pass parameter to scripted datasource from another dataset - javascript

how to pass parameter from a dataset row value to java function accessed via scripted datasource?
I have a java class that deccrypts an encrypted string
class Decryptor{
public String decrypt(text)
StandardPBEStringEncryptor textEncryptor = new StandardPBEStringEncryptor();
return textEncryptor.decrypt(text);
I imported it to my birt report that goes like this:
I created a dataset named dsCode with column "code";
sessionUtil = new;
c = new Decryptor();
textDecrpt = c.decrypt("O6pas1t9NyY9bmAtjvX2NA==");
row["code"] = textDecrpt ;
return true;
this is working fine. however I want to pass a value to the decrypt function from anther dataset row value(encryptedCodecolumn of dsCustomerIfdo). How do I do this? I made the dsCode as datasource of a subreport and I added parameter called pmCode to the dsCode and passed a value to it using "Data Set Parameter Binding"
and made the script like this
textDecrpt = c.decrypt(params["pmCode"]);
this gives me an error end of file undefined.
How do i access a dataset row value in javascript? or pass a rowvalue of a dataset to a script function?
this is not working
var dset = reportContext.getDesignHandle().findDataSet("dsCustomerInfo");
textDecrpt = c.decrypt(dset.getRow("encryptedCode").value);

I solved it by not using another dataset like what I intially tried. Just used the dsCusotmerInfo, added a computed column called decryptedCode and added the scirpt on fetch on it. This decrypts all code of all customers.
sessionUtil = new;
c = new Decryptor();
row["decryptedCode"] = c.decrypt(row["encryptedCode"]);
return true;


Can I use two parameter event for one function?

What I want to do is change the url.
Replace the Object word with an event parameter called e1.
Replace the word field with the event parameter e2.
I know this code is not working.
But I don't know how to do it.
The following is my code that I just wrote.
function getAllFieldValue(e1,e2) {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
var url = ' Field FROM Object';
var url = url.replace('Object',e1);
var url = url.replace('Field',e2);
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url,getUrlFetchOptions());
var json = response.getContentText();
var data = JSON.parse(json);
var fieldValues = data.records;
for(var i=0;i<fieldValues.length;i++){
var fieldValue = fieldValues[i].e;
I want to take the data from another database through this code and put it in the Google spreadsheet.
For e1, it means the object value selected in the dropbox.
For e2, it means the field of the object selected in the drop box.
Is there a way to use two event parameters for one function?
I look forward to hearing from you.
Please understand that I am using a translator because I am not good at English.
Checking fieldValues[i] in Logger.log returns the following values:
Name=University of Arizona
Name=United Oil & Gas Corp.
The issues I am currently experiencing are as follows.
If I select 'Name' from the drop-down list, ec2 becomes 'Name'.
As far as I'm concerned,
var fieldName = fieldValues[i].e2 is
var fieldName = fieldValues[i].Name
It means that.
I think fieldValues[i].e2 should return the values of University of Arizona, United Oil & Gas Corp, sForce.
But in reality nothing is returned.
var fieldName = fieldValues[i].Name works properly.
I think there is a problem with fieldValues[i].e2
This is the problem I'm currently experiencing.
There was no problem with the parameters e1, e2, which I thought was a problem. The reason why the code did not work is because of the for loop var fieldValue = fieldValues[i].e; Because it didn't work properly.
var fieldName = fieldValues[i].e2
var fieldName = fieldValues[i][e2]
After modifying it like this, the code works properly.

SSIS Reading Columns from an Object Variable

I have an object variable which is from a SQL Query. This essentially contains two columns: RecordID and Description. I'm not familiar with JavaScript. But how do I read the specific columns and assign them to a local javascript variable?
Here's the sample code I would like to use with the new User::MyObject structure of multiple columns: = function () {
var myID = task.variables["User::MyObject"].value;
var myDesc = task.variables["User::MyObject"].value;
return ScriptResults.Success;
EDIT: I am using COZYROC that's why I have a JavaScript Task available in my toolbox. The result set is currently set to Full Result Set and the object is being pushed to User::MyObject via a preceeding SQL Task.
Here's a code from when my User::MyObject was a single result set with single row and single column return (just the Description). = function () {
var myDesc = task.variables["User::MyObject"].value;
return ScriptResults.Success;
I know for VB.NET/C# you can use something like myVariable.Rows[0][1].ToString() but i'm really not sure how that translates to JavaScript.
Within your task function:
1. Set a variable to the object
var MyObject= task.variables["User::MyObject"].value;
2 Access the ID property of your object
Complete example to get ID: = function () {
var MyObject = task.variables["User::MyObject"].value;
return ScriptResults.Success;
Example from crazycroc documentation issues while querying array of pointers, .include not getting nested pointer data in cloud code

I am having trouble getting data from the nested pointers in my array of pointers from a query. I have an array of pointers like so: [{"__type":"Pointer","className":"QuizData","objectId":"rmwJrV55c7"},{"__type":"Pointer","className":"QuizData","objectId":"2132q8i9np”}, etc…]
That QuizData class also has a column named “ad” which is a Pointer to the “Ads” class. I can get the QuizData in a query using the following include statements on my query like so:
var __quizAdQueueQuery = new Parse.Query(QuizAdQueue);
__quizAdQueueQuery.equalTo("user", __request.user);
BUT Neither of these or both combined don’t work as when I try to get column data from the ad it’s always undefined:
This is my return from that query, where the column data "mediaType" that I am trying to access is always undefined:
return __quizAdQueueQuery.first().then(function(__resultsObj)
__quizQueueObj = __resultsObj;
__userQuizQueueArr = __quizQueueObj.get("quizAdArr");
var __quiz;
var __ad;
var __seenAd;
var __lengthInt = __userQuizQueueArr.length;
var __mediaTypeStr = __request.params.mediaType;
var __matchedQuizzesArr = [];
for (var __i = 1; __i < __lengthInt; __i++)
__quiz = __userQuizQueueArr[__i];
// console.log('__quiz.get("name") = '+__quiz.get("name"));
__ad = __quiz.get("ad");
// console.log(" = ";
console.log('__ad.get("mediaType") = '+__ad.get("mediaType")+', __mediaTypeStr = '+__mediaTypeStr);
if (__ad.get("mediaType") == __mediaTypeStr)
//put all matches in array to be sorted
console.log("__matchedQuizzesArr.length = "+__matchedQuizzesArr.length);
return __matchedQuizzesArr;
Thanks for any help you can give! I also posted this as a bug in the Parse/Facebook issue reporter but was redirected here, so if this is a bug I can reopen it:
EDIT Here is the updated, working query with nested includes for clarity:
var __quizAdQueueQuery = new Parse.Query(QuizAdQueue);
__quizAdQueueQuery.equalTo("user", __request.user);
This should work (you only need to list the column names):
Here's why:
You're querying QuizAdQueue so you don't need to list that
The QuizAdQueue class has an array in quizAdArr so you include it: query.include('quizAdArr');
Each quizAdArr element is a QuizData with an ad so you include it: query.include('');
The issue was that you were including QuizData which is the name of a class and not a column name

Birt: access content of dataset from beforeFactory

Im trying (desperately) to access the content of a dataset by script in the beforeFactory.
The task at hand is to create design elements from a linked library and place them in a certain cell of a grid. Everything works fine except for the "place them in a certain cell of a grid"-part.
The information about which element is to be created and where it is to be placed is available in a dataset (dsDesignInformation), which contains three columns: targetRow, targetColumn, targetContent. targetContent contains a string, which is used to find an element in the library.
For example: There is a grid placed on the body (grdMasterGrid), with two rows and two columns. If the dsDesignInformation would contain a row like (1,1,"testObjectName"), I want to create the element "testObject" from a linked library and place it in the intersection of row 1 and column 1 of my grdMasterGrid.
The code for creating and placing the element:
var myLibraryHandle = reportContext.getDesignHandle().getLibrary("myLibraryName");
var myElementFactory = reportContext.getDesignHandle().getElementFactory();
// should be the objectname as defined in the dsDesignInformation
var myTargetElementHandle = myLibraryHandle.findElement("testObjectName");
var myCreatedElementHandle = myElementFactory.newElementFrom(myTargetElementHandle , "someUniqueElementName");
var myMasterGridHandle = reportContext.getDesignHandle().findElement("grdMasterGrid");
// should be target coordinates as defined in dsDesignInformation
var myTargetCellHandle= myMasterGridHandle.getCell(1,1);
This works like a charm when used with hard coded target-information and placed in the beforeFactory of the report design.
I do however need to access the contents of dsDesignInformation and pass them on to the script above. So far (4 days in) I had zero (as in null) success.
I would be glad for any help or ideas on the topic.
It is possible to do this, but with some severe restrictions.
The main restriction is: You cannot use your DataSource and your DataSet directly.
Instead, you'll have to copy them and work with the copy.
Don't ask my why this is, because I don't know. But I learned it the hard way during hours and days of trying...
The next restriction is: You cannot access report parameter values, unfortunately. This is not a problem if your query works without parameters.
Otherwise, you'll have to find a way to access the parameter value anyhow. Depending on how your report is integrated into the app, you could try writing the value into the appContext before calling BIRT, for example.
Here is a fragment of working code (in the beforeFactory event) to show you how to workaround this limitation:
importPackage( );
importPackage( );
var myconfig = reportContext.getReportRunnable().getReportEngine().getConfig();
var de = DataEngine.newDataEngine( myconfig, null );
var dsrc = reportContext.getDesignHandle().findDataSource("lisa");
// This is the existing data source.
var odaDataSource = new OdaDataSourceDesign( "Test Data Source" );
// We create a new DataSource which is only to be used in this event
// Now we copy the relevant properties from the existing DataSource to the new one.
var dbUrl = dsrc.getProperty("odaURL").toString();
var dbUsr = dsrc.getProperty("odaUser").toString();
var dbPwd = dsrc.getProperty("odaPassword").toString();
var dbDrv = dsrc.getProperty("odaDriverClass").toString();
odaDataSource.setExtensionID( "" );
odaDataSource.addPublicProperty( "odaURL", dbUrl );
odaDataSource.addPublicProperty( "odaDriverClass", dbDrv);
odaDataSource.addPublicProperty( "odaUser", dbUsr );
odaDataSource.addPublicProperty( "odaPassword", dbPwd );
//"odaURL=" + dbUrl); // Only if you have a logging framework at hand
// Now create a new DataSet and set its query etc.
// I suppose that it is possible to copy the properties from an existing DataSet instead.
// However, I didn't try that.
var odaDataSet = new OdaDataSetDesign( "Test Data Set" );
odaDataSet.setDataSource( odaDataSource.getName() );
odaDataSet.setExtensionID( "" );
// This is the SQL query (in my application).
// You'll have to modify this as needed.
odaDataSet.setQueryText( " select STEDA.TEDA_ID, STBST.LANGTEXT" +
" from STEDA, STBST" +
" where STEDA.ZUSATZ_1 = 'MATRIX'" +
// Tell the DataEngine about the new objects.
de.defineDataSource( odaDataSource );
de.defineDataSet( odaDataSet );
// Now execute the query:
// This seems overly complicated, but hey: it works.
var queryDefinition = new QueryDefinition( );
queryDefinition.setDataSetName( odaDataSet.getName() );
var pq = de.prepare( queryDefinition );
var qr = pq.execute( null );
var elementFactory = reportContext.getDesignHandle().getElementFactory()
var ri = qr.getResultIterator( );
// Our application is using the query to generate a layout structure
// into an (already existing) placeholder element "Layout MATRIX".
var containerGrid = reportContext.getDesignHandle().findElement("Layout MATRIX");
// Iterate through the query results
while ( ) )
// get the actual values of the query output columns
var tedaId = ri.getString("TEDA_ID");
var langtext = ri.getString("LANGTEXT");
//"langtext: " + langtext);
// Do something with the current result row.
... myModifyLayout(containerGrid, tedaId, langtext); ...
// Cleanup
ri.close( );
qr.close( );
de.shutdown( );
// You may want to save the modified design file while developing.
// That way you can check the mresults in the Report Designer.
if (false) {

Displaying information from a multidimensional array?

I have new inputs for a multidimensional array. The original inputs that are already defined are displayed correctly when called upon but the new inputs write as "undefined". I think it is recognizing the new inputs as variables. How do you get them to show up as a string?
var original = new Array(); //this is the array
function input(title, artist, ddate, genre, picsrc) {
this.Title = title;
this.Artist = artist;
this.Ddate = parseInt(parseFloat(ddate));
this.Genre = genre;
this.Picsrc = picsrc;
original[0] = {title:"Hope II", artist:"Gustav Klimt", ddate:1907, genre:"Art Nouveau", picsrc:"gustav.jpg"}; //and so on
Values that are added to the array are taken from a form.
function addit(form) {
G = form.Title.value //as a test
original[original.length++] = new input(form.Title.value, form.Artist.value, form.Ddate.value, form.Genre.value, form.Picsrc.value)
alert("your entry has been added")
alert(G) //value shows up in the alert
but when it is called back in this function:
$("#info").html(original[currentrecord]["title"]+"<br /><h2>"+original[currentrecord]["artist"]+"</h2>"+original[currentrecord]["ddate"]+"<br />"+original[currentrecord]["genre"]);
everything is being written as "undefined".
I am assuming that the data is successfully being added to the array, but maybe not in the right format?
I prefer using dot notation, but it's not a requirement.
The real issue is: JavaScript is case sensetive.
I would do it like this:
and so on...
At one place in your code you are using all lowercase (when initializing original[0]), but in the constructor function you are using uppercase for the first letter.
