Should URLs be encoded with encodeURIComponent() or escape()? - javascript

I am trying to encode URL using encodeURIComponent method. Some parameters in URL also contain special characters (of ISO-8859-1 charset) like é, è, which are not correctly encoded.
For example éis encoded to %C3%A9 instead of %E9
As a alternative I have used escape method for encoding and it is working absolutely fine.
But it does not encode some characters like + - * / . _ #
I am in doubt whether i should use it or not and most of the articles say that escape() should be avoided. Can anyone please tell me how can I get the correct encoding using encodeURIComponent or should I use escape?
CODE: there is a function "get" in which request is sent and encodeFormularDatas is used to encode url parameters. HTML page encoding is ISO-8859-1.
this.get = function(url, answerTreatement, options) {
var request = this.newRequest();
var target = url;
if (options.parameters) {
target += "?"+this.encodeFormularDatas(options.parameters);
}"POST", target, true);
this.encodeFormularDatas = function(values) {
var pairs = [];
var regexp = /%20/g; // encoded space
for (var name in values) {
var value = values[name];
var pair = encodeURIComponent(name).replace(regexp, "+") + '=' +
encodeURIComponent(value).replace(regexp, "+");
return pairs.join('&');


Prevent URL.toString() from escaping plus (+) symbols

I want to write a method that takes an array of strings and joins them with a + symbol, similarily to what Google does. This is my method:
function getQueryUrl(array) {
let urlParamsString = array.join("+");
const url = new URL(window.location);
url.searchParams.set("query", urlParamsString);
return url.toString();
But instead of getting the cleanly plus-separated URL, the URL API escapes the symbols with %2B. Is there any way to prevent this (apart from straight-up replacing the escaped symbols back to +)?
Try unescape() function:
function getQueryUrl(array) {
let urlParamsString = array.join("+");
const url = new URL(window.location);
url.searchParams.set("query", urlParamsString);
return unescape(url.toString());
use decodeURIComponent(url.toString());

How to send a string as a parameter of an API method through URL which contains '+' in Typescript

I am new to Angular 4. Here I am trying to pass a string to an API call .
Currently I just assigned the sequence of characters to a string variable and passed it to an API URL .
Here the problem is when I receive the string in API it loses the + in the string and each + is replaced by a space .
So how should I pass the string which has the + symbols in it to the API.
var isValidString = "AhU29yCXdtoaNyQ8rhUBZMz0MieMNBTUaaA04hO+pGzd/iK01sQx6ckMi8LqCdyphShlBt9QhLtCizcUsy708eU90GD7Qg==";
this.CartdataService.validateString(isValidString).subscribe(data => {
Here the string has a + in it ,which is not present when I receive it in my API function.
return this.http.get(this.validate_User_Password_URL = this.SERVER_URL+`/api/ECOMAPI/validateUserPassword/?mValidateString=${validateString}`);
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> validvalidateUserPassword(string myString)
if (myString) != " ")
While debugging the myString the string has the space instead of +
Can anyone help me to fix this .
Have you tried url encoding the string and check if it works?
You can use encodeURIComponent() to encode special characters.
var isValidString = "AhU29yCXdtoaNyQ8rhUBZMz0MieMNBTUaaA04hO+pGzd/iK01sQx6ckMi8LqCdyphShlBt9QhLtCizcUsy708eU90GD7Qg==";
var encoded = encodeURIComponent(isValidString);
// then append the encoded one to the url instead of the original string
You can use the encodeURI and decodeURI
var encoded = encodeURI(uri);
Your code
var isValidString = encodeURI("AhU29yCXdtoaNyQ8rhU+pGzd/i......");
// now call the service method with above encoded string
Move to your API Code:
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(myString))
myString = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(myString);
// Rest of your code
I'm quite sure that if you use HttpParams instead of assembling the string by yourself, Angular does the encoding stuff for you. Something like this
let str = "adam+eve"
let params = new HttpParams().set("isValidString", str);
return this.http.get("", {params}) as Observable<Any>
should result in a call to

URL Param: Line break %0A causing JSON.parse to choke

I am parsing a multiline value from a textarea encoded in the URL:
// URL Params:
var _url = window.location.href;
var _queryParams = decodeURIComponent( _url.split('?')[1] );
var _search = _queryParams;//;
var _data = JSON.parse('{"' + decodeURI(_search).replace(/"/g, '\\"').replace(/&/g, '","').replace(/=/g,'":"') + '"}');
But I'm getting an Syntax Error: Unexpected token... error from the JSON.parse() function whenever I have a multiline text value in the d= URL param above:
What .replace() regex pattern do I need to do to handle the line break encoding, %0A?
I'm already successfully converting the URL params to a javascript object. The problem is that the replace([pattern match]) functions inside are choking on the mutliline text character: %0A.
Parse the query string using URLSearchParams, and then use URLSearchParams's entries method to turn it into a plain Javascript object, and then stringify it to turn it into a JSON-formatted string:
const queryString = '?cn=asdf%20asdf&pn=asdf%20asdf&';
const params = new URLSearchParams(queryString);
const queryObj = {};
for (const [key, val] of params.entries()) {
queryObj[key] = val;

Solid javascript encode uri

I've read this and more articles:
When are you supposed to use escape instead of encodeURI / encodeURIComponent?
Still I have not found a solid encode/decode uri solution.
Let's say I have these variables
var first = 'Hello&and';
var second = "Let's have cite";
var third = 'And "hash,.#$';
var fourth = 'åäö other strange chars';
An unencoded url would be:
var url '' + first + '&second=' + second + '&third=' + third + '&fourth=' + fourth;
Later it should be in an ajax request like:
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', url );
I tried this:
var url '' + encodeURIComponent(first);
But it does not work with #. So what is a solid encoding solution for all characters?
I don't use jQuery, just javascript.
Use the encodeURIComponent when encoding uri parameters. When you encode a hashtag with that function it will result in the string "%23".
So in your example:
var first = 'Hello&and';
var second = "Let's have cite";
var third = 'And "hash,.#$';
var fourth = 'åäö other strange chars';
var url = '' + encodeURIComponent(first) + '&second=' + encodeURIComponent(second) + '&third=' + encodeURIComponent(third) + '&fourth=' + encodeURIComponent(fourth);
Will result in the url variable containing the string:'s%20have%20cite&third=And%20%22hash%2C.%23%24&fourth=%C3%A5%C3%A4%C3%B6%20other%20strange%20chars
More information of the encodeURIComponent function can be found here.
(citation from w3 school) This function encodes special characters. In
addition, it encodes the following characters: , / ? : # & = + $ #
You can try using escape() function. This has saved me many-a times.
escape('#') does yield %23.

Trouble reading a query string in a Query String?

I have a URL in a query string value that is similar to this one:
And I have a query sting on my website that takes the URL and redirects to a certain page. Like this:
But the query string is misinterpreted. How can I separate the query string in the value URL from the actual URL? I have tried encoding the question marks and ampersands, but the page is missing the content from the value URL.
This is how I get the URL, through a javascript:
function nameps(url) {
url = url.replace(/[\[]/, "\\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\\]");
var regexS = "[\\?&]" + url + "=([^&#]*)";
var regex = new RegExp(regexS);
var results = regex.exec(window.location.href);
if (results == null) return "";
else {
return results[1];
how does the url value get passed to the javascript? That is the place you should be url-encoding the whole URL, to make
be inputted into the javascript on your site as
You will need to adjust your regex in your javascript to deal with this change in format or alternatively use a javascript url decoding function such as decodeuri .
such as on your site:
function nameps(url) {
url = decodeURI(url); ///new line decodes the previously encoded URL
url = url.replace(/[\[]/, "\\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\\]");
var regexS = "[\\?&]" + url + "=([^&#]*)";
var regex = new RegExp(regexS);
var results = regex.exec(window.location.href);
if (results == null) return "";
else {
return results[1];
This would also involve however you pass the url value to the function above, would have to include the line :
url = encodeURI(url);
In order to correctly encode and format the address given.
I wouldn't try to get too complicated with the query string. Instead of this:
I would do this:
Then I would parse it up and rebuild the secondary url from the components.
Trying to pack a query string in a query string is asking for trouble. I wouldn't waste any time trying to get it to work that way.
