Upload Multiple files of any format in Jqgrid.? - javascript

Am a newbie to Jqgrid. I dont know how to upload multiple files of any format in jqgrid. I searched for examples i could't find anything in google.It would be really helpful,that how multiple files can be uploaded of any format. Thanks for the help..!
function initjqgridfileupload(table,pager,msg,loadSelID,caption,chkMrk,del ){
var woid = $("#ID").val();
var mygrid =jQuery(table).jqGrid({
datatype: "local",
width: 750,
//autowidth: true,
colNames:['Id','File','File Name'],
{name:'id',index:'id',hidden: true , width:20,sorttype:"int",resizable:false},
{name:'fileName', width:150,align:"left",hidden: true ,resizable:false,edittype:'select', formatter:'FilesLinks'},
{name:'originalFileName',index:'originalFileName',id:'originalFileName',width:150,align:"center",formatter:'FilesLinks',editable:true,resizable:false,formoptions:{rowpos:1,colpos:1,label:"<font color='red'>File</font>"},editrules:{required:true},edittype:'file',editoptions: {enctype: "multipart/form-data",method:"post"}}
//{name:'originalFileName',hidden: true, width:150,align:"left",edittype:'select', resizable:false}
//pager: pager,
rowList:[], //disable the page size dropdown
pgbuttons: false, //disable page control like next , back
pgtext: null, // disable pager text like 'Page 0 of 10'
viewrecords: false , // disable current view record text like 'View 1-10 of 100'
loadComplete: function() {
multiselect: del,
gridview : true,
sortname: 'id',
sortorder: "asc",
hidegrid: false,
beforeSelectRow: function(rowid, e) {
var $link = $('a', e.target);
if (e.target.tagName.toUpperCase() === "A" || $link.length > 0)
return false;


editurl:'client array' data to be shown in jqgrid but should not save that data to database

var specificatonsData = [];
function initGridForTransactions(gridID, gridPagerID) {
var grid_selector = gridID;
var pager_selector = gridPagerID;
$(window).on('resize.jqGrid', function () {
$(grid_selector).jqGrid('setGridWidth', $("#page-wrapper").width());
var parent_column = $(grid_selector).closest('[class*="col-"]');
$(document).on('settings.ace.jqGrid', function (ev, event_name, collapsed) {
if (event_name === 'sidebar_collapsed' || event_name === 'main_container_fixed') {
setTimeout(function () {
$(grid_selector).jqGrid('setGridWidth', parent_column.width());
}, 0);
data: specificatonsData,
datatype: "local",
colNames: ['Id','Specification', 'Abbreviation'],
colModel: [
{ name: 'Id', width: 80,key:true },
{ name: 'specification', index: 'Id', key: true, width: 300 },
{ name: 'abbreviation', width: 300 },
cmTemplate: { editable: true },
cellsubmit: 'clientArray',
editurl: 'clientArray',
viewrecords: true,
rowNum: 4000,
gridview: true,
rowList: [4000],
pager: pager_selector,
altRows: true,
loadonce: true,
multiselect: false,
multiboxonly: false,
sortname: 'Specification',
sortorder: "asc",
cellEdit: false,
iconSet: "fontAwesome",
onSelectRow: function (rowId, status, e) {
var dealerFeatures = $("#editor").text();
var selectedFeature = rowId;
selectedFeature = selectedFeature.replace(/(\s+)/, "(<[^>]+>)*$1(<[^>]+>)*");
var pattern = new RegExp("(" + selectedFeature + ")", "gi");
dealerFeatures = dealerFeatures.replace(pattern, "<mark>$1</mark>");
//dealerFeatures = dealerFeatures.replace(/(<mark>[^<>]*)((<[^>]+>)+)([^<>]*<\/mark>)/, "$1<mark>$2</mark>$4");
dealerFeatures = dealerFeatures.replace(/(<mark>[<>]*)((<[>]+>)+)([<>]*<\/mark>)/, "$1<mark>$2</mark>$4");
dealerFeatures = dealerFeatures.replace(/\n/g, '<br>\n');
gridComplete: function () {
$(grid_selector).setColProp('Approve', { editoptions: { value: '' } });
loadComplete: function () {
var table = this;
setTimeout(function () {
}, 0);
}).navGrid(pager_selector, { edit: true, add: true, del: false },
url: '/Activity/SaveSpecification',
closeAfterAdd: true,
closeAfterEdit: true,
afterSubmit: function () {
return [true, '', ''];
function updatePagerIcons(table) {
var replacement =
'ui-icon-seek-first': 'ace-icon fa fa-angle-double-left bigger-140',
'ui-icon-seek-prev': 'ace-icon fa fa-angle-left bigger-140',
'ui-icon-seek-next': 'ace-icon fa fa-angle-right bigger-140',
'ui-icon-seek-end': 'ace-icon fa fa-angle-double-right bigger-140'
$('.ui-pg-table:not(.navtable) > tbody > tr > .ui-pg-button > .ui-icon').each(function () {
var icon = $(this);
var $class = $.trim(icon.attr('class').replace('ui-icon', ''));
if ($class in replacement) icon.attr('class', 'ui-icon ' + replacement[$class]);
function enableTooltips(table) {
$('.navtable .ui-pg-button').tooltip({ container: 'body' });
$(table).find('.ui-pg-div').tooltip({ container: 'body' });
$(document).one('ajaxloadstart.page', function (e) {
I will save data to database only when I click on external Submit button.
When I click on edit button the data is showing in a popup and when I click on the save button the data is getting to the database and showing in the jqgrid.
But I have a new requirement where I have to show the data in the jqgrid when click on save button but should not save to the database.
Thanks in advance.
If you use Guriddo jqGrid JS then you can set url in edit options in your navigator to be clientArray - i.e
...navGrid(pager_selector, { edit: true, add: true, del: false },
url: 'clientArray',
closeAfterAdd: true,
closeAfterEdit: true,
afterSubmit: function () {
return [true, '', ''];
This will save the data locally.
The code, which you posted contains many small bugs. For example,
you use url: '/Activity/SaveSpecification' as form Edit options (not for Add form) - see navGrid call. You should remove the option to make editurl: 'clientArray' working
you use key:true in more as one column. It's not allowed. One can use it only in one column, which contains unique values.
the usage of index: 'Id' property in colModel for the column name: 'specification' is probably one more bug, which can make wrong sorting and filtering in the column.
your current code contains call of .setColProp('Approve', { ... });, which is wrong, because your colModel don't contains the column 'Approve'
the option sortname: 'Specification' is wrong too, because the value of sortname should be the value of name property from colModel (like sortname: 'specification' for example, if you'll remove index: 'Id' property from the column).
Additionally the usage of rowNum: 4000 can essentially reduce the performance of the grid in case of large grid. If real number of rows is about 4000, then it's much more effective to use local paging of data. The monitor allows to display only about 20-25 rows. Thus it's recommended to use pager with such small rowNum. Users can use paging buttons to go to the next page.

jQuery jqGrid Inline Editing - Cancel row edit deletes the row?

I actual got a problem with my jqGrid and I couldn't find any similar problem on the net. Maybe I don't took the write tags for it, sorry tho.
Okay lets start talking about the real problem. I'm using inline editing, and I customized the buttons a bit. I wanna use "ENTER" and "ESC"-Keys as shortcuts. This works fine. I'm manipulating the data in my grid local and only if the user is pressing a specialised button I'll save the data in a file. This files are used to fill the grid too. So if the user now is editing any row in the grid which isn't in my file yet, and he is canceling the editing by pressing ESC, the complete row of data is getting deleted.
Anyone who can help me out? My grid:
// Table
datatype: "json",
jsonReader: {
repeatitems: false
{name:'1',index:'1', width:200, align:"left", sortable:true,editable:true, edittype:"text"},
{name:'2',index:'2', width:200, align:"left", sortable:true,editable:true, edittype:"select",editoptions:{value:b}},
{name:'3',index:'3', width:200, align:"left", sortable:true,editable:true, edittype:"text"},
{name:'4',index:'4', width:220, align:"left", sortable:true,editable:true, edittype:"select",editoptions:{value:""}},
{name:'5',index:'5', width:200, align:"left",sortable:true,editable:true, edittype:"select",editoptions:{value:""}}
rowTotal: 2000,
loadtext: 'Reading data...',
height: '100%',
width: '100%',
hidegrid: false,
sortable: true,
toppager: true,
gridview: true,
viewrecords: true,
rownumbers: true,
loadonce: true,
editurl: 'dummy.php',
pager: '#tbl_toppager',
loadComplete: function(data){
$("#tbl").setColProp('4', { editoptions: { value: data.userdata.4} });
$("#tbl").setColProp('5', { editoptions: { value: data.userdata.directory_listing} });
gridComplete: function() {
$("#_empty","#tbl").addClass("nodrag nodrop");
caption: "Testgrid",
ondblClickRow: function(id){
jQuery('#tbl').editRow(id, true);
del: true,
add: false,
edit: false,
refresh: false,
search: true
}, // edit options
}, // add options
reloadAfterSubmit: false,
jqModal: true,
closeOnEscape: true
}, // del options
jqModal: true,
closeOnEscape: true
} // search options
editParams: { keys: true },
addParams: { addRowParams: { keys: true } }
); // Inline Editing
sepclass : "ui-separator",
caption: "",
buttonicon: "ui-icon-document",
title: "Save data in file",
position: "last",
onClickButton: function () {
Thanks in advice. Regards.
In the official demo of JQGrid they provide an example which do nearly the same of what you request
onSelectRow: function(id){
if(id && id!==lastsel){
where lastsel is a global variable
So you can use jQuery('#rowed3').jqGrid('restoreRow',idOfLineToRestore);
in your escape event

jqGrid pagination not working with json datatype

I can't seem to get jqGrid pagination to work. It is not making a request when I click next/prev/reload or when I try to filter. As soon as I click any of those buttons, all of the records disappear.
This is the initial request that gets sent, so you can see that all of those parameters are being passed in.
This returns proper number of records, and if I manually execute it and pass in let's say page=2 I do get proper set back. The problem seems to be that the request is not made.
mtype: "GET",
datatype: "json",
jsonReader: {
root: "Rows",
page: "Page",
total: "Total",
records: "Records",
repeatitems: false,
userdata: "UserData",
id: "Id"
postData: {
contactId: currentUserId,
bucketId: currentBucketId
'Order #',
'Order Date',
'Tracking #',
'Transport By',
'Ordered By',
'Order Items'
{name:'Id',index:'Id', width:5, align:"center", hidden: true},
{name:'Cancel', index:'Cancel',width:80, align:"center", formatter: cancelLinkFormatter, search:false },
{name:'OrderNumber',index:'OrderNumber', width:80, align:"center"},
{name:'OrderDate',index:'OrderDate', width:140, align:'right'},
{name:'Bucket',index:'Bucket', width:180, align:"center", hidden: false},
{name:'Warehouse',index:'Warehouse', width:80, align:"center", hidden: true},
{name:'Destination',index:'Destination', width:150},
{name:'StatusCode', index:'StatusCode', width:100, align: 'center'},
{name:'TrackingNumber', index:'TrackingNumber', width:100, align: 'center'},
{name:'TransportCompany', index:'TransportCompany', width:100, align: 'center'},
{name:'OrderedBy', index:'OrderedBy', width:100, align: 'center'},
{name:'OrderItems', index:'OrderItems', width:100, align: 'center'}
viewrecords: true,
rowNum: 20,
autowidth: false,
width: 860,
height: 450,
pager: jQuery('#pager'),
sortname: 'Id',
align: 'center',
sortorder: "desc",
loadonce: false,
ignoreCase: true,
jQuery("#grid").jqGrid('filterToolbar', {stringResult: true, searchOnEnter: false, defaultSearch: "cn"});
This is the json response I get from the server on initial load.
"OrderDate":"Jul 11 2012 12:37PM",
"StatusCode":"Shipped Complete",
"StatusLink":"View Info",
"OrderDate":"Jul 11 2012 12:37PM",
"StatusCode":"Shipped Complete",
"StatusLink":"View Info",
Any suggestions?
Btw, the pagination and filtering was working just fine when I used loadonce: true and when I loaded all data at once, however, due to too many records I simply have to switch to server-side.
I found the problem. First of all, I am sorry for not including the rest of the code.
You see, I also had loadComplete and that was causing the problem for me.
Code in the question will work, so I want to thank everyone for participating.
This is the loadComplete that caused the problem. Once I removed it it started paging properly.
loadComplete: function() {
var myGrid = jQuery("#grid");
var ids = myGrid.getDataIDs();
for (var i = 0, idCount = ids.length; i < idCount; i++) {
jQuery("#"+ids[i]+" a",myGrid[0]).click(function(e) {
var hash=e.currentTarget.hash;// string like "#?id=0"
if (hash.substring(0,6) === "#S?id=") {
var id = hash.substring(6,hash.length);
var text = this.textContent || this.innerText;
dialog.dialog({ title: 'Status Information',
buttons:{ Ok: function() {
jQuery( this ).dialog("close");
open: function() {
jQuery('.ui-dialog-buttonpane').find('button:contains("Ok")').css('font-size', '10px');
if (hash.substring(0,6) === "#C?id=") {
var id = hash.substring(6,hash.length);
var text = this.textContent || this.innerText;
var changed = false;
var additionalMesages = "";
jQuery.post("DataFetcher.asp", { 'action': "cancelOrder", 'id':id }, function(xml) {
changed = (xml === 'True');
additionalMesages = xml;
if (changed){
showDialogCustomTitle("Success", "You've successfully cancelled the order " + id + ".");
jQuery("#grid").setGridParam({datatype:'xml', page:1}).trigger('reloadGrid');
}else if (additionalMesages.split("_")[1] == "2"){
showDialogCustomTitle("Error", additionalMesages.split("_")[2]);
}else if (additionalMesages.split("_")[1] == "1"){
showDialogCustomTitle("Error", additionalMesages.split("_")[2]);
Next task for me is to perhaps figure out why loadComplete cause the problem.
Found the first issue with loadComplete. I was too tired last night to notice it, but the leftover code from the period when this grid was populated with xml and paged on client side definitely caused the problems. Thank you all for involvement again. :)
jQuery("#grid").setGridParam({datatype:'xml', page:1}).trigger('reloadGrid');
Since you have set loadonce:false, the request for paging and filtering try to get processed at the server side. Since that may not probably happening in your case, there will be no data to return to and set in the jqGrid.
If you are using loadonce:false and datatype:"json" jqGrid option then your server must implement the pagination of your grid. The server receives some parameters which is appended to the url in case of the 'GET' requests or sent in the HTTP body in case of "POST" requests namely : rows, page, sidx, sord.
For example if your table have a column with the index 'Col1' as the current sort column and rowNum: 20 then your url will be appended with baseUrl?rows=20&page=1&sidx=Col1&sord=asc. Your server side coding should modify your query for data so that it is to be having ORDER BY (Col1 datafield in the table) asc and rowNum from 1 to 20.
If you have done as stated above and it is not working, you should verify your server code.

grid cant load data and page navigation not work

Grid cant load data from servlete and page navigation not work but when make "loadonce:false" grid load but not page navigation wrok -
datatype: "xml",
height: 550 ,
width:840, // 'B2C' 'AD''AC'
// {name:'act1',index:'act1', width:20,sortable:false},
{name:'srNo',index:'srNo', width:35,sortable:true,editable:false,hidden:true},
// {name:'delboy',index:'delboy', width:35,sortable:true,editable:false},
{name:'DNO',index:'DNO', width:33,sortable:true,editable:false,editoptions: { readonly: 'readonly' },focus:false},
{name:'FR',index:'FR', width:25,sortable:false,editable:true,editrules:{number:true}},
{name:'PA',index:'PA', width:25,sortable:false,editable:true,editrules:{edithidden:true,number:true}},
{name:'mty',index:'mty', width:25,sortable:false,editable:true,editrules:{edithidden:true,number:true}},
{name:'act',index:'act', width:13,sortable:false},
{name:'Location',index:'Location', width:50,sortable:false},
paging: true,
pager: $("#page"),
sortname: 'DNO',
sortorder: 'asc',
sortable: true,
footerrow: true,
userDataOnFooter: true,
gridview: true,
altRows : true,
onSelectRow : function(id)
if (id && id !== lastsel)
// alert(parseInt(id)+1);
DNO = $('#list').getCell(id,'DNO');
jQuery("#list").jqGrid('setGridParam',{editurl: 'JQGridServlet?action=Edit&DNO='+DNO});
jQuery('#list').saveRow(lastsel, true, 'clientArray');
jQuery('#list').editRow(id, true, null, null);
lastsel = id;
//MY servelet code:
if (request.getParameter("action").equals("fetchData"))
System.out.println("in fetchData");
but not go in side that action when "loadonce:true".
please any body suggest to how to solve this problem.

JQGrid refresh data with updated data from server ater edit

I have a Jqgrid which requires editing. I have successfully managed to configure the grid to save the data after editing, however the issue is that when the data is saved the grid is not refreshed with the data present in the database. For example the version field is automatically updated by the application backend however after a edit is done it is not refreshed and the old value is shown. I have tried
which did not work. I also placed an alert in it to verify that the function was called however the alert was not shown either. Additionally I set loadonce to false and reloadaftersubmit to true but this did not work either. I think the issue could be that I either havent configured the edit correctly or placed the above mention parameters in the incorrect location.
After a save is done (edit) the updated data (which is the WHOLE page) is returned to the Jqgrid (as json). The issue here is that the old data is shown and how do I display this updated data after the edit.
UPDATE : I found out that when I edit via the popup box the afterSubmit is executed. HOWEVER the editing takes place via the formatoptions which allows to edit the data in the table itself. Now when the data is edited and saved from the grid itself without the use of the popup I want an afterSubmit to fire to refresh the table. Where do I place my afterSubmit / How do I achieve this.
* Initialize and Draw JQGrid
* #return
function drawFOMJQGrid(){
var lastsel2;
height: 180,
datatype: "json",
colNames:['','Hotel','Outlet','Major Group','Item Group','Version'],
jsonReader : {
root: "regDetails",
page: "page",
total: "total",
records: "records",
repeatitems: false
{name: 'myac', width:80, fixed:true, sortable:false, resize:false, formatter:'actions', formatoptions:{keys:true}},
{name:'majorGroupName',index:'majorGroupName',align:"left", width:20,resizable:false},
{name:'itemGroupName',index:'itemGroupName', width:30,align:"left",resizable:false},
{name:'version',index:'version', width:20,align:"right",resizable:false,editable:true,hidden: false}
onSelectRow: function(id){
/*afterSubmit : function(response, postdata){
afterComplete : function(response, postdata){
}, */
pager: '#divGridPg',
sortname: 'hotelName',
viewrecords: true,
sortorder: "outletName",
gridview: true,
bgiframe: true,
autoOpen: false,
caption: 'POS Item Pricing',
forceFit: false,
loadtext: 'Loading ...',
sortable: true,
loadonce: false,
editurl: "itemPricingSave.action", //"/js/itemPricing/server.js",
datatype: "json"
$("#tblGrid").setGridParam({datatype: 'json'});
* Initialize and Draw JQGrid
* #return
function drawFOMJQGrid(){
var lastsel2;
height: 180,
datatype: "json",
colNames:['','Hotel','Outlet','Major Group','Item Group','Version'],
jsonReader : {
root: "regDetails",
page: "page",
total: "total",
records: "records",
repeatitems: false
{name: 'myac', width:80, fixed:true, sortable:false, resize:false, formatter:'actions', formatoptions:{keys:true}},
{name:'majorGroupName',index:'majorGroupName',align:"left", width:20,resizable:false},
{name:'itemGroupName',index:'itemGroupName', width:30,align:"left",resizable:false},
{name:'version',index:'version', width:20,align:"right",resizable:false,editable:true,hidden: false}
onSelectRow: function(id){
/*afterSubmit : function(response, postdata){
afterComplete : function(response, postdata){
}, */
pager: '#divGridPg',
sortname: 'hotelName',
viewrecords: true,
sortorder: "outletName",
gridview: true,
bgiframe: true,
autoOpen: false,
caption: 'POS Item Pricing',
forceFit: false,
loadtext: 'Loading ...',
sortable: true,
loadonce: false,
editurl: "itemPricingSave.action", //"/js/itemPricing/server.js",
datatype: "json"
$("#tblGrid").setGridParam({datatype: 'json'});
I did the following to force the grid reload:
add: true,
{ // edit options
afterSubmit: function() {
return [true,'',false]; // no error and no new rowid
{ // add options
afterSubmit: function() {
return [true,'']; // no error
} ,
{ // delete options
afterSubmit: function() {
return [true,'']; // no error
Try to reload jqGrid with new data after all your editing process as following:
