how to add table in the legend section of the highcharts - javascript

I need to be able to add a table right below the chart (possible in the legend section). I have a cpu chart but I need to be able to show if the threshold was breached and when.
Possibly in legend section, I need to be able call another series data (this is diffent that the chart data) and create table out of it.
This is what I have to create the cpu charts:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$.ajaxSetup({ cache: false });
//$(function() {
function db_cpu() {
var timeout;
$.getJSON('db_cpu.php', function(data) {
// Create a timer
// Create the chart
$('#db_cpu_div').highcharts('StockChart', {
chart: {
borderColor: '#98AFC7',
borderRadius: 20,
borderWidth: 1,
events: {
load: function(chart) {
this.setTitle(null, {
zoomType: 'x'
exporting: {
enabled: true
legend: {
enabled: true
timeout = setTimeout(db_cpu, 300000);
Is it possible to create another function in the legend section to make another json call to a php file to get another series and dispaly this data in table format?
Table will be something like this:
Threshold Breached (as the title)
Date Value
6/27/2013 12:00:00 96
6/29/2013 03:00:00 90
7/01/2013 09:00:00 75
7/05/2013 13:00:00 80
I need this area to be expandable/retractable with a + and - signs


Highcharts Windbarb with ajax data loading

OK. Rephrasing an unanswered earlier question.
I have a chart as shown below with the data loading dynamically through ajax.
A simplified version (without ajax) of this graph works fine as shown in this jsfiddle.
The code below is the chart as I use it, straight from its context.
The idea is there are several timeseries (x-axis) in the graph and I wish to display the wind characteristics of speed and direction at those same times through windbarbs. The windbarbs take two arguments at each defined x-value all other series take one argument (the y-axis).
My question is: why doesn't it work (why the stackdump) while it does work in jsfiddle (without the ajax call and thus without the addSeries call?
As a derivative: in the jsfiddle the onSeries attribute does not work. What is wrong there?
And finally: is it possible to get the windbarbs above the series graphs and not fixed on the x-axis?
The problem seems to be in the loading of the wind data after the loading of the other series. As that part is in the ajax call with the (idx == 'wind') condition it is quite easy to spot. It breaks in the setData call of highStock with the following stackdump:
Uncaught TypeError: r is undefined
setData highstock.src.js:33902
init highstock.src.js:33182
init highstock.src.js:54816
init windbarb.src.js:361
initSeries highstock.src.js:27886
addSeries highstock.src.js:36888
fireEvent highstock.src.js:2112
addSeries highstock.src.js:36887
success line 2 > injectedScript:176
success line 2 > injectedScript:171
jQuery 6
doSensorIn2p5 line 2 > injectedScript:162
SetGraphView0 line 2 > injectedScript:276
onclick (index):1
Without the wind data it works fine.
var doSensorIn10 = function(){
let ReferenceColours = ['#79bc6a', '#bbcf4c', '#eec20b', '#f29305', '#960018' ];
let ReferenceConcentrations10 = [0,25,50,90,180];
let t ={chart: { renderTo: 'chartcontainerIn10',type: 'spline',alignTicks: false, zoomType: 'xy', pinchType: 'xy'},
title: { text: 'AirQuality Sensor In for PM10'},
credits: { enabled: true},
xAxis: { type: 'datetime', ordinal: false, dateTimeLabelFormats: { day: '%e %b',week: '%e %b %y',month: '%b %y',year: '%Y'} },
title: { text: 'Luchtkwaliteit (μg/m3)'},
opposite: false, labels: { align: 'right',x: -5},
linkedTo: 0,
gridLineWidth: 0,
opposite: true,
title: { text: null},
labels: { align: 'left',x: 5},
tickInterval: 20
legend: { enabled: true},
tooltip: { valueSuffix: 'μg/m3',valueDecimals: 1,xDateFormat: '%A, %b %e, %H:%M'},
buttons:[{ count: 6,type: 'hour',text: '6h'},
{ count: 12,type: 'hour',text: '12h'},
{ type: 'all',text: 'All'}],
inputEnabled: false
let chart = new Highcharts.StockChart(t);
url: 'airlinkdataIn10.json',
cache: false,
dataType: 'json',
success: function(resp){
let titles = {
'In_pm10': 'In_pm10','In_pm10_1hr': 'In_pm10_1hr','In_pm10_3hr': 'In_pm10_3hr','In_pm10_24hr': 'In_pm10_24hr','In_pm10_nowcast': 'In_pm10_nowcast','wind': 'wind'}
let idxs = ['In_pm10','In_pm10_1hr','In_pm10_3hr','In_pm10_24hr','In_pm10_nowcast','wind']
let cnt = 0;
idxs.forEach(function(idx) {
console.log('idx = ' + idx);
if (idx in resp) {
if (idx == 'wind') {
console.log('Doing Wind correctly : Before addSeries');
chart.addSeries({name: titles[idx], type: 'windbarb', showInLegend: false, onSeries: 'InPM2p5', tooltip: {valueSuffix: ' m/s'}, data: resp[idx] }, false);
console.log('Doing Wind correctly : After addSeries');
else {
console.log('Doing ' + idx + ' correctly');
chart.addSeries({name: titles[idx], data: resp[idx]}, false);
chart.series[cnt].options.zIndex = cnt+50;
The data series (in short version) is as follows:
{"In_pm2p5":[[1609484460000,26.20], ... ]],
"In_pm2p5_1hr":[[1609484460000,32.90], ... ]],
"wind":[[1609484460000,0.0,194], ...]]}
Each parameter has 2880 values, wind may have one value less (which I tested in jsfiddle and does not seem to be a problem).
Thank you for your wide and clear description!
In this case it is hard to say why the chart is not rendering properly without reproduction of your data fetching. The addSeries feature should work without any issues with the windbarb type series.
in the jsfiddle the onSeries attribute does not work. What is wrong there?
I cannot see it, everything seems to work fine:
And finally: is it possible to get the windbarbs above the series graphs and not fixed on the x-axis?
Like in the case of using the onSeries feature? Or render it totally above the plot area?
I'd like to render it above the plot area or in the top of the plot area (like without onSeries it is at the bottom) so all windbarbs in one line.
In this case, you can render the second xAxis and assign the winbarb series to it.

Highcharts: how to define x-axis for dynamic chart

I am using Highcharts to automatically plot an array which is output from a sensor and is updated every second or so. The array is x elements long. This particular sensor measures the light intensity at x steps between some min and max wavelengths (that is, it measures the intensity at increments of (max-min)/x--in my case this increment is not an integer). I also have a static data set that is plotted on the same axes with the same x-axis requirements.
I am able to successfully graph this data dynamically, but the x-axis scale is wrong. Instead of ranging from min to max, Highcharts defaults to a range of min to min+x. I'd like to change the x-axis increment so that the scaling is correct.
Can a min, max, and number of data points or step be defined to generate the x-axis? Or is there a way to define the x- and y-axis values as individual arrays that are plotted against each other? Some other way? I have done lots of searching and experimenting but have come up short.
The relevant snippet of my code is below.
function showData(result) { // 'result' is an array that comes from the sensor
var numbers = int(split(resultString, ","));
socket.send('a'); // send a byte to tell it to start sending new data
loop++; //increase loop every time the server receives data
chart.setTitle({ text: 'Spectrum, reading #' + loop });
} //showData
$(function () {
chart = new Highcharts.Chart({
chart: {
renderTo: 'container',
type: 'area',
load: function() {
chart = this;
title: {
text: 'Spectrum, reading 0'
xAxis: {
title: {
text: 'Wavelength [nm]',
allowDecimals: false,
yAxis: {
title: {
text: ''
tooltip: {
pointFormat: '{point.x}'
plotOptions: {
area: {
pointStart: 340,
marker: {
enabled: false,
symbol: 'circle',
radius: 2,
states: {
hover: {
enabled: true
series: [{
name: '404 nm laser spectrum',
data: [130,130,114,113,113,116,112,111,112,112,115,113,113,115,
color: '#36D39F'
}, {
name: 'Current measured spectrum',
data: numbers,
color: '#4A235A'
EDIT: here's a demo showing how mine currently functions: The x-axis should range from 340 to 850 with 288 data points evenly spaced on this interval

highcharts Xaxis timeflow

Hello I would like to ask for an advice in setting X-axis in the chart. I am rendering 2500 samples like a 10 seconds of signal. How should I set X-axis to show continuous time. After new data rendered the time should continue. Something like I render first 2500 values and the last tick on X axis is 10 sec. Than another 2500 values come to be rendered and the time should continue from the beginning...11 and so on until 20 and so on. Can it be done with just simple add sth to xAxis ? Or I have to rework the rendering with data.push function.
var options = {
chart: {
renderTo: 'services',
type: 'line',
animation: 'false'
xAxis: {
labels: {
formatter: function () {
return (0 + (this.value / 250 )) + " sec";
plotOptions: {
series: {
animation: {
duration: 5000
series: [{marker: {
enabled: false

Highcharts data from Google spreadsheet show line chart for one series

In Excel i was able to draw this chart from data
Chart Image
I want to convert this chart to highcharts. Data is in Google spreadsheet and I am using data module to get data directly from Google spreadsheet and show over chart. Here is code doing it.
chart: { type: 'column' },
data: {
googleSpreadsheetKey: '0Alz3h5kIx8cWdFNHbmxqbXRILV9kbkd4V0oyX0ZyMWc'
plotOptions: {
column: {
stacking: 'normal'
credits: {
enabled: false
title: {
text: 'Power Bill Saving Options'
Here is JsFiddle for this code
Any help on how to make it look alike?
I would use the callback function and set the series you want to be a line to be a line like so:
function (chart) {
type: 'line',
color: 'blue'
I changed it to also be a blue line.

Highstock - irregular time interval

Highcharts has an example using irregular time intervals, I want to do the same on highstock howeverthere is no parameter for the xAxis-type.
JSFiddle code
My options are
$(function() {
{action: "get_sensor"},
function(data) {
var seriesOptions = [];
$.each(data, function(key, val) {
data: val.samples,
marker : {
enabled : true,
radius : 3
// create the chart
chart = new Highcharts.StockChart({
chart: {
renderTo: 'container',
xAxis: {
type: 'datetime'
rangeSelector: {
selected: 4
series: seriesOptions
Found it. The nomenclature between highcharts and highstock are different.
For Hightstock it's
xAxis: {
ordinal: false
The company really needs to combine highcharts and highstock. A single API documentation would be easier to follow.
I would verify that the output data is actually using the same time stamp.
Many cases like this include time stamps for the same date, but different times, which will always result in different x axis placement.
(I know that may be an obvious check, but I have seen it many times...)
