Currently, my project is running on backbone js which is a hybrid application. So, I want to migrate the backbone Js application to angular 6 but I need specification Why angular is better than Backbone Js for building a hybrid application.
Okay... I see what you try to achieve here. IMHO As a JS-developer you should be able to answer most of this question by yourself. No framework or toolkit is perfect, neither are Backbone.js or Angular (or PhoneGap / Ionic / React (native) / you call it)! If you want to migrate your app to another language, ask yourself for which reasons you would do so: Do you simply want to learn another language? Or has Backbone.js proven to fail in certain situations/scenarios?
I did a hybrid-app project several years ago only using Backbone.js - and had no problems so far. However, if I would have to do the same job with more complex views, view-transitions, routes and all that mobile-related stuff, I'd probably choose a toolkit that can handle these scenarios much better and with less amount of code - such as Flutter, React native or even native programming. That is why you will first have to assess for yourself what your hybrid-app project really needs. Do you have to deal with heavy data? Then keep on using Backbone.js. Do you need two-way data-binding in forms? Well, that one goes to Angular. Or are parts of your code simply too verbose, un-testable or buggy? Then you should assume refactoring your code as much as possible instead of re-inventing the wheel.
A last word: There have been several discussions in the Backbone.js/Marionette.js community about how to migrate an app to framework xy. As a rule of thumb you should keep in mind that developing NEW components in another language / scripting style is way smarter that re-developing the entire app (which would, as a matter of fact, break a lot of your given business logic and lead to endless nights of doing the same thing over and over).
I have to start by saying that I studied Angular 4 but I have not used it for any real projects and I don't know nothing about React. With so many technologies available I feel a little confused on when and how to use them. I have a website that I built using core. The website is a store that shows objects for sale and enable users to add and modify their products. The site is a MPA that eventually (not to say often) uses Ajax to make the application more dynamic and fast to load. I was thinking about turning the control panel that enables users add/modify their products, and uses a lot of javascript/jquery code to support those tasks, into SPA using React or Angular to make the website navigation more pleasant. Is this approach of using React and Angular in a section of website a good idea or Angular or React should only be used on the entire site?
Yes, you can combine React or Angular components with just regular website, especially when you want to rework complicated logic, which is better to do with such frameworks. You can also see how it works in action, reworking small components and decide if it worth.
I wouldn't say that it is a common practice, combining Angular 4 with React or the other way around. It is true that you can use React components in a Angular application but not the other way around.
Its really something you have to consider for yourself, usually you decide to take full advantage of a specific framework. Personal preference and or the preference of the people you are working with usually determine this.
All of this is very much based on ones own opinion.
I've been learning Angular 2 recently, and I must say that this is a great framework if I wanted to build a single-page application.
However, I was wondering how one would integrate angular with a normal, old style websites (say, built on codeigniter) if they only wanted the two way binding functionality?
Of course, I could use angular 2 for that, but with all the routing machinery of angular, it seems rather... out of place. It just seems like I'm trying to use an axe as a hammer.
So, my question is: what would you suggest to someone who wants to build a non single-page website, with old school loading pages, but for the page itself to be very interactive and utilize two way binding? For example, a users list which is a page in itself, but pagination is done via ajax... etc Should I just go with angular2, or maybe another library that's simply more suited for this purpose? Some suggested that ReactJS may just be what I'm looking for.
What do you think?
Although it's true that
client-side routing is just a small piece
of a very large framework, the fact that the structure of a Angular (2) project has exactly 1 index.html file with no server side code, at least implicitly tells us that there's a lot of framework intended for SPAs which a multi-page application may not need.
If what makes Angular 2 a great framework for you is data binding and productivity then have a look at Ember.js. Ember makes it easy to follow best practices rather than spending time on trivial choices.
I have made a simple site which I now want to add a javascript overlay to do some relatively simple things such as:
Make the search box and pagination ajax driven to results can be loaded in without a refresh
Integrate the HTML5 history system
Add form validation
My coder has told me that I should use angular over jquery. When I look into it, it seems Angular is designed for large, completely AJAX driven sites, and ends up using jquery or jquery lite anyway.
My question is, does angular offer any significant advantages for my use case, to counteract the disadvantage of the learning curve and lack of community.
In my opinion there is no point for you to get hands dirty with AngularjJS for one small and rather simple project.
If you plan to extend your website in near future and continuously add new features than it is something to consider along many other options.
The beauty of AngularJS from what I've seen so far is that it's easy enough to drop into any project regardless of size. I've made a simple application like you described and it was still faster than just avoiding it all together.
We have been using Angularjs and saw that it saves much time of us in comparision with jQuery.
Angularjs uses Declarative programming for processing UI. It means that you only
need to declare your UI logic, Angularjs will process it for you.
See this link please: ANGULAR PHILOSOPHY
Now we still use jQuery in some cases but Angularjs is our top priority.
I advice you to learn and use it now.
I only know one js library and that is jQuery.
But my other coders in the group are changing AngularJS as their default library in new project.
I don't know anything about it. How is it different from jQuery?
I already have a set of functions done for similar tasks in jQuery. Can I still use jQuery stuff with AngularJS?
While Angular 1 was a framework, Angular 2 is a platform. (ref)
To developers, Angular2 provides some features beyond showing data on screen. For example, using angular2 cli tool can help you "pre-compile" your code and generate necessary javascript code (tree-shaking) to shrink the download size down to 35Kish.
Angular2 emulated Shadow DOM. (ref)
This opens a door for server rendering that can address SEO issue and work with Nativescript etc that don't work on browsers.
The official document site
Day one keynote from ng-conf 2016
Resource links
Basically, jQuery is a great tool for you to manipulate and control DOM elements.
If you only focus on DOM elements and no Data CRUD, like building a website not web application, jQuery is the one of the top tools. (You can use AngularJS for this purpose as well.)
AngularJS is a framework. It has following features
Two way data binding
MVW pattern (MVC-ish)
Custom-directive (reusable components, custom markup)
Deep Linking (set up a link for any dynamic page)
Form Validation
Server Communication
Dependency injection
Full testing environment (both unit, e2e)
check this presentation and this great introduction
Don't forget to read the official developer guide
Or learn it from these awesome video tutorials
If you want to watch more tutorial video, check out this post, Collection of best 60+ AngularJS tutorials.
You can use jQuery with AngularJS without any issue.
In fact, AngularJS uses jQuery lite in it, which is a great tool.
From FAQ
Does Angular use the jQuery library?
Yes, Angular can use jQuery if it's present in your app when the
application is being bootstrapped. If jQuery is not present in your
script path, Angular falls back to its own implementation of the
subset of jQuery that we call jQLite.
However, don't try to use jQuery to modify the DOM in AngularJS controllers, do it in your directives.
Angular2 is released. Here is a great list of resource for starters
I want to add something regarding AngularJS difference with jQuery from a developer's perspective.
In AngularJS you have to have a very structured view and approach on what you want to accomplish. It is scarcely following a linear fashion to complete a task, but rather, the exchanges between various objects take care of the requests and actions, which, then, is necessary as angular is an MVC-Based framework. It also requires an at least general blueprint of the finalized application, since coding depends much on how you want the interactions to be completed.
jQuery is like a free poetry, you write lines and keep some relations and momentum appropriate for your task to be accomplished.
Though, in Angular JS, you should follow some rules as well as keeping the momentum and relations proper, maybe it is more like classical Spencerian sonnet (a famous classical poet) whose poem is structural and tied to many rules.
Compared against AngularJS, jQuery is more like a collection of codes and functions (which is, as already mentioned, great for DOM manipulation and fast-effect achievement), while AngularJS is a real framework which gives the developer the ability to build an enterprise web-application with a lot of data-binding and exchange within a superbly organized-routing and management.
Furthermore, AngularJS has no dependency on jQuery to complete its task. It has two very superb features which are not found in jQuery in any sense:
1- Angular JS teaches you how to CODE and accomplish a goal, not just accomplish a goal by any means. Worth to mention that AngularJS fully utilizes the core and heart of Javascripts and paves the way for you to incorporate in your app, the techniques such as DI (dependency-injection). To work with angularJS you should (or must) learn more elevated techniques of coding with Javascript.
2- Angular JS is fully independent to handle directives and structure your app; you might then simply claim that jQuery can do the same (independence), but, indeed, AngularJS, as several times mentioned within the above lines, has independence in the most excellent possible structurally MVC-Based way.
A last note is that, there is no war of Names, since it is far disturbing to be biased, or subjective. jQuery's magnitude and greatness has been proved, but their usages and limitations( of any framework or software) are the concerns of the discussion and similar debates around.
Using AngularJS is decisive as it is expensive in terms of implementation, but founds a strong base for future expansion, transformation and maintenance of the application. AngularJS is for the New World of Web. It is targeted toward building applications which are characterized by their least resource consumption (loading only necessary resources from the server), fast response time and high degree of maintainability and extendability wrapped around a structured system.
AngularJS :
AngularJS is for developing heavy web applications. AngularJS can use jQuery if it’s present in the web-app when the application is being bootstrapped. If it's not present in the script path, then AngularJS falls back to its own implementation of the subset of jQuery.
JQuery :
jQuery is a small, fast, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler. jQuery simplifies a lot of the complicated things from JavaScript, like AJAX calls and DOM manipulation.
Read more details here: angularjs-vs-jquery
I think this is a very good chart describing the differences in short. A quick glance at it shows most of the differences.
One thing I would like to add is that, AngularJS can be made to follow the MVVM design pattern while jQuery does not follow any of the standard Object Oriented patterns.
They work at different levels.
The simplest way to view the difference, from a beginner perspective is that jQuery is essentially an abstract of JavaScript, so the way we design a page for JavaScript is pretty much how we will do it for jQuery. Start with the DOM then build a behavior layer on top of that. Not so with Angular.Js. The process really begins from the ground up, so the end result is the desired view.
With jQuery you do dom-manipulations, with Angular.Js you create whole web-applications.
jQuery was built to abstract away the various browser idiosyncracies, and work with the DOM without having to add IE6 checks and so on. Over time, it developed a nice, robust API which allowed us to do a lot of things, but at its core, it is meant for dealing with the DOM, finding elements, changing UI, and so on. Think of it as working directly with nuts and bolts.
Angular.Js was built as a layer on top of jQuery, to add MVC concepts to front end engineering. Instead of giving you APIs to work with DOM, Angular.Js gives you data-binding, templating, custom components (similar to jQuery UI, but declarative instead of triggering through JS) and a whole lot more. Think of it as working at a higher level, with components that you can hook together, instead of directly at the nuts and bolts level.
Additionally, Angular.Js gives you structures and concepts that apply to various projects, like Controllers, Services, and Directives. jQuery itself can be used in multiple (gazillion) ways to do the same thing. Thankfully, that is way less with Angular.Js, which makes it easier to get into and out of projects. It offers a sane way for multiple people to contribute to the same project, without having to relearn a system from scratch.
A short comparison can be this-
Can be easily used by those who have proper knowledge on CSS selectors
It is a library used for DOM Manipulations
Has nothing to do with models
Easily manipulate the contents of a webpage
Apply styles to make UI more attractive
Easy DOM traversal
Effects and animation
Simple to make AJAX calls and
Utilities usability
don't have a two-way binding feature
becomes complex and difficult to maintain when the size of a project increases
Sometimes you have to write more code to achieve the same functionality as in Angular.Js
It is an MVVM Framework
Used for creating SPA (Single Page Applications)
It has key features like routing, directives, two-way data binding, models, dependency injection, unit tests etc
is modular
Maintainable, when project size increases
is Fast
Two-Way data binding
REST friendly
MVC-based Pattern
Deep Linking
Build-in form Validation
Dependency Injection
Full Testing Environment
Server Communication
And much more
Think this helps.
More can be found-
jQuery vs. AngularJS: A Comparison and Migration Walkthrough
"Thinking in AngularJS" if I have a jQuery background?
What are the key differences between jQuery and AngularJS?
jQuery Vs AngularJS – A Good Comparison
What is the difference between jQuery and AngularJS?
Jquery :-
jQuery is a lightweight and feature-rich JavaScript Library that helps web developers
by simplifying the usage of client-side scripting for web applications using JavaScript.
It extensively simplifies using JavaScript on a website and it’s lightweight as well as fast.
So, using jQuery, we can:
easily manipulate the contents of a webpage
apply styles to make UI more attractive
easy DOM traversal
effects and animation
simple to make AJAX calls and
utilities and much more…
AngularJS :-
AngularJS is a product by none other the Search Engine Giant Google and it’s an open source
MVC-based framework(considered to be the best and only next generation framework). AngularJS
is a great tool for building highly rich client-side web applications.
As being a framework, it dictates us to follow some rules and a structured approach. It’s
not just a JavaScript library but a framework that is perfectly designed (framework tools
are designed to work together in a truly interconnected way).
In comparison of features jQuery Vs AngularJS, AngularJS simply offers more features:
Two-Way data binding
REST friendly
MVC-based Pattern
Deep Linking
Form Validation
Dependency Injection
Full Testing Environment
Server Communication