL object, which can build and decompose URLs
let thisPage = new URL(window.location.href);
let thatPage = new URL("");
In any case, once you have a URL object you can access the parts of it to read and set the values.
Adding a query parameter uses the searchParams attribute of the URL, where you can add parameters with the .append method — and you don't have to worry about managing the ? and & … the method takes care of that for you.
thisPage.searchParams.append('yourKey', 'someValue');
This demonstrates it live on this page, adding search parameters and displaying the URL at each step:
let here = new URL(window.location.href);
here.searchParams.append('firstKey', 'theValue');
here.searchParams.append('key2', 'another');
I have solved this issue in the simplest way. It slipped my mind that I could link to view.html by adding the search parameter to the URL. Here's what I did:
On index.html where I link to view.html, I created the function openViewer();. I added the parameter to the end of URL href.
function openViewer() {
window.location.href = `view.html?id={docId}`;
Then on view.html, I got the parameter using URLSearchParameters like so:
const thisPage = new URL(window.location.href);
var id = thisPage.searchParams.get('id');
The new URL of the page is now "".
You can try to push state as so in the actual view.html
const thisPage = new URL(window.location.href);

How to execute some jQuery or JavaScript code after a redirect has completed

How can I execute jQuery/JS code as soon as a jQuery/JS redirect like...
window.location.href = "/target_path";
...has finished loading the new page?
Specifically, I need to pass an alert message and insert it into and display it (enclosed in some HTML) on the new page.
You can't. Once the redirect happens you are no longer on that page. You can't execute code on a page you are no longer on. If you want the next page to do something then you need to pass, either by cookie or URL parameter, a flag that instructs it to do so.
It is impossible to tell JavaScript to execute some code after a redirect.
However you have different options:
Pass a string in the redirect URL and then do something on "ready"
Store some information in a cookie and then do something on "ready"
Store some data using DOM storage (namely sessionStorage) if you don't mind the smaller browser support
You can't do that in the page that's redirecting. You can read the referrer in the landing page (document.referrer), and then decide whether to display an alert based on that, though.
var x = "It's some text";
var loc = '/target_path';
loc += '?message=' + encodeURI(x);
The JS file on the new page can then look at the query string to see if a message is there, and do the required action if it's detected.
You can use on the new page to see what's there, although I'd recommend hunting for a deparam function in a library to turn the query string into a more usable object.

Check certain URL in JavaScript?

How can I add something in JavaScript that will check the website URL of someone on a web site and then redirect to a certain page on the website, if a match is found? for example...
the string we want to check for, will be mydirectory, so if someone went to or even JavaScript would then redirect their page / url to because it has mydirectory in the URL, how can I do that using JavaScript?
If I have understood the question correctly, then it is fairly simple and can be achieved using document.URL
var search = 'mydirectory'; // The string to search for in the URL.
var redirect = '' // Where we will direct users if it's found
if(document.URL.substr(search) !== -1) { // If the location of
// the current URL string is any other than -1 (doesn't exist)
document.location = redirect // Redirect the user to the redirect URL.
Using document.URL you can check anything in the URL, however you might want to look into using something like Apache's mod_rewrite for redirecting the user before they even load the page.
Check out window.location, particularly it's properties and methods. You would be interested in (part of the) pathname property (you can split it on /) and the href property to change the page.
This is all assuming the javascript is being served in the first place; so I'm assuming anyfile.php and index.php would all result in the JS being served and not some 'generic 404' message.
