Send Geolocation in background service [Titanium] - javascript

I'm creating an app for Android and iOS with titanium which sends a new Geolocation to a server every 5 seconds for as long as the server runs. On iOS however the app stops sending those locations after a random interval. Although i myself are not completely convinced this is due to the fact that the app pauses in iOS(Since it stops randomly and not on a fixed time) i'm still eager to try and be certain.
However; i really have NO CLUE to do this whatsoever. I've created a background service in an eventListener to see what happens and it starts logging right away(I've put a console log in it for now). Nonetheless, my geolocation is still ticking normally aswell.
Now, could someone please give me some pointers on how to get through this? Do i want to stop my normal geolocation listener and let the BG service take over? Or does the BGservice keep the geolocation eventlistener in my normal code active now?
At this point i'm afraid to say that i'm pretty much desperate to get any help, haha!
Here's my geolocation handling now, along with the BGservice:
//Start button. listens to an eventHandler in location.js
btnStart.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
if( Titanium.Geolocation.locationServicesEnabled === false ) {
GPSSaved.text = 'Your device has GPS turned off. Please turn it on.';
} else {
if ( {
GPSSaved.text = "GPS zoeken...";
//Empty interval and text to make a clean (re)start
//Set a half second timer on the stop button appearing(So people can't double tap the buttons)
stopTimeout = setTimeout(showStopButton, 1000);
//Switch the textlabels and buttons from startview to stopview;
action: function (e) {
if (e.coords) {
//If the newly acquired location is not the same as the last acquired it is allowed
if (e.coords.longitude != lastLon && e.coords.latitude != lastLat) {
//set the last acquired locations+other info to their variables so they can be checked(and used)
lastLat = e.coords.latitude;
lastLon = e.coords.longitude;
lastKnownAltitude = e.coords.altitude;
lastKnownHeading = e.coords.heading;
lastKnownSpeed = e.coords.speed;
if (lastLat != 0 && lastLon != 0) {
setGPSholder(lastLat, lastLon, lastKnownAltitude, lastKnownHeading, lastKnownSpeed);
} else {
GPSSaved.text = 'Geen coordinaten.';
A second interval which shows a counter to the user and makes sure a location is sent
roughly every 5 seconds(setInterval isn't accurate though)
A lot of counters are tracked for several reasons:
minuteInterval: Counter which makes sure the last location is sent after a minute if no new one is found in the meantime
secondsLastSent: The visual counter showing the user how long its been for the last save(Is reset to 0 after a succesful save)
interval = setInterval(function () {
counterBlock.text = "De laatste locatie is " + secondsLastSent + " seconden geleden verstuurd";
//If the counter is higher than 5 send a new coordinate. If at the same time the minuteInterval is over a minute
//The last location is put in the array before calling the sendCoordinates
if (counter >= 5) {
if (minuteInterval > 60) {
if (lastLat != 0 && lastLon != 0) {
setGPSholder(lastLat, lastLon, lastKnownAltitude, lastKnownHeading, lastKnownSpeed);
counter = 0;
} else {
if (minuteIntervalTest > 60) {
}, 1000);
if (Titanium.Platform.osname == 'iphone' || Titanium.Platform.osname == 'ipad') {
//var service = Ti.App.iOS.registerBackgroundService({url:'send_geolocation_service.js'});
var service;
// Ti.App.iOS.addEventListener('notification',function(e){
// You can use this event to pick up the info of the noticiation.
// Also to collect the 'userInfo' property data if any was set
//"local notification received: "+JSON.stringify(e));
// });
// fired when an app resumes from suspension
Ti.App.addEventListener('resume',function(e){"app is resuming from the background");
Ti.App.addEventListener('resumed',function(e){"app has resumed from the background");
// this will unregister the service if the user just opened the app
// is: not via the notification 'OK' button..
Titanium.UI.iPhone.appBadge = null;
Ti.App.addEventListener('pause',function(e){"app was paused from the foreground");
service = Ti.App.iOS.registerBackgroundService({url:'send_geolocation_service.js'});"registered background service = "+service);
} else {
GPSSaved.text = "Geen internetverbinding.";
As you can see there's some counters running in an interval to decide if a geolocation should be sent every 5 seconds or every minute(If no new location since the last is found)
tl;dr: I want geolocations to be sent every 5 seconds but somehow iOS(iPhone 4s and 5 tested) stop sending after a random timeperiod and restart sending the moment i get the phone out of standby.

actually background service has a limitation to stop after 10 mins so if you want to catch location when device is in background mode then you need to set mode tag in tiapp.xml file.
just refer this online doc for how it works.!/guide/tiapp.xml_and_timodule.xml_Reference-section-29004921_tiapp.xmlandtimodule.xmlReference-LegacyiPhonesection


EventListener with delay or fire on load of class

I am tweaking the code of a chrome extension to display the content of a page element in the tab title and scroll it fir navigating open ticket tabs easer. As below
// Need to change this, mousemove listener is super harsh on resource
document.addEventListener("mousemove", function() {
// call the banner element
let bannerTextElements = document.getElementsByClassName("cw_BannerView");
// console.log(bannerTextElements);
// console.log(bannerTextElements[0]);
if (bannerTextElements[0]) {
// console.log("ok");
// console.log(bannerTextElements[0].innerHTML);
// Find and get ticket detail
let bannerTextLine = bannerTextElements[0].getElementsByClassName("detailLabel");
// console.log(bannerTextLine);
if (bannerTextLine[0]) {
// console.log(bannerTextLine[0].innerHTML);
// Trim "Service Ticket for cleanness Need to do this for 'Manage' too"
let tickettext = bannerTextLine[0].innerHTML.split("Manage ");
let tickettext1 = bannerTextLine[0].innerHTML.split("Service Ticket ");
// console.log(tickettext[0]);
// console.log(tickettext[1]);
// Set the title equal to everything after "Service Ticket"
if (tickettext1[1]) {
document.title = tickettext1[1];
// now works!! bit clunky though
var documentTitle = tickettext1 + " - ";
(function titleMarquee() {
document.title = documentTitle = documentTitle.substring(1) +
setTimeout(titleMarquee, 160);
} else {
// For everything else, just display what's already there
document.title = tickettext1[0];
}, false);
(ignore the appalling indents i promise thats just on this post! )
However, due to the slow page load the only eventlistener i can get to pick the content of the banner text is 'mousemove' which naturally has the negative side effects of A. Firing infinite times as you view the page and also resetting the scroll to the start as you mouse over.
document.OnLoad and window.onload just stops this working and it loads the default tab title
Is there a way to get onLoad to run after an arbitrary delay, say 10s or to check to make sure that the classname cw_bannerview is loaded up and populate with the ticket title?

How to create a timer per question using JavaScript

I will like to achieve something in a quiz system.
Right about now I have a quiz system that works perfectly well. It closes the quiz after 10:00 min is elapsed.
But what I want now is, for each of the question there should be a timer.
So Question 1 would have 10 secs, Question 2 would also have 10 secs down to Question 20.
So when you fail to answer any question within ten seconds, it automatically takes you to the next question.
Right about now, what happens is that you must click on the next question button before it takes you to the next question, which is what I want to change.
Below is the code that does the timer and submit after 10 min
//function that keeps the counter going
function timer(secs){
var ele = document.getElementById("countdown");
ele.innerHTML = "Your Time Starts Now";
var mins_rem = parseInt(secs/60);
var secs_rem = secs%60;
if(mins_rem<10 && secs_rem>=10)
ele.innerHTML = " "+"0"+mins_rem+":"+secs_rem;
else if(secs_rem<10 && mins_rem>=10)
ele.innerHTML = " "+mins_rem+":0"+secs_rem;
else if(secs_rem<10 && mins_rem<10)
ele.innerHTML = " "+"0"+mins_rem+":0"+secs_rem;
ele.innerHTML = " "+mins_rem+":"+secs_rem;
if(mins_rem=="00" && secs_rem < 1){
//to animate the timer otherwise it'd just stay at the number entered
//calling timer() again after 1 sec
var time_again = setTimeout('timer('+secs+')',1000);
setTimeout(function() {
}, 600000);
Here is the code that does the onclick to next question
<script type="text/javascript">
last= parseInt($(this).attr('id'));
nex = last+1;
last = parseInt($(this).attr('id'));
pre = last-1;
setTimeout(function() {
}, 120000);
Please note that I fetch my questions with Php Mysqli
Initialize a timeout into a variable at start. The callback should simulate a click on the next button. Use .click() to simulate. It will execute all click event listeners associated to the button.
You also have to reset the timer when button is clicked (manually or not).
EDIT: After discussing by comments, I guess that you have <> tags for each question in your HTML, with a numeric ID. So I propose you to stock in a variable your current progression.
// Initializes
let currentQuestion = 1;
let question_timer = setTimeout(question_timeout_callback, 10000);
// Function which simulates the click.
function question_timeout_callback() {
// Simulates
// your code...
// And in your click event listener:
$(document).on('click','.next', function () {
// Resets timer
question_timer = setTimeout(question_timeout_callback, 10000);
// Update question tracking
// your code...
// Do NOT forget to update .previous buttons with "currentQuestion--"
Now, do not forget to ask yourself how you will handle the possibility to come back to the previous question.
i would suggest different approach.
first, take the time-counting to the backend of your application (so user can't tamper with it).
when user begins quiz, save start time and user identifier into db.
implement timeout (2s interval?) to ask backend, how much time is left.
create simple script which loads remaining time from db (calculates how much time remains for current question) and returns it to the frontend.
$user = (int) $_GET['user'];
$questionNumber = (int) $_GET['question'];
//connect to the db
//select eg. with PDO
$st = $db->prepare('SELECT start_time FROM quiz_completion WHERE user_id = :user');
$st->bindParam(':user', $user, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$startTimeRow = $sth->execute();
//calculate remaining time
$elapsed = time() - $startTimeRow['start_time'];
$borderTime = 10 * $questionNumber;
echo $borderTime - $elapsed;
with mocked GET & db:
then in js just call this script with user identifier and question number. when less than zero is returned, move user to the next question.
if (response < 0) {
//move to the next q.
} else {
//show remaining time?
with asking backend to get time, there is risk of waiting too long for an answer from php (when many users are completing the poll)

JavaScript Choose your own adventure game random number function in loop problem

I'm writing a choose your own adventure program where If a specific option is chosen (example to wait) the user gets a random number between 1-10 to do push ups(the push-ups would be the user clicking on the prompt "ok" button however many times the random number is equal to) here's my code so far but I keep getting errors. I'm a complete noob so go easy on me.
var count = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
var setsOf10 = false;
function pushUps() {
alert("Nice! Lets see you crank out " + pushUps + "!");
if (setsOf10 == pushUp) {
alert("Nice! Lets see you crank out " + pushUp + "!");
setsOf10 = true;
for (var i=0; i<count; i++){
else {
alert("Really, thats it? Try again");
while ( setsOf10 == false);
After playing with this some more I can tell i'm close but still don't have it. and again, I'M NOT ASKING YOU TO SOLVE THIS FOR ME JUST NEED POINTERS AS TO WHAT IM DOING WRONG OR MISSING. Here's what I have, Its giving me my random number I just need it to allow me to click the "ok" button however many times the random number has assigned me.
var pushUpSets = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
function pushUps(){
if (pushUpSets < 3){
var weak = "Thats it? Weak sauce!";
alert("Sweet lets get some reps in!");
for (i=0; i>3; i++){
Here, the make a choice button is just dummy to allow us to go to do push ups. Each click decrements our count.
// This is important, we use this event to wait and let the HTML (DOM) load
// before we go ahead and code.
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
document.querySelector('#choice').addEventListener('click', makeChoice);
function makeChoice() {
// Call a method to set random pushups and setup the click event
// Here we change the display style of the push up section so that it shows to the player.
document.querySelector('.activity').style.display = 'block';
// The pushups variable is declared at the document level
// This way our setUpPushUp and doPushUp functions have easy access.
let pushUps = 0;
function setUpPushUp() {
// Create a random number of pushups, in sets of 10.
// We add an extra 1 so we can call the doPushUp method to initialize.
pushUps = (Math.floor((Math.random() * 10)+1)*10)+1 ;
// Add a click event to the push up button and call our doPushUp method on each click.
document.querySelector('#push').addEventListener('click', doPushUp);
// This is just an init call, it will use the extra 1 we added and place test in our P tag.
function doPushUp() {
// Get a reference to our output element, we will put text to player here.
let result = document.querySelector('p');
// They have clicked, so remove a push up.
// See if the player has done all the required push ups (i.e. pushUps is 0 or less.)
if (pushUps > 0) {
result.innerText = `You need to crank out ${pushUps} pushUps`;
} else {
result.innerText = 'Nice work!';
.activity {
display: none;
<button id="choice">Make a choice !</button>
<div class="activity">
<button id="push">Push</button>

How to run a timer continually? (Do not start from the beginning, when yo do refresh)

I have my code of timer that only alert when minutes and seconds are 0:
status = false;
hour_to_start = some_value; // THIS VALUE IS PUT FOR OTHER PERSON
seg = 60;
function timecamisa(){
if (seg > 0){
if(min == 0 && seg==0){
min= 0;
seg = 0;
status = true;
var timer = min + ' minutos ' + seg + ' segundos';
document.getElementById("times-get").innerHTML = timer;
if(status != true){
setTimeout("timecamisa()",1000)//This reload this function (timecamisa())
In my HTML i have a <span id="times-get"> where print the timer.
BUT, when i press F5 my timer return to the beginning and does not continue where you left off... So, How to do this? Anyone have a example?
My target is that my timer work with my variable 'hour_to_start' and 'min' where.. This timer displays the countdown from my variable 'hour_to_start' in 'x' 'min' (my other variable). And when the variable MIN is 0(ie, complete the mins).. Alert anything.
OK, i do it with Jquery Plugin countdown Timer.. Is very useful for more than 1 timers.
Now, mi problem is.. when i change the time of my computer, this timer change too.
How to avoid changing my timer when you change the time, date and / or time of my machine?
You will need to get the time from either your server or from some remote server (e.g. via a javascript from someone else's server). If you get the time using javascript it will always depend on the clock of the user's machine.

GC_CURRENT - Phonegap App crashes

I want to fill a lottery field with random numbers when the user shakes the phone.
My shake detection
function watchForShake(threshold)
console.log ("Am Watching for shakes");
function (Accel)
if (true === Accel.is_updating){
var diffX = Accel.x - prevX;
if (diffX >= threshold)
console.log("Phone shaken");
if (gettingRandomNumbers==false){
prevX = Accel.x
, function(){}
, {frequency : 100}
this Method sets a number in the lottery field as selected.
function clickNumber(number)
console.log("ClickNumber invoked with number "+number);
tNumber = $(number).html();
tPosition = $(number).position();
console.log("number.hasClass = true");
if (lottoNumbers.length <= 5) {
console.log("number.hasClass = false");
$(number).append('<img src="assets/images/spielschein_kreuz.png" style="position:absolute;top:'+ +'px;left:'+ tPosition.left +'px;"/>');
The next method gets random numbers and sets them in the lotteryfield (using jquery). I think this method is what causes the memory leak. The app doesnt crash when I take out the inner for-loop, but I dont know how to fix it.
function randomNumbers(){
console.log("Am Getting Random Numbers");
counter = 0;
while (counter < 6){
zufallsZahl = Math.floor((Math.random()*49)+1);
if (isUniqueNumber){
console.log("Zufallszahl: "+zufallsZahl);
clickNumber($('#ticket_detail .tipfield .tipbox ul li').filter(function(){return $(this).html() == zufallsZahl;}));
gettingRandomNumbers = false;
I dont know what exactly causes the GC_CONCURRENT message. The app crashes and freezes without an explicit error message. After several shakes detected, the app crashes.
All variables are initialized in the document.ready() method in the index.html file. I dont create new objects on every shake, do I?
any help or hints greatly appreciated.
thank you,
