I am looking to search an XML document to match whatever word the user has entered. The problem I'm having is at best I can only get the number of the lines it occurs in, so if it occurs twice in one line it's only be counted as one instance.
I'm passing the search term in from an input box to this function:
function searchResults(query) {
var temp = "\\b" + query + "\\b";
var regex_query = new RegExp(temp, "gi");
var currentLine;
var num_matching_lines = 0;
$("LINE", current_play_dom).each(function () {
var line = this;
currentLine = $(this).text();
matchesLine = currentLine.replace(regex_query, '<span class="query_match">' + query + '</span>');
if (currentLine.search(regex_query) > 0) {
$("#mainOutput").append("<br /><p class='speaker_match'>"+ $(line).parent().find('SPEAKER').text() +"</p>");
$("#mainOutput").append("<p class='act_match'>"+ $(line).parent().parent().parent().children(':first-child').text()+"</p>");
$("#mainOutput").append("<p class='scene_match'>"+ $(line).parent().parent().children(':first-child').text() +"</p>");
$("#mainOutput").append("<p>" + matchesLine + "</p>");
$("#mainOutput").append("<p>" + matchesLine + "</p>");
$("#sideInfo").append("<p>Found " + query + " " + num_matching_lines + " times</p>");
This is outputting the line count fine but I want to be able to output the amount of times the word actually occurs in the XML.
Let's say I have some sentences in Google Docs. Just one sentences as an example:
"My house is on fire"
I actually changed the background color so that every verb is red and every noun blue.
Now I want to make a list with all the verbs and another one with the nouns. Unfortunately getBackgroundColor() only seems to work with paragraphs and not with single words.
My idea was, to do something like this (I didn't yet have the time to think about how to do the loop, but that's not the point here anyway):
var doc = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument();
var body = doc.getBody();
var paragraphs = body.getParagraphs();
var colorVar = paragraphs[0].getText().match(/\w+/).getBackgroundColor(); // The regEx matches the first word. Next I want to get the background color.
The error message I get goes something like this:
"The function getBackgroundColor in the text object couldn't be found"
Thx for any help, or hints or comments!
You want to retrieve the text from a paragraph.
You want to retrieve each word and the background color of each word from the retrieved the text.
In this case, the color is the background color which is not getForegroundColor().
You want to achieve this using Google Apps Script.
If my understanding is correct, how about this answer? Please think of this as just one of several possible answers.
At first, the reason of your error is that getBackgroundColor() is the method of Class Text. In your script, getBackgroundColor() is used for the string value. By this, the error occurs.
In this answer, for achieving your goal, each character of the text retrieved from the paragraph is scanned, and each word and the background color of each word can be retrieved.
Sample script:
function myFunction() {
var doc = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument();
var body = doc.getBody();
var paragraphs = body.getParagraphs();
var textObj = paragraphs[0].editAsText();
var text = textObj.getText();
var res = [];
var temp = "";
for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
var c = text[i];
if (c != " ") {
temp += c;
} else {
if (temp != "") res.push({text: temp, color: textObj.getBackgroundColor(i - 1)});
temp = "";
Logger.log(res) // result
When you run the script, the text of 1st paragraph is parsed. And you can see the result with res as an object.
In this sample script, the 1st paragraph is used as a test case. So if you want to retrieve the value from other paragraph, please modify the script.
If I misunderstood your question and this was not the direction you want, I apologize.
Here's a script your welcome to take a look at. It highlights text that a user selects...even individual letters. I did it several years ago just to learn more about how documents work.
function highLightCurrentSelection() {
var conclusionStyle = {};
var br = '<br />';
var selection = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getSelection();
var s='';
if(selection) {
s+=br + '<strong>Elements in Current Selection</strong>';
var selectedElements = selection.getRangeElements();
for(var i=0;i<selectedElements.length;i++) {
var selElem = selectedElements[i];
var el = selElem.getElement();
var isPartial = selElem.isPartial();
if(isPartial) {
var selStart = selElem.getStartOffset();
var selEnd = selElem.getEndOffsetInclusive();
s+=br + 'isPartial:true selStart=' + selStart + ' selEnd=' + selEnd ;
var bgcolor = (el.asText().getBackgroundColor(selStart)=='#ffff00')?'#ffffff':'#ffff00';
el.asText().setBackgroundColor(selStart, selEnd, bgcolor)
}else {
var selStart = selElem.getStartOffset();
var selEnd = selElem.getEndOffsetInclusive();
s+=br + 'isPartial:false selStart=' + selStart + ' selEnd=' + selEnd ;
var bgcolor = (el.asText().getBackgroundColor()=='#ffff00')?'#ffffff':'#ffff00';
var elType=el.getType();
s+=br + 'selectedElement[' + i + '].getType()= ' + elType;
if(elType==DocumentApp.ElementType.TEXT) {
var txt = selElem.getElement().asText().getText().slice(selStart,selEnd+1);
var elattrs = el.getAttributes();
s+=br + 'Type:<strong>TEXT</strong>';
s+=br + 'Text:<span style="color:#ff0000">' + txt + '</span>';
s+=br + 'Length: ' + txt.length;
s+=br + '<div id="sel' + Number(i) + '" style="display:none;">';
for(var key in elattrs)
s+= br + '<strong>' + key + '</strong>' + ' = ' + elattrs[key];
s+=br + '<input type="text" value="' + elattrs[key] + '" id="elattr' + key + Number(i) + '" />';
s+=br + '<input id="elattrbtn' + Number(i) + '" type="button" value="Save Changes" onClick="setSelectedElementAttribute(\'' + key + '\',' + i + ');" />'
if(elType==DocumentApp.ElementType.PARAGRAPH) {
var txt = selElem.getElement().asParagraph().getText();
var elattrs = el.getAttributes();
s+=br + '<strong>PARAGRAPH Attributes</strong>';
s+=br + 'Text:<span style="color:#ff0000">' + txt + '</span> Text Length= ' + txt.length;
for(var key in elattrs)
s+= br + key + ' = ' + elattrs[key];
s+='<hr width="100%"/>';
//var finalP=DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getBody().appendParagraph('Total Number of Elements: ' + Number(selectedElements.length));
}else {
s+= br + 'No Elements found in current selection';
s+='<input type="button" value="Toggle HighLight" onclick="google.script.run.highLightCurrentSelection();"/>';
//s+='<input type="button" value="Exit" onClick="google.script.host.close();" />';
DocumentApp.getUi().showSidebar(HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('htmlToBody').append(s).setWidth(800).setHeight(450).setTitle('Selected Elements'));
The code is used in a HTML document, where when you press a button the first word in every sentence gets marked in bold
This is my code:
var i = 0;
while(i < restOftext.length) {
if (text[i] === ".") {
var space = text.indexOf(" ", i + 2);
var tekststykke = text.slice(i + 2, space);
var text = text.slice(0, i) + "<b>" + tekststykke + "</b>" + text.slice(i + (tekststykke.length + 2));
var period = text.replace(/<b>/g, ". <b>");
var text2 = "<b>" + firstWord + "</b>" + period.slice(space1);
document.getElementById("firstWordBold").innerHTML = text2;
It's in the first part of the code under function firstWordBold(); where it says there is an error with
var space1 = text.indexOf(" ");
Looks like you're missing a closing quote on your string, at least in the example you provided in the question.
Your problem is the scope of the text variable. In firstWordBold change every text to this.text, except the last two where you re-define text
Also, if you want to apply bold to the first word this is easier...
document.getElementById('test-div-2').innerHTML = '<b>' + firstWord + '</b>' + restOftext;
It now works for me, with no errors and it applies bold to the first word.
Here's how the function ended up,
function firstWordBold() {
var space1 = this.text.indexOf(' ');
var firstWord = this.text.slice(0, space1);
var restOftext = this.text.slice(space1);
document.getElementById('test-div-2').innerHTML = '<b>' + firstWord + '</b>' + restOftext;
To make every first word bold, try this...
function firstWordBold() {
let newHTML = '';
const sentences = this.text.split('.');
for (let sentence of sentences) {
sentence = sentence.trim();
var space1 = sentence.indexOf(' ');
var firstWord = sentence.slice(0, space1);
var restOftext = sentence.slice(space1);
newHTML += '<b>' + firstWord + '</b>' + restOftext + ' ';
document.getElementById('test-div-2').innerHTML = newHTML;
One last edit, I didn't notice you had sentences ending with anything other that a period before. To split on multiple delimiters use a regex, like so,
const sentences = this.text.split(/(?<=[.?!])\s/);
I need to break a string apart after certain characters.
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = Monster + "<p id='vault" + loop + "'> || HP: " + HP + "</p>" + " || Defense: " + Def + " || Attack: " + ATK + " || Can it Dodge/Block: " + DB + " || Can it retaliate: " + RET + " || Initative: " + INT + " || Exp: " + MEXP + " <input type='submit' class='new' onclick='Combat(" + loop + ")' value='FIGHT!'></input>" + "<br><br>" + A;
function Chest(id){
window.open('LootGen.html', '_blank');
function Combat(id){
document.getElementById("C").value = document.getElementById("vault" + id).innerHTML;
When this runs the value that results is:
However I only want '20' part,now keep in mind that this variable does change and so I need to use substrings to somehow pull that second number after the +. I've seen this done with:
var parameters = location.search.substring(1).split("&");
This doesn't work here for some reason as first of all the var is an innher html.
Could someone please point me in the write direction as I'm not very good at reading docs.
var text = "|+HP:+20";
// Break string into an array of strings and grab last element
var results = text.split('+').pop();
using a combination of substring and lastIndexOf will allow you to get the substring from the last spot of the occurrence of the "+".
Note the + 1 moves the index to exclude the "+" character. To include it you would need to remove the + 1
function Combat(id){
var vaultInner = document.getElementById("vault" + id).innerHTML;
document.getElementById("C").value = vaultInner.substring(vaultInner.lastIndexOf("+") + 1);
the code example using the split would give you an array of stuff separated by the plus
function Combat(id){
//splits into an array
var vaultInner = document.getElementById("vault" + id).innerHTML.split("+");
//returns last element
document.getElementById("C").value = vaultInner[vaultInner.length -1];
I am trying to implement a search box that will search a particular play (AJAX file) for any instances of the word, if the word is found it then outputs that line. My problem is that if no results are found of the word instead of continuing to show the entire play it outputs the last line of the play only.
My function:
function searchResults(query) {
var temp = "\\b" + query + "\\b";
var regex_query = new RegExp(temp, "gi");
var currentLine;
var num_matching_lines = 0;
$("LINE", current_play_dom).each(function () {
var line = this;
currentLine = $(this).text();
matchesLine = currentLine.replace(regex_query, '<span class="query_match">' + query + '</span>');
if ( currentLine.search(regex_query) > 0 ) {
$("#mainOutput").append("<br /><p class='speaker_match'>"+ $(line).parent().find('SPEAKER').text() +"</p>");
$("#mainOutput").append("<p class='act_match'>"+ $(line).parent().parent().parent().children(':first-child').text()+"</p>");
$("#mainOutput").append("<p class='scene_match'>"+ $(line).parent().parent().children(':first-child').text() +"</p>");
$("#mainOutput").append("<p>" + matchesLine + "</p>");
$("#mainOutput").append("<p>" + matchesLine + "</p>");
$("#sideInfo").append("<p>Found " + query + " in " + num_matching_lines + " lines</p>");
Also as a side question is there a neater way to do this:
I have a bit of code that searches the current information shown on the page from a input source, which is an XML loaded in. This then shows how many times the word has been found, it should then display the lines where the word was found although currently it is showing all the lines. The code is
function searchResults(query) {
var temp = "\\b" + query + "\\b";
var regex_query = new RegExp(temp, "gi");
var currentLine;
var num_matching_lines = 0;
$("LINE", g_playDOM).each(
function() {
currentLine = $(this).text();
matchesLine = currentLine.replace(regex_query,
'<span class="query_match">' + query + '</span>');
if (currentLine.search(regex_query) > 0)
$("#mainOutput").append("<p>" + matchesLine + "</p>");
"<p>Found " + query + " in " + num_matching_lines + " lines</p>");
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#term_search").focus(function(event) {
$("#term_search").keypress(function(event) {
if (event.keyCode == 13)
$('#term-search-btn').click(function() {
Currently the number of lines the word is on is being shown correctly.
If you want a line of code to be executed within a conditional, then you need to place curly braces around it. Otherwise, only the very next action item will be executed. In your case, increase the count of the number of lines that match.
Your subsequent action item, appending the found line into the DOM is executed on every branch because the if statement has already done its job. Offending lines below:
if ( currentLine.search(regex_query) > 0 ) num_matching_lines++;
$("#mainOutput").append("<p>" + matchesLine + "</p>");
if ( currentLine.search(regex_query) > 0 ) {
$("#mainOutput").append("<p>" + matchesLine + "</p>");