Want to scroll a DIV element, not entire webpage - javascript

Long story short, I need to figure out a quick way to scroll a div element from the JavaScript console in Google Chrome. Here is a picture of the element that I am trying to scroll:
And here is the HTML where the DIV item is that I need to scroll (highlighted at the top):
Here's what I've tried so far:
$('body').animate({ scrollTop: $('#NestedList_trends_trends_variable_selector_variable_selector_variable').offset().top}, 5000)
This last one just scrolled the entire page. Not sure why as I referred to the correct DIV ID.
I've tried tweaking any of these three methods, but to no avail. I've run out of ideas and nothing I find on the web has helped me. Anyone have any ideas on how I can scroll this element? Please let me know!
Thanks and cheers!!
Tried this to no avail:
$('#NestedList_trends_trends_variable_selector_variable_selector_variable').animate({ scrollTop: $('#Button_86').offset().top}, 5000)

You are animating the body element. You need to animate the target div. Also, I would consider either shortening the ID on that element to make it more manageable or target the element using one of the classes. Either way, try using the code in that last snippet but put the nested list inside of the first selector and the child element to which you want to scroll in the scrollTop attribute's selector.

It looks like you have jQuery so this should do:
or to make my brain stop hurting:
//somewhere at top of file or in a bloody config somewhere
var bigAssIdDiv = $("#NestedList_trends_trends_variable_selector_variable_selector_variable");
Note that with scrollTop the number you provide is the number of pixels "hidden" above the top (similar to scrolling down by that number of pixels...)


jquery animate/scrollTop to multiple anchors inside divs

I'm having a problem implementing relatively complicated auto-scroll functionality on my page. This displays the issue in my code...
I have multiple divs on my page (blue,red,green in my example) that I not only want to be able to scroll to (which the top 3 buttons in my example achieve perfectly), but I want to be able to scroll WITHIN (which the bottom 3 buttons represent my best attempt at).
The thing I can't figure out, is why the scroll within function works well on my first div ("scrollTo3rdBlueItem" button), but then less accurately with the other divs ("scrollTo3rdRedItem" and "scrollTo3rdGreenItem" buttons). In my full web application (which obviously has more data to scroll through), I basically see that the lower down the page the parent div is positioned, the less accurately I'm able to scroll within it.
I'm struggling to identify much of a pattern though so can't simply try tweaking the offset values. Any ideas what I might be doing wrong here would be hugely appreciated!!
...since I wasn't allowed to post this without quoting code - here's the jquery function you can see in my codepen!
function scrollToParent(parentID){
$('html,body').animate({scrollTop: $('#'+parentID).offset().top}, 500);
function scrollToChild(parentID, childID){
//first focus on the parent
{scrollTop: $('#'+ childID).offset().top - 100}
, 500);
Answer here was COMPLETETLY wrong. Left here to preserve the comments.
Got IT! You need to take in to account the offset of the parent div. Update your scrollToChild function to the below;
scrollTop: $('#'+ childID).offset().top - $('#'+parentID).offset().top
}, 500);

jQuery scrolling out of view issue

I am working on building a schedule. So far it's pretty straight-forward. There is one bit of functionality I am having issues with.
I have an ul that has a fixed height to allow scrolling. There are "Labels" (li.dayLabel) withing the ul that separate the hours. What I am trying to do is to have it so that when a label is scrolled out of view it will change the text in the placeholder to it's text. Then once that works, I need it to work in reverse. So when they label scrolls back into view it updates the placeholder. Basically, I am trying to make the placeholder be a title for the available items until another label is then scrolled out of view. This is for scrolling from the top. So as you scroll down the list the placeholder is meant to be a title for the section you are viewing until you reach another section and it takes its place. Then when you scroll back down I need it to replace the text with the previous li.dayLabel so the sections stay organized. I hope this makes sense.
You can see what I am trying to do by looking at the original that I am basing this off of. Notice how the placeholder changes as you scroll down the list and changes back when you scroll back up.
Demo: jsFiddle // Note: line 54 is the part that is in question
I originally used:
$(".snlf-schedule-list li.dayLabel:visible:first").text();
as the :first selector is suppose to only match a single element.
I later tried:
$(".snlf-schedule-list li.dayLabel:visible").filter(":eq(0)")
as this is suppose to be the same thing.
It seems that when an element is out of view it still is considered :visible I believe this is my issue.
Am I doing this completely wrong? I was under the impression that when you scroll an element like this it should no longer be :visible. After reading the documentation I have learned that this is not the correct selector to use.
It would appear that scrollTop is how I should be doing this. Now I have used scrollTop for scrolling down pages to disable animations when not in view but I am not clear on how to untilize this for a ul with scrollbars.
I tried:
var _first = $('li.dayLabel:first'); // next element to scroll out of view?
if( $(this).scrollTop() > (_first.offset().top+_first.height())) {
// Out of view
} else {
// in view
Updated Demo: jsFiddle
But it seems to be redundant as it's already calculating the first element so I am not sure how to get the correct element (the next one that's about to scroll out of view.) Then I need this to work when they scroll back up...
Any insight on this is much appreciated. Hopefully it's something simple I am just over complicating or missing completely.
The solution for my case was:
// Set placeholder text on scroll
var _scrollCagePositionTop = $(".snlf-schedule-list").offset().top;
var _first = $('li.dayLabel:first'); // first dayLabel element
var _lastOffText = $(_first).text();
$("li.dayLabel").each(function() {
if ($(this).offset().top < _scrollCagePositionTop) {
_lastOffText = $(this).text();
What I did was set the known position of the top of the scroll cage (_scrollCagePositionTop)
When the user scrolls I set a variable _lastOffText that keeps track of the last item text content when scrolled out of view (less offset top than the palceholder). I then set this value to the placeholder.
This method allows me to have the proper text in my placeholder when the user scrolls up or down.
To fix the issue of an empty placeholder when the user scrolls back to the top I just set the default of _lastOffText to be the text of the first label ($(_first).text())
Hope others find this useful.
Here is the working demo: jsFiddle Final

Scrolling a <div> to Specific Content

I'm creating a split page with a menu on the left, and the main content on the right. When I click on a menu item, I want to scroll the main content to that item.
I found JavaScript scrollTo(), which takes offset arguments.
Is there any way to determine the offset of a particular <p> or other element within a <div>? Or perhaps there is another way to scroll to an element without knowing its offset?
Thanks for the replies. Looks like everyone gave similar answers. However, I ran into a problems with this. It seems that offset().top (or position().top) return different values depending on the current scroll position.
My jsFiddle is here: http://jsfiddle.net/gBTW9/4/embedded/result/
If I scroll to the top and selection Section 4, it works as expected. But once I've scrolled, it stops working correctly. Can anyone see what is happening.
There are jquery methods offset and position stat can help there.
Also there is good scrollTo plugin which accepts elements and much more.
You can get the vertical offset of an element using $('p').offset().top. You can combine this with scrollTop() using this:
You need to use position() rather than offset(). If you know the id of that you can easily find the position of that paragraph tag
jQuery: Difference between position() and offset()
If i didn't misunderstood you just need an animated scrolling to a particular element, something similar on what I did on my portfolio.
Assuming that the menu on the left is fixed, then just scroll the page to the element you want to scroll to:
$("html, body").animate({
scrollTop: $('#element').offset().top
If you need to move a particular element over another element then:
top: $('#element2').offset().top
Why try it the hard way, when you can use a HTML native attribute??
call me old school, but i like to keep it simple.
within your menu:
Paragraph 1
instead of
<li>Paragraph 1</li>
this will make your section jump to the # (id) that equals Paragraph1

How to improve JS scroll performance?

I'm working on revamping my website, and the new one can be found on http://beta.namanyayg.com/
There are mainly two things related to scroll on the site:
To check on which 'page' the user is on, by calculating the top offset and scroll position, then adding a class to the page.
To smooth scroll on menu click.
I've written code for both, but there is a lot of lag.
The first one almost always results in lagging. The second one, as a result, lags too. I have included a boolean to check if it's smooth scrolling and disabled the normal scroll events then, but there's not much change.
Do you have any advice on how to improve performance so there is no (or at least, less) lag? Thank you in advance! :)
...Or is it not related to JS at all? I've optimized everything else...
EDIT: Unminified JS at http://beta.namanyayg.com/js/main.js
If you are using underscore, it has an awesome _.debounce function that is excellent for this sort of thing.
To check how much the user has scrolled from the top of the page (i.e. on which 'page' he is at the moment) can be achieved with:
$(window).scroll(function () {
var scrollAmount = $(window).scrollTop(); // in pixels
if(scrollAmount > SOME_AMOUNT)
// add required css class
To scroll smoothly, to some id for example, you could use:
$("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: $("#someID").scrollTop() }, 1000);
These are both jQuery solutions, so you should have jquery library included. There is also a nice jQuery plugin called waypoints that performs these calculations. It might prove useful to you and it has some other nice features and examples.
I have the same problem. I have a scrollable div with thousands of smaller divs. Every time I call scrollTop to get the scroll-position or set it, it sometimes waits at least 1 second.
I read these slides: http://www.slideshare.net/nzakas/high-performance-javascript-2011 (especially slides 138-139) and now I realize that every call to scrollTop, even as a getter, makes javascript relayout the page. This is most likely the cause of delay, but unfortunately I have not found a solution yet, as in a way to call scrollTop without causing relayouts.
Note: I've only been testing on Chrome.
Also read 'Browsers are smart' section of this article: http://www.phpied.com/rendering-repaint-reflowrelayout-restyle/
I've found an easy solution to the lag with getting scrollTop, just call it inside a scroll-handler and save the result in a variable.
for example in jQuery:
var scrollPos = 0,
element = $('.class');
scrollPos = element.scrollTop();
For the second problem, setting the scrollTop, I reduced the amount of DOM elements by only showing the visible elements. In your case make sure only the visible page(s) are added to the DOM. when scrolling to the next page, in the scroll handler remove the top one (use jQuery .detach) and append the next one to the DOM.

JScrollPane Dynamic Height

The demo page referenced can be found here.
I'm trying to determine a way that on the click of a parent category (ex: Stone Tiles, Stone Sinks), that the JScrollPane would re-determine the current height and adjust as needed. Unfortunately, my attempts to do so have not worked yet.
I referenced the example here which provided the following function (to do a refresh)...
I've tried to setup this function to be triggered by the category parents like so...
var pane = $('.menuwrap')
var api = pane.data('jsp');
var i = 1;
$("li.expandable.parent").click(function() {
Unfortunately, while I was able to verify the click is being rendered, the function (api.reinitialize) doesn't appear to be working. I'm hoping that a fresh pair of eyes could point me in the right direction. :-)
The problem is that api.reinitialise executes immediately after the click, and the li element will not have expanded yet so when jscroll pane goes to to recalculate the height it gets it wrong. You can try adding a delay but the best solution would be to bind api.reinitialise() to an event that's triggered once the your list has finished expanding. I'm not sure how you're expanding the div within the li but if for instance it's using .animate, you could bind the api.reinitialise to the animation complete event.
Also noted that not all the parent li's have the class parent associated it to them. I would expect you would want the pane to reinitialize on the expansion and collapsing of all the main li elements.
Hope that helps !
Cheers :)
What you can do is have your inner divs expanded by default, and then close them with jquery, rather than in the CSS directly.
So instead of doing this:
.mydiv.closed {display:none}
do this in your jquery after the elements are drawn to the page:
This will load the jscrollpane at the necessary height, and then collapse what you want to be initially hidden.
