WinJs-Data Binding with a custom arrayList - javascript

It seem to me so complicated and i have tried many of things but with no result.
I want to create a Horizontal List View on my Metro application (Winjs/HTML), so create the template and the listView html element .
The Problem that the DataSource from where i will get my image_url is advanced .
This is the form of this DataSource returned from my Json web Service (I don't know if it is a HashTable, ListArray...?? ):
"star":"the image url ",
"Fruits ": " the image url ",
"Animaux":"the image url ",
"Country":"the image url ",
"Coulor":"the image url ",
"Town":"the image url ",
"capital":"the image url "
I sould set the specific attribute to bind with my
enter code here
Any help will appreciated , Thinks

your view model need to use the data coming in and exposes items something like this.
var ViewModel = WinJS.Class.define(
function ViewModel(data)
var categories = data.path_categories;
var keys = object.keys(categories);
var items = [];
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++)
var imageUrl = categories[key];
var item = { imageUrl : imageUrl };
this.items = new WinJS.Binding.List(items);
function ondataload(data)
var viewModel = new ViewModel(data);
listView.winControl.itemDataSource = viewModel.items.dataSource;


Closures, loops, and promises

I've read several posts on the subject, but unfortunately struggling with my situation.
I am pulling some urls from an array of urls and then using those links to obtain (let's say) the title of the page from those subsites. At the end I want a list of original urls and an array of titles (from the sublinks). i.e., go into a site/domain, find some links, curl those links to find page titles.
Problem is that my titleArray just returns a Promise and not the actual data. I'm totally not getting closures right and promises. Code runs in node as is. I'm using personal sites in my real code, but substituted common sites to show an example.
const popsicle = require('popsicle');
var sites = ['',''];
// loop through my sites (here I'm just using google and cnn as a test
for(var i=0;i<sites.length;i++) {
// call function to pull subsites and get titles from them
var titleArray = processSites(sites[i]);
console.log(sites[i] + ": " + titleArray);
// get request on site and then get subsites
function processSites(url) {
return popsicle.get(url)
.then(function(res) {
var data = res.body;
// let's assume I get another collection of URLs
// that I pull from the main site
var subUrls = ['',''];
var titleArray = [];
for(var j=0;j<subUrls.length;i=j++) {
var title = processSubSites(subUrls[j])
return titleArray;
function processSubSites(url) {
return popsicle.get(url)
.then(function(res) {
var data = res.body;
// let's say I pull the title of the site somehow
var title = "The Title for " + url;
return title;
The result after running this is: [object Promise] [object Promise]
The Title for
The Title for
The Title for
The Title for
whereas it should be: ['The Title for', 'The Title for'] ['The Title for', 'The Title for']
You cannot return normal data from inside a Promise. You need to return another Promise to make it chainable. To process multiple Promise objects in loop, you need to push them in an array and call Promise.all(array);
const popsicle = require('popsicle');
var sites = ['',''];
var titleArrayPromises = [];
// loop through my sites (here I'm just using google and cnn as a test
for(var i=0;i<sites.length;i++) {
var titleArray = [];
Promise.all(titleArrayPromises).then(function (titleArrays) {
for(var i=0; i<titleArrays.length; i++) {
// You now have all the titles from your site list in the titleArray
function processSites(url) {
return popsicle.get(url)
.then(function(res) {
var data = res.body;
// let's assume I get another collection of URLs
// that I pull from the main site
var subUrls = ['',''];
var titlePromiseArray = [];
for(var j=0;j<subUrls.length;j++) {
return Promise.all(titlePromiseArray);
function processSubSites(url) {
return popsicle.get(url)
.then(function(res) {
var data = res.body;
// let's say I pull the title of the site somehow
var title = "The Title for " + url;
return Promise.resolve(title);

Razor - Converting Json result from controller to a complex object

i have a partial view "_SearchPanel" that has year list dropdown, a classes multiselect control, (some other drop downs - ommitted) and a search button.
I want that when i change selection in year list drop down, only my classes list is refreshed/updated, and not the whole partial view on page.
So i use a JsonResult action in my controller (as opposed to the first time load)
public JsonResult BindClasses(int yearId)
ClassRepository repClass = new ClassRepository("name=ge");
YearRepository repYear = new YearRepository("name=ge");
var dataClass = repClass.GetClassesByYear(yearId);
var groupedClassOptions = dataClass.GroupBy(x => x.grade).Select(x => new OptionGroupVM()
GroupName = "Grade " + x.Key.ToString(),
Options = x.Select(y => new OptionVM()
Value = y.classID.ToString(),
Text = y.classname
return Json(groupedClassOptions);
My javascript
var dropDownYear = $('#ddlYear');
$("#classList").load(url, {yearId: $(this).val()}, function(result){
setOptions($('#classList'), #Html.Raw(Json.Encode(new List<int>(){})), result);
now the problem is this result is not considered as an object as was the first time (onpageload) here:
jQuery(function ($) {
setOptions($('#classList'), #Html.Raw(Json.Encode(Model.SelectedClasses)), #Html.Raw(Json.Encode(Model.ClassOptions)));
How do i correct/cast it to be considered as Model.ClassOptions(type: GroupOptionsVM List) object instead of a Json
What I have tried
var url = '#Url.Action("BindClasses", "Maps")';
var dropDownYear = $('#ddlYear');
$("#classList").load(url, {yearId: $(this).val()}, function(result){
#{var x = new List<OptionGroupVM>();}
x = result;
setOptions($('#classList'), #Html.Raw(Json.Encode(new List<int>(){})), x);
this gives me some syntax errors!!
[Referring to the previous question Stephen linked in comments]
Since i had to do it for two dropdown lists with slight difference i had created setOptions function in my script
function setOptions(listBox, selected, groups) {
// Generate options
createGroupedOptions(listBox, selected, groups);
// Attach plug-in
listBox.multiselect({ enableClickableOptGroups: true, onChange: function(){
var selectedClassItems = this.$select.val();
} });
function createGroupedOptions(element, selected, groups) {
for (var i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) {
var group = groups[i];
var groupElement = $('<optgroup></optgroup>').attr('label', group.GroupName);
for (var j = 0; j < group.Options.length; j++) {
var option = group.Options[j];
var optionElement = $('<option></option>').val(option.Value).text(option.Text);
if (selected) {
if (selected.toString().indexOf(option.Value) >= 0) {
optionElement.attr('selected', 'selected')
} else {
if (option.IsSelected) {
optionElement.attr('selected', 'selected')
CALLING setOptions function
setOptions($('#classList'), #Html.Raw(Json.Encode(Model.SelectedClasses)), #Html.Raw(Json.Encode(Model.ClassOptions)));
setOptions($('#indicatorList'), #Html.Raw(Json.Encode(Model.SelectedIndicators)), #Html.Raw(Json.Encode(Model.IndicatorOptions)));
Your returning json, so using .load() makes no sense (you would typically use that when the method your calling returns a partial view).
Change your script to create the <optgroup> and <option> elements based on your data your method returns
var url = '#Url.Action("BindClasses", "Maps")';
var dropDownYear = $('#ddlYear');
dropDownYear.change(function() {
$.post(url, { yearId: $(this).val() }, function(data) {
$.each(data, function(index, item) {
var group = item.GroupName;
// use the above to build your <optgroup> element
$.each(item.Options, function(index, item) {
var value = item.Value;
var text = item.Text;
// use the above to build your <option> elements and append to the <optgroup> element
// append the <optgroup> to the <select id="classList"> element
Note the details of the code for generating the elements are in the answer to your previous question
You are trying to mix client side code (jQuery) with server side code (.NET) and it won't work. #Html.Raw and JsonEncode are server side methods. You can't use them after the page loads.
In essence, you need to either use jQuery for all of your page interaction and manage the state of the page on the client side or use full MVC (postback) and do everything on the server.
There are technically other options but I just wanted to address the fundamental issue with what you have tried so far.

Why am I only being returned 3 images instead of the correct amount?

I am currently, trying to National Library of Australia's API to find pictures on a specific search term. Trove API I have the following functions which should send a query from an input form to the api and receive images back, however I am not receiving the majority of the images. In a particular example, if is search for 'sydney' I am only receiving 3 images back when there is in fact way more. For instance, this is the json, that is returned. I know that you will not be familiar with this api, but in my code below, is there anything that you can see, that would be causing it not to return all the images? I have changed a few things around to try and find the problem as well as put a few console.log statements but it is still not being kind to me.
var availableImages = {
"nla": {
var url_patterns = [""];
$("form#searchTrove").submit(function() {
//get input values
var searchTerm = $("#searchTerm").val().trim();
searchTerm = searchTerm.replace(/ /g,"%20");
var sortBy = $("#sortBy").val();
//create searh query
var url = ""
+ apiKey + "&l-availability=y%2Ff&encoding=json&zone=picture"
+ "&sortby=relevance&n=100&q=" + searchTerm + "&callback=?";
//print JSON object
//get the JSON information we need to display the images
$.getJSON(url, function(data) {
$.each([0], processImages);
function processImages(index, troveItem){
console.log("av"+ availableImages);
for(var i in availableImages){
if(troveItem.identifier[0].value.indexOf(availableImages[i].url_pattern) >= 0){
console.log("Trove URL "+troveItem.identifier[0].value+" Pattern: "+availableImages[i]["url_pattern"]);
function printImages(){
$("#output").append("<h3>Image Search Results</h3>");
for(var i in availableImages){
if(availableImages[i]["url_pattern"]=="" && availableImages[i]["numImages"]>0){
function printNLAImages(){
$("#output").append("<h3>National Library of Australia</h3><p>"
+availableImages["nla"]["numImages"]+" images found from <a href='http://"
for (var i in availableImages["nla"]["images"]){
$("#output").append("<img src='"+availableImages["nla"]["images"][i]+"-v'>");
function resetImageData(){
availableImages.totalimages = 0;
for (var i in availableImages){
availableImages[i].numImages = 0;
availableImages[i]["images"] = [];
console.log(availableImages); //displaying hee

javascript - get items with query and match items to a user who has favorited item

I am writing a script on's javascript cloud code SDK. Here is the information I have saved in my account and what I am trying to do with it.
I have a bunch of items saved in a parse class called TestItem, theses items have an objectId, item name, meal time (lunch, dinner) and a location for there columns. I also have a class called UserFavourites. In this class the objects have an objectId, item name and a pointer to the user who saved the item as a favourite.
And with this information I am trying to write a cloud code script in javascript. That will match the an item(s) to the item(s) that a user has favourited and send them a push notification saying where and what the item is and the location of the item. I have some code that will do that but this code will send a different notification for each item which could get annoying for the user here is that code.
Parse.Cloud.define("push", function(request, response) {
var TestItem = Parse.Object.extend("TestItem");
var query = new Parse.Query(TestItem);
query.equalTo('school', 'Union College (NY)');
success: function(resultsItem) {
//console.log("Successfully retrieved " + resultsItem.length + " :1111.");
for (var i = 0; i < resultsItem.length; i++) {
var object = resultsItem[i];
var item = object.get('item');
var school = object.get('school');
var meal = object.get('meal');
var meal = meal.toLowerCase();
var diningLocation = object.get('schoolMenu');
//var itemArray = [];
var UserFavourite = Parse.Object.extend("UserFavourite");
var queryFavourite = new Parse.Query(UserFavourite);
queryFavourite.equalTo("item", item)
queryFavourite.equalTo("school", school)
success: function(results) {
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
var objectFav = results[i];
var user = objectFav.get('user');
var userID =;
var realItem = objectFav.get('item');
var UserClass = Parse.Object.extend("User");
var queryUser = new Parse.Query(UserClass);
queryUser.get(userID, {
success: function(userResult) {
console.log('install:' + userResult.get('installation').id);
var userInstallationId = userResult.get('installation').id;
var queryInstallation = new Parse.Query(Parse.Installation);
queryInstallation.equalTo('objectId', userInstallationId);
success: function(results) {
console.log('number' + results.length);
// deviceType: [ "ios" ],
where: queryInstallation,
data: {
alert: realItem + " is being served at " + diningLocation + " for " + meal
success: function() {
// Push was successful
error: function(error) {
// Handle error
error: function(error) {
error: function(error) {
error: function(error) {
alert("Error: " + error.code + " " + error.message);
error: function(error) {
alert("Error: " + error.code + " " + error.message);
As you can see it is quite long and not very nice looking, I tried to save items to an array so to avoid sending two or more notifications but couldn't get that to work.
So I started writing another script that uses promises which looks much nicer but haven't gotten it all the way right now, it can match the items to users that have an item favourited and put the objectId's of those users in an array. Here is that code.
Parse.Cloud.define("test", function(request, response) {
var UserFavourite = Parse.Object.extend("UserFavourite");
var queryFavourite = new Parse.Query(UserFavourite);
var userArray = [];
var TestItem = Parse.Object.extend("TestItem");
var query = new Parse.Query(TestItem);
query.equalTo('school', 'Union College (NY)');
query.find().then(function(results) {
return results;
}).then(function(results) {
var promises = [];
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
var object = results[i];
var item = object.get('item');
var school = object.get('school');
var meal = object.get('meal');
var UserFavourite = Parse.Object.extend("UserFavourite");
var queryUser = new Parse.Query(UserFavourite);
queryUser.equalTo("item", item);
queryUser.equalTo("school", school);
var prom = queryUser.find().then(function(users) {
for (var i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {
var user = users[i];
var userID = user.get('user').id;
if (userArray.indexOf(userID) === -1) {
return userArray;
return Parse.Promise.when.apply(Parse.Promise, promises);
}).then(function(results) {
But now with this code I don't know where to go, I think using promises and such is the right way to go but I am now confused as once I have all the users that have an item favourited what to do, I then need to get there items that are favourited and are available in the TestItem class, this is where I am struggling.
Here is a pic of my UserFavourite class it has a pointer to the user who favorited the item as you can see, and also a user has more than one favorite.
Thanks a bunch for the help in advance.
Here is your code, and I changed a couple things.
Parse.Cloud.define("getAllFavoriteItems", function (request, response) {
var TestItems = Parse.Object.extend("TestItems");
var UserFavorites = Parse.Object.extend("UserFavorites");
var testItemsQuery = new Parse.Query(TestItems);
var userFavoritesQuery = new Parse.Query(UserFavorites);
testItemsQuery.equalTo('school', 'Union College (NY)');
userFavoritesQuery.include('testItems'); //This makes sure to pull all of the favorite item data instead of just the pointer object
userFavoritesQuery.matchesQuery('testItem', testItemsQuery); //This will run this second query against the TestItems
userFavoritesQuery.limit(1000); //limit results to 1000
userFavoritesQuery.ascending('userId'); //group the user id's together in your array
success:function(results) {
var pushNotificationMessage = "";
var userId = "";
for (var i=0; i <results.length; i++) {
if (results[i].get('userId') != userId) {
if (results[i].get('userId') != "") {
//TODO send push notification
userId = results[i].get('userId');
pushNotificationMessage = ""; //start a new push notification
pushNotificationMessage += results[i].get('item').get('name') + ": " + results[i].get('item').get('location') + "\n";
// deviceType: [ "ios" ],
where: queryInstallation,
data: {
alert: pushNotificationMessage
success: function() {
// Push was successful
error: function(error) {
// Handle error
error:function(error) {
Some code that might create push per user, rough outline though
if (i > 0) {
if (results[i].get('user') === results[i-1].get('user')) {
else {
userItems.length = 0;
else {
Not sure let me know if you understand what I'm trying to do...
So it a user has two items favourited I want it to group that into one, phrase that says what and where both items are being served
And here is code to send push
// deviceType: [ "ios" ],
where: queryInstallation,
data: {
alert: pushNotificationMessage
success: function() {
// Push was successful
error: function(error) {
// Handle error
It can also be done with then/ promises,
I agree with #Maxwell that your UserFavorite should have links to both User and TestItem. This makes it possible to make your cloud-function as simple as:
Parse.Cloud.define("getAllFavoriteItems", function(request, response) {
var TestItem = Parse.Object.extend("TestItem");
var UserFavorites = Parse.Object.extend("UserFavorites");
var testItemsQuery = new Parse.Query(TestItem);
var userFavoritesQuery = new Parse.Query(UserFavorites);
userFavoritesQuery.matchesQuery('testItem', testItemsQuery); //This will run this second query against the TestItems
userFavoritesQuery.find().then(function(results) {
var alerts = {};
for(var i =0 ; i<results.length; i++ ){
var user = results[i].get('user');
var testItem = results[i].get('testItem');
if(user && testItem){
var instId = user.get('installationId');
if(!alerts[instId]) {
alerts[instId] = [];
var m = results[i].get('item') + " is being served at {{diningLocation}} for " + testItem.get('meal');
}, function(error) {
This is working code that you can also find in my github repo.
You can also see the working demo here
The idea is the same as in Maxwell's answer: to have link in UserFavorites class to both User (where installationId is located) and TestItem entities. I've just made it working by including user and testItems properties in query, so when the result is returned filtered by school name I already have a list of installationIds.
Here is my schema:
In this code I added push notifications:
Parse.Cloud.define("getAllFavoriteItems", function(request, response) {
var TestItem = Parse.Object.extend("TestItem");
var UserFavorites = Parse.Object.extend("UserFavorites");
var testItemsQuery = new Parse.Query(TestItem);
var userFavoritesQuery = new Parse.Query(UserFavorites);
function SendPush(installationId, msg) {
var query = new Parse.Query(Parse.Installation);
query.equalTo('objectId', installationId);
where: query,
data: {alert: msg}
userFavoritesQuery.matchesQuery('testItem', testItemsQuery); //This will run this second query against the TestItems
userFavoritesQuery.find().then(function(results) {
var groupedAlerts = {};
// manually iterating though results to get alert strings ang group by user in groupedAlerts[installationId]
for(var i =0 ; i<results.length; i++ ){
var user = results[i].get('user');
var testItem = results[i].get('testItem');
if(user && testItem){
var instId = user.get('installationId');
if(!groupedAlerts[instId]) {
groupedAlerts[instId] = [];
var m = results[i].get('item') + " is being served at {{dining Location}} for " + testItem.get('meal');
// reformat to array and send push notifications
var alerts = [];
for(var key in groupedAlerts) {
installationId: key,
alerts: groupedAlerts[key],
// Send push notifications
SendPush(key, groupedAlerts[key].join());
}, function(error) {
I've also updated test data in live demo (just press Get Alerts) or feel free to play around with test data hot it changes cloud code response. gitnub repo is also up to up to date.
This is based on what I understand as the problem you're trying to solve. If it's not addressing the right issue, let me know and I'll see what I can do.
Looking first at your database model, we can simplify this a bit by modifying the UserFavorites table. Starting with the initial two classes, you have a table of items and a table of users. Since a user can favorite many items and an item can be favorited by many users, we have a many-to-many relationship that exists. When this happens, we need to make a third class that points to each of the other two classes. This is where the UserFavorites table comes into play. In Parse terms, the UserFavorites table needs to have two pointers in it: one for the user and one for the item.
Once the UserFavorite table exists with it's two pointers, we can do a few things fairly easily. In your case, we have a few searching criteria:
each item must be at a given school
you want to limit your responses to the first 1000
To accomplish this you can combine two queries into one by calling matchesQuery.
Parse.Cloud.define("getAllFavoriteItems", function (request, response) {
var TestItems = Parse.Object.extend("TestItems");
var UserFavorites = Parse.Object.extend("UserFavorites");
var testItemsQuery = new Parse.Query(TestItems);
var userQuery = new Parse.Query(Parse.User);
var userFavoritesQuery = new Parse.Query(UserFavorites);
testItemsQuery.equalTo('school', 'Union College (NY)');
userFavoritesQuery.include('testItems'); //This makes sure to pull all of the favorite item data instead of just the pointer object
userFavoritesQuery.include('User'); //This makes sure to pull all of the favorite item data instead of just the pointer object
userFavoritesQuery.matchesQuery('testItem', testItemsQuery); //This will run this second query against the TestItems
userFavoritesQuery.matchesQuery('user', userQuery); //This will run the third query against Users, bringing the installation data along with it
userFavoritesQuery.limit(1000); //limit results to 1000
userFavoritesQuery.ascending('userId'); //group the user id's together in your array
success:function(results) {
error:function(error) {
Once we get that far, then compiling the push message for each user should be a matter of straight-forward string parsing logic. For example, in the success function, one way we can extract the data we is this:
success:function(results) {
var pushNotificationMessage = "";
var userId = "";
for (var i=0; i <results.length; i++) {
if (results[i].get('userId') != userId) {
if (results[i].get('userId') != "") {
//TODO send push notification
userId = results[i].get('userId');
pushNotificationMessage = ""; //start a new push notification
pushNotificationMessage += results[i].get('item').get('name') + ": " + results[i].get('item').get('location') + "\n";
I haven't tested these examples to see if they'll work, but I hope this gives you an idea of how to simplify your queries into something a little more manageable.

Parse join query using Javascript pointer

I have a two parse objects 'Content' and 'Detail'
Below I have added a screen shot of both classes in their data browsers.
I have a column in 'Content' called descId which is the Detail objects objectId and is a pointer to the 'Detail' Class. I need to know how to obtain data from both classes. This is my attempt but var Details is undefined.
var iBeacon = Parse.Object.extend('Details');
var content = Parse.Object.extend('Content');
var query = new Parse.Query(iBeacon);
success: function(results) {
// // Do something with the returned Parse.Object values
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
var object = results[i];
var Details = object.get('Details');
(function($) {
$('#iBeaconTable').append('<tr><td id = "uuid" >' + object.get('uuid') + '</td><td = "proxId">' + object.get('proximity') + '</td><td = "offerId">' + object.get('offer') + '</td><td class = "buttonRow"><Button id = "btnEdit" onclick = "openDialog()" class = "flat-button">Edit</Button><Button id = "btnDelete" onclick = "Delete()" class = "flat-button">Delete</Button></td></tr>');//<Button id = "editSave">Save</Button></td></tr>');
error: function(error) {
alert("Error: " + error.code + " " + error.message);
I am pulling my hair out on this and I really need dig out...regards.
You are causing yourself confusion by naming the property on the Content class descId. The fact that Parse internally uses a pointer structure with an ID is an implementation detail you don't need to worry about, as far as your code is concerned you'll be using a full Detail object all the time.
The actual error in your code is this line:
var Details = object.get('Details');
Change it to:
// should be using the property name
var Details = object.get('descId');
