How can I change to a default background image - javascript

I use the following function to create dynamic elements using an ajax response.
function itemGroupSelection(elem,majorGroupId,itemGroupId){
var itemGroup;
var majorGroup;
if(elem == undefined || elem == null || elem == ""){
var itemGroup = itemGroupId;
var majorGroup = majorGroupId;
}else if(majorGroupId == null && itemGroupId == null){
var itemGroup = elem.attr("id");
var majorGroup = elem.attr("majorgroup");
$('.breadcrumb a').removeClass('active');
if(elem == ""){
$('.breadcrumb a').first().addClass('active');
var selectedOutlet = $('#outlets select').children(":selected").attr("id");
var data = "majorGroupId=" + majorGroup + "&itemGroupId=" + itemGroup + "&outletCode=" + selectedOutlet;
if(selectedOutlet == undefined){
getSystemMessage('Please select an outlet.');
var element = $('#model-item').find('.item').first();
for(var i = 0; i < result.items.length; i++){
var clone = element.clone();
clone.attr("id", result.items[i].itemId);
clone.find('.item-price').html("<h4>" + result.items[i].rate.toFixed(2) + "</h4>");
if(result.items[i].itemName.length >= 20){
clone.attr('title', result.items[i].itemName )
clone.find('.item-name').html("<h4>"+ result.items[i].itemName + "</h4>");
clone.css('background-image','c:/zharaimages/' + result.items[i].itemId + '/image.jpg');
revert : false,
zIndex: 1,
containment: "window",
opacity: 0.5,
cursor: "move",
helper: function() { return $(this).clone().appendTo('body').show(); }
Using the following command I try to select the background image in the local disc.
clone.css('background-image','c:/zharaimages/' + result.items[i].itemId + '/image.jpg');
How can i switch to a default image if there is no image in the path defined. I'm using jQuery 1.9.

Try using the onerror attribute of img, if the link given in src attribute fails to load, ur function in error is called and u can set your default image there (

You need to handle the onerror event of this image, which will occur whenever the file cannot be found:
$(this).off('error'); // otherwise, inexistence of the default image is a real pain
$(this).attr('src', '');
Take a look at this working FIDDLE.
in your situation, you could have something like this:
var path='the path';
clone.css('background-image', 'url('+path+')');
$('<img src="'+path+'" />').error(function(){
clone.css('background-image', 'url('+default_path+')');
Hope this helps :-)


How to decode this javascript?

My question is how can I decode this JavaScript and how is encoded (with which program or online tool).
Here is the JavaScript that I want to decode:
Every obfuscated script needs some kind of eval. In here, the lines
_L = 'constr\x75\x63\x74\x6F\x72';
are doing this. _L is the string "constructor", and [].constructor.constructor is the Function constructor. It will be called with the decoded script, and the resulting function will be called. We can substitute it with an alert, paste the script in the console*, and wait for the result - we don't even need to understand how the decoding works. In your case, the result is (yes, including all the comments and linebreaks):
var alarm ="0";
var content = document;
if ((content.getElementById("wrapper") != null))
document.getElementById('wrapper').style.display = 'block';
function a ()
if ((content.getElementById("links") != null))
var temp = content.getElementById("links").innerHTML;
if ((temp.indexOf('nofollow')+1) > 0) alarm = "1";
else if ((temp.indexOf('noindex')+1) > 0) alarm = "1";
else alarm = "1";
function b ()
if ((content.getElementById("aa") != null) && (content.getElementById("ab") != null))
temp = document.getElementById("aa").href;
if ("" != temp) alarm = "1";
temp = document.getElementById("ab").innerHTML;
if ("скрипты для ucoz" != temp) alarm = "1";
else alarm = "1";
function c ()
if ((content.getElementById("ba") != null) && (content.getElementById("bb") != null))
temp = content.getElementById("ba").href;
if ("" != temp) alarm = "1";
temp = content.getElementById("bb").innerHTML;
if ("доска объявлений" != temp) alarm = "1";
else alarm = "1";
function d ()
if ((content.getElementById("ca") != null) && (content.getElementById("cb") != null))
temp = content.getElementById("ca").href;
if ("" != temp) alarm = "1";
temp = content.getElementById("cb").innerHTML;
if ("темы для ucoz" != temp) alarm = "1";
else alarm = "1";
a ();
if (alarm == "0") b ();
if (alarm == "0") c ();
if (alarm == "0") d ();
if (alarm == "1") prompt('Нарушены условия использования, по всем вопросам обращайтесь в ICQ:', '376880395');
//When you click on a link with class of poplight and the href starts with a #
$('a.poplight[href^=#]').click(function() {
var popID = $(this).attr('rel'); //Get Popup Name
var popURL = $(this).attr('href'); //Get Popup href to define size
//Pull Query & Variables from href URL
var query= popURL.split('?');
var dim= query[1].split('&');
var popWidth = dim[0].split('=')[1]; //Gets the first query string value
//Fade in the Popup and add close button
$('#' + popID).fadeIn().css({ 'width': Number( popWidth ) }).prepend('');
//Define margin for center alignment (vertical + horizontal) - we add 80 to the height/width to accomodate for the padding + border width defined in the css
var popMargTop = ($('#' + popID).height() + 80) / 2;
var popMargLeft = ($('#' + popID).width() + 80) / 2;
//Apply Margin to Popup
$('#' + popID).css({
'margin-top' : -popMargTop,
'margin-left' : -popMargLeft
//Fade in Background
$('body').append('<div id="fade"></div>'); //Add the fade layer to bottom of the body tag.
$('#fade').css({'filter' : 'alpha(opacity=0)'}).fadeIn(); //Fade in the fade layer
return false;
//Close Popups and Fade Layer
$('a.close, #fade').live('click', function() { //When clicking on the close or fade layer...
$('#fade , .popup_block').fadeOut(function() {
$('#fade, a.close').remove();
}); //fade them both out
return false;
$.fn.tabs = function () {
return this.each(function () {
var $tabwrapper = $(this);
var $panels = $tabwrapper.find('> div');
var $tabs = $tabwrapper.find('> ul a');
$ () {
.hide() // hide ALL the panels
.filter(this.hash) // filter down to 'this.hash'
.show(); // show only this one
return false;
}).filter(window.location.hash ? '[hash=' + window.location.hash + ']' : ':first').click();
$(document).ready(function () {
// console.log(window.location.hash);
*) Of course you need to be sure what you're doing. There's always a small risk that it's a malicious script, and you might have not found all evals. #jfriend00's tip on executing the decoding snippets line-by-line is a safer way.
The only way I know of to understand what this code does is to find a safe environment (in case the code has malicious intent) and execute it line-by-line in a debugger and watch what it does as it deobfuscates itself to turn itself into normal javascript. The variable names will often stay obscured, but the giant string in _O will get decoded into something (probably javascript code).
Have a look at:
They show you how can you do something like that, it's basically a matter of using chrome debugger to "beautify" the code and make it easier to read.
Some versions of chrome don't have the command on a context menu, just look for the command "Pretty print" (has a icon like -> {})
Once done that, you can use a javascript console to evaluate small snippets of code to reverse engineer it. Eg. the expression (at the beginning of your code)
1) (s\u0065lf + ([] * 0) * 1)
2) '\x5B'
3) ((s\u0065lf + ([] * 0) * 1)[0 ^ 0] == '\x5B')
returns this string on my browser
1) "[object Window]0"
2) "["
3) true
Just find the starting point and follow from there. Obfuscated code follows the same rules as normal one, it's just all messed up.

Failed to append image along with text in

This is my code I want to append image along with my text
$(".ChatSend").click(function () {
strChatText = $('.ChatText', $(this).parent()).val();
var recievertext= $('.ausername').html();
if (strChatText != '') {
var strGroupName = $(this).parent().attr('groupname');
if (typeof strGroupName !== 'undefined' && strGroupName !== false)
chat.server.send($("#hdnUserName").val() + ' : ' + strChatText, $(this).parent().attr('groupname'));
//this code is not working
**var userphoto="<img height=\"18px\" width=\"18px\" src=\"userimages/5.jpg\" />";
$('.ChatText', $(this).parent()).find('ul').append(userphoto + strChatText);**
//end of this code is not working
$('.ChatText', $(this).parent()).val('');
return false;
How about putting the content in an li since you're appending to a ul
$('.ChatText', $(this).parent()).find('ul').append('<li>'+userphoto + strChatText+'</li>');

<img> src attribute not changing using Jquery

Hi guys I have made a JqueryUI simple slider,on certain value range I make Image URL and then try to change src attribute.
There are four images I'm trying to change.
Check the jsFiddle here.
I think the code is fine but its not working ,I dont know why ?
Replace this:
$("#" + postRetrmntImage).attr('src', ImageName );
to this:
$("#postRetrmntImage").attr('src', ImageName );
The problem is that youre not assigned any postRetrmntImage variable.
See update jsFiddle demo
Explanation: Please use this: $("#" + sliderId).prop('src', ImageName ); since in your function you are passing the id as sliderId.
Also If I may suggest use .prop good read here: .prop() vs .attr()
Rest demo you can see how it works,
Hope this helps :)
full code
$(document).ready(function () {
makeSingleSliderWithImage('postRetrmntMnthlyPaymt', 0, 10000, 0, 500);
function makeSingleSliderWithImage(sliderId, minimum, maximum, val, steps) {
//Display label shud have a X appended
$('#' + sliderId).slider(
//range: 'min',
min: minimum,
max: maximum,
step: steps,
//starting values for silders
value: val,
slide: function (event, ui) {
//var ImageURL = "Images/";
//var ImageName = "";
//var ext = ".jpg";
if ((ui.value >= 0) && (ui.value <= 2000))//Basic: 0-2000
ImageName = "";
else if ((ui.value >= 2500) && (ui.value <= 4500))//Moderate: 2500-4500
ImageName = "";
else if ((ui.value >= 5000) && (ui.value <= 7000))//Comfortable: 5000-7000
ImageName = "";
else if ((ui.value >= 7500) && (ui.value <= 10000))//Luxury:7500-10,000
ImageName = "Luxury";
//var fullURL = ImageURL + ImageName + ext;
//change Image URL
$("#" + sliderId).prop('src', ImageName ); //{ src: fullURL });
alert($("#" + sliderId).prop('src'));
//change Slider Value
$("#" + sliderId + "X").text(ui.value);
Trying doing this:
$("#" + postRetrmntImage.toString()).attr('src', ImageName );
Change line...
$("#" + postRetrmntImage).attr('src', ImageName );
$("#postRetrmntImage").attr('src', ImageName );
assign a value to postRetrmntImage then use prop instead of attr see why prop
var postRetrmntImage="postRetrmntImage";
$("#" + postRetrmntImage).prop('src', ImageName );
Try this
$("#postRetrmntImage").attr('src', 'newimage.png');

Text area validation in javascript for html image tag

I want to validate a text area for img tag when it is duplicated. example, if i entered the image tag with src i should enter the same source with tag again i need to show alert how it could be done. my snippet to check whether the image is there or not. but i need to do for above validation also...
function validateEditor() {
var editor_val = $('#asset_html').val(), iSrc;
// Check for empty string
if(!string_IsEmpty(editor_val)) {
// Check whether img is available
if(editor_val.match(/img/g)) {
var src_cnt = (editor_val.match(/img/g).length);
for(var j = 1; j <= src_cnt; j++) {
if($('#asset_html_preview img:nth-child(1)').attr('src')) {
iSrc = $('#asset_html_preview img:nth-child(1)').attr('src');
if(iSrc.indexOf('http://') != -1) {
$('#asset_html_preview img:nth-child(' + j + ')')
.error(function() { alert('Check ur image src'); });
You may be looking for this:
var arr = {};
var $div = $('<div />').html($('textarea').val());
$div.find('img').each(function (i) {
var src = $(this).attr('src');
if (src.indexOf('http://') >= 0 && arr[src] == undefined) {
arr[src] = 'foobar';
} else if (arr[src] !== undefined) {
alert('This url `' + src + '` already exists');
} else {
alert('This url `' + src + '` is wrong');
Assuming that your var src_cnt work perfect.
var src_cnt = (editor_val.match(/img/g).length);
if(src_cnt == 1)
alert("Plz choose Unique Image");
return false;

jQuery DOMWindow script doesn't release memory

I'm attempting to use a jQuery script I've found on
on my website to create a lightbox/domwindow popup when a visitor clicks a link.
Unfortunately, it appears the script isn't releasing memory when the user closes the dom window. If the user opens and closes the window several times, it causes the page to slow down dramatically and crash the user's browser.
Here is the jQuery script from the above website:
$.fn.closeDOMWindow = function(settings){
var run = function(passingThis){
var $anchorClassName = $('.'+settings.anchoredClassName);
if(settings.functionCallOnClose) {
var $DOMWindowOverlay = $('#DOMWindowOverlay');
var $DOMWindow = $('#DOMWindow');
if(settings.eventType){//if used with $().
return this.each(function(index){
$(this).bind(settings.eventType, function(){
return false;
}else{//else called as $.function
//allow for public call, pass settings
$.closeDOMWindow = function(s){$.fn.closeDOMWindow(s);};
$.fn.openDOMWindow = function(instanceSettings){
var shortcut = $.fn.openDOMWindow;
//default settings combined with callerSettings////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
shortcut.defaultsSettings = {
eventType:null, //click, blur, change, dblclick, error, focus, load, mousedown, mouseout, mouseup etc...
positionType:'centered', // centered, anchored, absolute, fixed
windowBGImage:null, // http path
windowSource:'inline', //inline, ajax, iframe
var settings = $.extend({}, $.fn.openDOMWindow.defaultsSettings , instanceSettings || {});
//Public functions
shortcut.viewPortHeight = function(){ return self.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight;};
shortcut.viewPortWidth = function(){ return self.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth;};
shortcut.scrollOffsetHeight = function(){ return self.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop;};
shortcut.scrollOffsetWidth = function(){ return self.pageXOffset || document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft;};
shortcut.isIE6 = typeof === "undefined";
//Private Functions/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
var sizeOverlay = function(){
var $DOMWindowOverlay = $('#DOMWindowOverlay');
if(shortcut.isIE6){//if IE 6
var overlayViewportHeight = document.documentElement.offsetHeight + document.documentElement.scrollTop - 4;
var overlayViewportWidth = document.documentElement.offsetWidth - 21;
$DOMWindowOverlay.css({'height':overlayViewportHeight +'px','width':overlayViewportWidth+'px'});
}else{//else Firefox, safari, opera, IE 7+
var sizeIE6Iframe = function(){
var overlayViewportHeight = document.documentElement.offsetHeight + document.documentElement.scrollTop - 4;
var overlayViewportWidth = document.documentElement.offsetWidth - 21;
$('#DOMWindowIE6FixIframe').css({'height':overlayViewportHeight +'px','width':overlayViewportWidth+'px'});
var centerDOMWindow = function() {
var $DOMWindow = $('#DOMWindow');
if(settings.height + 50 > shortcut.viewPortHeight()){//added 50 to be safe
$DOMWindow.css('left',Math.round(shortcut.viewPortWidth()/2) + shortcut.scrollOffsetWidth() - Math.round(($DOMWindow.outerWidth())/2));
$DOMWindow.css('left',Math.round(shortcut.viewPortWidth()/2) + shortcut.scrollOffsetWidth() - Math.round(($DOMWindow.outerWidth())/2));
$DOMWindow.css('top',Math.round(shortcut.viewPortHeight()/2) + shortcut.scrollOffsetHeight() - Math.round(($DOMWindow.outerHeight())/2));
var centerLoader = function() {
var $DOMWindowLoader = $('#DOMWindowLoader');
if(shortcut.isIE6){//if IE 6
$DOMWindowLoader.css({'left':Math.round(shortcut.viewPortWidth()/2) + shortcut.scrollOffsetWidth() - Math.round(($DOMWindowLoader.innerWidth())/2),'position':'absolute'});
$DOMWindowLoader.css({'top':Math.round(shortcut.viewPortHeight()/2) + shortcut.scrollOffsetHeight() - Math.round(($DOMWindowLoader.innerHeight())/2),'position':'absolute'});
var fixedDOMWindow = function(){
var $DOMWindow = $('#DOMWindow');
$DOMWindow.css('left', settings.positionLeft + shortcut.scrollOffsetWidth());
$DOMWindow.css('top', + settings.positionTop + shortcut.scrollOffsetHeight());
var showDOMWindow = function(instance){
$('.'+instance+' #DOMWindowLoader').remove();
$('.'+instance+' #DOMWindowContent').fadeIn('fast',function(){if(settings.functionCallOnOpen){settings.functionCallOnOpen();}});
$('.'+instance+ '.closeDOMWindow').click(function(){
return false;
$('#DOMWindow .closeDOMWindow').click(function(){
return false;
var urlQueryToObject = function(s){
var query = {};
s.replace(/b([^&=]*)=([^&=]*)b/g, function (m, a, d) {
if (typeof query[a] != 'undefined') {
query[a] += ',' + d;
} else {
query[a] = d;
return query;
//Run Routine ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
var run = function(passingThis){
//get values from element clicked, or assume its passed as an option
settings.windowSourceID = $(passingThis).attr('href') || settings.windowSourceID;
settings.windowSourceURL = $(passingThis).attr(settings.windowSourceAttrURL) || settings.windowSourceURL;
settings.windowBGImage = settings.windowBGImage ? 'background-image:url('+settings.windowBGImage+')' : '';
var urlOnly, urlQueryObject;
if(settings.positionType == 'anchored'){//anchored DOM window
var anchoredPositions = $(settings.anchoredSelector).position();
var anchoredPositionX = anchoredPositions.left + settings.positionLeft;
var anchoredPositionY = + settings.positionTop;
$('body').append('<div class="'+settings.anchoredClassName+'" style="'+settings.windowBGImage+';background-repeat:no-repeat;padding:'+settings.windowPadding+'px;overflow:auto;position:absolute;top:'+anchoredPositionY+'px;left:'+anchoredPositionX+'px;height:'+settings.height+'px;width:'+settings.width+'px;background-color:'+settings.windowBGColor+';border:'+settings.borderSize+'px solid '+settings.borderColor+';z-index:10001"><div id="DOMWindowContent" style="display:none"></div></div>');
if(settings.loader && settings.loaderImagePath !== ''){
$('.'+settings.anchoredClassName).append('<div id="DOMWindowLoader" style="width:'+settings.loaderWidth+'px;height:'+settings.loaderHeight+'px;"><img src="'+settings.loaderImagePath+'" /></div>');
if(settings.draggable){$('.' + settings.anchoredClassName).draggable({cursor:'move'});}
case 'inline'://////////////////////////////// inline //////////////////////////////////////////
$('.' + settings.anchoredClassName+" #DOMWindowContent").append($(settings.windowSourceID).children());
$('.' + settings.anchoredClassName).unload(function(){// move elements back when you're finished
$('.' + settings.windowSourceID).append( $('.' + settings.anchoredClassName+" #DOMWindowContent").children());
case 'iframe'://////////////////////////////// iframe //////////////////////////////////////////
$('.' + settings.anchoredClassName+" #DOMWindowContent").append('<iframe frameborder="0" hspace="0" wspace="0" src="'+settings.windowSourceURL+'" name="DOMWindowIframe'+Math.round(Math.random()*1000)+'" style="width:100%;height:100%;border:none;background-color:#fff;" class="'+settings.anchoredClassName+'Iframe" ></iframe>');
case 'ajax'://////////////////////////////// ajax //////////////////////////////////////////
if(settings.windowHTTPType == 'post'){
if(settings.windowSourceURL.indexOf("?") !== -1){//has a query string
urlOnly = settings.windowSourceURL.substr(0, settings.windowSourceURL.indexOf("?"));
urlQueryObject = urlQueryToObject(settings.windowSourceURL);
urlOnly = settings.windowSourceURL;
urlQueryObject = {};
$('.' + settings.anchoredClassName+" #DOMWindowContent").load(urlOnly,urlQueryObject,function(){
if(settings.windowSourceURL.indexOf("?") == -1){ //no query string, so add one
settings.windowSourceURL += '?';
$('.' + settings.anchoredClassName+" #DOMWindowContent").load(
settings.windowSourceURL + '&random=' + (new Date().getTime()),function(){
}else{//centered, fixed, absolute DOM window
//overlay & modal
$('body').append('<div id="DOMWindowOverlay" style="z-index:10000;display:none;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;background-color:'+settings.overlayColor+';filter:alpha(opacity='+settings.overlayOpacity+');-moz-opacity: 0.'+settings.overlayOpacity+';opacity: 0.'+settings.overlayOpacity+';"></div>');
if(shortcut.isIE6){//if IE 6
$('body').append('<iframe id="DOMWindowIE6FixIframe" src="blank.html" style="width:100%;height:100%;z-index:9999;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;filter:alpha(opacity=0);"></iframe>');
var $DOMWindowOverlay = $('#DOMWindowOverlay');
if(settings.loader && settings.loaderImagePath !== ''){
$('body').append('<div id="DOMWindowLoader" style="z-index:10002;width:'+settings.loaderWidth+'px;height:'+settings.loaderHeight+'px;"><img src="'+settings.loaderImagePath+'" /></div>');
//add DOMwindow
$('body').append('<div id="DOMWindow" style="background-repeat:no-repeat;'+settings.windowBGImage+';overflow:auto;padding:'+settings.windowPadding+'px;display:none;height:'+settings.height+'px;width:'+settings.width+'px;background-color:'+settings.windowBGColor+';border:'+settings.borderSize+'px solid '+settings.borderColor+'; position:absolute;z-index:10001"></div>');
var $DOMWindow = $('#DOMWindow');
//centered, absolute, or fixed
case 'centered':
if(settings.height + 50 > shortcut.viewPortHeight()){//added 50 to be safe
$DOMWindow.css('top', (settings.fixedWindowY + shortcut.scrollOffsetHeight()) + 'px');
case 'absolute':
case 'fixed':
case 'anchoredSingleWindow':
var anchoredPositions = $(settings.anchoredSelector).position();
var anchoredPositionX = anchoredPositions.left + settings.positionLeft;
var anchoredPositionY = + settings.positionTop;
$DOMWindow.css({'top':anchoredPositionY + 'px','left':anchoredPositionX+'px'});
if(settings.positionType == 'centered'){centerDOMWindow();}
if(settings.positionType == 'fixed'){fixedDOMWindow();}
if(settings.positionType == 'centered'){centerDOMWindow();}
case 'inline'://////////////////////////////// inline //////////////////////////////////////////
$DOMWindow.unload(function(){// move elements back when you're finished
case 'iframe'://////////////////////////////// iframe //////////////////////////////////////////
$DOMWindow.append('<iframe frameborder="0" hspace="0" wspace="0" src="'+settings.windowSourceURL+'" name="DOMWindowIframe'+Math.round(Math.random()*1000)+'" style="width:100%;height:100%;border:none;background-color:#fff;" id="DOMWindowIframe" ></iframe>');
case 'ajax'://////////////////////////////// ajax //////////////////////////////////////////
if(settings.windowHTTPType == 'post'){
if(settings.windowSourceURL.indexOf("?") !== -1){//has a query string
urlOnly = settings.windowSourceURL.substr(0, settings.windowSourceURL.indexOf("?"));
urlQueryObject = urlQueryToObject(settings.windowSourceURL);
urlOnly = settings.windowSourceURL;
urlQueryObject = {};
if(settings.windowSourceURL.indexOf("?") == -1){ //no query string, so add one
settings.windowSourceURL += '?';
settings.windowSourceURL + '&random=' + (new Date().getTime()),function(){
}//end if anchored, or absolute, fixed, centered
};//end run()
if(settings.eventType){//if used with $().
return this.each(function(index){
return false;
}else{//else called as $.function
};//end function openDOMWindow
//allow for public call, pass settings
$.openDOMWindow = function(s){$.fn.openDOMWindow(s);};
And here is the hyperlink tag from my HTML that opens up the light box.
Change Icon
Here is a screenshot from siege detailing the memory step increase every time the user opens and closes the DOM window from that link. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
The problem is, that remove() removes nodes from the document-tree, but they still are available(for example you can use them again and put them back to the document).
In MSIE you can set the outerHTML-property of nodes to an empty string to really delete them, in other browsers I'm not sure how. You may have a look at this: .
The author uses there the delete-statement, but I'm not sure if it really deletes the nodes.
