I have used raycasting method to detect different colored strips on either side of the track and keeping my car object in position by calculating the distance. But the problem is the ray always points in the constant direction in the global coordinate system and doesnt change with the movement(rotation) of car object. It could have if the ray direction were in the reference frame of car which I am not able to figure out how to do. Currently I am doing this
var ray = new THREE.RayCaster(car.position, new THREE.Vector3(-1,0,0),0,50);
The movement of car is in the X-Z plane
Can someone point out a solution ?
Your ray-casting is being done in world-space, so you need the correct world-space vector.
I am assuming the car is a child of the scene, and not some other rotated object.
To construct a unit vector that points in the direction the car is heading in the world coordinate system, first construct a unit vector that points in the direction the car is heading in it's local coordinate system -- whatever that happens to be in your case:
var vector = new THREE.Vector3( -1, 0, 0 );
Then apply the same rotation to that vector as is applied to the car.
vector.applyQuaternion( car.quaternion );
EDIT: Updated to three.js r.66
So, I'm putting together a 3D project that will eventually make it's way onto a kiosk in the office of a client, basically shows all of their branches as points on a globe. One of the features requested is that end users be able to swipe on the screen to orbit around the globe, in addition, they should be able to rotate the camera on it's Z axis via a rotation gesture. The problem is I'm using camera.lookAt in the animation loop, which relies on the up vector being updated correctly whenever I rotate the camera in order to not "snap" back to place along the previous up vector when a user swipes, and for the life of me, I cannot get it to cooperate.
Currently, what I'm doing to update the up vector (based off of another stackoverflow thread with a similar issue) is this:
//Current full 360 degree angle of rotation, calculated earlier
let radian = THREE.Math.degToRad(full);
//Create new vector at radian angle to camera's current position
let v1 = new THREE.Vector3(_this.object.position.x + Math.cos(radian), _this.object.position.y + Math.sin(radian), _this.object.position.z).sub( _this.object.position ).normalize();
//_this.target = 0,0,0
let v2 = _this.target.clone().sub( _this.object.position ).normalize();
//Cross vectors to get the proper up
let v3 = new THREE.Vector3().crossVectors( v1, v2 ).normalize();
_this.object.up.copy( v3 );
And this works... up to the point where the camera seemingly inverts once I head near the side of the globe opposite the camera's starting position (0,0,1.75) and then negates my rotations (as far as I can tell) which causes the same "snap" to a different rotation like before.
Once I rotate the camera, I want it to maintain the rotation when using lookAt, regardless of the lookAt inverting everything.
Imagine this three.js scene, set up with an OrthographicCamera and OrbitControls:
When the user drags the yellow disc (meant to represent the Sun), the disc needs to move along its yellow circle in response to this action. Here's the scene from another angle, so you can see the full yellow circle:
So, my event handler must determine which point on this circle is closest to the current cursor position. This yellow circle is a THREE.Mesh, by the way.
I'm using THREE.Raycaster to determine some mouseover events, using its intersectObjects() function, but it's not clear to me how to find the nearest point of a single object with this Raycaster. I'm guessing there is some simple math I can do after translating the mouse's position to world co-ordinates. Can someone help me with this? Is Three.js's Raycaster useful here? If not, how do I determine the nearest point of this mesh?
The full source code is here, if it's helpful: https://github.com/ccnmtl/astro-interactives/blob/master/sun-motion-simulator/src/HorizonView.jsx Search for this.sunDeclination, which corresponds to the yellow circle's Mesh object.
For a working demo, go here: https://ccnmtl.github.io/astro-interactives/sun-motion-simulator/
For reference, the sun should behave like this: https://cse.unl.edu/~astrodev/flashdev2/sunMotions/sunMotions068.html (requires Flash)
The simplest version:
get a point on disk
make a projection in the plane of the circle
knowing the radius of the circle, calculate the multiplier for multiplying the vector by the scalar
var point = res.point.clone();
point.z = 0; // Project on circle plane
var scale = circleRadius / point.length();
point.multiplyScalar(circleRadius / point.length())
[ https://jsfiddle.net/c4m3o7ht/ ]
The raycaster returns all objects hit by the ray.. all of the hit points in worldspace.. (which you can convert to/from model space via object3d.worldToLocal and localToWorld)
It returns the hit distances.. which you can sort by whatever heuristic you need...
What I usually do is cast on mouseDown.. record the object and point.. then on mouseMove get the same objects hit point, and apply my edit operation using the difference between those 2 points.
Is this what you're talking about?
I have the following issue when using orbit controls. I set the camera target to 0, 0, 0. Then after an AJAX call I set the camera position and rotation manually. After orbit controls update call, the rotation of the camera gets reset.
I have found that this happens because when the orbit controls update is called, the rotation of the camera is calculated from the camera position and the target of the orbit controls.
Is there some way to solve this?
I would save the distance between camera and target before applying transformation to camera. Afterwards, I would place the target in front of the camera with the respective distance.
var distance = new THREE.Vector3().subVectors(camera.position, controls.target).length();
// apply transformation - matrix, euler rotation, or quaternion?
var normal = new THREE.Vector3(0,0,-1).applyQuaternion(camera.quaternion);
// instead of quaternion, you could also use .applyEuler(camera.rotation);
// or if you used matrix, extract quaternion from matrix
controls.target = new THREE.Vector3().add(camera.position).add(normal.setLength(distance));
EDIT: Could you additionally explain why in the calculation of normal you use vector (0, 0, -1)?
In computer graphics, the local coordinate system of a camera is usually that positive x-axis is pointing to the right, the positive y-axis is pointing up, and hence the direction you are looking at is negative z-axis. For the calculation above, I needed the direction the camera is looking to - from local space (0,0,-1) to world space (0,0,-1).applyQuaternion().
I am relatively new to three.js and am trying to position and manipulate a plane object to have the effect of laying over the surface of a sphere object (or any for that matter), so that the plane takes the form of the object surface. The intention is to be able to move the plane on the surface later on.
I position the plane in front of the sphere and index through the plane's vertices casting a ray towards the sphere to detect the intersection with the sphere. I then try to change the z position of said vertices, but it does not achieve the desired result. Can anyone give me some guidance on how to get this working, or indeed suggest another method?
This is how I attempt to change the vertices (with an offset of 1 to be visible 'on' the sphere surface);
planeMesh.geometry.vertices[vertexIndex].z = collisionResults[0].distance - 1;
Making sure to set the following before rendering;
planeMesh.geometry.verticesNeedUpdate = true;
planeMesh.geometry.normalsNeedUpdate = true;
I have a fiddle that shows where I am, here I cast my rays in z and I do not get intersections (collisions) with the sphere, and cannot change the plane in the manner I wish.
You can rotate the camera around the scene with the left and right arrows (in chrome anyway) to see the shape of the plane. I have made the sphere see through as I find it useful to see the plane better.
EDIT: Updated fiddle and corrected description mistake.
Sorry for the delay, but it took me a couple of days to figure this one out. The reason why the collisions were not working was because (like we had suspected) the planeMesh vertices are in local space, which is essentially the same as starting in the center of the sphere and not what you're expecting. At first, I thought a quick-fix would be to apply the worldMatrix like stemkoski did on his github three.js collision example I linked to, but that didn't end up working either because the plane itself is defined in x and y coordinates, up and down, left and right - but no z information (depth) is made locally when you create a flat 2D planeMesh.
What ended up working is manually setting the z component of each vertex of the plane. You had originaly wanted the plane to be at z = 201, so I just moved that code inside the loop that goes through each vertex and I manually set each vertex to z = 201; Now, all the ray start-positions were correct (globally) and having a ray direction of (0,0,-1) resulted in correct collisions.
var localVertex = planeMesh.geometry.vertices[vertexIndex].clone();
localVertex.z = 201;
One more thing was in order to make the plane-wrap absolutely perfect in shape, instead of using (0,0,-1) as each ray direction, I manually calculated each ray direction by subtracting each vertex from the sphere's center position location and normalizing the resulting vector. Now, the collisionResult intersection point will be even better.
var directionVector = new THREE.Vector3();
directionVector.subVectors(sphereMesh.position, localVertex);
var ray = new THREE.Raycaster(localVertex, directionVector);
Here is a working example:
As you can see, the planeMesh fits snugly on the sphere, kind of like a patch or a band-aid. :)
Hope this helps. Thanks for posting the question on three.js's github page - I wouldn't have seen it here. At first I thought it was a bug in THREE.Raycaster but in the end it was just user (mine) error. I learned a lot about collision code from working on this problem and I will be using it later down the line in my own 3D game projects. You can check out one of my games at: https://github.com/erichlof/SpacePong3D
Best of luck to you!
Your ray start position is not good. Probably due to vertex coordinates being local to the plane. You start the raycast from inside the sphere so it never hits anything.
I changed the ray start position like this as a test and get 726 collisions:
var rayStart = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 500);
var ray = new THREE.Raycaster(rayStart, new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, -1));
Forked jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/H5YSL/
I think you need to transform the vertex coordinates to world coordinates to get the position correctly. That should be easy to figure out from docs and examples.
I have a demo of what I mean here: Test Site or (Backup)
For some reason, even though the mouse vector is correct my object is rotated by 90 degrees always in favor of the positive Y axis. The only call that this could be going wrong, as far as I can tell, in is the call: ship.mesh.lookAt(mouse);, I call this every time the screen is animated.
Can anyone tell me what to do to fix this and why it is doing it?
object.lookAt( position ) orients the object so that the object's local positive z-axis points toward the desired position.
Your "ship's" front points in the direction of the local positive y-axis.
To re-orient your geometry, apply a matrix right after the geometry is created, like so:
geometry.applyMatrix( new THREE.Matrix4().makeRotationX( Math.PI / 2 ) );