I'm getting a response back with body "unable to validate oauth signature and token" when trying to get the request token.
Here's the code I'm using to set up all the request parameters. I noted some places of interest that I think could possibly be the problem with a bunch of asterisks.
var appId = "myId"
, appSecret = "mySecret"
, redirectUrl = "http://localhost:8077/twitterLogin";
var d = new Date();
, time = Math.floor(d.getTime() / 1000); //seconds since epoch
var oauth_nonce = Math.random() * 1000000; //************could be the issue, maybe?
, oauth_callback = encodeURIComponent('http://localhost:8077/twitterLogin');
//****************more likely the issue
var paramString = encodeURIComponent('oauth_consumer_key=**MY_APP_ID**&oauth_callback='+ oauth_callback
+ '&oauth_nonce=' + oauth_nonce
+ '&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_timestamp=' + time
+ '&=oauth_version=1.0');
var baseString = "POST&" + encodeURIComponent("https://api.twitter.com/oauth/request_token") + '&' + paramString;
var signingKey = encodeURIComponent(appSecret) + '&' + encodeURIComponent(appSecret);
, signature = crypto.createHmac('sha1', signingKey).update(baseString).digest('hex');
And here's the code for the request itself:
var requestBody = "oauth_callback="+ oauth_callback
+ "&appId=" + appId
+ "&oauth_nonce=" + oauth_nonce
+ "&oauth_signature=" + signature
+ "&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1"
+ "&oauth_timestamp=" + time
+ "&oauth_version=1.0";
//*******also could be the issue. maybe missing headers or something?
request.post({url: 'https://api.twitter.com/oauth/request_token', body: requestBody});
I'm just wondering what I'm missing with the signature or the token..
Firstly your parameters have to be sorted lexigraphically
(alphabetically) before they are encoded, you need to switch the
positions of oauth_callback and oauth_consumer_key.
Secondly, for an
unauthorized request token, you calculate the signing key using your
consumer secret appended with the '&' character. You have appended
the secret a second time after the ampersand.
Thirdly in your request
body you should use oauth_consumer instead of appId as the name of
your parameter.
Try those fixes and see if it works.
Time for me to ask some help as I simply do not understand the issue, spent a good 6 hours on this, going nowhere :-(
I have an Axios GET request which may have the last parameter empty.
axios.get(this.fetchAllUsersRoute + '/' + this.status + '/' + this.pagination + '/' + this.search);
My laravel route:
Route::get('/fetch-users/{status}/{pagination}/{search?}', 'MyController#fetchUsers')->name('fetch-users');
When the this.search is empty I am getting this:
Request URL: https://mywebsite.dev/fetch-users/0/1/
Request Method: GET
Status Code: 301 Moved Permanently (from disk cache)
It redirects to here on each request:
The last / slash seems to be causing a redirection when this value is left empty.
As soon as I remove it, the problem stops...no redirection.
Any idea how I can make the last slash disappear if the last value is empty?
Thank you.
Your request is incompatible with the route. You can try to create request link like below.
var fetchAllUsersRoute = "https://mywebsite.dev"
var status = 'status'
var pagination = 'pagination'
var search
var url = fetchAllUsersRoute + '/' + status + '/' + pagination + (search != null ? ('/' + search) : '')
// "https://mywebsite.dev/status/pagination"
search = 'search'
url = fetchAllUsersRoute + '/' + status + '/' + pagination + (search != null ? ('/' + search) : '')
// "https://mywebsite.dev/status/pagination/search"
I want to update a varchar field (String) using and End-Point Api (Express NodeJS) but I have problem went I pass invalid inputs like question mark.
Express End-Point:
router.get("/updateField/:table/:field/:value/:num/:postid/", function(req, res) {
'UPDATE '+ req.params.table +' SET ' + req.params.field +' = '+JSON.stringify(req.params.value) +' where language ='+ req.params.num +' and post_id ='+req.params.postid
This code work fine:
But this NOT WORK:
I send the request from react like this:
"http://localhost:3001/api/updateField/" +
table +
"/" +
field +
"/" +
value +
"/" +
lenguage +
"/" +
Use javascript function encodeURIComponent() to escape special characters in URL parameters.
For example try this on your browser console and you'll get an idea:
"http://localhost:3001/api/updateField/" +
table +
"/" +
field +
"/" +
encodeURIComponent(value) +
"/" +
lenguage +
"/" +
You will see that "When?" is replaced with "When%3F" in URL.
In Node.Js, you'll receive parameter value as string "When?".
To know more about encodeURIComponent(), refer to this
I need to create a form text that sends the variable in URLEncoded format.
I need this for send SMS with API with this parameters (GET):
Text (URLEncoded)
How can I create this?
Thanks a lot for the collaboration :)
Assuming you are only missing the string generation part (and not the whole html + javascript stuff), you may have a function like :
function generateRequest(username, apikey, number, text) {
var baseUrl = "http://your.base.url/sms";
return baseUrl +
"?Username=" + username +
"&APIKEY=" + apikey +
"&Number=" + number +
"&Text=" + encodeURIComponent(text);
for more details about the encodeURIComponent, read this => https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/encodeURIComponent
I hope it will help you.
There is a public website with this in the source:
</div><script type="text/rocketscript">
function calculateIndexIncome() {
var khs = $('#t9').val();
var btcusd = $('#t9_1').val();
var btckhs = $('#t9_2').val();
var dayprofitperkhs = 0.00000018188885404454654
var arr = btcusd.split(' ');
btcusd = arr[0];
var totalinvestmentusd = ((khs * btckhs) * btcusd).toFixed(2);
var totalinvestmentbtc = (khs * btckhs).toFixed(8);
var dailyincomebtc = (khs * dayprofitperkhs).toFixed(8);
var dailyincomeusd = ((khs * dayprofitperkhs) * btcusd).toFixed(2);
var monthlyincomebtc = (dailyincomebtc * 31).toFixed(8);
var monthlyincomeusd = (dailyincomeusd * 31).toFixed(2);
var breakevendays = (totalinvestmentusd / dailyincomeusd).toFixed(0);
var monthlypercentage = ((100 / breakevendays) * 30).toFixed(2);
$('#tl').html('Total KHS: ' + khs + '<br/>Total Investment: ' + totalinvestmentbtc + ' BTC ($' + totalinvestmentusd + ' USD)<br/><br/>Daily Income: ' + dailyincomebtc + ' BTC ($' + dailyincomeusd + ' USD)<br/>Monthly Income: ' + monthlyincomebtc + ' BTC ($' + monthlyincomeusd + ' USD)<br/><br/>Break Even In: ' + breakevendays + ' Days.<br/><br/>Monthly Rate: ' + monthlypercentage + '%');
I need to be able to extract two values: btckhs and dayprofitperkhs.
if I look at page source, dayprofitperkhs is different everytime I refresh.
Jimmy Chandra came up with this bookmarklet:
w1 = window.open("https://scrypt.cc/index.php");
function logging(){
console.log (w1.$('#t9_2').val());
var re=/var\s*dayprofitperkhs\s*=\s*([0-9\.]+)\s*/gi;
var matches=re.exec(document.body.innerHTML);
w1.location.href = 'https://scrypt.cc/index.php';
This works ALMOST perfectly. it gets the dayprofitperkhs, but only on the first interval.
After that, the value is no longer updated, although t9_2 IS updated...
I don't know where that site is, so I am just running this against this SO question, but the following bookmarklet is getting me what I want...
As I mentioned in the comment, I use Regular Expression against the document body inner html and I am looking for dayprofitperkhs and capturing the numbers and decimal separator on the right side of the equal sign. Also trying to compensate for any extra spaces in between (\s*). RegExp.$1 gave me the number that I am looking for.
javascript:(function(){var re=/var\s*dayprofitperkhs\s*=\s*([0-9\.]+)\s*/gi;var matches=re.exec(document.body.innerHTML);console.log(RegExp.$1);}());
So your final bookmarklet should be something like:
w1 = window.open("siteurl.com");
function logging(){
console.log (w1.$('#t9_2').val());
var re=/var\s*dayprofitperkhs\s*=\s*([0-9\.]+)\s*/gi;
var matches=re.exec(w1.document.body.innerHTML);
w1.location.href = 'siteurl.com';
The variables in question are local variables within the calculateIndexIncome() function, so no, you can't access them from outside that function.
The reason the first one "works" is because you're not referring to the variable, but rather the value: $('#t9_2').val(). This is a jquery selector which finds the element with the ID t9_2 and grabs its value.
You cannot visit it because its a local variable, it only exists in calculateIndexIncome() function.
By the way, you needn't open a new window to visit the variables. You can use chrome dev tools to directly modify the javascript to print the values, or set a breakpoint to debug the code.
Here is a tutorial for chrome dev tools: https://www.codeschool.com/courses/discover-devtools
I have tried some tips I was given on regards URL encoding but I have no success so far. First, I was given this format,
var url = "http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/add?title="
+ encodeURIComponent(%%GLOBAL_ProductName%%)
+ "&url=" + encodeURIComponent("http://lilaboutique.co.uk/products/"
+ encodeURIComponent(%%GLOBAL_ProductName%%)
+ "&imgurl=" + encodeURIComponent(%%GLOBAL_ThumbImageURL%%)
+ "&desc=" + encodeURIComponent(%%GLOBAL_ProductDesc%%)
+ "&price=" + encodeURIComponent(%%GLOBAL_ProductPrice%%));
which never got to be passed to the href dunno for what reason. Then I played with it some more,
var url = "http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/add?title=encodeURIComponent(%%GLOBAL_ProductName%%)&url=http://lilaboutique.co.uk/products/encodeURIComponent(%%GLOBAL_ProductName%%)&imgurl=encodeURIComponent(%%GLOBAL_ThumbImageURL%%)&desc=encodeURIComponent(%%GLOBAL_ProductDesc%%)&price=encodeURIComponent(%%GLOBAL_ProductPrice%%)";
this time the URL was passed but the values were mixed between the appropriate and other fields displaying the encoding function itself.
Any help clarifying my mistakes is greatly appreciated. I would like to encode just price and description, seems to be the fields giving problems.
A regular link does render without problems
var url = "www.google.com";
var myAnchor = document.getElementById('myAnchor');
myAnchor.href = url;
Thanks for any help
Nicer, cleaner way of doing this:
var toEncode = {
title: '%%GLOBAL_ProductName%%',
url: 'http://lilaboutique.co.uk/products/%%GLOBAL_ProductName%%',
imgurl: '%%GLOBAL_ThumbImageURL%%',
desc: '%%GLOBAL_ProductDesc%%',
price: '%%GLOBAL_ProductPrice%%'
var index, queryString = '';
for (index in toEncode)
queryString += index + '=' + encodeURIComponent(toEncode[index]) + '&';
var url = "http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/add?" + queryString;
jQuery's $.param(obj) is very nice.
In general though I would take a similar approach if you wanted to roll your own. Make a function that accepts an Object, and returns a query string. Then in your server template, you have:
var urlData = {
url: "http://lilaboutique.co.uk/products/",
imgurl: "%%GLOBAL_ThumbImageURL%%",
desc: "%%GLOBAL_ProductDesc%%"
// etc...
var url = "http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/add?" + $.param(urlData);
Or whatever conversion function you want to use.