How To handle result set of websql in html 5? - javascript

I m creating mobile web application using html5 and javascript.I m having two javascript files. AttributesDatabase.js and AttributeView.js.From AttributeView.js i m calling one function from AttributeDatabase.js in that i m executing one select query.Now the query result should go to AtttributeView.js.But the Websql transaction is asynchronous call that is what it is not returning proper result.Is there any way to handle the websql result.
Please help if any way there?
var AttributeDAOObj = new AttributeDAO();
alert(AttributeDAOObj.GetAttributeList()); //This alert is coming as undefined.
this.GetAttributeList = function () {
var baseDAOObj = new BaseDAO();
var query = "SELECT AttributeName FROM LOGS";
// this.Successcalbackfromsrc = this.myInstance.Successcalback;
var parm = { 'query': query, 'Successcalback': this.myInstance.Successcalback };
//To Create database and execute sql queries.
function BaseDAO() {
this.myInstance = this;
//Creating database
this.GetMobileWebDB = function () {
if (dbName == null) {
var dbName = 'ABC';
var objMobileWebDB = window.openDatabase(dbName, "1.0", dbName, 5 * 1024 * 1024);
return objMobileWebDB;
//Executing queries and getting result
this.executeSql = function (query) {
var objMobileWebDB = this.myInstance.GetMobileWebDB();
objMobileWebDB.transaction(function (transaction) {
//In this transaction i m returning the result.The result value is coming.
transaction.executeSql(query, [], function (transaction, result) { return result; }, this.Errorclback);

The problem is in you succes call back (like in the comment to your question, stated by DCoder)
function (transaction, result) { return result; }
this is returning where to?
So this is how to do it (or at least one way)
you can do for example:
function (transaction,result){
console.log("yes, I have some result, but this doesn't say anything, empty result gives also a result");
// so check if there is a result:
if (result != null && result.rows != null) {
if (result.rows.length == 0) {
// do something if there is no result
for ( var i = 0; i < result.rows.length; i++) {
var row = result.rows.item(i);
var id = result.rows.item(i).id; //supposing there is an id in your result
console.log('Yeah! row id = '+id);
// do something if there is no result
note the code above can be compacter, but this is how to understand it better.
another way is to put this function is a seperate piece of code, so you keep the sql statement more compact and readable. Like you call you error callback this can be in your function (with this. in front of it) or a completely seperate function.


Undefined errors using Node.js, Mongoose, and Discord.js [Cannot read property of undefined]

I've been scouring similar problems but haven't seem to have found a solution that quite works on my end. So I'm working on a Discord bot that takes data from a MongoDB database and displays said data in the form of a discord embedded message using Mongoose. For the most part, everything is working fine, however one little section of my code is giving me trouble.
So I need to import an array of both all available users and the "time" data of each of those users. Here is the block of code I use to import said data:
for (i = 0;i < totalObj; i++){
timeArray[i] = await getData('time', i);
userArray[i] = await getData('user', i);
Now this for loop references a function I made called getData which obtains the data from MongoDB by this method:
async function getData(field, value){
var data;
await stats.find({}, function(err, result){
data = result[value];
if(field == "user"){
return data.user;
}else if (field == "time"){
return data.time;
return 0;
So that for loop is where my errors currently lie. When I try to run this code and display my data through a discord message, I get this error and the message does not get sent:
(node:13936) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: Cannot read property 'time' of undefined
Now the strange thing is, this error does not happen every time. If I continue calling the command that triggers this code from my discord server, it's almost like a 50/50 shot if the command actually shows the message or instead gives this error. It is very inconsistent.
This error is confounding me, as the undefined part does not make sense to me. The objects that are being searched for in the mongoDB collection are definitely defined, and the for loop never exceeds the number of objects present. My only conclusion is that I'm doing something wrong with my asynchronous function design. I have tried altering code to use the getData function less often, or to not use awaits or asynchronous design at all, however this leaves my final discord message with several undefined variables and an eventual crash.
If anyone has any advice or suggestions, that would be very much appreciated. Just for reference, here is the full function that receives the data, sorts it, and prepares a string to be displayed on the discord server (though the error only seems to occur in the first for loop):
async function buildString(){
var string = "";
var totalObj;
var timeArray = [];
var userArray = [];
var stopSort = false;
await stats.find({}, function(err, result){
totalObj = result.length;
for (i = 0;i < totalObj; i++){
timeArray[i] = await getData('time', i);
userArray[i] = await getData('user', i);
var keepSorting = false;
for(i = 0; i < totalObj ; i++){
var target = await convertTime(timeArray[i]);
for(j = i + 1 ; j < totalObj ; j++){
var comparison = await convertTime(timeArray[j]);
if(target > comparison){
//Switch target time with comparison time so that the lower time is up front
var temp = timeArray[i];
timeArray[i] = timeArray[j];
timeArray[j] = temp;
//Then switch the users around so that the user always corresponds with their time
var userTemp = userArray[i];
userArray[i] = userArray[j];
userArray[j] = userTemp;
//The loop will continue if even a single switch is made
keepSorting = true;
stopSort = true;
//String building starts here
var placeArray = [':first_place: **1st', ':second_place: **2nd', ':third_place: **3rd', '**4th', '**5th', '**6th', '**7th', '**8th', '**9th', '**10th'];
for(i = 0; i < totalObj; i++){
string = await string.concat(placeArray[i] + ": " + userArray[i] + "** - " + timeArray[i] + " \n\n");
console.log("This String:" + string);
return string;
I think problem is you are trying to await function with callback, it will not work => access to data.time may run before data = result[value]. If you need await callback, you can use custom Promise (or use util.promisify, more info here)
function findStats(options) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
return stats.find(options, function (err, result) {
if (err) {
return reject(err)
return resolve(result)
const util = require('util');
const findStats = util.promisify(stats.find);
Now you can use await in your function
async function getData(field, value) {
try {
const result = await findStats({})
const data = result.value
if (field === 'user') {
return data.user
if (field === 'time') {
return data.time
return 0
} catch (error) {
// here process error the way you like
// or remove try-catch block and sanitize error in your wrap function

synchronic node js function

i am quiet new to java script and node js.
i have a problem with a simple function that i call, and it gets done more than one time.
this is my code'/checkGetSensorIds', function (req, res) {
var tables=['temperature', 'pressure', 'linear_acceleration'];
var ids= [1];
DButils.checkAllSensorsForId(connection, 1 , tables , function(idHasSensorsInfo){
console.log("idHasSensorsInfo is: \n" , idHasSensorsInfo);
/*this function gets a user Id, and the table of all sensors the customer wants, and return true if this
user id has information in all the sesnsor tables that were requested, otherwise returns false*/
exports.checkAllSensorsForId= function(dbConnection, id , sensorsTables, callback){
var sensorsTablesLength= sensorsTables.length;
for (var i = 0; i < sensorsTables.length; i++) {
var tableName= sensorsTables[i];
DButils.checkSingleSensorForId(dbConnection, id, tableName, function(idHasSensorInfo){
if(idHasSensorInfo == false){
//in case user have all info in db, we get here and need to return false
if(i == sensorsTablesLength){
/*this function gets a user Id, and a single sensor table, and returns true if the user has information
in the requested sensor table, otherwise returns false*/
exports.checkSingleSensorForId= function(dbConnection , id , sensorTable, callback){
var myQuery = 'SELECT count(*) as IdCount FROM ' + sensorTable + ' WHERE id= ' + id;
var query = dbConnection.query(myQuery, function (err, row, result) {
if (err) {
console.log("checkSingleSensorForId error");
var count= row[0].IdCount;
var idHasSensorInfo = (count > 0);
console.log("idHasSensorsInfo is: \n" , idHasSensorsInfo); is a line that invoked 3 times, while should be only once.
someone has any idea why, and what i need to do to fix it?
You have this line:
DButils.checkAllSensorsForId(connection, 1 , tables , function(idHasSensorsInfo){
console.log("idHasSensorsInfo is: \n" , idHasSensorsInfo);
Then you have this:
exports.checkAllSensorsForId= function(dbConnection, id , sensorsTables, callback){
for (var i = 0; i < sensorsTables.length; i++) {
So the callback line will be invoked as many times as you call it, which in your case is probably 3 - all it does is call the function from above, so thats why you see it invoked 3 times.
I'm not sure exactly what you are trying to do, but if the callback should be only called once, make sure its ran only once - if it should 'cancel' the for - add a condition to the for or use a promise to resolve whenever you are ready.

CRM Javascript Automatically Populated a Look-up Value with a specific field

I'm trying to write a javascript on CRM Phone Call page. We have a custom look-up field called new_department, and we want to automatically populate the field with value "IT" (there should be one) when the form is opened.
The thing is we have a separate Dev and Production CRM link therefore I cannot just assign a hard-coded GUID value into this field. So first I wrote a Rest Retrieve Multiple to get the correct department.
Then my problem is I'm not sure about the result returned from this Retrieve Multiple. How do I grab just the GUID from Rest? I'm seeing that this is a type of {Object}. Then lastly how do I go about setting the lookup value after retrieving the {Object}? Any help is greatly appreciated.
Here is my code.
function phonecall() {
var formType = Xrm.Page.ui.getFormType();
if (formType == 1) //create
//RetrieveMultiple function
var DepartmentId = getITDepartment();
//set the lookup value
var ID =;
var departmentValue = new Array();
departmentValue[0] = new Object();
departmentValue[0].id = DepartmentId;
departmentValue[0].name = 'IT';
userValue[0].entityType = "new_department";
function getITDepartment()
XrmServiceToolkit.Rest.RetrieveMultiple("new_departmentSet", "$select=new_departmentId&$filter=new_name eq 'IT'",
function (results) {
if (results.length > 0)
resultList = results;
}, function (error) { alert(error); }, function onComplete() { }, false);
return resultList;
Thanks much.
I'm not familiar with XrmServiceToolkit but here how code could look like to work properly - I replaced only assigning part:
var DepartmentId = getITDepartment();
if (DepartmentId != null && DepartmentId.length > 0){
id: DepartmentId[0].new_departmentId,
name: "IT",
entityType: "new_department"
You are setting the lookup value correctly, you just need to get the Id correctly. The results variable is an array of new_department records, so try something like this:
var resultId = null;
XrmServiceToolkit.Rest.RetrieveMultiple("new_departmentSet", "$select=new_departmentId&$filter=new_name eq 'IT'",
function (results) {
if (results.length > 0)
resultId = results[0].new_departmentId; //gets the first record's Id
}, function (error) { alert(error); }, function onComplete() { }, false);
return resultId;

getting values from sqlite database and insert into a array

I've made a function myFunction which performs simple task i.e. to retrieve data from sqlite database and save it in a array which can be used easily. This function should follow these steps to fulfill my functionality.
To retrieve data from database.
To save it into array.
return array
But it is performing these steps in this sequences; 3, 1, 2, so I am not getting the data because it returns without getting it.
function myFunction() {
var ret;
var arr = [];
db.transaction(function (trans) {
trans.executeSql('SELECT * FROM tblname', [],
function (transaction, result) {
if (result != null && result.rows != null) {
for (var i = 0; i < result.rows.length; i++) {
var row = result.rows.item(i);
ret = row.urlcolmn;
alert('alert 1'); // just to check which line(alert) is called first
}, errorHandler);
}, errorHandler, nullHandler);
alert('alert 2'); // just to check which line(alert) is called first
return arr;
In above code alert 2 is shown before alert 1..... that's why it doesn't return value in array. This problem can be because sqlite in JS is Asynchronous.

JavaScript control flow in node/redis: returning from inside callback?

Newbie question. Why is this JavaScript function returning undefined?
var redis = require("redis"), client = redis.createClient();
function generatePageUrl() {
var randomStr = randomInt.toString(32);
// Check whether this URL is already in our database;
client.smembers("url:" + randomStr, function (err, data ) {
if (data.length != 0) {
// URL already in use, try again
return getPageUrl();
return randomStr;
var page_url = generatePageUrl();
// add it to the database, etc
I guess it must be getting to the end and returning before it reaches the inside of client.smembers.
But I really need to check the contents of the Redis set before it returns: can I get it to return from inside the callback? If not, what can I do?
Also, advice on the way I've used this function recursively would be welcome - I'm not sure it's completely sensible :)
Thanks for helping out a newcomer.
You can't return from inside a callback. Do it like this:
var redis = require("redis"), client = redis.createClient();
function generatePageUrl(cb) {
var randomStr = randomInt.toString(32);
// Check whether this URL is already in our database;
client.smembers("url:" + randomStr, function (err, data ) {
if (data.length != 0) {
// URL already in use, try again
// add it to the database, etc
If you don't like this style, you might want to consider streamlinejs - it makes you able to write your code like this:
var redis = require("redis"), client = redis.createClient();
function generatePageUrl(_) {
var randomStr = randomInt.toString(32);
// Check whether this URL is already in our database;
var data = client.smembers("url:" + randomStr, _);
if (data.length != 0) {
// URL already in use, try again
return getPageUrl(_);
return randomStr;
var page_url = generatePageUrl(_);
// add it to the database, etc
