Authentication and authorization with Flatiron's Resourceful & Restful - javascript

I want to implement authentication and authorization in the Flatiron stack (using Flatiron, Resourceful and Restful). I want to require that a user has the necessary permissions, when trying to change a resource. In the Restful Readme file, there's a note about authorization:
There are several ways to provide security and authorization for
accessing resource methods exposed with restful. The recommended
pattern for authorization is to use resourceful's ability for before
and after hooks. In these hooks, you can add additional business logic
to restrict access to the resource's methods.
It is not recommended to place authorization logic in the routing
layer, as in an ideal world the router will be a reflected interface
of the resource. In theory, the security of the router itself should
be somewhat irrelevant since the resource could have multiple
reflected interfaces that all required the same business logic.
TL;DR; For security and authorization, you should use resourceful's
before and after hooks.
So authorization can be handled by Resourceful's hooking system.
My actual problem is the authentication process at the beginning of every HTTP request.
Let's say I have a resource Post, a User and a resource Session. The REST API is being defined by using Restful. My main concern for this question is to ensure that a user has a session when creating a post. Other methods like save, update or for other resources like creating a user should work analogous.
File app.js:
var flatiron = require('flatiron');
var app =;
app.resources = require('./resources.js');
app.start(8080, function(){
console.log('http server started on port 8080');
File resources.js:
var resourceful = require('resourceful');
var resources = exports;
resources.User = resourceful.define('user', function() {
this.restful = true;
resources.Session = resourceful.define('session', function() {
// note: this is not restful
resources.Post = resourceful.define('post', function() {
this.restful = true;
resources.Post.before('create', function authorization(post, callback) {
// What should happen here?
// How do I ensure, a user has a session id?
There's also a runnable version of the code (thanks #generalhenry).
So assume a user trying to create a post, already has been given a session id, that is sent with every request he makes by a cookie header. How can I access that cookie in the before hook (i.e. the authorization callback)?
The example can be started with node app.js and HTTP requests can be made using curl.

Keep in mind that these guidelines are for authorization process. If you need to use sessionId you can access it either way: req.sessionID, req.cookies["connect.sid"].
By checking requests this way you will be sure every users have valid session id.
app.use(flatiron.plugins.http, {
before: [
connect.cookieParser('catpsy speeds'),
function(req, res) {
if (req.originalUrl === undefined) {
req.originalUrl = req.url;
connect.session({secret : 'secter'}),
function(req, res) {
//any other validation logic
if (req.url !== '/login' && typeof req.session.user == 'undefined') {
} else {
Here is project example using this approach.


Front-end Authorization is INSECURE, almost always. Don't you agree?

I’m in web dev since many years ago, but I still do not believe you can easily implement user authorization in front-end apps or browser extensions.
While front-end authentication can be achieved (cookies, jwt, etc.) and works fairly well, the same is not for authorization. The common example is when you want to restrict access to some content and/or functionalities to logged-in users only.
I am inspecting many browser extensions and web apps, and I usually find something like this pseudocode:
if (user.isLogged === true) {
// code to show ui components and actions
} else {
// code to show ui components and actions
which is highly insecure.
For instance, this is coming from an extension available on the chrome web store:
function initApp() {
.onAuthStateChanged(function (user) {
if (user) {
// User is signed in. var uid = user.uid; window.location.href = "app.html";
const uid = user.uid;
const name = user.displayName;
// Plus a lot of other code to show/hide ui components and actions
} else { }
.disabled = false;
.addEventListener('click', startSignIn, false);
The only secure way is to actually load HTML and JS chunks dynamically only when and if the user is authorized to access that page/functionality, where the server decides which chunks serve to the current user based on his role, and then those chunks are injected at runtime. But this is, on one hand, failing with the spa architecture itself because it's very near to serving the app server-side (it's never the client to decide what to show). It also requires injecting HTML markup dynamically using JS which is not ideal for security. Plus, this is something not trivial to implement, so I guess the majority of js apps out there are handling restricted content/areas using the paradigm shown above, based on the current in-memory/store (or in cookie/storage) state of the current user, which is highly insecure and can be easily manipulated by the end-user. Especially in browser extensions where you are not even allowed to obfuscate the code.
Am I missing something?
TL;DR you are right, don't rely on front-end security. There is none. Grab the secret content from a backend and require authentication.
You mentioned SPAs so let's analyze the situation there.
Assume you have a React App with a main component looking similar to this:
function App() {
const { loggedIn, isSpecialUser } = useContext(authContext);
if (loggedIn)
return <MainPage />;
if (isSpecialUser)
return <SuperSecretPage />;
return <LoginPage />;
The loggedIn and isSpecialUser state is dynamically set after the user logged in (or relogin by cookies, jwt, whatever).
Therefore the restricted areas for MainPage and SuperSecretPage will only show after the user logged in.
So what if the user looks at the source of the SuperSecretPage?
He should see something like this:
function App() {
const { token } = useContext(authContext);
const { data } = useApi(getSuperSecretContent, token);
return <div>{data}</div>;
Even if the super secret content is static for all user, it should be fetched with a separate call that requires a token. Access rights must be checked by the backend. If you just write your content in there, it can be seen by everyone.
Edit Response to OP's comment. He wrote
a malicious user has at least 2 options: 1) change the js content of the main App component, to let's say return ; when the user is not logged in at all; 2) manually change the ajax callback to set his status to Superuser regardless of the actual response.
For both ways, the user would just break the clients rendering but not the security. In any case, the client must make an API-call to receive the secret content:
const { data } = useApi(getSuperSecretContent, token);
useApi is an abstract hook that uses some sort of API (e.g. REST-API) to fetch the content during runtime (ajax). The second parameter is a token. This token must be some sort of authentication token the servers sends the user after login. This token here is the crucial part (see OAuth, JWT). For each ajax call to get the super secret content, a valid token must be supplied. The backend then has to check if the token is valid. If and only if the token is valid, the backend returns the super secret content.
Pseudocode useApi:
function useApi(apiCall, token) {
make ajax request {
endpoint: apiCall,
authorization header: token
if success:
return data
else if auth error:
return error
Pseudocode backend:
get request to super secret content:
if token is not valid:
return auth error;
return super secret content
The user cannot trick the backend into sending him the super secret content by manipulating the frontend state.
Edit 2 Response to OP's confusion about authentication and authorization.
You must use the token also for authorization. In case of a JWT for instance, the token itself can include infos about rights management, otherwise you could query access rights from a database for a given user.
This must happen during the request handling #backend side.
Pseudocode backend e.g.:
get request to super secret content:
get access rights for token
if access rights include super secret resources:
return super secret content;
return auth error;

Hide an API key (in an environment variable perhaps?) when using Angular

I'm running a small Angular application with a Node/Express backend.
In one of my Angular factories (i.e. on the client side) I make a $http request to Github to return user info. However, a Github-generated key (which is meant to be kept secret) is required to do this.
I know I can't use process.env.XYZ on the client side. I'm wondering how I could keep this api key a secret? Do I have to make the request on the back end instead? If so, how do I transfer the returned Github data to the front end?
Sorry if this seems simplistic but I am a relative novice, so any clear responses with code examples would be much appreciated. Thank you
Unfortunately you have to proxy the request on your backend to keep the key secret. (I am assuming that you need some user data that is unavailable via an unauthenticated request like because otherwise you wouldn't need to use API keys in the first place - but you didn't say specifically what you need to do so it is just my guess).
What you can do is something like this: In your backend you can add a new route for your frontend just for getting the info. It can do whatever you need - using or not any secret API keys, verify the request, process the response before returning to your client etc.
var app = require('express')();
app.get('/github-user/:user', function (req, res) {
getUser(req.params.user, function (err, data) {
if (err) res.json({error: "Some error"});
else res.json(data);
function getUser(user, callback) {
// a stub function that should do something more
if (!user) callback("Error");
else callback(null, {user:user, name:"The user "+user});
app.listen(3000, function () {
console.log('Listening on port 3000');
In this example you can get the user info at:
The function getUser should make an actual request to GitHub and before you call it you can change if that is really your frontend that is making the request e.g. by cheching the "Referer" header or other things, validate the input etc.
Now, if you only need a public info then you may be able to use a public JSON-P API like this - an example using jQuery to make things simple:
var user = prompt("User name:");
var req = $.getJSON(''+user);
req.then(function (data) {

SPA - Firebase and .Net WebApi 2 authentication

I'm having a Single Page Application written in AngularJs (The framework is irrelevant at this point) The application is hosted in IIS and it's compose of index.html plus a bunch of client assets.
On backend I have WebApi 2, hosted also in IIS as a separate application.
For authentication on client I'm using Firebase (simple login) with several social netoworks enabled, like Facebook, Twitter or Google.
So far so good. I like how easy it is to enable twitter authentication for example with firebase.
On login with social network i get back from firebase, the firebaseAuthToken and provider accesstoken.
Now I want to use firebaseAuthToken or provider access token to authenticate with my WebApi.
The question is: What is the best way to authenticate with WebApi in given conditions?
There is not an option to use only firebase to store my data and get rid of web api since I have in place complex business logic on server.
One silly idea that i have so far, is to pass the social provider access token to the server, validate the token against provider and then issue a security token using Owin -Katana.
I'm not using build in social providers support from katana due to lack of documentation, complexity and bad integration with single page apps. I found the visual studio template for SPA too mvc specific. But that's me :)
tl;dr - Demo Project on GitHub
The steps below may seem long, but it's actually really easy. I created my demo project in just an hour or so.
I agree with you about using Owin and Katana. I've been through that process before and it wasn't really a great experience. Using Firebase was a heck of a lot easier.
This can all be done with JWTs!
When you authenticate through Firebase and whatever social provider, you get back a JSON Web Token (JWT) - firebaseAuthToken.
Grab your Firebase Secret from the Dashboard
The way JWTs work is that we have a secret token and a client token. The client token is the firebaseAuthToken we receive after logging in. The secret token is generated for us in the Firebase Dashboard.
Store your Firebase Secret in the appSettings section of your Web.config
We need to store this secret key in the Web.config so it's easier to access later.
<add key="FirebaseSecret" value="<Firebase-Secret-Token-Goes-Here" />
Create an Action Filter to check the JWT from the Authorization Header
We can verify the request is valid by passing the client token in the Authorization header. On the server we can store our secret key that we get from our Firebase Dashboard. When the request is checked by Web API we can decode the JWT using a JWT Library (available from NuGet). If the decoding is successful then we can check to token to make sure it isn't expired.
public class DecodeJWT: ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(System.Web.Http.Controllers.HttpActionContext actionContext)
string firebaseAuthToken = string.Empty;
if (actionContext.Request.Headers.Authorization != null) {
firebaseAuthToken = actionContext.Request.Headers.Authorization.Scheme;
} else {
throw new HttpException((int) HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, "Unauthorized");
string secretKey = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FirebaseSecret"];
try {
string jsonPayload = JWT.JsonWebToken.Decode(firebaseAuthToken, secretKey);
DecodedToken decodedToken = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject < DecodedToken > (jsonPayload);
// TODO: Check expiry of decoded token
} catch (JWT.SignatureVerificationException jwtEx) {
throw new HttpException((int) HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, "Unauthorized");
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new HttpException((int) HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, "Unauthorized");
Create a $httpInterceptor add the firebaseAuthToken to the header for every request
On the client, the trick is that the token has to be passed every time. To make this easier we need to create a $httpInterceptor with Angular that checks for a firebaseAuthToken on sessionStorage.
.factory('authInterceptor', function ($rootScope, $q, $window) {
return {
request: function (config) {
config.headers = config.headers || {};
if ($window.sessionStorage.firebaseAuthToken) {
config.headers.Authorization = $window.sessionStorage.firebaseAuthToken;
return config;
response: function (response) {
if (response.status === 401) {
// TODO: User is not authed
return response || $q.when(response);
Set the firebaseAuthToken to sessionStorage on a successful login
Whenever a user logs in we can set the value to sessionStorage.
function (e, user) {
// add a cookie for the auth token
if (user) {
$window.sessionStorage.firebaseAuthToken = user.firebaseAuthToken;
cb(e, user);
Register the DecodeJWT filter globally
Inside of the WebApiConfig.cs Register method we can set the DecodeJWT filter to apply for all of our ApiControllers.
config.Filters.Add(new DecodeJWT());
Now whenever we make a request to an ApiController it will reject it unless there is a valid JWT. So after a user logs in we can save their data to a ApiController if it already doesn't exist.
// globally uses DecodeJWT
public class UsersController: ApiController
// POST api/users
public void Post([FromBody] FbUser user) // See GitHub for this Model
// Save user if we do not already have it

Angular against Asp.Net WebApi, implement CSRF on the server

I'm implementing a website in Angular.js, which is hitting an ASP.NET WebAPI backend.
Angular.js has some in-built features to help with anti-csrf protection. On each http request, it will look for a cookie called "XSRF-TOKEN" and submit it as a header called "X-XSRF-TOKEN" .
This relies on the webserver being able to set the XSRF-TOKEN cookie after authenticating the user, and then checking the X-XSRF-TOKEN header for incoming requests.
The Angular documentation states:
To take advantage of this, your server needs to set a token in a JavaScript readable session cookie called XSRF-TOKEN on first HTTP GET request. On subsequent non-GET requests the server can verify that the cookie matches X-XSRF-TOKEN HTTP header, and therefore be sure that only JavaScript running on your domain could have read the token. The token must be unique for each user and must be verifiable by the server (to prevent the JavaScript making up its own tokens). We recommend that the token is a digest of your site's authentication cookie with salt for added security.
I couldn't find any good examples of this for ASP.NET WebAPI, so I've rolled my own with help from various sources. My question is - can anyone see anything wrong with the code?
First I defined a simple helper class:
public class CsrfTokenHelper
const string ConstantSalt = "<ARandomString>";
public string GenerateCsrfTokenFromAuthToken(string authToken)
return GenerateCookieFriendlyHash(authToken);
public bool DoesCsrfTokenMatchAuthToken(string csrfToken, string authToken)
return csrfToken == GenerateCookieFriendlyHash(authToken);
private static string GenerateCookieFriendlyHash(string authToken)
using (var sha = SHA256.Create())
var computedHash = sha.ComputeHash(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(authToken + ConstantSalt));
var cookieFriendlyHash = HttpServerUtility.UrlTokenEncode(computedHash);
return cookieFriendlyHash;
Then I have the following method in my authorisation controller, and I call it after I call FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie():
private void SetCsrfCookie()
var authCookie = HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies.Get(".ASPXAUTH");
Debug.Assert(authCookie != null, "authCookie != null");
var csrfToken = new CsrfTokenHelper().GenerateCsrfTokenFromAuthToken(authCookie.Value);
var csrfCookie = new HttpCookie("XSRF-TOKEN", csrfToken) {HttpOnly = false};
Then I have a custom attribute which I can add to controllers to make them check the csrf header:
public class CheckCsrfHeaderAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
protected override bool IsAuthorized(HttpActionContext context)
// get auth token from cookie
var authCookie = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies[".ASPXAUTH"];
if (authCookie == null) return false;
var authToken = authCookie.Value;
// get csrf token from header
var csrfToken = context.Request.Headers.GetValues("X-XSRF-TOKEN").FirstOrDefault();
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(csrfToken)) return false;
// Verify that csrf token was generated from auth token
// Since the csrf token should have gone out as a cookie, only our site should have been able to get it (via javascript) and return it in a header.
// This proves that our site made the request.
return new CsrfTokenHelper().DoesCsrfTokenMatchAuthToken(csrfToken, authToken);
Lastly, I clear the Csrf token when the user logs out:
Can anyone spot any obvious (or not-so-obvious) problems with that approach?
Your code seems to be fine. The only thing is, you don't need most of the code you have as web.api runs "on top" of mvc, and latter has built in support for anti-forgery tokens.
In comments dbrunning and ccorrin express concerns that you only able to use build in AntiForgery tokens only when you are using MVC html helpers. It is not true. Helpers can just expose session based pair of tokens that you can validate against each other. See below for details.
There is two methods you can use from AntiForgery:
AntiForgery.GetTokens uses two out parameters to return cookie token and form token
AntiForgery.Validate(cookieToken, formToken) validates if pair of tokens is valid
You totally can repurpose those two methods and use formToken as headerToken and cookieToken as actual cookieToken. Then just call validate on both within attribute.
Another solution is to use JWT (check eg MembershipReboot implementation)
This link shows how to use built in anti-forgery tokens with ajax:
public string TokenHeaderValue()
string cookieToken, formToken;
AntiForgery.GetTokens(null, out cookieToken, out formToken);
return cookieToken + ":" + formToken;
$.ajax("api/values", {
type: "post",
contentType: "application/json",
data: { }, // JSON data goes here
dataType: "json",
headers: {
'RequestVerificationToken': '#TokenHeaderValue()'
void ValidateRequestHeader(HttpRequestMessage request)
string cookieToken = "";
string formToken = "";
IEnumerable<string> tokenHeaders;
if (request.Headers.TryGetValues("RequestVerificationToken", out tokenHeaders))
string[] tokens = tokenHeaders.First().Split(':');
if (tokens.Length == 2)
cookieToken = tokens[0].Trim();
formToken = tokens[1].Trim();
AntiForgery.Validate(cookieToken, formToken);
Also take a look at this question AngularJS can't find XSRF-TOKEN cookie
This solution isn't secure since CSRF attacks are still possible as long as the Auth cookie is valid. Both the auth and the xsrf cookie will be sent to the server when an attacker makes you perform a request via another site, and therefore you are still vulnerable until the user does a "hard" logout.
Each request or session should have its own unique token to truly prevent CRSF attacks. But probably the best solution is to not use cookie based authentication but token based authentication such as OAuth. This prevents other websites from using your cookies to perform unwanted requests, since the tokens are used in http headers instead of cookies. And http headers are not automatically send.
Token Based Authentication using ASP.NET Web API 2, Owin, and Identity
AngularJS Token Authentication using ASP.NET Web API 2, Owin, and Identity
These excellent blog posts contain information of how to implement OAuth for WebAPI. The blog posts also contains great information of how to integrate it with AngularJS.
Another solution might be to disable CORS and only accept incoming requests from whitelisted domains. However this won't work for non-website applications, such as mobile and/or desktop clients. Next to that once your website is vulnerable to a XSS attack the attacker will still be able to forge requests on your behalve.
I think your code is flawed. The whole idea around prevent CSRF is to prevent a unique token on each REQUEST, not each session. If the anti-forgery token is a session persisted value, the ability to perform CSRF still remains. You need to provide a unique token on each request...
Haven't had any problems pointed out with the code, so I consider the question answered.

Nodejs, Express. Is there a way to store/get what POST params are required in an endpoint to show to the client?

I'm writing some test page to debug my API and expose it neatly.
Using Express app.routes I can get a neat list of all the endpoints my application implements, so I can show to the users the list of possible POST requests.
However, most of them require some POST parameters, which the server obtains from the requests in this way, for example (/api/ping requires a "ping" POST parameter):"/api/ping", function(req, res) //
var ping = req.param('ping');
if( ping ) {
res.out.message = "Pong";
} else {
res.out.message = "Ping missing";
return exports.respond(res);
I noticed that app.routes has a "keys" and a "params" keys in the endpoints list, but I think this seems to be used only for parameters that are in the path (for example "userid" as parameter when someone requests for the "/user/:userid" path). I believe express calls these stored parameters "pre-conditions".
Is there any way to add preconditions like these to express app for POST parameters so that they are also shown in the app.routes object and I can display neatly which parameters are required for which endpoint?
