Emberjs: How to render a view with the view name in variable? - javascript

i would like to add some cards to a board, all cards are very different. so i want to create different view for each card that can bind different events and template. I set a 'type' property in the card model which to distinguish the cards.
the board template look like below:
{{#each card in cards}}
{{render card.type card class="card"}}
However, the first argument for the render help can not be a variable, it can only be the card view name string.
anyone know how to achieve this?

As you already mentioned the built-in render helper only accepts a string to lookup the template to render, therefore one possible solution would be to write your own custom render helper, which then after getting the correct name with card.get('type') delegates the rendering to the built-in render helper. This could look something like this:
Ember.Handlebars.registerBoundHelper('renderCard', function(context, card, options) {
return Ember.Handlebars.helpers.render.call(context, card.get('type'), 'card', options);
After that, you could use it like this in your template:
{{#each card in cards}}
{{renderCard this card}}
I've also added a basic jsbin that shows it working.
Edit 2
Edited the jsbin again, using object data to be rendered into the template, see here.
Edit 3
Lamentably the DS.FixtureAdapter does not support embedded records which is what you need to make it work. But you could configure you orignal DS.RESTAdapter like this:
App.Adapter = DS.RESTAdapter.extend();
cards: {embedded: 'always'}
App.Store = DS.Store.extend({
adapter: App.Adapter
This way the card records are always loaded with the parent record. I guess doing this change would make the call to card.get('type') in you handlebar helper return the value rather then undefined.
Hope it helps.

For Ember 1.9 solution above doesn't work. Use another way to register helper:
Ember.Handlebars.registerHelper 'renderDynamic', (context, model, options)->
contextString = options.hash.contextString
model = options.data.view.getStream(model).value()
return Ember.Handlebars.helpers.render(model.get('type'), contextString, options)
And in the template:
= hb 'renderDynamic "this" currentModel contextString="curremtModel"
or in handlebars:
{{renderDynamic "this" currentModel contextString="curremtModel"}}


Get current route name on handlebar template in Ember.js 2

I needed to know the current route name so I can show or hide a global component that is created on my application.hbs.
This component should be hidden in just one route template, so this looks like the easier solution to me. Getting the current route name and if its equal "posts" it will not show the header-bar component.
Something like this:
{{#if currentRoute != 'login'}}
Any idea on could I achieve this or something similar that solves my problem?
applicatiion controller has a property names currentRouteName. You can use it.
If you want to use in another template you need to define that in controller.
test.js (controller)
let appCtrl = Ember.getOwner(this).lookup('controller:application');
this.set('appCtrl', appCtrl);
Same answer as Ebrahim Pasbani.
This syntax is still usable in latest Ember version:

How can a helper dynamically call a component by its name like {{component componentName}} helper

How can I call inside a helper the equivalent to the Handlebars's helper {{component 'componentName' model=model}} to dynamically render components based on a programmatically changed componentName?
I'm using ember-cli 1.13.8, with Ember 2.0.1.
A bit of context
I have components called cs-widget-image, cs-widget-text, cs-widget-form that expect for a model widget based on its kind attribute.
So for a widget which its kind is image, I wanna render the component cs-widget-image, but I don't think that the logic to discover the name of the correct component should be knew by the model, so I'm not considering using the helper {{component widget.componentName}} on my view.
I think that the better would be have a helper that I can use on my views like:
{{#each manyTypesWidgets as |widget|}}
{{widget-component widget.type model=widget}}
On my mind, the helper widget-component would receive a widget model, and based on its attributes do a kind of "eval" and internally call the equivalent to {{component 'componentName' model=widget}}
Ex.: With widget = {id: 1, type: 'image'}
{{widget-component widget.type model=widget}}
should programmatically call the equivalent to HandleBars helper on template:
{{component 'cs-widget-image' model=widget}}
Disclaimer about a possible duplicate question
Before mark it as duplicate, I need to say that I really found some similar questions here on StackOverflow like:
[5], but all the answers are based on an elderly version of Ember that didn't work anymore on Ember 2.0.1 and ember-cli 1.13.8.
You can build a helper and put the logic of building the component name inside of it. Let's call the helper widget-name, you'd use it like this:
{{component (widget-name widget) model=widget}}
If the logic is as simple as appending the widget type to the end of cs-widget- the following should do the trick:
{{component (concat "cs-widget-" widget.type) model=widget}}
I believe your widget-component approach is more complex, because you would have to have a computed property with the logic and then bind that in a {{component call. I hope the two suggestions are helpful :)
Won't this work for you?
widgetsWithTemplates : Ember.computed.map('manyTypesWidgets', function(widget) {
widget.set('componentName', 'cs-widget-' + widget.get('type'));
And in the template you just call the component by componentName property:
{{#each manyTypesWidgets as |widget|}}
{{widget.componentName model=widget}}

How do you render multiple templates with one route controller using iron-router?

URL to current version of my project
Here is the code for my project
I am making a blog using meteor and iron-router. I want to use a single controller for several different "category pages," which filter a list a blog articles in the yield region.
The Problem:
The article list does not get rerendered when the URL changes. I.e. the article list is not reactive. Interestingly, if I navigate back to the home page, the correct article list shows up.
The Question:
How do I make that article list change when I change between different routes on the category route controller?
Some example code:
Please note that the code for this whole project is available here.
Here is my Route Controller:
CategoryController = RouteController.extend({
action: function(){
template: 'category',
data: function(){
return {category: this.params.category};
articles: function(){
return Articles.find({category: this.params.category});
And here is the template it is rendering:
<template name='category'>
<div class="container">
{{#each articles}}
{{#linkTo route="article.show"}}
Read this article on Meteor Reactivity and the Deps Package. Very interesting, but after trying some Deps.autoruns in different places, I don't think that this is the answer.
Currently trying to make different "category" routes inherit from the controller.
The article list does not change because the Template helper is not using a reactive data source. You may use the RouteController.getParams method to establish a reactive dependency on route parameters as shown below.
articles: function(){
var controller = this;
var params = controller.getParams();
return Articles.find({category: params.category});
From Iron Router documentation:
Note: If you want to rerun a function when the hash changes you can do
// get a handle for the controller.
// in a template helper this would be
// var controller = Iron.controller();
var controller = this;
// reactive getParams method which will invalidate the comp if any part of the params change
// including the hash.
var params = controller.getParams();
By default the router will follow normal browser behavior. If you
click a link with a hash frag it will scroll to an element with that
id. If you want to use controller.getParams() you can put that in
either your own autorun if you want to do something procedural, or in
a helper.

How to modelEvents work in Marionette.CompositeView

I started to learn Marionette.View concept.for this I created model with 1 attribute and assign default value.
I have dropdown list in my html file. Whenever it changes it triggers a function name as myfunction.Inside myFunction I changed model attribute value.
Whenever attribute value changes automatically it triggers another function.that event I written inside Marionette.CompositeView.but it's not working.
Earlier I did same thing using myModel.on there it's working fine.But it's not working modelEvents in Marionette.CompositeView.
let's check the following code.
var mymodel=Backbone.Model.extend({
var mymodelObj=new mymodel();
//marionette.View code
var backView=Backbone.Marionette.CompositeView.extend({
"change #pop1":"myFunction"
//creating instance
var backViewObj=new backView({el:$("#sidebar")});
How can I fix this.
Right Now I am trying to understanding where Marionette.js useful in my Backbone Applications.
If I am not mistaken, model is not attached to the view you have created. For modelEvents to be triggered, there should be a model attribute in CompositeView. For this you should specify the model during initialization of CompositeView;
var backViewObj=new backView({el:$("#sidebar"), model : mymodelObj});
To do this though you need to pass the model in when creating the backView like so:
var backViewObj = new backView({ el:$("#sidebar"), model: myModel });
Marionette accomplishes this by overriding delegateEvents which Backbone.View calls in it's constructor and delegating your modelEvents object to the model:
Marionette.bindEntityEvents(this, this.model, Marionette.getOption(this, "modelEvents"));
Based on your comments above I think that you're unclear about the different types of views that Backbone.Marionette provides as you are asking how to pass more model instances. I also was unclear when I began using Marionette.
Marionette.ItemView represents a single model.
Marionette.CollectionView represents a collection and renders a Marionette.ItemView for every model in the collection. It does not have the ability to render a template.
Marionette.CompositeView represents both a model and a collection (leaf and branch in a tree structure). This is for recursive data structures although you can use a CompositeView to render a template (like a table header, etc.) and use itemViewContainer to place the itemViews in a specific element.
If you want your CompositeView to be able to render multiple models you'll need to pass a collection of models into the CompositeView and not one single model:

backbone.js - collections and views

I understand how to get a collection together, or an individual model. And I can usually get a model's data to display. But I'm not clear at all how to take a collection and get the list of models within that collection to display.
Am I supposed to iterate over the collection and render each model individually?
Is that supposed to be part of the collection's render function?
Or does the collection just have it's own view and somehow I populate the entire collection data into a view?
Just speaking generally, what is the normal method to display a list of models?
From my experience, it's the best to keep in your collection view references to each model's view.
This snippet from the project I'm currently working on should help you get the idea better:
var MyElementsViewClass = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'table',
events: {
// only whole collection events (like table sorting)
// each child view has it's own events
initialize: function() {
this._MyElementViews = {}; // view chache for further reuse
this.collection.bind('add', this.add);
render: function() {
// some collection rendering related stuff
// like appending <table> or <ul> elements
return this;
add: function(m) {
var MyElementView = new MyElementViewClass({
model: m
// cache the view
this._MyElementViews[m.get('id')] = MyElementView;
// single model rendering
// like appending <tr> or <li> elements
Taking this approach allows you to update views more efficiently (re-rendering one row in the table instead of the whole table).
I think there are two ways to do it.
Use a view per item, and manipulate the DOM yourself. This is what the Todos example does. It's a nice way to do things because the event handling for a single model item is clearer. You also can do one template per item. On the downside, you don't have a single template for the collection view as a whole.
Use a view for the whole collection. The main advantage here is that you can do more manipulation in your templates. The downside is that you don't have a template per item, so if you've got a heterogeneous collection, you need to switch in the collection view template code -- bletcherous.
For the second strategy, I've done code that works something like this:
var Goose = Backbone.Model.extend({ });
var Gaggle = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Goose;
var GaggleView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: $('#gaggle'),
template: _.template($('#gaggle-template').html()),
render: function() {
var g = new Gaggle({id: 69);
g.fetch({success: function(g, response) {
gv = new GaggleView({model: g});
The template code would look something like this:
<script type="text/template" id="gaggle-template">
<ul id="gaggle-list">
<% _.each(gaggle, function(goose) { %>
<li><%- goose.name %></li>
<% }); %>
Note that I use the _ functions (useful!) in the template. I also use the "obj" element, which is captured in the template function. It's probably cheating a bit; passing in {gaggle: [...]} might be nicer, and less dependent on the implementation.
I think when it comes down to it the answer is "There are two ways to do it, and neither one is that great."
The idea of backbone is that view rendering is event driven.
Views attach to Model data change events so that when any data in the model changes the view updates itself for you.
What you're meant to do with collections is manipulate a collection of models at the same time.
I would recommend reading the annotated example.
I've also found this a confusing part of the Backbone framework.
The example Todos code is an example here. It uses 4 classes:
Todo (extends Backbone.Model). This represents a single item to be todone.
TodoList (extends Backbone.Collection). Its "model" property is the Todo class.
TodoView (extends Backbone.View). Its tagName is "li". It uses a template to render a single Todo.
AppView (extends Backbone.View). Its element is the "#todoapp" . Instead of having a "model" property, it uses a global TodoList named "Todos" (it's not clear why...). It binds to the important change events on Todos, and when there's a change, it either adds a single TodoView, or loops through all the Todo instances, adding one TodoView at a time. It doesn't have a single template for rendering; it lets each TodoView render itself, and it has a separate template for rendering the stats area.
It's not really the world's best example for first review. In particular, it doesn't use the Router class to route URLs, nor does it map the model classes to REST resources.
But it seems like the "best practice" might be to keep a view for each member of the collection, and manipulate the DOM elements created by those views directly.
