I have recently released my home page in which I use carousel + Twitter Bootstrap + retina.js.
When I access this page with my old MacBook Pro (non retina), it shows the carousel as expected. Three images are automatically shown with a nice transition. But when I open the same page with my retina MacBook Pro (Safari 6.0.3 + OS X 10.8.3), one or two images are not shown.
Retina.js seems to be working properly with my retina MacBook Pro, because the image in the following page is automatically changed to the high-reso version of my picture. Therefore, I think that the combination of carousel and retina.js does not work under certain conditions.
I get the same result even if I use Google Chrome (26.0.1410.65) or Firefox (20.0) on my retina Mac.
Could anyone tell me how to make my home page work properly, please?
Carousel (Twitter Bootstrap) http://twitter.github.io/bootstrap/javascript.html#carousel
retina.js http://retinajs.com
This is a known issue with retina.js and carousels. It has been reported here: https://github.com/imulus/retinajs/issues/84
This jquery plugin fixes the problem :
You can use suffixe (image-x2.jpg for example), or use any selector.
It works perfectly with ajax loading too.
When accessing the bootstrap v 4.3.1 documentation in firefox v 65.0.1, I noticed that the javascript is not working properly, for example, the carousel component is not following its normal flow, which is to move to the next slide with the its transition animation, other components have the same problem. I noticed that in version 4.0.0 of bootstrap this problem does not occur. I recorded a video with the carousel example, follow the link:
I have a site with this version of bootstrap, which is not working because of this problem, and in other browsers it works normally and in the console does not present any problem, I do not know exactly if the problem is in firefox or javascript bootstrap, I tested in other machines with old versions of firefox and worked normally, but after updating firefox gave this problem again.
I've been able to solve the problem. What happens is that in the performance settings of my computer the "Animate controls and elements in Windows" option was cleared, I do not know if this is a bug, as this is the first time I see a windows customization setting influencing loading of a website, anyway I left the link of the video with the solution.
the latest Chrome update breaks this site: katie-scott.com. It works properly in Safari and Firefox but none of the content loads in Chrome 33.0.1750.117 (I think it last worked in version 31). I have no idea why this has broken.
It uses a wordpress loop to place all the thumbnails and Salvattore to arrange them into columns. It looks like either the wordpress loop isn't working or salvattore isn't working. Probably the Wordpress loop. But why would a Chrome update break Wordpress!? It was working perfectly!
Im working with Twitter Bootstrap 3. Im looking at using the Navbar component - however it seams to me like its not working properly - even on the Bootstrap website !
When you collapse the view-port down and the nav collapses, if you click on the nav to open it... Once open, if you click the "dropdown" - it opens too, however the window does not size properly, and the links at the end of the list end up getting chopped off !
You can see the example on the Bootstrap site behaving like this:
Im using Chrome Version 31.0.1650.63 on the mac also does the same thing in Safari 7.0
Has anyone experienced this or got a solution ?
It has a scroll-bar, did you observed it? if I understood your question properly.
I've used the Backbox Image Viewer from http://www.javascriptkit.com/script/script2/backbox/ on this website for over 3 years and this problem just arose with the update of IE to version 9.
When you click the link to open the gallery, instead of backbox opening normally, a small all white box appears in it's place. No navigation images or gallery images or anything.
You can view the issue here at http://www.joewheelerknifemaker.com and by clicking on "Knives by Joe, Photo Gallery".
I know that this happens on multiple computers using IE9, but works perfectly in Firefox, Safari and Chrome from what I can tell.
Anyone have any ideas or know what IE changed in this version that could be causing this? Thanks in advance.
btw, i think backbox is much the same as lightbox. There is an solution for lightbox here
This is a "but it works on my machine" one and could be tricky:
I have a lightbox-style HTML dialog that shows a menu on top of a web page. It can be injected into any web page via a JavaScript bookmarklet.
One of my users is trying to use it on YouTube.com with the result that the flash movie is rendered on top of the dialog (a div with high z-index).
I can't reproduce this. It works just fine for me. The dialog shows up on top of everything else on youtube.com, the video included.
I had him save the page in Safari as Webarchive and send it to me. Even that shows the menu rendered correctly for me.
I use the exact same version of Safari (4.0.5/531.22.7) and Flash (10.1 r53, latest beta). Only difference I could find is that he uses Snow Leopard (10.6.6) and I "only" 10.5.8.
Has anybody noticed similar problems? I'm afraid that the usual wmode recommendation won't solve this (I tried & it works on my machine anyway)...
Turned out to be a problem with the combination of Flash Beta and Mac OS 10.6. I had the user revert to the latest production release of the Flash player and everything worked as it was supposed to.