how to add one error instead of multiple errors - javascript

Hi I have designed my form now i am unsure how to combine all the alert messages instead of them popping up one at a time , please could someone tell my how to do this in simple terms as i am new to javascript. thankyou in advance. below is my script.
function validateForm() {
// this part of the script will collate all errors into one should the user leave an input blank
var Fname=document.forms["myForm"]["fname"].value;
var Lname=document.forms["myForm"]["lname"].value;
var address=document.forms["myForm"]["addr1"].value;
var postcode=document.forms["myForm"]["pcode"].value;
var email=document.forms["myForm"]["email"].value;
var number=document.forms["myForm"]["tel"].value;
var date=document.forms["myForm"]["mydate"].value;
if (Fname==null || Fname=="" ||Lname==null || Lname=="" ||address==null || address=="" ||!postcode||!email||!number||([0].checked == false ) && ([1].checked == false )||(myForm.age[0].checked == false )&&(myForm.age[1].checked == false )&&(myForm.age[2].checked == false )&&(myForm.age[3].checked == false )&&(myForm.age[4].checked == false )||!date)
alert("Please make sure all fields are filled or checked correctly out ");
return false;
//end of collating script
//start of postcode script
var regPostcode = /^[a-zA-Z]{1,2}\d[\dA-Za-z]? \d[a-zA-Z]{2}$/;
if (!postcode.match(regPostcode))
alert("That Post Code is incorrect, correct way mk4 4tr");
return false;
//end of postcode script
//start of email script
var regEmail =/^\S+#\S+\.\S+$/;
if (!email.match(regEmail))
alert("That email is incorrect");
return false;
// end of email script
// start of phone number script
var phonestring = /^(?:0|\+44)[12378]\d{8,9}$/;
if (!number.match(phonestring))
alert(" incorrect,correct format 01908234874");
return false;
// end of phone script
//start of gender script
if ( ([0].checked == false ) && ([1].checked == false ) )
alert ( "Please choose your Gender: Male or Female" );
return false;
// end of gender script
//start of age group script
if((myForm.age[0].checked == false )&&(myForm.age[1].checked == false )&&(myForm.age[2].checked == false )&&(myForm.age[3].checked == false )&&(myForm.age[4].checked == false )){
alert("please select an age group");
return false;
// end of age script
//start of datefield
var dateformat=/^(?:(?:31\/(?:0[13578]|1[02])|(?:29|30)\/(?:0[13-9]|1[012])|(?:0[1-9]|1\d|2[0-8])\/(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2]))\/[2-9]\d{3}|29\/02\/(?:[2-9]\d(?:0[48]|[2468][048]|[13579][26])|(?:[2468][048]|[3579][26])00))$/;
if (!date.match(dateformat))
alert("format incorrect use dd/mm/yyyy make sure you are entering correct days to the month remember 30 days have september, april, june & november, only 28 days in february unless leap year next is 2016");
return false;
var today = new Date();
var courseYear =date.substr(6,4) // use substr or substring to capture the last four digits
var courseMonth =date.substr(3,2) // use substr or substring to capture the four and fifth digits
var courseDay = date.substr(0,2)//e the first and second digits
var dateToCompare = new Date(courseYear, courseMonth, courseDay);
if (dateToCompare < today) {
alert("this date is in the past");
return false; }
//end of date field
{ alert(" Thank you a member of our team will get back to you shortly");
return true;}

create some kind of collection that you can append to and instead of alerting independantly, just add them to the set. Something like:
function validateForm(){
var errors = []; // new array to hold all the errors
validation code that instead of
Also remove any premature `return` statements and
leave them until the end.
// next check if there are errors
if (errors.length > 0){
// display them
alert('Following errors found:\n- ' + errors.join('\n- '));
// also return false to flag there was a problem
return false;
// if we reached this code there were no errors
return true;

Add all your errors to an array and then alert them at the end, if any exist:
function validateForm() {
var errors = []; //array for holding errors
if (Fname==null || Fname=="" ||Lname==null || Lname=="" ||address==null || address=="" ||!postcode||!email||!number||([0].checked == false ) && ([1].checked == false )||(myForm.age[0].checked == false )&&(myForm.age[1].checked == false )&&(myForm.age[2].checked == false )&&(myForm.age[3].checked == false )&&(myForm.age[4].checked == false )||!date) {
errors.push("Please make sure all fields are filled or checked correctly out "); //add error
//end of collating script
//start of postcode script
var regPostcode = /^[a-zA-Z]{1,2}\d[\dA-Za-z]? \d[a-zA-Z]{2}$/;
if (!postcode.match(regPostcode)) {
errors.push("That Post Code is incorrect, correct way mk4 4tr"); //add error
//end of postcode script
//start of email script
var regEmail =/^\S+#\S+\.\S+$/;
if (!email.match(regEmail)) {
errors.push("That email is incorrect"); //add error
if(errors.length > 0) {
alert('The following errors occurred: ' + errors.join('\n')); //alert errors if they exist
return false;
return true; // allow submit


Parsley.js Dynamic messages in custom validator

I'm using a custom validator to check for date of birth, so far it has almost nothing, but I'm trying to add a dynamic message depending on the error and it's not working for me it displays the container with a blank message, any ideas?
Here's the piece of code the custom validator:
window.Parsley.addValidator('age', {
validate: function(value, id){
case 'main':
var day = $('#birthdate_day').val();
var month = $('#birthdate_month').val();
var year = $('#birthdate_year').val();
if(!day || !month || !year){
window.Parsley.addMessage('en', 'age','Error1 ');
return false;
} else {
window.Parsley.addMessage('en', 'age','Error 2');
return true;
messages: {
en: 'Default error',
Another thing I've tried is setting the data-parsley-age-message="error" during the execution of the validation, but it only shows the error the second time the validation is ran.
Thanks in advance.
window.Parsley.addValidator('age', {
validate: function(value, id){
case 'main':
var day = $('#birthdate_day').val();
var month = $('#birthdate_month').val();
var year = $('#birthdate_year').val();
if(!day || !month || !year){
return $.Deferred().reject("One of them is blank");
} else if(day > 2 || month > 2 || year < 2016){
return $.Deferred().reject("Else test of another message");
} else {
return true;
return true;
A little cleaner solution (don't mind the else, it's there just for testing) but can't still make it work becasue I don't know how I can update the classes of the 3 elements on returning true.
Just using jQuery to handle the classes work, however, since I need to remove the ul (otherwise the messages will stack and I don't want that), whenever there's an error triggered AFTER another error is in there, it simply erases it.
window.Parsley.addValidator('age', {
validate: function(value, id){
case 'main':
var day = $('#birthdate_day').val();
var month = $('#birthdate_month').val();
var year = $('#birthdate_year').val();
if(!day || !month || !year){
return $.Deferred().reject("Un campo es blanco");
} else if(day > 2 || month > 2 || year < 2016){
return $.Deferred().reject("dia > 2 o mes > 2 o años < 2016");
} else {
return true;
return true;
It's not well documented, but you can return an error message from your validator by returning a rejected promise. Check this example.
After too much tinkering with it, I think I got it, I have to reset all the previous parsley so it could rewrite the message if needed, even if it's the same one
window.Parsley.addValidator('age', {
validate: function(value, id){
case 'main':
var container = $('.birthdate_container');
var day = $('#birthdate_day');
var month = $('#birthdate_month');
var year = $('#birthdate_year');
if(day.val() === '' || month.val() === '' || year.val() === ''){
return $.Deferred().reject("Un campo es blanco");
} else if(day.val() > 2 || month.val() > 2 || year.val() < 2016){
return $.Deferred().reject("dia > 2 o mes > 2 o años < 2016");
} else {
return true;
return true;
PD: Again, the second else is just there to test that you can throw a different message; the validation itself is irrelevant.
My final work:
window.Parsley.addValidator('age', {
validate: function(value, id, instance){
var container = instance.$element.closest('.form-item');
var msg = '';
var day = container.find('select').filter(function() {return\w*birthdate_day/);});
var month = container.find('select').filter(function() {return\w*birthdate_month/);});
var year = container.find('select').filter(function() {return\w*birthdate_year/);});
var helpContainer = '<ul class="parsley-errors-list filled"><li class="parsley-age"></li></ul>';
if(value === ''){
msg = "This field is required";
/* Take several notes here
1) I wrap my select in a div, for stylying purposes, so I check the default placeholder, when something is selected
this placeholder is changed with the value of the select (this is not shown here, it's done elsewhere)
2) I use DD - MM - YYYY as placeholders, if any of these place holders are already showing in the div,
then I don't validate them because they are still 'clean'
3) If the user clicks the submit button though, I set a js variable with this action and then validate the value anyways
because I don't allow blank dates, however, I can't use the parsley-required feature as it messes up my validation
else if(obj.action !== 'submit' && (day.parent().attr('data-placeholder') === 'DD' ||
month.parent().attr('data-placeholder') === 'MM' ||
year.parent().attr('data-placeholder') === 'YYYY'))
container.find('select').filter(function(){ return this.value}).parent().addClass('parsley-success');
return true;
else if(day.val() === '' || month.val() === '' || year.val() === '') {
msg = "This field is required";
I have another validation process past this point that uses a different error, but I'll point out the very basic
which is just make some other validation and fill the message you want to display.
Let's assume you want the person not to be underage and you control that in your form somehow
else if (!underageAllowed){
var bdate = String("00" + day.val()).slice(-2) + "/" + String("00" + month.val()).slice(-2) + "/" + year.val();
var tdate = moment(); // Today
bdate = moment(bdate,'DD/MM/YYYY');
var age = tdate.diff(bdate, 'years');
if(age < 18){
msg = "Only people with over 18 years old are allower";
if(msg !== ''){
if(obj.action === 'submit'){
return $.Deferred().reject(msg);
} else {
container.find('select').filter(function(){ return this.value}).parent().addClass('parsley-success');
return true;
I then assign the validator to every field that has "birthdate_" as an id (birthdate_day, birthdate_month and birthdate_year)
.attr('data-parsley-trigger', "change")
.attr('data-parsley-validate-if-empty', "true");
Proper errorContainer for each of the fields
errorsContainer: function(el){
return el.$element.closest('.form-item');
And finally how I have my html layout
<div class="form-item">
<label>Date of birth</label>
<div class="dropdown" data-placeholder="DD">
<select id="birthdate_day" name="birthdate_day">
<option value="">-</option> //If user selects this, the validation throws error for all the fields
//Options 1 through 31
<div class="dropdown" data-placeholder="MM">
<select id="birthdate_month" name="birthdate_month">
<option value="">-</option> //If user selects this, the validation throws error for all the fields
//Options 1 through 12
<div class="dropdown" data-placeholder="YYY">
<select id="birthdate_year" name="birthdate_year">
<option value="">-</option> //If user selects this, the validation throws error for all the fields
//Options 1 through 12
Hope this helps out anyone, it took me some time to come up with all this.
If you ONLY want to deal with dynamic messages, do not include a message text in your messages object, then in your validation method:
instance.addError('en', {message: 'Hello World'});
It's as simple as that. Just read the annotated source code and it will unveil a whole host of simple features.
EDIT: actually I just noticed you do need something or it throws it's own error message, so you can fix that with something like:
messages: {
en: '...'
I just tested and that works fine

Comparing two text box which contains email_Id

Can someone help me out with validation of two text-box with same email Id.
I was able to pop an alert if both the text-box contain the same email Id via JavaScript(my requirement was both text-box cant have same email) but now I m facing a problem if second text box contain more then one email_Id separated my comma(,) the validation doesn't work.
I don't want email that is present in first text box repeat into second text-box.
My code:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function validated() {
if (document.getElementById("<%=txtCountry.ClientID %>").value = document.getElementById("<%=txtnewViewer.ClientID %>").value) {
alert("Presenter cant be attende");
return false;
return true;
check this code out
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function validated()
if (document.getElementById("< %>").value == document.getElementById("< %>").value)
alert("text-box cant have same email");
return false;
return true;
Can you try this.
var f_email = document.getElementById("f_email").value;
var s_email= document.getElementById("s_email").value;
if(f_email === s_email) {
// do something when email ids are same.
alert("email ids are same");
else {
// do something when email ids are same.
alert("email ids are not same");
First, you if statement contains an = who always return true and modify your variable (in place of ==).
function validated() {
var clientId = document.getElementById("<%=txtCountry.ClientID %>").value,
viewerId = document.getElementById("<%=txtnewViewer.ClientID %>").value;
if (clientId == viewerId) {
alert("Presenter cant be attende");
return false;
return true;
After that you can use : Array.indexOf():
var clients = clientId.split(","), viewers = viewerId.split(",");
// Here we have two arrays with all datas
for(var i = 0; i < clients.length; i++){
var k = viewers.indexOf(clients[i]);
if(k !== -1) {
alert(clients[i], "=", viewers[k]);

Check if placeholder text already exists within a string

I have an #error paragraph. Everytime there is an error within the form on submit. The inputs placeholder text gets added to the #error paragraph.
My problem:
It happens everytime a user clicks submit. So the #error message returns:
Please fill in yourfirst name, last name, company, position, first
name, last name, company, position, first name, last name, company,
position, first name, last name, company, position, first name, last
name, company, position, first name, last name, company, position,
I've looked for other solutions and tried this:
if (input.attr('placeholder').indexOf($('#error')) >= 0){
} else{
$('#error').append(input.attr('placeholder').toLowerCase() + ', ');
Is there any way to check if the placeholder text already exists in the #error message? Here's a fiddle. I'm sorry it's so convoluted. But its what i've been working on and had it handy.
Thanks for your help in advance!
var errorText = '';
//Validate required fields
for (i = 0; i < required.length; i++) {
var input = $('#' + required[i]);
if ((input.val() == "") || (input.val() == emptyerror)) {
if (input.attr('placeholder').indexOf($('#error')) >= 0) {
// do nothing
} else {
errorText = errorText + $(input).attr('placeholder').toLowerCase() + ', ';
} else {
$('#error').html('').append('Please fill in your ' + errorText);
I simple add one line in your fiddle and it's working now:
required = ["id_first_name", "id_last_name", "id_firmbox", "id_job_title"];
errornotice = $("#error");
emptyerror = "Please fill out this field.";
//Validate required fields
$("#error").html("Please fill in your");
for (i=0;i<required.length;i++) {
var input = $('#'+required[i]);
if ((input.val() == "") || (input.val() == emptyerror)) {
// =====Here===== //
if (input.attr('placeholder').indexOf($('#error')) >= 0){
} else{
$('#error').append(input.attr('placeholder').toLowerCase() + ', ');
// ============== //
} else {
if ($(":input").hasClass("tobefixed")) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
if ($(this).hasClass("tobefixed") ) {
This line do the all trick:
$("#error").html("Please fill in your");
Saludos ;)
If you want to check whether #error contains the string you're wondering about, you can use
($('#error').text().indexOf(a_string)) != -1
This will return true if #error contains a_string.
There's a longer discussion on searching strings for other strings in this question.
It seems you're doing it the wrong way round (and forgetting to get the text out of the #error element):
if ( $('#error').text().indexOf( input.attr('placeholder') ) >= 0)

jquery custom validation script without plugin?

i used to use jquery validation plugin but because of lack of this plugin with wysiwyg plugins i wrote a simple script to validate my form
i tried to do it like this
function validateArticle(formData, jqForm, options) {
if ($('#editor').val() == 0) {
$('#errors').append('<li>please enter your article body</li>');
return false;
if ($('#ArticleTitle').val() == 0) {
$('#errors').append('<li>please enter your article title</li>');
return false;
return true ;
i found to 1 problem when it validate the form it's validating it field by field so the errors messages doesn't appear at once
i tried to do something like
var errors = [];
function validateArticle(formData, jqForm, options) {
if ($('#editor').val() == 0) {
errors.push('<li>please enter your article body</li>');
var invalid = 1 ;
return false;
if ($('#ArticleTitle').val() == 0) {
errors.push('<li>please enter your article title</li>');
var invalid = 1 ;
return false;
if(invalid == 1){
$.each(errors , function(i, val) {
$('#errors').append(errors [i]);
return true ;
i tried to push errors as array elements and loop through them in case of invalid is true
bu this one doesn't work at it all ?
is there any way to make it work ?
if ($('#editor').val() == 0) // This is checking if value is 0
This does not make sense..
if ($('#editor').val() == '') //Instead check for empty string
Also you seem to be hiding the error's div in the end.
Try this code Instead
$('#validate').on('click', function() {
var errors = [];
var html = '<ul>' ;
valid = true;
if ($('#editor').val() == '') {
errors.push('<li>please enter your article body</li>');
valid = false;
if ($('#ArticleTitle').val() == '') {
errors.push('<li>please enter your article title</li>');
valid = false;
if (!valid) {
html += errors.join('') + '</ul>'
return valid;

Why do these alerts multiply?

OK, i have a couple of inputs. I have this code to validate them.
var isFormValid = true;
if ($.trim($(this).val()).length == 0){
isFormValid = false;
if (!isFormValid) alert("Please Enter Your First Name");
return isFormValid;
var isFormValid = true;
if ($.trim($(this).val()).length == 0){
isFormValid = false;
if (!isFormValid) alert("Please Enter Your Last Name");
return isFormValid;
var isFormValid = true;
if ($.trim($(this).val()).length == 0){
isFormValid = false;
if (!isFormValid) alert("Please Select Your Volunteer Choice");
return isFormValid;
For some reason, i get a message after a message. What i was aiming for is that it only show me the next field that has not been field out, not all of them at the same time. If you have a question, please comment, it is hard to not down vote until you give me a chance to better explain.
Here is how to simplify your code, and make it work like intended.
First, since you use the same method to validate all the fields, wrap that in a function instead of repeating the code:
function isFieldEmpty(jQuerySelector) {
return $.trim($(jQuerySelector).val()).length == 0
Second, use a single submit handler to check everything, and return false if any field does not pass validation:
if(isFieldEmpty('#first_name')) {
alert("Please Enter Your First Name");
return false;
if(isFieldEmpty('#last_name')) {
alert("Please Enter Your Last Name");
return false;
if(isFieldEmpty('#dropdown')) {
alert("Please Select Your Volunteer Choice");
return false;
// Will return true only if all fields passed
return true;
I'm not familiar with JQuery but I think what is happening is your are binding 3 functions to your form, which means they all get called
when you want to do is create 1 function validate that calls your sub validations functions.
also I would recommend you change your sub validation methods to return the message instead of a boolean, this way you can display all the errors in 1 alert.
You have multiple alerts because you bind different functions to the submit event of the form: each one checks a different field and fires an alert if the field is empty.
You need to move the three validation steps in only one function and bind that function to the submit event.
Something like:
function check() {
var isFormValid = true;
var errors = array();
if ($.trim($(this).val()).length == 0){
isFormValid = false;
errors.push("Please Enter Your First Name");
if ($.trim($(this).val()).length == 0){
isFormValid = false;
errors.push("Please Enter Your Last Name");
if ($.trim($(this).val()).length == 0){
isFormValid = false;
errors.push("Please Select Your Volunteer Choice");
if (!isFormValid) {
var errorMsg = "";
for (var i = 0; i < errors.length; i++) {
errorMsg += errors[i] + "\n";
This is because of the redundancy on your code, same function, same identifier, same logic, same event handler, useless each with an id selector.
The only thing different are the subjects. Here is my suggestion.
var errors = [];
if($("#first_name").val().length == 0){
errors.push("Please Enter Your First Name");
if($("#last_name").val().length == 0){
errors.push("Please Enter Your Last Name");
// and so on
if(var isFormValid = errors.length > 0) {
alert('you have errors');
//errors contains all the error message if you need them
return isFormValid;
