Where to find a customizable full event / booking calendar? - javascript

I am looking for an event / booking calendar where in each cell / day is customizable (we can put whatever we like).
I've mostly seen calendars which allow you to input event as text. However, we need to put in four text fields and display it in a certain way for each cell.
Is there a plug-in (jquery or something else) that does this?

To achieve all of the functionality you're looking for you're going to need to make some modifications but this should do the trick.
Select on a day-by-day basis and set criteria for each day
Unlimited amount of usages on your website or on your webpage.
Front End and Back End versions.
Each version can be completely customizable separately from CSS .
Auto resizable.
You can change the language.
Compatible with any server side script.
Please see: Booking Calendar Pro.
Also - it's not the 'prettiest' solution so you're probably going to need to take some time to dress it up. This is a plugin I've used in previous projects and was unable to find anything that offered similar or better functionality.


bootstrap - how to replicate a Iphone "Scroll Wheel"?

I don't know that Scroll Wheel is the right name for what I want, but I'll try to explain it.
On my I phone there are text boxes I can click on. Once you click on that box, you are presented with a scrollable list of items, for example numbers 1-10.
When you choose the number 1-10, either that value is placed in the text box and the list view is closed or you can "submit" that choice.
Is it possible to replicate this scrolling list of preset values in bootstrap? Ideally I want to have a list of times to choose from (1:00-1:30, 1:30-2:00) that an end user can scroll through on their phone and make a decision.
The answer to your question
Like others have mentioned in the comments, this is just how iOS renders <select> elements. Different browsers will render this differently, i.e. Android browsers come up with a slightly more conventional list, and desktop browsers will render it as a standard drop down list (albeit styled to fit with their UI, which can be frustrating).
Other things to be aware of
Bear in mind that if you try and override the default select elements with a plugin such as Chosen you will lose the various browsers default rendering of these elements, which can be one hell of a headache. There is also currently no easy way to detect whether your browser will render a select in a special way (such as the iOS style spinner) or use a dropdown, so its not like you can use something like Modernizr to apply your select plugin only when you're not using iOS/Android. If you want to do that you're in the murky world of user agent sniffing. (If anyone wants to correct me on this please do!)
Further reading
As a bit of an aside make sure you check out the new HTML5 input types. These provide things like native datepickers with no need for plugins (if the browser supports it) and many other types that have varying degrees of usefulness. For example, the type="tel" input is a nice one, that will render a normal text box in most desktop browsers, but on most phones/tablets/devices with virtual keyboards it will bring up a dial pad style keyboard, making it much easier for the suer to type in a phone number and giving them a strong indication of what you want. Just something that is very much worth thinking about if you are making forms for mobile and desktop, as it can make the mobile experience much more fluid. Browsers that don't support these elements will continue to render as they normally do as well, which is doubly nice. You can also use the likes of Modernizr to detect whether any of these input types are available to you, and do things differently. For example we have used Modernizr to detect if there is a native datepicker available, if there is, we just leave our <input type="datepicker/> alone, but if there is no datapicker we load in the jQuery datepicker, therefore making sure everyone has a datepicker.
This might be all obvious stuff to some of you but since this question had been pretty much answered in the comments I thought it would be useful to include some extra information about input types and different browsers rendering. If anyone wants to expand on my answer or correct anything (I'll be the first to admit to not being a complete expert on these things) please feel free.

Using a forced suggestion mechanism using JavaScript and jQuery (ASP.NET MVC project)

Yesterday I discovered that jQuery is really powerful and can do amazing things with only a few (sometimes just one) line of code, amazing! I did some animating which went really well!
So I was wondering if the following is also possible/ simple to implement with jQuery (if not, please tell me what could do this):
Basically I want a suggestion mechanism for the webapplication we are creating. We are doing this using ASP.NET MVC 4. By suggestion mechanism I mean the user gets presented with a textfield, he can start typing and based on his typing topics (I have a model class Topic with a few properties) get suggested. The user can ONLY choose out of those topics, they can't define any by themself. So I would like to generate a list based on the input (with each key tap). If they click on an item, it gets added to the box and they can choose other topics if they would want to.
I do realize that this is probably rather difficult to implement, but it would be great if I could find a tutorial or example. Preferable with JavaScript or jQuery, but if that's not possible anything will do really!
If my explanation is not clear enough: I mean something similar to the StackOverflow suggestion mechanism for tags.
If you want suggestive text field, search for html5 datalist datalist
Also take a look at JqueryUI Auto Complete
However if the options are not too much, i would go with select menu instead of text field.

JQuery Multiple Month Calendar View

I'm looking for suggestions/recommendations for a JQuery/Javascript calendar that can display multiple months at once (ie. previous month, current month, next month) like so:
(The attached mockup shows a 4-month view, but I think we'll actually be doing a 3-month view).
I DO NOT need a date picker. This is basically meant to display a user's schedule, with no ability to choose a specific month/year (beyond the side-scrolling). We'll pull events out of our database, hook them into the calendar somehow, and then on a day click/hover (or both), display additional information. Events will not be editable from this view - it is display only.
I've looked into general JQuery calendar plugins (Ion Calendar, CLNDR), but none seem to have the basic multiple-month functionality I need. Multi-lingual support (or the ability to add multi-lingual text) is also important to us. I was really hoping to find a ready-made plugin for this - can't be the first time someone's tried to do it!
In case it's any use/help, we use ColdFusion and MSSQL Server. We've also got JQuery 1.9.1, JQueryUI 1.10.0 and Bootstrap 2.3.2.
Edit: I did look at the JQuery UI datepicker, but it won't work for the functionality I need. I can't see any way to attach data to a specific date, or to be able to style certain days differently than others. I think the primary issue w/ it is that it's a datepicker, not a display calendar.
Like Sean said in the comments, the best option you have is probably FullCalendar. Although multi-month isn't supported out of the box, you might be able to achieve it by adding multiple calendars. Check out Issue #199, which describes a possible solution.
Regarding the multi-lingual problem: although it isn't multi-lingual by itself, FullCalendar does support modifying the days, months, etc. See Text/Time Customization. You could use ColdFusion's MonthAsString and DayOfWeekAsString functions to make it multi-lingual yourself.

Is there any good back-end independent HTML/CSS/JS widget for many-to-many/has_many relations with XHR filtering?

I've been looking around for a good back-end independent HTML/CSS/JS widget for many-to-many/has_many relations with XHR filtering and I can't seem to find any.
I find hard to believe people are constantly re-inventing this wheel.
What am I missing?
EDIT: Ok, from the number of people that didn't understand it, this was a crappy question.
I believe that regular web interactions should come at minimal cost (it should either already be in HTML or a package install away).
That's true for most cases. However, I'm having a hard time finding something for picking up an item from a collection (Not autocomplete, something more elaborate than merely a string. If you want an example, assume you want to pick users and have their avatar displayed while picking.).
Picture this:
When you want the user to provide
a short string in a form, you give them an input box
a long text in a form, you give them a text area
a piece of HTML (for a blog post's body, for example), you give them a text area with CKEditor or TinyMCE
pick something from a short list, you give them a drop down menu (like a select box)
a string based on a wide range of known alternatives, you give them an input box with autocomplete (jQuery UI Autocomplete, YUI Autocomplete, etc..)
a set of items from a wide range of options, you give them... drumroll...
I don't know! And that's my question. I've searched a bit and could only come up with jquery-tokeninput as a credible option.

What is the best calendar pop-up to populate a web form?

I want to be able to make an HTTP call updating some select boxes after a date is selected. I would like to be in control of updating the textbox so I know when there has been a "true" change (in the event the same date was selected). Ideally, I would call a function to pop-up the calendar and be able to evaluate the date before populating the text box...so I can do my validation before making a server call.
JQuery's datepicker is an extremely flexible tool. With the ability to attach handlers prior to opening or after date selection, themes, range selection and a variety of other incredibly useful options, I've found that it meets all my needs.
The fact that I sit next to one of its maintainers here at work is also fairly useful...
I've been playing with the jquery datePicker script - you should be able to do everything you need to with this.
YUI and ExtJs both have very nice looking and flexible calendars.
If you ever end up considering a JavaScript library/toolkit, Dijit, a widget system which layers on top of Dojo, has a calendar (Dijit calendar test page). I found it relatively simple to implement.
//Disclaimer: I'm in the middle of a love-hate relationship w/ Dojo at the moment, as I am in the process of learning and using it better.
I don't like the MS ASP.NET ajax, but their datepicker is superb. Otherwise, jQuery datepicker.
Check out the ASP.NET AJAX Calendar Extender or Steve Orr's drop down Calendar control.
I'm using the JSCalendar from Dynarch for a project I'm currently working on. It is LGPL licensed and really flexible (easy to customize to your needs). It has lots of features and looks good, too.
