Codeigniter - sending json to script file - javascript

I query the db i my model like so
function graphRate($userid, $courseid){
$query = $this->db->get('tblGraph');
return $query->result();
My controller gets data back from my model and I json encode it like so
if($query = $this->rate_model->graphRate($userid, $courseid)){
$data['graph_json'] = json_encode($query);
$this->load->view('graph', $data);
And thats returns me a json object like so
In my view graph I'm loading an js file
<script type="text/javascript" src="script.js"></script>
Now I want to use $data that is being sent from my controller to my view, to my external script.js to use as labels and data to feed my chart. But How do I get that Json data to my external script.js so I can use it?
1 more thing about the json data, isn't it possible to get the output of the json data as

The problem isn't a Codeigniter problem, it's a javascript scope/file inclusion/where-do-i-get-my-data-from problem.
I run into this all the time and have used these solutions:
naming my php files with .php extensions and loading them as if they're views.
Just putting the script that needs data from a view IN the view file where it's used
Using an ajax request in my included js file to hit a controller and get json data.
I use #2 most frequently (for things like datatables where I WANT the js code right there next to the table it's referencing.
I use #1 occasionally, but try NOT to do that because it means some .js files are in my webroot/js dir and some are in teh application/views directory, making it confusing for me or anyone else who wants to support this project.
#3 is sometimes necessary...but I like to avoid that approach to minimize the number of requests being made and to try to eliminate totally superfluous requests (which that is).

You need to print the result of the output json string to the html generated file.
But you need to parse the string with some script. I would recommend you:
For the second question. It is possible by doing:
$returnValue = json_encode(
array (
"obj1" => array("id"=>"1","title"=>"myTitle","score"=>"16","date"=>"2013-08-02"),
"obj2" => array("id"=>"2","title"=>"myTitle2","score"=>"17","date"=>"2013-09-02"),
"obj3" => array("id"=>"3","title"=>"myTitle3","score"=>"18","date"=>"2013-10-02"),

Print the output using PHP like:
echo json_encode($query);
Then from the client-side (where JavaScript resides) load that JSON that you printed using PHP. This can be done easily using JQuery.
Like this:
$.get("test.php", function(data) {
alert("Data Loaded: " + data);
You can find more information about this here:
Now you'll need to parse this data so that JavaScript can understand what you got as text from the server. For that you can use the JSON.parse method on the "data" object in the aforementioned example. Once parsed, you can use the object like any other object in JavaScript. You can find more information about JSON.parse here:
I hope that helps.


How to replace string in JSON format in Javascript with data from JSON file?

For a site that I'm making, I wanted to have an additional feature which uses this plugin on GitHub called cratedigger that uses WebGL and Three.js. It is a 3D virtual crate that contains vinyl records, and simulates "crate digging" of albums. The plugin gets the data for the vinyl titles, artists, and covers through a string in JSON format that is parsed through JSON and stored in a const variable. The original code (index.js):
const data = JSON.parse('[{"title":"So What","artist":"Miles
{"title":"Stolen Moments","artist":"Oliver Nelson","cover":"http://cdn-
{"title":"Theme for Maxine","artist":"Woody Shaw","cover":"http://cdn-
You can view the source code here. The above code is in line 3.
For my site though, I want the titles, artists, covers, etc. to come from my MySQL database. So what I did is when I click a button found in my main site, it will run the sql query of my database and then convert it into a .json file:
include 'includes/session.php';
include 'includes/header.php';
$conn = $pdo->open();
$data = $conn->query("
SELECT name as title,
artist_name as artist,
concat('', photo) as cover,
year(date_created) as year,
from products
where category_id = '5';
foreach($data as &$row){
$row['hasSleeve'] = filter_var($row['hasSleeve'],
$json_string = json_encode($data);
$file = 'cratedigger.js/src/htdocs/data.json';
file_put_contents($file, $json_string);
header('location: cratedigger.js/lib/index.html');
Afterwards, it will be redirected to the index of the cratedigger plugin. To retrieve the data in the .json file, I used fetch API in the index.js file under the src folder of this plugin. So I replaced the original code in the plugin with this:
//replaced the long line of const data=JSON.parse('[{"title":...]'); with
let data = [];
fetch('data.json').then(function(resp) {
return resp.json();
.then(function(data) {
console.log(data); //outputs data from my database
return data;
console.log(data); //output is 0 or none
I use node.js to build and test this plugin, and when I test it with the code I used, the crate appears but with no records in it (a blank wooden crate). In the console, the log inside the fetch api does output the data from the json file, but the log outside the fetch outputs zero or none. I figured that it was that fetch is asynchronous, so the second console.log didn't output any data because it didn't wait for fetch to finish.
And that's my problem. I want to replace the original code that uses a string in JSON format, and replace it with data from my database. Some of the solutions that I came up with that didn't work are:
Use await and async - This is still asynchronous so it couldn't store my data in the variable.
XMLHttpRequest is mostly asynchronous too and its synchronous part is already deprecated.
Place fetch inside a function - My problem with this code is that the variable "data" used in the original code is used/called in other parts of the source files like these examples:
function fillInfoPanel(record) {
if ( {
titleContainer.innerHTML =;
//or this//
cratedigger.loadRecords(data, true, () => {
So calling a function like myData(); to get the data from fetch wouldn't work as I need it to be inside the data variable. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to replace data variable used in other parts of the code with a function.
Any suggestions that might work? I don't necessarily need to use fetch to retrieve data. I'm more into HTML, PHP & CSS, and not that familiar with Javascript, so I'm stuck here. Node.JS was something that I've learned a week ago so the codes initially confused me. I've read articles and watched YouTube tutorials about javascript, json, etc. but they confused me more than help with my problem.

Reading and Writing from Json File using Python and Javascript

I am supposed to read one Python data structure, a 2d list to be precise into a javascript function. I came to know that this could be done after converting the python data structure into a json object and then reading the json object back using Javascript function. I am rendering the html page using the Python script as you can see below.
import webbrowser, json
f = open('World.html', 'w')
arr = [[]]
message = '''<html><head><script type="text/javascript" src="outputjson.json"></script><script>function Hello(){alert(outputjson.arr);}</script></head><body><h1>This is not working and you know it</h1><input value="Click Bro" type="button" onclick="Hello();"></input></body></html>'''
with open('outputjson.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump(arr, f)
Outputjson.json look something like this:
[["Hello", "There"], ["Good", "Morning", "!"]]
The json object is successfully created but I am unable to read it back through my javascript function. Where am I going wrong ?
I have a constraint, I can't go for BeautifulSoup.
Thanks in advance.
You can't simple load json file into browser like that. One way is to make a XHR request to the json file and load it. The other way is to convert your json to jsonp structure.
jsonp_structure = "hello(" + json.dumps(arr) + ")"
With the above change your hello javascript function will get called with the JSON. You can choose to store the JSON for further access/processing.

Cleanly passing large JSON array from Laravel to Javascript

So in my controller logic, I build up a large array of data, which I json_encode into a variable which is passed to my view. However, I want this data to be sortable on the client side using JavaScipt--I don't think the details of how the sorting is done are relevant but I'm curious what the best way is to get my array from PHP to Javascript. Currently, I'm thinking of just having a tag in my html like
<script type="text/javascript">var jsonData = <?php echo $myData ?>; </script>
where myData is the encoded array I made in PHP, and then jsonData is available for me to use anywhere else.
However, this would mean the entire ugly array would show up in the source code of my page. This isn't a security concern or anything, but I feel that there must be a better way to do this that's not quite as "ugly".
Any advice is appreciated.
You have two options.
If you don't want 'ugly' HTML source, you can query your application with ajax and have your json array be stored in a variable. This can be accomplished with a simple route and controller method.
In your routes.php
In your MyController.php
public function getMyData() {
return whateverYouWant();
You can then do an ajax request to route('api.myData')
The route method is a global function which is available in your view. It will take the named route, api.myData and generate a URL for it.
The other option is as you described, passing the array to your view.

Getting all of the .json files from a directory

I'm creating an android app which takes in some json data, is there a way to set up a directory such as;
Alternatively, a way to add into a json file called a.json, and extend its number of containing array data, pretty much add more data into the .json file this increase its size.
It could be by PHP or Javascript.
Look into Parsing JSON, you can use the JSON.parse() function, in addition, I'm not sure about getting all your JSON files from a directory call, maybe someone else will explain that.
var data ='{"name":"Ray Wlison",
"position":"Staff Author",
"JavaScript & Ajax",
"Buildinf Facebook Apps"]}';
var info = JSON.parse(data);
//var infostoring = JSON.stringify(info);
One way to add to a json file is to parse it, add to it, then save it again. This might not be optimal if you have large amounts of data but in that case you'll probably want a proper database anyway (like mongo).
Using PHP:
$json_data = json_decode(file_get_contents('a.json'));
array_push($json_data, 'some value');
file_put_contents('a.json', json_encode($json_data));

JQuery and JSON

Here's something I want to learn and do. I have a JSON file that contains my product and details (size, color, description). In the website I can't use PHP and MySQL, I can only use Javascript and HTML. Now what I want to happen is using JQuery I can read and write a JSON file (JSON file will serve as my database). I am not sure if it can be done using only JQuery and JSON.
First thing, How to query a JSON file? (Example: I would search for the name and color of the product.)
How to parse the JSON datas that were searched into an HTML?
How to add details, product to the JSON file?
It will also be great if you can point me to a good tutorial about my questions.
I'm new to both JQuery and JSON.
Since Javascript is client side, you won't be able to write to the JSON file on the server using only Javascript. You would need some server side code in order to do that.
Reading and parsing the JSON file is not a problem though. You would use the jQuery.getJSON function. You would supply both a url and a callback parameter (data isn't needed, because you're reading a file, so no need to send data). The url would be the path to your JSON file, and the callback would be a function that uses the data.
Here's an example of what your code might look like. I don't know exactly what your JSON is, but if you have a set called "products" containing a set of objects with the details "name" and "price", this code would print those out:
function(data) {
$.each(data.products, function(i, item) {
var name =;
var price = item.price;
// now display the name and price on the page here!
Basically, the data variable in $.getJSON makes the entire contents of the JSON available to you, very easily. And the $.each is used to loop over a set of JSON objects.
