Getting rid of the double click effect - javascript

Here's my fiddle. As you can see I've defined a simple click event handler:
$('#traveller > a').click(function(e) {
var $ul = $('#traveller ul');
if($(this).hasClass('handle-next')) {
if(Math.abs($ul.position().top - parentPadding) < totalHeight - itemHeight) {
$ul.animate({top: '-=' + itemHeight});
else {
if($ul.position().top - parentPadding < 0) {
$ul.animate({top: '+=' + itemHeight});
I've noticed that when I make few double clicks quickly, pressing a.handle-next/a.handle-prev, ul position changes unexpectedly.
Howcome I avoid this behavior?

Just check if $ul is animated:
if($':animated')) return;

Check if an animation is occuring prior to executing the body of the event handler.
if($(this).hasClass('handle-next')) {
if(Math.abs($ul.position().top - parentPadding) < totalHeight - itemHeight) {
$ul.animate({top: '-=' + itemHeight});
else {
if($ul.position().top - parentPadding < 0) {
$ul.animate({top: '+=' + itemHeight});
Working Example

You need to lock any action with your traveller, untill animation is finished. Here i used lock variable, but you can use any approach to lock it. For this purpose use callback on animate:
$ul.animate({top: '-=' + itemHeight}, 400, 'swing', function(){
lock = false;
Here is the jsfiddle like

You could just prevent it with a $ul.stop(); just before you define who $ul is
here's the fiddle
var $ul = $('#traveller ul');


Toggle instead of going to page with URL

I'm creating different style of navigation in mobile view. The three links that has + sign has their link on desktop view but I want in mobile when clicked, the sub menu will toggle. How can I do that if the 3 links has href? How to prevent the link going to the another page?
This is my code
$(window).resize(function() {
var width = $(document).width();
if (width >= 320) {
$("ul#main-menu li").on("click", function() {
$(this).next().find('ul.sub-menu').css("display", "block");
return false;
else {
$("ul#main-menu li").each(function() {
$(this).hover(function() {
var thiswidth = $(this).css('width');
thiswidth = parseInt(thiswidth);
thiswidth = thiswidth / 2;
var nbsub = $(this).find('.sub-menu').children().length;
submulti = 257;
submulti = 206;
subwidth = (nbsub * submulti);
subwidthhalf = subwidth / 2;
subwidthhalf = subwidthhalf - 75 ;
subwidthhalf = subwidthhalf + 156;
subwidthhalf = subwidthhalf + 368 ;
subleft = (thiswidth - subwidthhalf);
$(this).find('.sub-menu').css('width',subwidth + 'px');
$(this).find('.sub-menu').css('left',subleft + 'px');
}, function() {
When you add an event binder, the first parameter to the function you define will be the event itself. Knowing that, there are various things you can call on an event. One thing is preventDefault which would prevent the default action. You would modify your code to this (assuming the a or anchor tags with the href are inside the li tags):
if (width >= 320) {
$("ul#main-menu li").on("click", function(evt) {
$(this).next().find('ul.sub-menu').css("display", "block");
return false;
If you want it to happen even if the width is < 320, you'd need to add another event binding to do the same thing. Like so:
if (width >= 320) {
$("ul#main-menu li").on("click", function(evt) {
$(this).next().find('ul.sub-menu').css("display", "block");
return false;
} else {
$("ul#main-menu li").on("click", function(evt) {
Note that it would be cleaner to target the anchor tags directly and prevent the click action from triggering the default behavior. Mostly because it would be more obvious what you're targeting and why for other programs who come along later.
MDN: Event.preventDefault()

Infinite move object on mouseover

I'm trying to create a feature where when you mouseover an object, another object begins to move continuously until you mouseout. For some reason in my code it stops after the first 10 pixels, which is this,
"margin-left": "+=" + 10 + "px"
How can I make it run continuously, while on mouseover only?
Try to do a clever recursion here,
$("a").mouseover(function () {
stop = false;
$("a").mouseout(function () {
stop = true;
function animate() {
if (stop) { return; }
"margin-left": "+=" + 10 + "px"
}, animate);
Don't use .animate, because it's not designed for this. You can move it yourself by altering the CSS in a setInterval loop:
$("a").mouseover(function () {
// store the interval ID on the DOM element itself
$(this).data('tc', setInterval(function () {
"margin-left": "+=1"
}, 20) // milliseconds
$("a").mouseout(function () {
// clear the interval ID
Try if this works :
var over = false;
over = true;
while(over == true)
"margin-left": "+=" + 10 + "px"
over = false;

Animating an image carousel

I am using and have modified an image slider/carousel and need some guidance one two things. I need to enable it to auto scroll through the images firstly. and secondly I need to have three words underneath that act as controls too. So if I click on one it will take me to that image in the slider with some text underneath?
Example Fiddle
(function() {
var first = $('.item').first(),
last = $('.item').last(),
itemWidth = first.width(),
carousel = $('.carousel');
carousel.width(itemWidth * $('.item').length);
carousel.css({left: -itemWidth});
$('.prev').on('click', function(e){
carousel.animate({left: '+=' + itemWidth}, 300, function(){
if(Math.abs(carousel.position().left) < 2) {
carousel.css({left: -itemWidth * (carousel.children().length - 2)});
return false;
$('.next').on('click', function(e){
carousel.animate({left: '-=' + itemWidth}, 300, function(){
if(Math.abs(carousel.position().left + itemWidth * (carousel.children().length - 1)) < 2) {
carousel.css({left: -itemWidth});
return false;
so the image illustrates my aim.
Easiest way:
Create variable var autoplay=true;,
Wrap Your function binded to next button click in setInterval, so setInterval Function would be like this one:
carousel.animate({left: '-=' + itemWidth}, 300, function(){
if(Math.abs(carousel.position().left + itemWidth * (carousel.children().length - 1)) < 2) {
carousel.css({left: -itemWidth});
and then just add autoPlay toggle handler
Since I hadn't seen the button for autoplay I thought of automatic solution.
In This fiddle the Gallery moves with automatic movement(ten second for image) when the user clicks on pre next buttons auto move stops to restart after 10 seconds of inactivity
For me this is a more elegant solution
<script type="text/javascript">
var first = $('.item').first(),
last = $('.item').last(),
itemWidth = first.width(),
carousel = $('.carousel');
carousel.width(itemWidth * $('.item').length);
carousel.css({left: -itemWidth});
//auto start
var giranews = setInterval(function(){move()},5000);
function move(){
carousel.animate({left: '-=' + itemWidth}, 300, function(){
if(Math.abs(carousel.position().left + itemWidth * (carousel.children().length - 1)) < 2) {
carousel.css({left: -itemWidth});
function stopx(){
function countdown(a) {
var count = a;
timerId = setInterval(function() {
if(count == 0) {
giranews = setInterval(function(){move()},5000);
}, 1000);
$('.prev').on('click', function(e){
if(typeof timerId!=='undefined'){clearInterval(timerId);countdown(10)}else{countdown(10)}
carousel.animate({left: '+=' + itemWidth}, 300, function(){
if(Math.abs(carousel.position().left) < 2) {
carousel.css({left: -itemWidth * (carousel.children().length - 2)});
return false;
$('.next').on('click', function(e){
if(typeof timerId!=='undefined'){clearInterval(timerId);countdown(10)}else{countdown(10)}
carousel.animate({left: '-=' + itemWidth}, 300, function(){
if(Math.abs(carousel.position().left + itemWidth * (carousel.children().length - 1)) < 2) {
carousel.css({left: -itemWidth});
return false;
The Easiest Way Demo Based On your Code with Just Addition of few Lines
Periodically Call the auto function
This function is basically the content inside your click for next slide
Wrap this inside the function and call it with your required interval
function Auto(){
carousel.animate({left: '-=' + itemWidth}, 300, function(){
if(Math.abs(carousel.position().left + itemWidth * (carousel.children().length - 1)) < 2) {
carousel.css({left: -itemWidth});
Although the aim of this community is not provide complete script to other people, but provide solutions to specific problems, given my love for web galleries in this fiddle there is a gallery with caption below the image with buttons that move images
To accomplish this i had to change the script logic and code is increased slightly
If you like this solution don't forget to flag in green my answer ;) thanks
<script type="text/javascript">
var first = $('.item').first(),
last = $('.item').last(),
itemWidth = first.width(),
carousel = $('.carousel');
carousel.width(itemWidth * $('.item').length);
//auto start
var giranews = setInterval(function(){move()},5000);
function move(){
var left=carousel.position().left
if(left<(itemWidth*($('li.item').length-2)*-1)){carousel.animate({'left':'0px'},300)}else{ carousel.animate({left: '-=' + itemWidth}, 300);}
function stopx(){
function countdown(a) {
var count = a;
timerId = setInterval(function() {
if(count == 0) {
giranews = setInterval(function(){move()},5000);
}, 1000);
//show captions in caption div
function showCaption(countx){
var caption=$('li:eq('+(countx-1)+')').attr('data-caption')
$('.prev').on('click', function(e){
if(typeof timerId!=='undefined'){clearInterval(timerId);countdown(10)}else{countdown(10)}
var left=carousel.position().left
if(left===0){carousel.animate({'left':(itemWidth*($('li.item').length-1)*-1)+'px'},300)}else{carousel.animate({left: '+=' + itemWidth}, 300);}
$('.next').on('click', function(e){
if(typeof timerId!=='undefined'){clearInterval(timerId);countdown(10)}else{countdown(10)}
var left=carousel.position().left
if(left<(itemWidth*($('li.item').length-2)*-1)){carousel.animate({'left':'0px'},300)}else{carousel.animate({left: '-=' + itemWidth}, 300);}
//insert buttons links to image
$('<a class="butt">'+(a+1)+'</a>').appendTo('div.buttons')
if(typeof timerId!=='undefined'){clearInterval(timerId);countdown(10)}else{countdown(10)}
var pos=carousel.position().left
carousel.animate({'left': (($(this).index()*itemWidth)*-1)+'px'})

Transition List Item Scrolling - HTML

Here's the FIDDLE.
List item that appears on clicking the up and down arrows.
When I click on it. It appears instantly which I don't want it to be like that.
I wanted to add a transition to it but I don't have any clue whether to apply it on a li or a tag.
Besides I'm here hiding and revealing li items on click. But I need the transition like when I click on the up arrow, I want the hidden element to push the active element downwards and vice versa.
Someone help me in this.
I updated your FIDDLE
you may check it out.
cur = 2,
$container = $('.dropdown-container'),
$ul = $('.dropdown'),
$ul_length = $('.dropdown li').children().length,
$up = $('.up'),
$down = $('.down'),
changeLi = function (cur) {
var $cur_li = $('.dropdown li:nth-child(' + cur + ')');
left: ($container.outerWidth() - $up.outerWidth()) / 2
left: ($container.outerWidth() - $down.outerWidth()) / 2
top: -$cur_li.position().top
}, 200);
$up.on('click', function () {
if (cur < 1) {
cur = 1;
return false;
$down.on('click', function () {
if (cur > $ul_length) {
cur = $ul_length;
return false;
You can add animatation like slideUp, slideDown etc.
var cur = 2;
$('.up').click(function() {
if(cur <= 0) return;
var last = cur;
cur --;
$('.dropdown li').eq(last).hide(500).addClass('hide');
$('.dropdown li').eq(cur).show(100).removeClass('hide');
$('.down').click(function() {
if(cur >= $('.dropdown li').length - 1) return;
var last = cur;
cur ++;
$('.dropdown li').eq(last).hide(500).addClass('hide');
$('.dropdown li').eq(cur).show(100).removeClass('hide');

.next() not working as intended

works fine, it adds the class "active" to this previous div of the same kind.
However, adds the class to the next div (as i intend for it to do) for about 0.5 of a second BUT then removes it.
Here's ALL of the jQuery (as per your comments below) - Please do not comment on my horrible code organization
$(window).load(function () {
// Initial variables
var numberSlides = 0;
var currentSlide = 1;
var ready = true;
var pageWidthR = $(document).width() - 352;
var pageWidthL = $(document).width() - 352;
// Update number of slides by number of .slide elements
$('#features-slider .slide').each(function () {
// Go through each slide and move it to the left of the screen
var i = 0;
$($('#features-slider .slide').get().reverse()).each(function () {
if (i == 0) {
} else {
var newWidth = i * 115;
$(this).css('left', '-' + newWidth + '%');
// Animate the first slide in
$('#features-slider .slide:last-child').addClass('active').animate({
left: 0
}, 1500);
// Remove the loading message
$('#loading').fadeOut(1000, function () {
// Now that we're done - we can show it
/***** Left and Right buttons *****/
/* Right */
$('#rightbutton').click(function () {
var numberSlides = 0;
$('#features-slider .slide').each(function () {
var index = $('').index() + 1;
if (!$('.slide').is(':animated') && index != 1) {
$('#features-slider .slide').each(function () {
if ($(this).hasClass('active')) {
var currentLeft = $(this).css('left');
var newLeft = parseInt(currentLeft) + 115;
} else {
var currentLeft = $(this).css('left');
var newLeft = parseInt(currentLeft) + 115;
left: newLeft + '%'
}, 1500);
if ($(this).hasClass('active')) {
/* Left */
$('#leftbutton').click(function () {
var numberSlides = 0;
$('#features-slider .slide').each(function () {
var index = $('').index() + 1;
if (!$('.slide').is(':animated') && index != numberSlides) {
$('#features-slider .slide').each(function () {
if ($(this).hasClass('active')) {
var currentLeft = $(this).css('left');
var newLeft = parseInt(currentLeft) - 115;
} else {
var currentLeft = $(this).css('left');
var newLeft = parseInt(currentLeft) - 115;
left: newLeft + '%'
}, 1500);
if ($(this).hasClass('active')) {
$(document).ready(function () {
// Hide the slider and show a loading message while we do stuff and the images / DOM loads - Also disable overflow on the body so no horizontal scrollbar is shown
$('body').css('overflow-x', 'hidden');
$('#loading').html('<center> <img id="loader" src="/wp-content/themes/responsive/library/images/ajax-loader.gif" /> Loading</center>');
New left button function :
var numberSlides = 0;
$('#features-slider .slide').each(function(){
var index = $('').index()+1;
if( !$('.slide').is(':animated') && index != numberSlides ){
var done = false;
$('#features-slider .slide').each(function(){
var currentLeft = $(this).css('left');
var newLeft = parseInt(currentLeft)-115;
} else {
var currentLeft = $(this).css('left');
var newLeft = parseInt(currentLeft)-115;
$(this).animate({left: newLeft+'%'}, 1500);
if($(this).hasClass('active') && done == false){
done = true;
If you're iterating forward through the elements, then it should be clear what's going on - you add the "active" class to the next element, and then the next iteration takes it away.
This is just a guess however as you did not post enough code for me (or anybody else) to be sure.
edit — ok now that you've updated the question, it's clear that the guess was correct. The .each() function will iterate forward through the elements. When an element has the "active" class, and the code removes it and adds it to the next element, then on the next iteration the work is undone.
Since you are referencing this and by the behavior you're describing, you are likely iterating a loop for a list of elements. As a result, you are completing the action you want but the next iteration is removing the previous changes due to your usage of removing a class and then adding the class back.
As it stands now, your code does not illustrate how this occurence can be happening.
As suspected, you seem to be looping as signified by: each(function(){. While iterating through your objects the class is being pushed forward and is not acting as desired. You are stating add the class to the next element, but remove it from the current element, and this behavior continues through your iteration.
On a side note, update your code to call removeClass() on the current object first, before adding it to the next object:
if ($(this).hasClass('active')) {
