Javascript ternary operators for method calls - javascript

I would like to be able to do this:
var b = $(this).is(':checked')
$('.perspective-col'). (b) ? show() : hide()
instead of
var b = $(this).is(':checked')
if(b) {
} else {
Am I wishing for too much? Or is there some wonderful javascript syntax I haven't found yet? Or am I right in thinking that no such thing exists in JQuery thus far? (I'm using JQuery 1.9.0)

You can use this :
var b = $(this).is(':checked')
$('.perspective-col')[b ? 'show' : 'hide']()
You can call jQuery function by passing a string into the bracket []. Just insert a condition inside to decide which string you pass!
In general,
<any expression>.property
is equivalent to:
<any expression>['property']
The difference is that you can replace the literal 'property' in the brackets with an expression that calculates the property name. jQuery methods are just properties whose values happen to be functions.
But I actually hate that practice. You can also use jQuery .toggle()

jQuery has a method that does what you want called toggle():


How to optionally add a method to a chain in javascript?

I have this chain of methods
Suppose I want methodB() to be added or changed based on some condition:
const inclueMethodB = false;
// change method based on condition
MyObject.methodA().(inclueMethodB ? methodB() : method123()).methodC()
// add method based on condition
MyObject.methodA().(inclueMethodB && methodB()).methodC()
Is there a way to do this in javascript?
I can't think of a way to optionally call a method like that.
If you were choosing between two methods, you could use a subscript where the method name is specified dynamically:
MyObject.methodA()[includeB1 ? "methodB1" : "methodB2"]().methodC()
You could achieve your original goal by defining a method that doesn't do anything except return the same thing that methodB() does. If this is a fluent interface where all the methods just return this, it could be:
doNothing() {
return this;
Then you could write:
MyObject.methodA()[includeB ? "methodB" : "doNothing"]().methodC()
But this all seems unnecessarily complex and confusing. Just use ordinary if statements, which express the intent clearly:
let temp = MyObject.methodA();
if (includeB) {
temp = temp.methodB();

document.getElementsByTagName:Cannot read property 'style' of undefined

I wanna make a varible shortcut $$() so that i can use shortcut like $() [jquery] to save code in my project(ALL MY CODE IS PURE JAVASCRIPT).
when i put the string of id or class, it works all right, but when i put the tagName, it shows Cannot read property 'style' of undefined, it seems that the code is right,help,thanks
One more, is that way to defined a shortcut variable $$() to use in pure javascript environment right way? or is there any best practice to define a global variable like this?
window.onload = function(){
function $$(ele){
var pattern1 = /#/g;
var pattern2 = /\./g;
var pattern3 = /!/g;
var matches = ele.match(/[^#\.!]/g);//array
var elementS = matches.join("");
// console.log(document.getElementsByTagName(elementS));
var spaceExist = /\s/.test(elementS)
return document.getElementById(elementS);
}else if(pattern2.test(ele)){
return document.getElementsByClassName(elementS);
}else if(pattern3.test(ele)){
return document.getElementsByTagName(elementS);
}else if(spaceExist){
return document.querySelectorAll(elementS);
$$('#hme').style.backgroundColor = 'red';
$$('.myp')[0].style.backgroundColor = 'green';
$$('!h2')[0].style.display = 'none';//this not work,shows Cannot read property 'setAttribute' of undefined
<h1 id="hme">hi,friend</h1>
<p class="myp">mmdfdfd</p>
Have you stepped through your code? Look at pattern #2:
var pattern2 = /./g;
That pattern will match any character at all given that's what the period represents in regular expressions - ref:
Therefore, this conditional is satisfied and returns its result:
else if(pattern2.test(ele)){
return document.getElementsByClassName(elementS);
Given there appears to be no element with a class name of h2 (which is the value of elementS), the return value is undefined.
Given that undefined has no properties, interrogating for the style property will produce the error you are seeing.
My advise is use one shortcut since you already using querySelectorAll:
window.$ = document.querySelectorAll.bind(document)
or if you rather need first element
window.$ = document.querySelector.bind(document)
this way you'll be able to do everything you are doing with normal css selectors and not obfuscated !tag for just tag
If speed actually matters, you will save some ticks by just having two aliases:
window.$ = document.querySelector.bind(document)
window.$el = document.getElementById.bind(document)
and calling $el when you need it specifically, instead of trying to make method polymorph.
Mister Epic's answer spots the main issue. Your h2 call is getting caught in that if statement, and that's why your error is happening. You need to make sure it doesn't get caught there, either by creating another pattern, or specifying in your second if statement that your 'ele' doesn't contain an '!'.
After that, in your third if statement:
else if(pattern3.test(ele)){
alert(hi); <---
return document.getElementsByTagName(elementS);
The problem with this is you're going to alert(hi), but hi isn't defined. Make sure you wrap it in quotes.
Should be looking good after that.

If true … else Shorthand

I know that the normal use case for this if statement is e.g.
var string = boolean ? "this" : "that";
I use jhint in my editor and when i try something like
boolean ? array.push("this") : array.slice("that",1);
jshint throws (W030) "Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression"
So far the code always worked fine but maybe i was just lucky.
So my question is, why should i not use this pattern and what would be an alternative? Because writing
} else {
for such short instructions really give me the creeps.
thank you.
It is possible to wrap the ternary operator inside the void operator like this:
void(cond ? expr1 : expr2);
This achieves the desired result and passes JSHint. See JSFiddle and click JSHint button.
However, I recommend the following syntax:
if (cond) {
} else {
Because it is more readable. Just because JavaScript lets you do strange things does not mean that you should.
What it complains about is you misappropriating the conditional operator. It is an operator not a control structure. So it lives in the category of such things things as +,-,*,/. That means you expect the first operand to be a boolean and the second and third to yield a return value.
The whole thing is meant to be short for
if (boolean) {
string ="this" ;
} else {
string ="that";
It wants to return a value (which it can't in your case) and it expects you to use that value (which you don't). So the tenary if is not the thing to use for your case and as a result makes it far less readable.
You are using side effects in expressions to execute logic.
Indeed not very friendly code. It will work.
Just rewrite to distinct logic from expressions.
You can circumvent the jshint message using:
void(boolean ? array.push("this") : array.slice("that",1));
If you really want to use the ternary operater for this kind of operation in a clean way, then you can do it like this:
array[cond ? 'push' : 'slice'](cond ? "this" : "that", cond ? 1 : undefined);
array[cond ? 'push' : 'slice'].apply(null, cond ? ["this"] : ["that", 1]);
But anyway you may prefer a boring if statement.

Transversing a JQuery object?

I'm doing sorting of a list of elements, using:
jQuery.fn.sort = function() {
return this.pushStack( [].sort.apply( this, arguments ), []);
$("ol li").sort("sortFunction").appendTo("ol");
The problem is in the sortFunction.
function sortFunction($a, $b) {
Basically, what I want is to treat both $a and $b as jQuery objects, so I can manipulate them.
e.g, inside the sortFunction do
$a.find("div#3 li").html();
This doesn't work since $a and $b are native javascript objects.
Any help?
They are native DOM elements. You can call the jQuery function on one to wrap it, so that the jQuery functions are available:
You can turn a native JS object into a jquery object like this:
var jsObject = $(nativeobject);
Does that help?
Can't you simply call jQuery on the objects?
function sortFunction($a, $b) {
var jQueryA = $($a);
Just turn them into jQuery objects in the sort function:
$($a).find("div#3 li").html();
Note: don't call them $a but just a. Prefixing with the dollar sign generally indicates a jquery-type variable so it gets confusing if it is not

Why does $('#id') return true if id doesn't exist?

I always wondered why jQuery returns true if I'm trying to find elements by id selector that doesnt exist in the DOM structure.
Like this:
<div id="one">one</div>
console.log( !!$('#one') ) // prints true
console.log( !!$('#two') ) // is also true! (empty jQuery object)
console.log( !!document.getElementById('two') ) // prints false
I know I can use !!$('#two').length since length === 0 if the object is empty, but it seems logical to me that a selector would return the element if found, otherwise null (like the native document.getElementById does).
F.ex, this logic can't be done in jQuery:
var div = $('#two') || $('<div id="two"></div>');
Wouldnt it be more logical if the ID selector returned null if not found?
This behaviour was chosen because otherwise jQuery would regularly throw NullReference Exceptions
Almost all jQuery functions return a jQuery object as a wrapper around the Dom elements in question, so you can use dot notation.
Now imagine $("#balloon") returned null. That means that $("#balloon").css({"color":"red"});
would throw an error, rather than silently doing nothing as you would expect.
Hence, you just gotta use .length or .size().
This is just how jQuery works.
Object 0=div#something length=1 jquery=1.2.6
Object length=0 jquery=1.2.6
You can come close to doing what you want by accessing the length the element, and combine with the ternary operator:
console.log(!!$('#notfound').length); // false
console.log(!!$('#exists').length); // true
var element= $('#notfound').length ? $('#notfound') : $('#exists');
console.log(element.attr('id')); // outputs 'exists'
As to the heart of the question:
Wouldnt it be more logical if the ID
selector returned null if not found?
No, not for the JQuery way of doing things - namely, to support chaining of JQuery statements:
$('#notfound').hide("slow", function(){
.show("slow", function(){
Even though notfound doesn't exist this code will run without stopping script execution. If the initial selector returns null, you'll have to add in an if/then block to check for the null. If the addClass, find, end and show methods return null, you'll have to add an if/then block to check the return status of each. Chaining is an excellent way to handle program flow in a dynamically typed language like Javascript.
It returns true because to Javascript it is a defined object therefore not false, and jQuery will always give you a new object regardless of whether the element is found or not - however the array length will be zero, e.g.
If you have no <span>, this will be zero, but it could be 1 or more.
You can write your own plugin to avoid repeated if statements as a Jquery plugin, like I did for this one. It's fairly easy to do:
/* Checks if a jQuery object exists in the DOM, by checking the length of its child elements. */
$.fn.elementExists = function()
/// <summary>
/// Checks if a jQuery object exists in the DOM, by checking the length of its child elements.
/// </summary>
/// <returns type="Boolean" />
return jQuery(this).length > 0;
if ($("#someid").elementExists())
You could check the .length property of the jQuery object. Like this:
if($("#two").length > 0) { // exists...
} else { // doesn't exist
In short, you could think of the jQuery selector return value as a group containing 0..n elements, but never being null.
What you're probably really interested in is $("#two")[0], which will give you the first actual element returned by the selector.
