jQuery multi sliders change slide in one time - javascript

I'm using slidesjs and I want make multi sliders
I have 2 sliders #show and #show2, and I want that 2 slidersw work in 1 time: slides will be change in one time.
Now now 1 slider slides change earlier than 2, what is wrong in my code ?
I want that slides will change in one time:
width: 900,
height: 300,
navigation: false,
pagination: {active: false},
play: {
auto: true,
pauseOnHover: true,
effect: "fade",
effect: {
slide: {
speed: 200
fade: {
speed: 300,
crossfade: true
width: 900,
height: 300,
navigation: false,
pagination: {active: false},
play: {
auto: true,
pauseOnHover: true,
effect: "fade",
effect: {
slide: {
speed: 200
fade: {
speed: 300,
crossfade: true
I try .ready but slides also change in different time

Give them both a class, and target them at the same time.
<div class="sliders" id="show"></div>
<div class="sliders" id="show2"></div>
$(".sliders").slidesjs({ ... });


My Swiper.js doesn't stop on hover (only after adding speed parameter)

So I want to do this swiper.js carousel which slides linear from right to the left and after mouse hover it would stop. I used this function which works pretty fine:
$(".swiper-container3").hover(function() {
}, function() {
If speed parameter is not defined in my swiper initialization function, then it stops after a hover (but only if the nearest slider will be on center of carousel).
How to force swiper.js to stop with the function above but not to wait for one of the sliders to be on center?
Rest of the code
const enableSwiper3 = function(){
mySwiper3 = new Swiper ('#swiper-container3', {
loop: true,
slidesPerView: "auto",
spaceBetween: 10,
centeredSlides: true,
a11y: true,
keyboardControl: true,
grabCursor: true,
freeMode: false,
pagination: {
el: '#swiper-pagination3',
paginationClickable: true,
breakpoints: {
400: {
slidesPerView: 'auto',
spaceBetween: 20,
loop: true
767: {
autoplay: {
delay: 5000,
disableOnInteraction: true,
pauseOnMouseEnter: true,
speed: 10000,
I also want to lower its speed so whole slider goes linear very slow and just after hovering it it stops. Example on the site below: https://www.intercom.com/ (people are talking section).

Owl Carohausel onChange triggering only on page change

I am using Owl Carousel 2 with 3 items per page setup. I want to select every second item when the slide event occurs because I am blurring first and second items and making the only second one visible.
I am using this piece of jQuery code to achieve this:
$("#service-slider .active:eq(1)").addClass("myActive");
And this is how i initiate my Owl Carousel:
loop: true,
margin: 10,
nav: true,
dots: false,
autoplay: true,
autoplayTimeout: 5000,
autoplayHoverPause: false,
smartSpeed: 1500,
onChange: activeSelect(),
onDrag: activeSelect(),
onTranslate: activeSelect(),
responsive: {
0: {
items: 1
600: {
items: 1
1000: {
items: 3
$("#service-slider .active:eq(1)").addClass("myActive");
function activeSelect() {
$("#service-slider .active").removeClass("myActive");
$("#service-slider .active:eq(1)").addClass("myActive");
var owl = $('#service-slider');
owl.on('next.owl.carousel', function (event) {
$("#service-slider .active").removeClass("myActive");
$("#service-slider .active:eq(1)").addClass("myActive");
owl.on('prev.owl.carousel', function (event) {
$("#service-slider .active").removeClass("myActive");
$("#service-slider .active:eq(1)").addClass("myActive");
It is working fine for the first time but when an item transitioned it is not working; Only working when the whole page changes.
Here is a fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/iCromwell/mpoxf9rc/1/
user7290573 found a solution. You can use the center option of the Owl Carousel to achieve what I want. His fiddle can be found here: https://jsfiddle.net/y2xhr4dk/
loop: true,
margin: 10,
nav: true,
dots: false,
center: true,
autoplay: true,
autoplayTimeout: 5000,
autoplayHoverPause: false,
smartSpeed: 1500,
responsive: {
0: {
items: 3
600: {
items: 3
1000: {
items: 3

SlidesJS Autoplay not working

I am trying to make autoplay work on a simple SlidesJS carousel:
I checked out some other threads that answer similar problems but the solutions provided aren't working? Here is the script that is included in the file:
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="/scripts/jquery.slides.min.js"></script>
play: 1000,
pause: 10,
hoverPause: true,
width: 960,
height: 540,
effect: "fade"
effect: "fade"
speed: 400
Any thoughts or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
you need to use auto: true to make it autoplay, like:
width: 940,
height: 528,
play: {
active: true,
auto: true,
interval: 4000,
swap: true,
pauseOnHover: true,
restartDelay: 2500
See here:: Example Autoplay

Applied head js but script doesnt execute

I am just using headjs for my website but the problem is the files are loaded, but they doesnt execute.
Here is my code in the
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/head.js"></script>
My slideshow is not working for which i used jquery/1.8.3/jquery.min.js rest all scripts i working??? should I also use headjs for inline js like dis
// You can also use "$(window).load(function() {"
$(function () {
// Slideshow 1
auto: true,
pager: true,
nav: true,
speed: 600,
maxwidth: 1920,
namespace: "centered-btns"
// Slideshow 2
auto: true,
pager: true,
nav: true,
speed: 600,
maxwidth: 1920,
namespace: "transparent-btns"
// Slideshow 3
auto: true,
pager: false,
nav: true,
speed: 600,
maxwidth: 1920,
namespace: "large-btns"
You should be calling a callback after the resources have finished loading
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/head.js"></script>
function initSliders() {
// Slideshow 1
auto: true,
pager: true,
nav: true,
speed: 600,
maxwidth: 1920,
namespace: "centered-btns"
// Slideshow 2
auto: true,
pager: true,
nav: true,
speed: 600,
maxwidth: 1920,
namespace: "transparent-btns"
// Slideshow 3
auto: true,
pager: false,
nav: true,
speed: 600,
maxwidth: 1920,
namespace: "large-btns"

Merging two "(document).ready(function()"s

I have two jquery/javascript codes but I couldn't merge them. Everytime one of the functions was disable. How can I merge the codes. Please help me, thanks.
First file:
animation: {opacity:'show'},
autoArrows: true,
dropShadows: false,
speed: 200,
delay: 800
animation: {opacity:'show'},
autoArrows: true,
dropShadows: false,
speed: 200,
delay: 800
//first ready function
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
fx: 'scrollHorz',
timeout: 4000,
delay: 0,
speed: 400,
next: '.fp-next',
prev: '.fp-prev',
pager: '.fp-pager',
continuous: 0,
sync: 1,
pause: 1,
pauseOnPagerHover: 1,
cleartype: true,
cleartypeNoBg: true
second file:
function checkCopyRight(/*string*/url){
var copyrightLinks = $("a[href='" + url + "']");
return copyrightLinks.length > 0;
// second ready function
I get a "Your post does not have much context to explain the code sections; please explain your scenario more clearly." message. There any character limit?
You actually have 3 Ready functions and one wannabe ready function. I've rewritten your code as it should be in one ready call. Give it a try:
function checkCopyRight(/*string*/url){
var copyrightLinks = jQuery("a[href='" + url + "']");
return copyrightLinks.length > 0;
jQuery(function() {
animation: {opacity:'show'},
autoArrows: true,
dropShadows: false,
speed: 200,
delay: 800
animation: {opacity:'show'},
autoArrows: true,
dropShadows: false,
speed: 200,
delay: 800
fx: 'scrollHorz',
timeout: 4000,
delay: 0,
speed: 400,
next: '.fp-next',
prev: '.fp-prev',
pager: '.fp-pager',
continuous: 0,
sync: 1,
pause: 1,
pauseOnPagerHover: 1,
cleartype: true,
cleartypeNoBg: true
if(!(checkCopyRight("http://e1.com") && checkCopyRight("http://e2.com") && checkCopyRight("http://e3.com"))) {
$().ready(handler) (this is not recommended) [1]
Also, keep in mind, You dont really need noConflict unless you are using another JavaScript Library like MooTools or Prototype. A Plugin like Superfish is not relly a reason to call no Conflict. If there is no conflict, you can use $ as shorthand for jQuery instead of constantly rewriting jQuery.
$(document).ready is the same as JavaScript's .load function and since jQuery 1.0 you can use the shorthand version jQuery(function() { /* do work */ }) or $(function() { /* do work */ })
For more information:
.ready() (also info on noConflict)
.noConflict() (API Page)
My Blog on using jQuery (needs work, hoping to edit it this weekend, sorry)
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
fx: 'scrollHorz',
timeout: 4000,
delay: 0,
speed: 400,
next: '.fp-next',
prev: '.fp-prev',
pager: '.fp-pager',
continuous: 0,
sync: 1,
pause: 1,
pauseOnPagerHover: 1,
cleartype: true,
cleartypeNoBg: true
You need to import the second file first since the first file uses a function inside second file.
