I work as an intern with Ruby on Rails and yesterday I had to do something with Javascript (my javascript skills ARE AWFUL, I DON'T EVEN HAVE SKILLS with IT).
I implemented current location feature in a project, but I'd like to do it another way... the thig is kinda done, take a look:
function geolocationSuccess(position) {
var latitude = position.coords.latitude;
var longitude = position.coords.longitude;
var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
var latlng = {lat: latitude, lng: longitude};
geocoder.geocode({'location': latlng}, function(results, status) {
if (status === google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
if (results[0]){
var user_address = results[0].formatted_address;
document.getElementById("current_location").innerHTML = user_address;
}else {
console.log('No results found for these coords.');
}else {
console.log('Geocoder failed due to: ' + status);
function geolocationError() {
console.log("please enable location for this feature to work!");
$(document).on("ready page:ready", function() {
$("#current-location").on("click", function(event) {
if ("geolocation" in navigator) {
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(geolocationSuccess, geolocationError);
} else {
alert("Geolocation not supported!");
All right, I know it all happens when I click the button with Id="current-location", but I'd like it to happen automatically when the page loads, how can I do it?
Simply insert the code you want executed inside of a $(document).ready( block:
$(document).ready(function() {
if ("geolocation" in navigator) {
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(geolocationSuccess, geolocationError);
} else {
alert("Geolocation not supported!");
On a side note, I would recommend not naming a function variable event since event is a keyword. The standard convention for passing event to a function is to use e. For example:
$('#someId').on('click', function(e) {
//do something
I want to present my users with a text box wherein they can type in their address. As they type their address, there's a new window will open (Google map) and automatically fill up the search box in Google map. I want to provide the users with suggestions/predictions of what address they are trying to type. I'm also concerned about the relevance of this address (e.g. that the address is not an address halfway across the world).
How to automatically fill the search box in Google map from the inputted address text box from another website?
E.g In my website, there's a text box and I input an address in that text box and when I click enter in that text box there's a new window appear and display the Google Map with search bar (in that search bar, the address is already there)
Is this possible in javascript and jquery? Please help me. I'm newbie in those PL. Thank you
Here's the code:
(function($, window, document, undefined){
var defaults = {
bounds: true,
country: null,
map: false,
details: false,
detailsAttribute: "name",
autoselect: true,
location: false,
mapOptions: {
zoom: 14,
scrollwheel: false,
mapTypeId: "roadmap"
markerOptions: {
draggable: false
maxZoom: 16,
types: ['geocode'],
blur: false
var componentTypes = ("street_address route intersection political " +
"country administrative_area_level_1 administrative_area_level_2 " +
"administrative_area_level_3 colloquial_area locality sublocality " +
"neighborhood premise subpremise postal_code natural_feature airport " +
"park point_of_interest post_box street_number floor room " +
"lat lng viewport location " +
"formatted_address location_type bounds").split(" ");
var placesDetails = ("id url website vicinity reference name rating " +
"international_phone_number icon formatted_phone_number").split(" ");
// The actual plugin constructor.
function GeoComplete(input, options) {
this.options = $.extend(true, {}, defaults, options);
this.input = input;
this.$input = $(input);
this._defaults = defaults;
this._name = 'geocomplete';
// Initialize all parts of the plugin.
$.extend(GeoComplete.prototype, {
init: function(){
// Initialize the map but only if the option `map` was set.
// This will create a `map` within the given container
// using the provided `mapOptions` or link to the existing map instance.
initMap: function(){
if (!this.options.map){ return; }
if (typeof this.options.map.setCenter == "function"){
this.map = this.options.map;
this.map = new google.maps.Map(
// add click event listener on the map
$.proxy(this.mapClicked, this)
$.proxy(this.mapZoomed, this)
// Add a marker with the provided `markerOptions` but only
// if the option was set. Additionally it listens for the `dragend` event
// to notify the plugin about changes.
initMarker: function(){
if (!this.map){ return; }
var options = $.extend(this.options.markerOptions, { map: this.map });
if (options.disabled){ return; }
this.marker = new google.maps.Marker(options);
$.proxy(this.markerDragged, this)
// Associate the input with the autocompleter and create a geocoder
// to fall back when the autocompleter does not return a value.
initGeocoder: function(){
var options = {
types: this.options.types,
bounds: this.options.bounds === true ? null : this.options.bounds,
componentRestrictions: this.options.componentRestrictions
if (this.options.country){
options.componentRestrictions = {country: this.options.country};
this.autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(
this.input, options
this.geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
// Bind autocomplete to map bounds but only if there is a map
// and `options.bindToMap` is set to true.
if (this.map && this.options.bounds === true){
this.autocomplete.bindTo('bounds', this.map);
// Watch `place_changed` events on the autocomplete input field.
$.proxy(this.placeChanged, this)
// Prevent parent form from being submitted if user hit enter.
if (event.keyCode === 13){ return false; }
// Listen for "geocode" events and trigger find action.
this.$input.bind("geocode", $.proxy(function(){
}, this));
// Trigger find action when input element is blured out.
// (Usefull for typing partial location and tabing to the next field
// or clicking somewhere else.)
if (this.options.blur === true){
}, this));
// Prepare a given DOM structure to be populated when we got some data.
// This will cycle through the list of component types and map the
// corresponding elements.
initDetails: function(){
if (!this.options.details){ return; }
var $details = $(this.options.details),
attribute = this.options.detailsAttribute,
details = {};
function setDetail(value){
details[value] = $details.find("[" + attribute + "=" + value + "]");
$.each(componentTypes, function(index, key){
setDetail(key + "_short");
$.each(placesDetails, function(index, key){
this.$details = $details;
this.details = details;
// Set the initial location of the plugin if the `location` options was set.
// This method will care about converting the value into the right format.
initLocation: function() {
var location = this.options.location, latLng;
if (!location) { return; }
if (typeof location == 'string') {
if (location instanceof Array) {
latLng = new google.maps.LatLng(location[0], location[1]);
if (location instanceof google.maps.LatLng){
latLng = location;
if (latLng){
if (this.map){ this.map.setCenter(latLng); }
if (this.marker){ this.marker.setPosition(latLng); }
// Look up a given address. If no `address` was specified it uses
// the current value of the input.
find: function(address){
address: address || this.$input.val()
// Requests details about a given location.
// Additionally it will bias the requests to the provided bounds.
geocode: function(request){
if (this.options.bounds && !request.bounds){
if (this.options.bounds === true){
request.bounds = this.map && this.map.getBounds();
} else {
request.bounds = this.options.bounds;
if (this.options.country){
request.region = this.options.country;
this.geocoder.geocode(request, $.proxy(this.handleGeocode, this));
// Get the selected result. If no result is selected on the list, then get
// the first result from the list.
selectFirstResult: function() {
var selected = '';
// Check if any result is selected.
if ($(".pac-item-selected")['0']) {
selected = '-selected';
// Get the first suggestion's text.
var $span1 = $(".pac-container .pac-item" + selected + ":first span:nth-child(2)").text();
var $span2 = $(".pac-container .pac-item" + selected + ":first span:nth-child(3)").text();
// Get the inputted address from LAP
// Adds the additional information, if available.
var firstResult = $span1;
if ($span2) {
firstResult += " - " + $span2;
return firstResult;
// Handles the geocode response. If more than one results was found
// it triggers the "geocode:multiple" events. If there was an error
// the "geocode:error" event is fired.
handleGeocode: function(results, status){
if (status === google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
var result = results[0];
if (results.length > 1){
this.trigger("geocode:multiple", results);
} else {
this.trigger("geocode:error", status);
// Triggers a given `event` with optional `arguments` on the input.
trigger: function(event, argument){
this.$input.trigger(event, [argument]);
// Set the map to a new center by passing a `geometry`.
// If the geometry has a viewport, the map zooms out to fit the bounds.
// Additionally it updates the marker position.
center: function(geometry){
if (geometry.viewport){
if (this.map.getZoom() > this.options.maxZoom){
} else {
if (this.marker){
// Update the elements based on a single places or geoocoding response
// and trigger the "geocode:result" event on the input.
update: function(result){
if (this.map){
if (this.$details){
this.trigger("geocode:result", result);
// Populate the provided elements with new `result` data.
// This will lookup all elements that has an attribute with the given
// component type.
fillDetails: function(result){
var data = {},
geometry = result.geometry,
viewport = geometry.viewport,
bounds = geometry.bounds;
// Create a simplified version of the address components.
$.each(result.address_components, function(index, object){
var name = object.types[0];
data[name] = object.long_name;
data[name + "_short"] = object.short_name;
// Add properties of the places details.
$.each(placesDetails, function(index, key){
data[key] = result[key];
// Add infos about the address and geometry.
$.extend(data, {
formatted_address: result.formatted_address,
location_type: geometry.location_type || "PLACES",
viewport: viewport,
bounds: bounds,
location: geometry.location,
lat: geometry.location.lat(),
lng: geometry.location.lng()
// Set the values for all details.
$.each(this.details, $.proxy(function(key, $detail){
var value = data[key];
this.setDetail($detail, value);
}, this));
this.data = data;
// Assign a given `value` to a single `$element`.
// If the element is an input, the value is set, otherwise it updates
// the text content.
setDetail: function($element, value){
if (value === undefined){
value = "";
} else if (typeof value.toUrlValue == "function"){
value = value.toUrlValue();
if ($element.is(":input")){
} else {
// Fire the "geocode:dragged" event and pass the new position.
markerDragged: function(event){
this.trigger("geocode:dragged", event.latLng);
mapClicked: function(event) {
this.trigger("geocode:click", event.latLng);
mapZoomed: function(event) {
this.trigger("geocode:zoom", this.map.getZoom());
// Restore the old position of the marker to the last now location.
resetMarker: function(){
this.setDetail(this.details.lat, this.data.location.lat());
this.setDetail(this.details.lng, this.data.location.lng());
// Update the plugin after the user has selected an autocomplete entry.
// If the place has no geometry it passes it to the geocoder.
placeChanged: function(){
var place = this.autocomplete.getPlace();
if (!place || !place.geometry){
if (this.options.autoselect) {
// Automatically selects the highlighted item or the first item from the
// suggestions list.
var autoSelection = this.selectFirstResult();
} else {
// Use the input text if it already gives geometry.
// A plugin wrapper around the constructor.
// Pass `options` with all settings that are different from the default.
// The attribute is used to prevent multiple instantiations of the plugin.
$.fn.geocomplete = function(options) {
var attribute = 'plugin_geocomplete';
// If you call `.geocomplete()` with a string as the first parameter
// it returns the corresponding property or calls the method with the
// following arguments.
if (typeof options == "string"){
var instance = $(this).data(attribute) || $(this).geocomplete().data(attribute),
prop = instance[options];
if (typeof prop == "function"){
prop.apply(instance, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
return $(this);
} else {
if (arguments.length == 2){
prop = arguments[1];
return prop;
} else {
return this.each(function() {
// Prevent against multiple instantiations.
var instance = $.data(this, attribute);
if (!instance) {
instance = new GeoComplete( this, options );
$.data(this, attribute, instance);
})( jQuery, window, document );
AFIK, the search bar which is used in Google maps search api is a simple textbox (input type="text") and its id is pac-input
$('#pac-input').val($('your address element').val()); //copy the value
$('#pac-input').focus(); //focus might trigger automatically
Read document for geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
and try this:
var input_address = $('your address element').val();
geocoder.geocode({address: input_address}, reverseGeocodeResult);
function reverseGeocodeResult(results, status) {
currentReverseGeocodeResponse = results;
if (status == 'OK') {
if (results.length == 0) {
document.getElementById('cong_viec_dia_chi').innerHTML = 'None';
} else {
document.getElementById('cong_viec_dia_chi').innerHTML = results[0].formatted_address;
} else {
document.getElementById('cong_viec_dia_chi').innerHTML = 'can't get address';
Update: demo here
I am using the google places api in my website.When i focus on the input field and start writing the autocomplete works fine but when i press enter it gets submitted without the value.I get the error: "cannot read property "location" of undefined".
<script type="text/javascript">
google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);
function initialize() {
var input = document.getElementById('main_search');
var defaultBounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(
new google.maps.LatLng(22.4667, 88.3067),
new google.maps.LatLng(22.8667, 88.467));
var options = {
bounds: defaultBounds,
types: ['establishment'],
componentRestrictions: {
country: 'in'
var autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(input, options);
google.maps.event.addListener(autocomplete, 'place_changed', function() {
var place = autocomplete.getPlace();
document.getElementById('city').value = place.name;
document.getElementById('cityLat').value = place.geometry.location.lat();
document.getElementById('cityLng').value = place.geometry.location.lng();
i am using the get method and i don't get any value.when i use mouse and click on submit button everything works fine.
Temporary fix
Disable the enter default when pac-container (autocomplete dropdown) is visible
$('#search-entry').keydown(function(e) {
if (e.which == 13 && $('.pac-container:visible').length) return false;
I am working on an application and need to convert an address supplied by user to lat lng and update a google map. I am using angular js version 1.0.0 Problem is in firefox i keep getting a too much recursion error.
app.controller("BasicMapController", function($scope, $timeout){
angular.extend($scope, {
checking_address: false// curently trying to get lat long from address
I had to create an ngBlur directive since 1.0.0 didn't have it and upgrading is not an option since too much other code breaks.
app.directive('ngBlur', function() {
return function( scope, elem, attrs ) {
elem.bind('blur', function() {
On my page i add ng-blur="onblur_()" to the relevant text area and then in my controller i define the relevant function:
$scope.onblur_ = function ($event) {
if ($scope.checking_address)
var map_scope = angular.element($('.google-map')).scope();
var address = document.getElementById("id_address").value;
if ( !! !address)
$scope.checking_address = true;
var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
'address': address
}, function (results, status) {
if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
if ($scope.markers[0] == undefined) {
$scope.markers[0] = new google.maps.Marker({
map: map_scope.map._instance,
position: results[0].geometry.location
} else
$scope.checking_address = false;
The code works fine in Opera and Chromium. Any ideas on what could be wrong or how i could get around the problem?
Currently when you click on the autosuggest suggestion in the location field it just loads it into the input box. I want to make an adjustment to it, so when you click on the result in the autosuggest box, not only does it load its value into the input box but it also triggers the geocode. I cant get my head around how I would do this though, so I would appreciate some help.
This is the code: http://jsfiddle.net/njDvn/130/
<!-- Geocode -->
$(document).ready(function () {
var GeoCoded = { done: false };
$('#myform').on('submit', function (e) {
if (GeoCoded.done) return true;
var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
var address = document.getElementById('location').value;
$('#myform input[type="submit"]').attr('disabled', true);
'address': address
function (results, status) {
if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
var latLng = results[0].geometry.location;
GeoCoded.done = true;
} else {
console.log("Geocode failed: " + status);
//enable the submit button
$('#myform input[type="submit"]').attr('disabled', false);
And the autosuggest:
<!-- AutoSuggest -->
function autosuggest() {
var input = document.getElementById('location');
var options = {
types: [],
var autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(input, options);
What you could do instead is use only Places API library and simply listen for place_changed event like in this sample here:
You can get the Geocode using: place.geometry.location