javascript if statement to do-while - javascript

I am trying to get this snip of code to work in a while loop instead of an if.
I need each instant of num_# to not be displayed if the printLoad_# val is empty. So if printLoad_1 value = nothing, the Num_1 would not be displayed, and then the printLoad_2 would check to see if its num_2 is empty and so on.
The problem I am having is the function stops before checking each section.
Im not sure if a do-while will work.
$(document).ready(function() {
if(document.getElementById("printLoad_1").value == "")
document.getElementById('num_1').style.display = 'none';
if(document.getElementById("printLoad_2").value == "")
document.getElementById('num_2').style.display = 'none';
if(document.getElementById("printLoad_3").value == "")
document.getElementById('num_3').style.display = 'none';
if(document.getElementById("printLoad_4").value == "")
document.getElementById('num_4').style.display = 'none';
if(document.getElementById("printLoad_5").value == "")
document.getElementById('num_5').style.display = 'none';

Have you considered just compositing the strings instead of this verbose construction? Something like this:
for( var i=1; i<=5; i++ ) {
if( document.getElementById('printLoad_'+i).value === '' ) {
document.getElementById('num_'+i).style.display = 'none';

Assuming you're using jQuery and that your elements are in order, I'd forget about ID's. If you use common classes, say .printload and .num, then you can easily target elements by index like:
if (!this.value) $('.num').eq(i).hide();

if you have a variable amount of printLoad and num:
var i = 1,
num = document.getElementById('num_'+i);
while(pl !== null && num !== null){
if(pl.value === ""){ = 'none';
num = document.getElementById('num_'+i);

Here is a slight modification of Ethan's answer that "works dynamically". I've also updated it to use jQuery. This could be handled cleaner if CSS classes and a hierarchy relationship were used, but that would affect how the DOM needed to be generated ..
for (var i = 1; /* break */; i++) {
var printEl = $('#printLoad_' + i)
if (printEl.length) {
if (!printEl.val()) {
$('#num_' + i).css({display: 'none'})
} else {
// No #printLoad_N, guess we're done looking

Per #elclanr 's answer:
Use common classes, and target elements by index, it'll be much simpler.
Set your "printLoad" elements to class='printLoad' and your "num" elements to class='num'. Then...
for (i=0;i<document.getElementByClass('printLoad').length;i++)
if (document.getElementByClass('printLoad')[i].value == "")


Checking a div for duplicates before appending to the list using jQuery

This should be trivial but I'm having issues...
Basically what I am trying to do is append a new "div" to "selected-courses" when a user clicks on a "course". This should happen if and only if the current course is not already in the "selected-courses" box.
The problem I'm running into is that nothing is appended to the "selected-courses" section when this is executed. I have used alert statements to make sure the code is in fact being run. Is there something wrong with my understanding of the way .on and .each work ? can I use them this way.
Here is a fiddle
$(document).on("click", "div.course", function() {
var title = $( this ).find("span").text();
var match_found = 0;
//if length 0 nothing in list, no need to check for a match
if ($(".selected-course").length > 0) {
match_found = match(title);
if (matched == 0) {
var out = '<div class="selected-course">' + '' + title + ''+'</div>';
//checks to see if clicked course is already in list before adding.
function match(str) {
$(".selected-course").each(function() {
var retval = 0;
if(str == this.text()) {
//course already in selected-course section
retval = 1;
return false;
return retval;
There was a couple of little issues in your fiddle.
See fixed fiddle:
function match(str) {
var retval = 0;
$(".selected-course").each(function() {
if(str == $(this).text()) {
retval = 1;
return false;
return retval;
You hadn't wrapped your this in a jquery object. So it threw an exception saying this had no method text().
Second your retval was declared inside the each so it wasn't available to return outside the each, wrong scope.
Lastly the if in the block:
if (matched== 0) {
var out = '';
out += '<div class="selected-course">' + '' + title + ''+'</div>';
was looking at the wrong variable it was looking at matched which didn't exist causing an exception.
Relying on checking what text elements contain is not the best approach to solve this kind of question. It is prone to errors (as you have found out), it can be slow, it gives you long code and it is sensitive to small changes in the HTML. I would recommend using custom data-* attributes instead.
So you would get HTML like this:
<div class="course" data-course="Kite Flying 101">
<a href="#">
<span>Kite Flying 101</span>
Then the JS would be simple like this:
$(document).on('click', 'div.course', function() {
// Get the name of the course that was clicked from the attribute.
var title = $(this).attr('data-course');
// Create a selector that selects everything with class selected-course and the right data-course attribute.
var selector = '.selected-course[data-course="' + title + '"]';
if($(selector).length == 0) {
// If the selector didn't return anything, append the div.
// Do note that we need to add the data-course attribute here.
var out = '<div class="selected-course" data-course="' + title + '">' + title + '</div>';
Beware of case sensitivity in course names, though!
Here is a working fiddle.
Try this code, read comment for where the changes are :
$(document).on("click", "div.course", function () {
var title = $(this).find("span").text().trim(); // use trim to remove first and end whitespace
var match_found = 0;
if ($(".selected-course").length > 0) {
match_found = match(title);
if (match_found == 0) { // should change into match_found
var out = '';
out += '<div class="selected-course">' + '' + title + '' + '</div>';
function match(str) {
var retval = 0; // this variable should place in here
$(".selected-course").each(function () {
if (str == $(this).find('a').text().trim()) { // find a tag to catch values, and use $(this) instead of this
retval = 1;
return false;
return retval; // now can return variable, before will return undefined
Updated DEMO
Your Issues are :
1.this.text() is not valid. you have to use $(this).text(). defined var retval = 0; inside each statement and trying to return it outside each statement. so move this line out of the each statement.
3.matched is not defined . it should be match_found in line if (matched == 0) {.
4. use trim() to get and set text, because text may contain leading and trailing spaces.
Your updated JS is
$(document).on("click", "div.course", function () {
var title = $(this).find("span").text();
var match_found = 0;
if ($(".selected-course").length > 0) {
match_found = match(title);
if (match_found == 0) {
var out = '<div class="selected-course">' + '' + title + '' + '</div>';
function match(str) {
var retval = 0;
$(".selected-course").each(function () {
if (str.trim() == $(this).text().trim()) {
retval = 1;
return false;
return retval;
Updated you Fiddle

Hiding columns in Dynatable

I'm hoping to replace my tables with Dynatable, but I need to be able to hide and show certain groups of columns to do so. I do this in the existing, regular html table by giving a group to each , for example:
<td class = "group1">cell value</td>
Then I have some hide and show javascript functions:
function hideCol(columnClass){
$('table .'+columnClass).each(function(index) {
$('ul#hiddenCols').append('<li id="'+columnClass+'">Show '+columnClass+'</li>');
function showCol(columnClass){
$('table .'+columnClass).each(function(index) {
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#radio1').click(function() {
Is there a reasonably straight forward way I can adapt Dynatable to do something similar? Is there a way I can assign classes to each and in a Dynatable?
Thanks a lot,
There is a setting that makes the data in each column inherit the class of the column's header. However, when doing this there appears to be a bug when sorting hidden columns, as I mention in this question.
I couldn't make this work with Dynatable, so I switched to Datatables, where hiding/sorting columns seems to be much more stable.
You can edit the source code of dynatable.js as follows and then use show() and hide() methods...
function DomColumns(obj, settings) {
this.hide = function(indexOrId) {
var columns = settings.table.columns;
if (typeof indexOrId == "number")
columns[indexOrId].hidden = true;
else {
for (var i = columns.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (columns[i].id == indexOrId) {
columns[i].hidden = true;
obj.$element.find(settings.table.headRowSelector).children('[data-dynatable-column="' + indexOrId + '"]')
}; = function(indexOrId) {
var columns = settings.table.columns;
if (typeof indexOrId == "number")
columns[indexOrId].hidden = false;
else {
for (var i = columns.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (columns[i].id == indexOrId) {
columns[i].hidden = false;
obj.$element.find(settings.table.headRowSelector).children('[data-dynatable-column="' + indexOrId + '"]')

how to attach click function to multiple divs without ID

I have a fade in function im trying to understand better. It works fine when I set up the
My question is if I have 8 links that already have the separate ID and class names how can I attach this function to each clickable link?
Is there a function to getElementbyClass or something and then just add the class to all my links?
here is my javascript:
var done = true,
fading_div = document.getElementById('fading_div'),
fade_in_button = document.getElementById('fade_in'),
fade_out_button = document.getElementById('fade_out');
function function_opacity(opacity_value) { = opacity_value / 100; = 'alpha(opacity=' + opacity_value + ')';
function function_fade_out(opacity_value) {
if (opacity_value == 1) { = 'none';
done = true;
function function_fade_in(opacity_value) {
if (opacity_value == 1) { = 'block';
if (opacity_value == 100) {
done = true;
// fade in button
fade_in_button.onclick = function () {
if (done && !== '1') {
done = false;
for (var i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
setTimeout((function (x) {
return function () {
})(i), i * 10);
// fade out button
fade_out_button.onclick = function () {
if (done && !== '0') {
done = false;
for (var i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
setTimeout((function (x) {
return function () {
})(100 - i), i * 10);
Correcting the answer from BLiu1:
var fadeDivs = document.getElementsByClassName('fade');
for (var i=0, i<fadeDivs.length, i++){
// do stuff to all fade-divs by accessing them with "fadeDivs[i].something"
Have you considered using a javascript library like jQuery to manage this. They have some extensive, very easy to use "selectors" that allow you to easily get access to elements in the DOM and animate them with things like "fade ins" and "slides", etc. If you need more animations there are tons of plugins available for this. It also helps to deal with browser compatibility challenges too.
If you want to rely on pure JavaScript, you can use the document.getElementsByClassName() function defined here, but that function is only defined in IE9 and above as well as Safari, Chrome, FF, and Opera.
As said in the comments, there is a getElementsByClassName() method. Here is how you would use it.
for(var i=0; i<document.getElementsByClassName("fade").length; i++ ){
/*apply fade in function*/
I'm not sure whether getElementsByClassName() can detect one class name at a time. You might need regex for that.

Can I optimize these functions?

I have 3 functions (they are minimalized so they might be difficult to read) listed below - i0, t0, and is.
is() and t0() both pull data from the DOM with this line
var c=document.forms[a].elements;
would it be better to pull the data from the DOM in i0(), and then pass it to is() and t0()?
That way I would only pull data from the DOM once, but then I would need an extra variable to store it in an pass it to the two functions.
function i0()
var a=is('f0');
function t0()
var a=document.forms['f0'].elements;
a1="Please enter your credentials";
a2="That email is not registered";
a3="Incorrect credentials - Reset your password?";
return 1;
return 0;
function is(a)
var b='';
var c=document.forms[a].elements;
return b;
function i0(a){
t0() && (a=is('f0'), s0('bi0.php', a, s2)); // just so I can use the comma like this
// or
function i0(){
t0() && s0('bio.php', is('f0'), s2);
function t0(){
var a = document.forms['f0'].elements,
a1 = "Please enter your credentials",
a2 = "That email is not registered",
a3 = "Incorrect credentials - Reset your password?";
return +( c0(a,a1,'fb1') && c2(a[1],a2,'fb1') && c3(a[2],a3,'fb1') );
function is(a){
var b = '',
c = document.forms[a].elements;
for( var i=0, l=c.length; i<l; i++ ){
? c[i].type == 'checkbox' && !c[i].checked && b += c[i].name + '=NULL&'
: b += c[i].name + '=' + c[i].value + '&';
return ( b = b.slice(0, -1) );
to answer your actual question, yes doing a single select on document.forms['f0'].elements will make things slightly faster in some browsers, but it's a micro-optimization that I suspect will only be faster in old browsers (IE6) due to the hash-lookup.
You can change your for loop like this to make it faster, albeit a slight optimization
(Comparison to 0 is faster than comparing to other numbers):
for(i = c.length;i > 0;--i)
I assume you are talking about optimize in time.
Long way: Everything can be optimized.
Short way: Any optimization in this kind of code will be extremely low
Anyway, function is() is very similar to JQuery serialize call and it has been optimizated. Have you considered to use it?

JQuery/Javascript - Search DOM for text and insert HTML

How do I search the DOM for a certain string in the document's text (say, "cheese") then insert some HTML immediately after that string (say, "< b >is fantastic< /b >").
I have tried the following:
for (var tag in document.innerHTML) {
if (tag.matches(/cheese/) != undefined) {
document.innerHTML.append(<b>is fantastic</b>
(The above is more of an illustration of what I have tried, not the actual code. I expect the syntax is horribly wrong so please excuse any errors, they are not the problem).
There are native methods for finding text inside a document:
Others: window.find()
Manipulate the given textRange if something was found.
Those methods should provide much more performance than the traversing of the whole document.
function fx(a,b)
var node=document.createElement('b');
var rng=window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
else if(document.body.createTextRange)
var rng=document.body.createTextRange();
<body onload="fx('cheese','is wonderful')">
<p>I've made a wonderful cheesecake with some <i>cheese</i> from my <u>chees</u>e-factory!</p>
This is crude and not the way to do it, but;
document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace(/cheese/, 'cheese <b>is fantastic</b>');
You can use this with JQuery:
$('*:contains("cheese")').each(function (idx, elem) {
var changed = $(elem).html().replace('cheese', 'cheese <b>is fantastic</b>');
I haven't tested this, but something along these lines should work.
Note that * will match all elements, even html, so you may want to use body *:contains(...) instead to make sure only elements that are descendants of the document body are looked at.
Sample Solution:
Jquery codes:
$('ul li').each(function(index) {
$(this).text('cheese is fantastic');
The way to do this is to traverse the document and search each text node for the desired text. Any way involving innerHTML is hopelessly flawed.
Here's a function that works in all browsers and recursively traverses the DOM within the specified node and replaces occurrences of a piece of text with nodes copied from the supplied template node replacementNodeTemplate:
function replaceText(node, text, replacementNodeTemplate) {
if (node.nodeType == 3) {
while (node) {
var textIndex =, currentNode = node;
if (textIndex == -1) {
node = null;
} else {
// Split the text node after the text
var splitIndex = textIndex + text.length;
var replacementNode = replacementNodeTemplate.cloneNode(true);
if (splitIndex < node.length) {
node = node.splitText(textIndex + text.length);
node.parentNode.insertBefore(replacementNode, node);
} else {
node = null;
currentNode.deleteData(textIndex, text.length);
} else {
var child = node.firstChild, nextChild;
while (child) {
nextChild = child.nextSibling;
replaceText(child, text, replacementNodeTemplate);
child = nextChild;
Here's an example use:
replaceText(document.body, "cheese", document.createTextNode("CHEESE IS GREAT"));
If you prefer, you can create a wrapper function to allow you to specify the replacement content as a string of HTML instead:
function replaceTextWithHtml(node, text, html) {
var div = document.createElement("div");
div.innerHTML = html;
var templateNode = document.createDocumentFragment();
while (div.firstChild) {
replaceText(node, text, templateNode);
replaceTextWithHtml(document.body, "cheese", "cheese <b>is fantastic</b>");
I've incorporated this into a jsfiddle example:
Works in all browsers except IE I think, need confirmation though.
This supports content in iframes as well.
Note, other examples I have seen, like the one above, are RECURSIVE which is potentially bad in javascript which can end in stack overflows, especially in a browser client which has limited memory for such things. Too much recursion can cause javascript to stop executing.
If you don't believe me, try the examples here yourself...
If anyone would like to contribute, the code is here.
function grepNodes(searchText, frameId) {
var matchedNodes = [];
var regXSearch;
if (typeof searchText === "string") {
regXSearch = new RegExp(searchText, "g");
else {
regXSearch = searchText;
var currentNode = null, matches = null;
if (frameId && !window.frames[frameId]) {
return null;
var theDoc = (frameId) ? window.frames[frameId].contentDocument : document;
var allNodes = (theDoc.all) ? theDoc.all : theDoc.getElementsByTagName('*');
for (var nodeIdx in allNodes) {
currentNode = allNodes[nodeIdx];
if (!currentNode.nodeName || currentNode.nodeName === undefined) {
if (!(currentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase().match(/html|script|head|meta|link|object/))) {
matches = currentNode.innerText.match(regXSearch);
var totalMatches = 0;
if (matches) {
var totalChildElements = 0;
for (var i=0;i<currentNode.children.length;i++) {
if (!(currentNode.children[i].nodeName.toLowerCase().match(/html|script|head|meta|link|object/))) {
matchedNodes.push({node: currentNode, numMatches: matches.length, childElementsWithMatch: 0, nodesYetTraversed: totalChildElements});
for (var i = matchedNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
previousElement = matchedNodes[i - 1];
if (!previousElement) {
if (previousElement.nodesYetTraversed !== 0 && previousElement.numMatches !== previousElement.childElementsWithMatch) {
else if (previousElement.nodesYetTraversed !== 0) {
var processedMatches = [];
for (var i =0; i < matchedNodes.length; i++) {
if (matchedNodes[i].numMatches > matchedNodes[i].childElementsWithMatch) {
return processedMatches;
