How to create more than one d3 polygon - javascript

I have edited this question a little bit from when I posted it. Here is the new code:
Here is my code:
var elementTags = ["Google", 4, "Wikipedia", "Yahoo!", "Cindy"];
var _s32 = (Math.sqrt(3)/2);
var A = 75;
var _counter = 0;
var xDiff;
var yDiff;
var pointData = [[A+xDiff, 0+yDiff], [A/2+xDiff, (A*_s32)+yDiff], [-A/2+xDiff, (A*_s32)+yDiff], [-A+xDiff, 0+yDiff],
[-A/2+xDiff, -(A*_s32)+yDiff], [A/2+xDiff, -(A*_s32)+yDiff], [A+xDiff, 0+yDiff]];
var svgContainer ="body") //create container
.attr("width", 1000)
.attr("height", 1000);
var enterElements = svgContainer.selectAll("path.area") //draw elements
.style("fill", "#ff0000")
.attr("d", d3.svg.area());
What I want to do is create a new hexagon for each elementTags value. Each new hexagon should have a randomized xDiff and yDiff, and each time the value of _counter should go up by 1.

You need to use loop. Here is a modified code:
var elementTags = ["Google", 4, "Wikipedia", "Yahoo!", "Cindy"];
var _s32 = (Math.sqrt(3)/2);
var A = 75;
var svgContainer ="body") //create container
.attr("width", 1000)
.attr("height", 1000);
for (index = 0; index < elementTags.length; index++) {
var xDiff = Math.random()*100+100;
var yDiff = Math.random()*100+100;
var pointData = [
[A+xDiff, 0+yDiff]
, [A/2+xDiff, (A*_s32)+yDiff]
, [-A/2+xDiff, (A*_s32)+yDiff]
, [-A+xDiff, 0+yDiff]
, [-A/2+xDiff, -(A*_s32)+yDiff]
, [A/2+xDiff, -(A*_s32)+yDiff]
, [A+xDiff, 0+yDiff]
var enterElements = svgContainer.selectAll("path.area") //draw element
.style("fill", "#ff0000")
.attr("d", d3.svg.area());
Is it doing what you want?

I had a similar situation, described in this question. I put together a code example which you can find here:
The key idea is that the path-generating function can be called during the append of each data point:
.attr("d", function(d) { return flow_shapes[d.NodeType](d.height, d.width);})
It's hard to tell from your code but it appears maybe you are trying to call .append in a loop rather than building your data and then letting D3 add all the notes in a single statement.
It might be helpful for you to put your complete code in a JSFiddle so we can see all of what you're trying.


d3-attrTween with custom function.(What did I misunderstand about tween function?)

I have a question about attrTween (sometimes tween()).
I understood custom tween function as
after " attrTween('d' " argument,
I define the custom function.
So, I wrote the custom function as below.
let interpolator=d3.interpolateArray(sdata.vader,sdata1.vader);
return function(t){
What I intended is
For All the circles I drew, makes a transition. The transition
is attrTween. The changes is based on data array tied into the
circles. Original data array is sdata and the cy value in the
sdata is sdata.vader. And the transition is heading toward
sdata1.and cy value for sdata1 is sdata1.vader.
To access all the cy value for every single circle, I used'cy')
However, no error message is shown but no animation was made either.
What did I misunderstand for the custom tween function?
Can anyone help me to fix this code?
Thank you inadvance.
Full code is in the following link.
There are multiple problems in the example code, which is not minimal. Providing a minimal, reproducible example would really help solve the problems.
usage of HTML Id to multiple elements.
In HTML, and id attribute must be unique. Here, ids are assigned to groups of circles. A class attribute should be used for this purpose, not an id.
should be:
Accordingly, the attrTween should lookup the circles with class circle1, rather than the unique circle with id #circle1
should be
Id (or class) assigned in the wrong place.
The circles1 class is assigned before the creation of the circle, hence the instructions applies to an empty selection. The class attribute should be set right after circles have been created.
should be
Wrong attribute tweened
The attribute to transition is the circle's cy attribute, not a path's d attribute. Hence
should be
Wrong data interpolated
sdata.vader and sdata1.vader do not exist, sdata and sdata1 seem to be arrays of objects, which in turn do have a vader property.
You probably want d.vader, and the corresponding .vader in sdata1, which would be sdata1[i].vader, in case items are the same order in both arrays.
Interpolating original measures instead of coordinates.
cy is originally defined as:
In the interpolator function, the scale function should also be used.
The attrTween function calls becomes:
.attrTween('cy',function(d, i){
//console.log( i, height-yscale(d.vader), height-yscale(sdata1[i].vader))
let interpolator=d3.interpolateArray(height-yscale(d.vader), height-yscale(sdata1[i].vader));
return function(t) { return interpolator(t)}
Using attrTween where not needed.
Simply transitioning the circles with attr is sufficient for this use case, there is no need to define an interpolator.
d3 will move the position of circles from the original position to the destination, interpolating implicitly.
.attr('cy',function(d, i){
return height-yscale(sdata1[i].vader)
I added a long duration for demo purpose, to make obvious that the circles move to the correct location. Once in their final position, they disappear, because they are under the pink circles.
P.S. Same set of corrections is applicable to circles2 set whenever relevant.
Demo of the solution in the snippet below, as codepen does not allow to save modifications without creating an account.
var svg;
var xscale;
var yscale;
var sdata;
var xAxis;
var yAxis;
var width=1500;
var height=500;
var margin=50;
var duration =250;
var vader ='vader'
var textblob='textblob'
var delay =5000;
var tbtrue=false;
var areas
var circles1,circles2;
var sdata1,sdata2
var parser = d3.timeParse("%m/%d/%y")
// data를 처리했고, date parser 하는 법 다시한번 명심하자.
sdata = data;
d.vader = +d.vader;
d.textblob= + d.textblob;
// scale을 정해야 함. 나중에 brushable한 범위로 고쳐야함. nice()안하면 정렬도안되고, 첫번째 엔트리 미싱이고
// 난리도 아님.
.domain(d3.extent(sdata, function(d) {return }))
yscale =d3.scaleLinear()
//yaxis는 필요 없을 것 같은데.
//캔버스에 축을 그려야 함 단, translate해서 중간에 걸치게 해야함.
//sdata plotting
var circles = svg.append('g').attr('class','circles')
var area = svg.append('g').attr('class','pathline')
//generator로 데이터를 하나씩 떨어뜨리도록 한다.
function firststage(){
function* vaderdropping(data){
for( let i=0;i<data.length;i++){
if( i%50==0) yield svg.node();
let cx = margin+xscale(data[i].date)
let cy = height-yscale(data[i].vader)
.style('fill','rgba(230, 99, 99, 0.528)')
yield svg.node()
//generator 돌리는 부분
let vadergen = vaderdropping(sdata);
let result =
let interval = setInterval(function(){
if(!result.done) {;
else {
}, 100);
function secondstage(){
function* textblobdropping(data){
for( let i=0;i<data.length;i++){
if( i%50==0) yield svg.node();
let cx = margin+xscale(data[i].date)
let cy = height-yscale(data[i].textblob)
.style('fill','rgba(112, 99, 230, 0.528)')
yield svg.node()
//generator 돌리는 부분
let textblobgen = textblobdropping(sdata);
let tresult =
let tinterval = setInterval(function(){
if(!tresult.done) {;
else {
}, 100);
function thirdstage(){
//진동을 만들기 위해서,
//베이다와 텍스트 블랍 값을 플립한거다 (제발 워크 아웃하길...)
//그 다음 트윈으로 sdata 와 sdata1을 왔다갔다 하게하면 되지않을까?
sdata1 ={
var y={};
return y});
sdata2 ={
var y={};
return y});
.style('fill','rgba(1, 1, 1, 0.228)')
//areas는 일종의 함수다, 에리아에다가 데이터를 먹이면,
//에리아를 그리는 역할을 하는것임.
areas = d3.area()
.x(function(d){return margin+xscale(})
.y0(function(d){return height-yscale(d.vader)})
.y1(function(d){return height-yscale(d.textblob)})
//이렇게 하지말고, sdata2도 만들었으니까 2->1->0 반복하는
// 무한반복 on('end','repeat') loop를 만들어보자.
var uarea=area.append('path')
function repeat(){
.style('fill','rgba(112, 99, 230, 0.4)')
.attr('d', areas(sdata))
var interpolator=d3.interpolateArray(sdata,sdata1);
return function(t){
return areas(interpolator(t))
var interpolator=d3.interpolateArray(sdata1,sdata2);
return function(t){
return areas(interpolator(t))
var interpolator=d3.interpolateArray(sdata2,sdata);
return function(t){
return areas(interpolator(t))
function fourthstage(){
// console.log(d3.selectAll('circle#circles1').node())
.attr('cx',function(d){return margin+xscale(})
.attr('cy',function(d){return height-yscale(d.vader)})
.attr('cx',function(d){return margin+xscale(})
.attr('cy',function(d){return height-yscale(d.textblob)})
.attr('cy',function(d, i){
return height-yscale(sdata1[i].vader)
// d3.selectAll('circle#circles2')
// .transition()
// .attr('cy',function(d){return 0})
//tween 팩토리를 정의해야한다.
//주의사항, 리턴을 갖는 함수여야한다는 것.
//왜 꼭 return function(){}을 해야하나?
function movey(d2){
let y1 = this.attr('cy')
let y2 = d2.vader
let interpolate=d3.interpolate(y1,y2);
} 하면 안되나??
<script src=""></script>

D3 Animate One Path Series At a Time

Learning Javascript and D3.
Trying to create a graph where it draws each line in a series, one at a time or on a delayed interval.
What I've got so far (relevant code at the end of this post)
My data is structures with each series as one row, with 12 columns. When you read it in, the object approximately looks like
mydata = [
{NumDays01: "0", NumDays02: "0", NumDays03: "0", NumDays04: "0", NumDays05: "0",Numdays06: 30}
1: {NumDays01: "0", NumDays02: "0", NumDays03: "0", NumDays04: "0",...
I can get it to create line, but it draws all the paths at once. Likewise, I've tried a loop, but that still draws them all at once. Also tried d3.timer and similar results. But I'm having a hard time understanding the timer callback stuff and creating those functions correctly.
I haven't found another example to really study other than a chart from FlowingData which has a lot of bells and whistles out of my league.
Any help or tips would be appreciated.
var svg ="#chart").select("svg"),
margin = { top: 30, right: 20, bottom: 10, left: 40 },
width = parseInt("#chart").style('width'), 10) - margin.left - margin.right;
d3.tsv("", function(error, data) {
if (error) throw error;
myData = data;
var t = d3.timer(pathMaker);
}); // #end d3.tsv()
function pathMaker() {
var peeps = myData[rowToRun];
var coords = [];
var lineToRemove = [];
for (var nameIter in dayList) {
coords.push({ x: x(nameIter), y: y(peeps[dayList[nameIter]])})
var improvementPath = g.append("path")
.attr("id", "path" + peeps.caseid)
.attr("d", lineMaker)
.attr("stroke", "#90c6e4")
.attr("fill", "none")
.attr("stroke-width", 2);
var total_length = improvementPath.node().getTotalLength();
var startPoint = pathStartPoint(improvementPath);
improvementPath = improvementPath
.attr("stroke-dasharray", total_length + " " + total_length)
.attr("stroke-dashoffset", total_length)
.transition() // Call Transition Method
.duration(4000) // Set Duration timing (ms)
.ease(d3.easeLinear) // Set Easing option
.attr("stroke-dashoffset", 0); // Set final value of dash-offset for transition
rowToRun += 1;
if (rowToRun == 5) {rowToRun = 0;}
//Get path start point for placing marker
function pathStartPoint(Mypath) {
var d = Mypath.attr("d"),
dsplitted = d.split(/M|L/)[1];
return dsplitted;
there are a few problems. I tried to configure your code as little as I could to make it work. If you need further explanations, please let me know
d3.tsv("", function(error, data) {
if (error) throw error;
myData = data;
}); // #end d3.tsv()
function pathMaker() {
var peeps = myData[rowToRun];
var coords_data = [];
var lineToRemove = [];
for (let i = 0; i < myData.length; i++) {
var coords = [];
for (var nameIter in dayList) {
coords.push({ x: x(nameIter), y: y(myData[i][dayList[nameIter]])})
var improvementPath = g.selectAll("path")
.attr("d", lineMaker)
.attr("stroke", "#90c6e4")
.attr("fill", "none")
.attr("stroke-width", 2);
improvementPath = improvementPath.each(function (d,i) {
var total_length = this.getTotalLength();
var startPoint = pathStartPoint(improvementPath);
const path =
.attr("stroke-dasharray", total_length + " " + total_length)
.attr("stroke-dashoffset", total_length)
.transition() // Call Transition Method
.duration(4000) // Set Duration timing (ms)
.ease(d3.easeLinear) // Set Easing option
.attr("stroke-dashoffset", 0); // Set final value of dash-offset for transition
rowToRun += 1;
if (rowToRun == 5) {rowToRun = 0;}

D3.js Problem rendering barchart with object data

I have the following script for rendering a simple barchart in D3.js. I have been able to render charts ok up until a point.
I have this data below which I am struggling to insert into my chart, there is no specific key I can call upon and I'm really confused how I would insert all of these into my chart.
Object { "food-environmental-science": 0, "art-media-research": 0, .....}
I have a seperate file for the HTML (only a snippet):
var barchart1 = barchart("#otherchart");
function clickScatter(d){
var unitOfAssessment = d.UoAString;
click = d.environment.topicWeights
function renderTopicWeights(clickedPoint){
When I call upon the loadAndRenderDataset function, console gives me a is not a function error.
function barchart(targetDOMelement) {
//=================== PUBLIC FUNCTIONS =========================
barchartObject.appendedMouseOverFunction = function (callbackFunction) {
console.log("appendedMouseOverFunction called", callbackFunction)
appendedMouseOverFunction = callbackFunction;
return barchartObject;
barchartObject.appendedMouseOutFunction = function (callbackFunction) {
appendedMouseOutFunction = callbackFunction;
return barchartObject;
barchartObject.loadAndRenderDataset = function (data) {>d); //create local copy of references so that we can sort etc.
return barchartObject;
barchartObject.overrideDataFieldFunction = function (dataFieldFunction) {
dataField = dataFieldFunction;
return barchartObject;
barchartObject.overrideKeyFunction = function (keyFunction) {
//The key function is used to obtain keys for GUP rendering and
//to provide the categories for the y-axis
//These valuse should be unique
GUPkeyField = yAxisCategoryFunction = keyFunction;
return barchartObject;
barchartObject.overrideMouseOverFunction = function (callbackFunction) {
mouseOverFunction = callbackFunction;
return barchartObject;
barchartObject.overrideMouseOutFunction = function (callbackFunction) {
mouseOutFunction = callbackFunction;
render(); //Needed to update DOM
return barchartObject;
barchartObject.overrideTooltipFunction = function (toolTipFunction) {
tooltip = toolTipFunction;
return barchartObject;
barchartObject.overrideMouseClickFunction = function (fn) {
mouseClick2Function = fn;
render(); //Needed to update DOM if they exist
return barchartObject;
barchartObject.render = function (callbackFunction) {
render(); //Needed to update DOM
return barchartObject;
barchartObject.setTransform = function (t) {
//Set the transform on the svg
svg.attr("transform", t)
return barchartObject;
barchartObject.yAxisIndent = function (indent) {
return barchartObject;
//=================== PRIVATE VARIABLES ====================================
//Width and height of svg canvas
var svgWidth = 900;
var svgHeight = 450;
var dataset = [];
var xScale = d3.scaleLinear();
var yScale = d3.scaleBand(); //This is an ordinal (categorical) scale
var yAxisIndent = 400; //Space for labels
var maxValueOfDataset; //For manual setting of bar length scaling (only used if .maxValueOfDataset() public method called)
//=================== INITIALISATION CODE ====================================
//Declare and append SVG element
var svg = d3
.attr("width", svgWidth)
.attr("height", svgHeight)
//Declare and add group for y axis
var yAxis = svg
.classed("yAxis", true);
//Declare and add group for x axis
var xAxis = svg
.classed("xAxis", true);
//===================== ACCESSOR FUNCTIONS =========================================
var dataField = function(d){return d.datafield} //The length of the bars
var tooltip = function(d){return d.key + ": "+ d.datafield} //tooltip text for bars
var yAxisCategoryFunction = function(d){return d.key} //Categories for y-axis
var GUPkeyField = yAxisCategoryFunction; //For 'keyed' GUP rendering (set to y-axis category)
//=================== OTHER PRIVATE FUNCTIONS ====================================
var maxValueOfDataField = function(){
//Find the maximum value of the data field for the x scaling function using a handy d3 max() method
//This will be used to set (normally used )
return d3.max(dataset, dataField)
var appendedMouseOutFunction = function(){};
var appendedMouseOverFunction = function(){};
var mouseOverFunction = function (d,i){"highlight", true).classed("noHighlight", false);
var mouseOutFunction = function (d,i){"highlight", false).classed("noHighlight", true);
var mouseClick2Function = function (d,i){
console.log("barchart click function = nothing at the moment, d=",d)
function render () {
function updateScalesAndRenderAxes(){
//Set scales to reflect any change in svgWidth, svgHeight or the dataset size or max value
.domain([0, maxValueOfDataField()])
.range([0, svgWidth-(yAxisIndent+10)]);
.domain( //Load y-axis categories into yScale
.rangeRound([25, svgHeight-40])
//Now render the y-axis using the new yScale
var yAxisGenerator = d3.axisLeft(yScale);".yAxis")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + yAxisIndent + ",0)")
//Now render the x-axis using the new xScale
var xAxisGenerator = d3.axisTop(xScale);".xAxis")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + yAxisIndent + ",20)")
function GUP_bars(){
//GUP = General Update Pattern to render bars
//GUP: BIND DATA to DOM placeholders
var selection = svg
.data(dataset, GUPkeyField);
var enterSel = selection //Create DOM rectangles, positioned # x=yAxisIndent
.attr("x", yAxisIndent)
enterSel //Add CSS classes
.attr("class", d=>("key--"+GUPkeyField(d)))
.classed("bars enterSelection", true)
.classed("highlight", d=>d.highlight)
enterSel //Size the bars
.attr("width", function(d) {return xScale(dataField(d));})
.attr("y", function(d, i) {return yScale(yAxisCategoryFunction(d));})
.attr("height", function(){return yScale.bandwidth()});
enterSel //Add tooltip
//GUP UPDATE (anything that is already on the page)
var updateSel = selection //update CSS classes
.classed("noHighlight updateSelection", true)
.classed("highlight enterSelection exitSelection", false)
.classed("highlight", d=>d.highlight)
updateSel //update bars
.attr("width", function(d) {return xScale(dataField(d));})
.attr("y", function(d, i) {return yScale(yAxisCategoryFunction(d));})
.attr("height", function(){return yScale.bandwidth()});
updateSel //update tool tip
.select("title") //Note that we already created a <title></title> in the Enter selection
//GUP: Merged Enter & Update selections (so we don't write these twice)
var mergedSel = enterSel.merge(selection)
.on("mouseover", mouseOverFunction)
.on("mouseout", mouseOutFunction)
.on("click", mouseClick2Function)
//GUP EXIT selection
var exitSel = selection.exit()
.classed("highlight updateSelection enterSelection", false)
.classed("exitSelection", true)
return barchartObject;'
Any help would be much appreciated, and I appolguise if what I'm asking is not clear. Thanks
format your input data into object like {key:"",value:""} and pass this into d3 so that they can understand and render chart.
var input = {'a':1,"b":2};
function parseData(input){
return Object.keys(input).reduce(function(output, key){
return output;
// [{"key":"a","value":1},{"key":"b","value":2}]
jsFiddle demo -

Drawing path from 2 dataset

I have been trying to use loop in order to prepare dataset for visualization with d3 but I got some problem when getting data back from loop.
Let's say I have 2 data set,
setX = [1,2 ,3, 4, 5] and setY = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
and I create for loop to get array of coordinate x and y from 2 dataset.
var point = new Object();
var coordinate = new Array();
for(var i=0; i < setX.length;i++){
point.x = setX[i];
point.y = setY[i];
and pulling back data from array to draw with
var d3line = d3.svg.line()
.x(function(d){return d.x;})
.y(function(d){return d.y;})
But the value of x and y data of d3line(coordinate) are always 5 and 50.
Is there a correct way to fix this?
Here is example of code
<div id="path"></div>
var divElem ="#path");
canvas = divElem.append("svg:svg")
.attr("width", 200)
.attr("height", 200)
var setX = [1,2 ,3, 4, 5];
var setY = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50];
var point = new Object();
var coordinate = new Array();
for(var i=0; i < setX.length;i++){
point.x = setX[i];
point.y = setY[i];
var d3line = d3.svg.line()
.x(function(d){return d.x;})
.y(function(d){return d.y;})
.attr("d", d3line(coordinate))
.style("stroke-width", 2)
.style("stroke", "steelblue")
.style("fill", "none");
You also see my example of this code on
There are two problems with your code. First (and this causes the behaviour you see), you're overwriting the same object in the loop that creates the points. So you end up with exactly the same object several times in your array and each iteration of the loop changes it. The output you're producing inside the loop prints the correct values because you're printing before the next iteration overwrites the object. This is fixed easily by moving the declaration of point inside the loop.
The second problem isn't really a problem but more of a style issue. You can certainly use d3 in the way that you're using it by simply passing the data in where you need it. A better way is to use d3s selections however where you pass in the data and then tell it what to do with it.
I've updated your js fiddle here with those changes made.

how to do a simple looping carousel of svg:g elements with D3.js

I am trying to make a scrollable list that is part of a bigger d3.js generated chart. clicking on list item acivates changes in the rest of the chart.
How would you make a simple animated looping carousel of svg:g elements with D3.js using the reusable chart pattern ?
Wired to jQuery-mousewheel or some forward and back buttons for example.
NameLoop = function () {
var scroll = 0;
function chart(selection) {
selection.each(function (data) {
var len = data.length,
scroll = scroll % len + len; // keep scroll between 0 <-> len
var nameNodes ="g")
.data(data, function(d){return d.ID;} );
var nameNodesEnter = nameNodes.enter().append("g")
.attr("class", "nameNode")
.attr("transform", function(d, i) {
// implement scroll here ??
return "translate(30," + (i+1)*20 + ")";
.text(function(d){return d.ID;});
return chart;
chart.scroll = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return scroll;
scroll = _;
return chart;
return chart;
data = [{ID:"A"},{ID:"B"},{ID:"C"},{ID:"D"},{ID:"E"}];
var svg ="body").append("svg")
.attr("width", 200)
var nameloop = NameLoop();"#svg").datum(data).call(nameloop);
var body ="body").append("div");
body.append("span").on("click",function(d){ scroll(1) }).html("forward ");
body.append("span").on("click",function(d){ scroll(-1) }).html("back");
