How to open a new tab trigger by the scroll button - javascript

I'm making a php/html app which show some data in a table, when the user clicks in the row (<tr>) jquery open that record.
This is the code:
$.fn.linkRow = function(element) {
thisRow = this.find('tbody tr');
thisRow.on('click', function() {
hrefLocation = $(this).find(' a').attr('href');
if (hrefLocation) {
window.location.href = hrefLocation;
}).addClass((thisRow.has('')) ? 'pointer' : '');
return this;
The fact is: The user can't open a record in a new tab. The only way is copy&paste the href... And my users won't do that.
If make some research about the event fired by the scroll button and how to open a new tab, the later is almost impossible, so... Does anyone can figure a way?
EDIT: I mean the mouse-wheel... Normally this open a link in a new tab.
PS: I have to use tables, In some point I will make a css-based table layout for that (no javascript needed), but I can't do it in this version of the software.
This is the final code:
$.fn.linkRow = function(element) {
thisRow = this.find('tbody tr');
thisRow.not('a').on('mouseup', function(e) {
hrefLocation = $(this).find(' a:first').attr('href');
if ( hrefLocation ) {
if (e.which == 2) {;
window.location.href = hrefLocation;
}).addClass( ( thisRow.has('') ) ? 'pointer' : '' );
return this;
BUT... The mouse-wheel click does not work for what I intend:
If you click a link (a tag) > open a new tab
If you click a no link (any other tag) > it will scroll based on your mouse position. if you move your mouse up, it scrolls up and so
So... I works but I definitively need to make a no-javascript solution.

If you want to have the links open in a new tab and not in the same page, you need to replace
window.location.href = hrefLocation;

Change click with mouseup and catch e.with with value 2 (middle button):
$.fn.linkRow = function(element) {
thisRow = this.find('tbody tr');
thisRow.on('mouseup', function(e) {
hrefLocation = $(this).find(' a').attr('href');
if ( hrefLocation ) {
if (e.which == 2) {;
window.location.href = hrefLocation;
}).addClass( ( thisRow.has('') ) ? 'pointer' : '' );
return this;

Try with the following method
if(!tabOpen){'url', 'window name', 'window settings');
tabOpen = true;

I faced a similar problem a few months ago.
Either you wrap every td-content into a normal a-Tag (and use _target="blank"), no javascript required in this case!
...or you use js:{'url', 'window name', 'window settings');
return false;
}); will do the trick but it also depends on the browser configuration
Not sure what you mean with the scroll button, but if it's the mouse-wheel then you can use this script to fire events on wheel-up/-down.

I'm unsure if you want to know how to make an middle click event with jquery or if you want to know how to open a new tab but here goes:
Middle click event:
$("tr").live('mousedown', function(e) {
if( (e.which == 2) ) {
alert("middle button");
New tab:
As all the others are saying, use the following:;
With both middle click and open link:
$("tr").live('mousedown', function(e) {
if( (e.which == 2) ) {;
Some sources:
Jquery: detect if middle or right mouse button is clicked, if so, do this:
The answer to Detect middle button click (scroll button) with jQuery can also help solve some compatibility issues with IE

To open in a new tab use:;,'_blank'); //Or this,'_newtab'); //Or this
One of these should work.


JS Always getting the same event object "e" parameter with mousedown

I'm trying to handle a middle mouse button click event with JQuery on a DataTable ( Here is my code.
var tbl = document.getElementById("entries");
$(tbl).on('mousedown', function (e) {
if (e.which == 2) {
var table = window.table_entries;
var data = table.dataTable.row($(e.detail)).data();"/plugin/Changes/#Model.Revision/" + data.BuildId, '_blank');
I'm always getting the same BuildId (284), no matter where I click. How can I get the correct row?
I also have another code snippet, which works perfectly fine
tbl.addEventListener("", function (e) {
var table = window.table_entries;
var data = table.dataTable.row($(e.detail)).data();"/plugin/Changes/#Model.Revision/" + data.BuildId, '_blank');
window.location("/plugin/Changes/#Model.Revision/" + data.BuildId);
Thanks in advance!
if you want to check de middle button click with jquery check this code
$("#foo").on('click', function(e) {
if( e.which == 2 ) {
alert("middle button");
From this question Triggering onclick event using middle click
And if you want to check downmouse you can check this other #KyleMit answer
Detect middle button click (scroll button) with jQuery
#Jordi Jordi (because I can't comment right now) : Based on JQuery's documentation, click & mousedown both works.
$('h1').on('mousedown', function(e) {
Will display 1 for LClick, 2 for Middle, 3 for RClick. But this isn't the question.
If you're getting the same BuildId, it's because your selector isn't the good one.
If you're searching to get an exact row, you should change your selector like this :
$('td').on('mousedown', function (e) {
if (e.which == 2) {
// Here you should get the row like this :
var row = $(this).parent();
Now it's your job to do what you want with this. The var "row" will contain the TR, meaning the row you just give a click.
EDIT : Note that your second code snippet doesn't include e.preventDefault(). Maybe it's the reason this second one works ?

Safari Extension Showing Popover Different Window

I'm trying to build a Safari Extension where when a user hits Command+B it will show the popover. Using the code below it works but always shows the popover on a different window not the current window/tab. I would like it to display the popover on the current window instead of switching to a different window and opening the popover there. It works perfectly if there is only one Safari window open but starts to have problems when multiple windows are open.
Any ideas?
Global Page File:
safari.application.addEventListener('message', function (e) {
if ( == 'Show Popover') {
}, false);
Injected Content:
document.addEventListener("keydown", keydown);
function keydown(event) {
if ( event.metaKey && event.keyCode == 66) {
event.preventDefault();'Show Popover', {});
This is because you are manually selecting the first toolbarItem here;
You need to determine which toolbarItem the popover needs to appear on;
Something like this;
var toolBarID = 'my_id';
var activeItem = safari.extension.toolbarItems.filter(function (button) {
return button.identifier == toolBarID && button.browserWindow == safari.application.activeBrowserWindow;
You then use this object for the showPopover function;
Hope this helps

IE click event span not triggered

I'm having this webpage
And it should filter (with isotope.js) the travelboxes on the page.It does in safari, chrome, firefox, opera, .. but in IE, the filter doesn't work. Even worse, JS doesn't react at all at a click event on te span.
This is the piece of js
// Travel Isotope
var container = $('#travel-wrap');
animationEngine : 'best-available',
itemSelector: '.travel-box ',
animationOptions : {
duration : 200,
queue : false
$(".filters span").click(function(){
var elfilters = $(this).parents().eq(1);
if( (elfilters.attr("id") == "alleReizen") && elfilters.hasClass("non-active") )
inActive( $(this) );
//set label alleReizen inactive
inActive( $("#alleReizen") );
if( elfilters.hasClass("non-active") ){
var filters=[];
var filter = $(this).children().children().attr("data-filter");
if( $(this).hasClass("non-active") ){
filters = jQuery.grep(filters, function(value){
return value != filter;
if(jQuery.inArray(filter,filters) == -1){
filters = filters.join("");
function filterItems(filters){
console.log("filter items with filters:" + filters);
filter : filters,
}, function noResultsCheck(){
var numItems = $('.travel-box:not(.isotope-hidden)').length;
if (numItems == 0) {
$("#no-results").css("display", "block");
$("#no-results").css("display", "none");
function setActive(el){
var span = el.find('i');
function inActive(el){
var span = el.find('i');
function checkFilter(){
var filterdivs = $('.filters span').parent().parent();
if( filterdivs.not('.non-active').length == 0 ){
setActive( $("#alleReizen") );
var filterLabels = $(".filters .label");
if( filterLabels.not('.non-active').length == 0){
setActive( $("#alleReizen") );
function noResultsCheck() {
var numItems = $('.item:not(.isotope-hidden)').length;
if (numItems == 0) {
//do something here, like turn on a div, or insert a msg with jQuery's .html() function
alert("There are no results");
Probably something small and stupid; but I can't find it..
Thanks in advance!
On your website you've build the buttons like this:
Now the button element is designed to be a button. It differs from the input button. In the latter you'd set the caption using value. In the button element you set it as a text node. The button element can contain elements like a span. The spec isn't very clear about whether or not you should have event handlers on the children of the button element. It's a browser developers interpretation of allowing it or not.
This problem has been posted here before (a few times)
span inside button, is not clickable in ff
Missing click event for <span> inside <button> element on firefox
It seems that Firefox is allowing it, based upon your findings. IE isn't. So to be on the safe side: use the button the way it was intended.
Wrap the button inside a span (not really logical)
Put the click handler on the button.
$(".filters button").click(...);
played around in the console a bit, and this seemed to work well.
$(".filters").on('click', 'span', function(){
// foo here
Maybe the filters are manipulated by one of your js files after page load?
.on will allow you to select a container which listens on changes that happen inside it, passing the element you want the actual action to work on.
If it's ok for you, I'd suggest to use the <button> element, instead of the <span>.
Let me know if that works for you.

External Link Notification - JavaScript or JQuery

I am looking for a way to set it up so that when an external link is clicked it will warn people that they are leaving the site. Preferably, it would darken the screen and display a message in the middle of the screen in a box with the option to click OK or Cancel.
I tried to use this code:
$("a.external").click(function () {
alert("You are about to proceed to an external website. The Great Western Market has no control over the content of this site. Click OK to proceed.");
and give each link a class of external but it doesn't seem to work. I don't want to use this because it means that the client will have to remember to add the class I would prefer something more automatic.
I also tried to use this code to do so but to no avail:
$('a').filter(function() {
return this.hostname && this.hostname !== location.hostname;
.click(function () {
var x=window.confirm('You are about to proceed to an external website. The Great Western Market has no control over the content of this site. Click OK to proceed.');
var val = false;
if (x)
val = true;
val = false;
return val;
I am using WordPress 3.8.1.
Thanks in advance for any help you can give.
Your filter logic should be correct, Try using the confirm function, and using jQuery instead of $.
jQuery('a').filter(function() {
return this.hostname && this.hostname !== location.hostname;
}).click(function(e) {
if(!confirm("You are about to proceed to an external website."))
// if user clicks 'no' then dont proceed to link.
I tried this out in dev tools on your site and it seems to work correctly if you use jQuery. I think you may have some plugin that is causing conflicts with $.
JSFiddle Demo
Try using confirm instead of alert since that will pause and wait for user input. You'll then need function(e){ e.preventDefault(); } to prevent the default link actions.
To identify just external links you might do something like this:
var ignoreClick = false;
$(document).ready( function(){
$('input[type="submit"], input[type="image"], input[type="button"], button').click(function(e) {
ignoreClick = true;
$(document).click(function(e) {
$('a').click(function(e) {
return true;
checkLink = function(e){
// bubble click up to anchor tag
tempTarget =;
while (!$(tempTarget).is('a') && !!tempTarget.parentElement) {
tempTarget = tempTarget.parentElement;
if ($(tempTarget).is('a')){
if(!!tempTarget && $(tempTarget).is('a') &&
(tempTarget.hostname == "" || tempTarget.hostname == "#" || tempTarget.hostname == location.hostname)){
ignoreClick = true;
and to catch people with a message you might use beforeunload and the confirm option
$(window).bind("beforeunload", function (e) {
if (!ignoreClick){
if(!confirm("Leaving website message")) {
It worked pretty well to me. I just removed unnecesary variables, but original script worked fine.
$('a').filter(function() {
return this.hostname && this.hostname !== location.hostname;
.click(function () {
return window.confirm('You are about to proceed to an external website. The Great Western Market has no control over the content of this site. Click OK to proceed.');
Following #user1308743's line, seems that in cgmp.framework.min.js is summoning the jQuery.noConflict() mode, that unbinds the $() function for jQuery. So please use jQuery() for any jQuery implementation

scrollTo div on hover

I asked this question and the answer works really well.
The only thing though is that now I need a version that scrolls directly to the respective div instead of scrolling through all of them (i.e. if you hover over the last link, it won't scroll through 6 former divs to get to it).
It still needs to return to the first div when you aren't hovering over the link.
Also, it would be most ideal if there was also a way to stay on that div if you hover over it as well as its link. As of now, the div is not intractable because when you hover over it and leave its link, it scrolls away.
Try that way:
DEMO fiddle
var flag = false,
goto = 0,
$('#nav li a').bind('mouseenter mouseleave', function(e) {
if (e.type === 'mouseenter') {
flag = true;
hre = $(this).attr('href');
goto = $(hre).position().top;
$('#sections').stop().animate({top : '-'+goto },800);
} else {
flag = false;
setTimeout(function() {
if( flag != true ){
$('#sections').stop().animate({top : '0' },800);
}, 1000);
flag = true;
After you hover an anchor, go fast into the 'wrapper' and it won't go back to the 1st slide.
BTW... why you just don't create something more... practique? :)
EXAMPLE fiddle
I'm pretty sure what you are asking is impossible for this reason:
First you want to have the animation return the top when the user is not hovering over the link BUT you also want to be able to stay on the div when the user LEAVES the link and hovers over the div it scrolled to.
Here is a jsfiddle which does the first part of your question though.
I just set the animation time to 0
Just move the elements around before animating:
I made use of $.doTimeout and $.scrollTo for convenience. Also I parsed the number out with a regexp. The timeout is to allow for movement into the div without scrolling back.
var current, prev;
jQuery( "#nav").delegate( "a", "mouseenter mouseleave", function(e){
var i, self = this, pos;
if( e.type == "mouseleave" ) {
i = 1;
} else {
i = $(this).attr("href").match(/(\d)$/)[1];
//stop the previous animation, otherwise it will be queued
if(e.type === "mouseleave") {
var elem = $("#section1").insertBefore(current);
elem = $("#section1");
$.doTimeout("test", 500, function() {
current = $("#section1");
jQuery("#wrapper").scrollTo(elem, 250);
} else {
var elem = $("#section" + i);
elem.insertAfter(current || "#section1");
current = elem;
jQuery("#wrapper").scrollTo(elem, 250);
jQuery( "#wrapper").on("mouseover", function() {
jQuery( "#wrapper").stop();
Just remove the animation scroll and do a direct scrollTop() call
Fiddle Demo:
